Materials/Method Assignment Needed ASAP

Below are the instructions ATTACHED for this assignment.


Minimum 5 pages.

Below I am also providing examples and what I am basically looking to talk about for my final paper.

Must provide any citations in APA format.



what do you think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients about a poor prognosis, even though the information may cause severe distress.

Develop a personal philosophy of professional nursing.

2. Identify which of the following behaviors may be (a) ethical but illegal, (b) legal but unethical, (c) illegal and unethical, and (d) legal and ethical.
a. Working in a clinic that performs terminations of pregnancies
b. Respecting the wishes of a client suffering from ALS that he be permitted to die with dignity and not placed on �breathing machines�
c. Respecting the health surrogate�s wishes regarding termination of life support of his friend
d. Observing a coworker take out two tablets of oxycodone as ordered for pain management for her patient but keeping one for herself, administering only one tablet to the patient
3. Differentiate among the following: deontological theories, utilitarianism, and principalism.

4. what do you think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients about a poor prognosis, even though the information may cause severe distress.

What do they think about health-care professionals disclosing information to clients against family wishes?
5. Genetic counseling is not a new concept. Health-care practitioners have encouraged this practice for more than two decades for individuals considered high risk for genetic disorders. Geneticists create pedigrees for families known to carry genetic diseases to help them make choices regarding potential children.
a) Do you believe that it is ethical to offer this information to prospective parents? Explain your response.

Urgently Required. 12-16 Hours. Need A + Work

After reading chapter 11 of the McLaughlin & McLaughlin text, Utilize figure 11-1 and discuss the current health care policy (ACA) in light of what we now know of the cost. Would you still support the policy had you known the high cost and the limited outcomes? Support your conclusions with content from your textbook and outside readings.

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday, and your two replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Saturday.

I need one Main Post (Minimum 400 words) and two Responses (200-250 Words each)

Below are the specific requirements for each part of this assignment.


· Must be at least 400 words.

· A minimum of one source is required (course textbook may be used).

· Citations used should be formatted in APA.

· Should thoroughly address the topic prompt, using citations as appropriate.


· Must post at least two 200–250-word replies to your classmates per forum.

· Should expand upon ideas expressed in your classmates’ threads by adding new ideas to points that you agree with and/or explaining areas of disagreement.

· Should be posted intermittently throughout the forum. Do not complete all of the replies at one time; instead, allow for conversation to develop by posting multiple times throughout the week.

· A minimum of one source per reply is required (course textbook may be used).

· Citations used should be formatted in APA.

I have attached the Discussion Rubic as to how the Main post and Responses would be Graded. Please follow every single Instruction.

I have also attached the Main post of two students you need to respond to. Please send me the main post as well as the responses

Required Resources:

McLaughlin, C. P., & McLaughlin, C. D. (2015). Health policy analysis: An interdisciplinary approach (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 9781284037777.

American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Current ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Iverson, C, Christiansen, S, & Flanagin, A. AMA Manual of Style: A Guide fo

Posted: 3 Months AgoDue: 02/03/2018Budget: $15

Benefits Brochure

To prepare for the employee who will be occupying the role, create an employee benefits brochure that you would present to new employees during their initial orientation.

Include in this brochure mandatory and discretionary benefits that are used in your industry.

The brochure should be 6–8 pages with a professional appearance and should be modeled after a professional booklet from your company, a former company, or a company you would like to work for.

Hint: Research various Microsoft brochure templates to create a professional booklet.

NOTE: One of the positions the benefits brochure should be the most applicative to is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one.



Read Chapter 12


1. What are three questions you should ask yourself when you begin your job search?

2. What are the most common mistakes people make in preparing their résumés?

3. What should you know about your prospective employer before the job interview?

4. What should the interviewee try to achieve during a job interview? What should you look for? What red flags should you watch for?

5. What can you do in advance to prepare for the changes during the first year of employment?

6. Create your own SWOT analysis. How would you respond to your personal strengths and weaknesses if you were a prospective employer? How can you enhance your strengths and improve in areas of weakness?

7. Draw a career path for yourself, beginning with the present year and extending to the age of retirement. Be sure to include any “twists and turns” of the path you expect to experience along the way and any barriers you expect to encounter. How will you handle these experiences?

Do an online nationwide search for information about current job prospects in nursing.Compare opportunities in various regions of the country. Why do you think these opportunities are the same or different?

8. Develop a list of questions that you should ask a potential employer. What “homework” will you need to do to prepare for an interview?
Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Your Nursing Career

Chapter 12


Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

SWOT Analysis


Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company


Extroversion (E) or Introversion (I)
Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)
Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Beginning the Job Search

Be psychologically self-employed.
Learn for employability.
Plan for your financial future.
Develop multiple options.
Build a safety net.

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Ask Yourself…

What oral and written communication skills do I have?
Where should I begin looking for a position?
What “pearls of wisdom” can I glean from other career nurses?

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

The Potential Employer

Mission statement
Core values
Current and past employees

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

The Initial Interview

Review SWOT analysis.
Review requirements for position.
Professional appearance
Background questions
Professional questions
Personal questions

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Asking Questions

What other opportunities for professional growth are available?
How are promotion and advancement handled?

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Additional Question Tips

Do not begin with questions about vacation, benefits, or sick leave.
Begin with questions about the employer’s expectations of you.
Be sure you know enough about the position to make a reasonable decision.

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Additional Question Tips (cont’d)

Ask questions about the organization as a whole.
Bring a list of important points to discuss to help you if you are nervous.

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

The Second Interview

Dress professionally.
Be professional and pleasant.
Do not smoke.

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

The Second Interview (cont’d)

Remember “table manners.”
Avoid controversial topics for small talk.
Obtain answers to questions you might have developed since the last visit.

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Making the Right Choice

Job content

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Making the Right Choice (cont’d)

Work climate

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

The Critical First Year

Adopt the right attitudes and adjust your expectations.
Manage a good impression and build effective relationships.

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

The Critical First Year (cont’d)

Develop organizational savvy.
Master the skills and knowledge of the position.

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company


Finding your first position is
More than being in the right place at the right time
A complex combination of learning about yourself and the organizations in which you are interested
Presenting your strengths and weaknesses in the most positive manner possible

Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company

Conclusion (cont’d)

Recognize that the independence and the ability to “do your own thing” may not be the skills you need to keep you in your first position.
Be a team player.
Learn about organizational politics.
Find a mentor.


How can community health nurses apply the strategies of cultural competence to their practice? Provide at least one example from each of the following four strategies: cultural preservation, cultural accommodation, cultural repatterning, and cultural brokering. What is a possible barrier to applying the strategy/example chosen? Use an example that is different than the postings of other students. This example should include an evidence-based article that addresses a cultural issue. Response should include an APA reference.

Developmental psychologists study specific types of growth in people of a target age or age range.

Your active participation in Discussion Boards is critical to the development of your understanding of the main concepts studied in this unit. Further, posting detailed responses allows your professor to guide your thinking and your classmates to respond to your ideas. Please participate as early in the week as possible, and be sure to share your thoughts and ideas as often as you can throughout the unit.

Respond to the Discussion topic below. Your original response should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the assigned Readings for the week. Remember, this is your chance to illustrate not only your understanding, but also your mastery of the materials for the unit. Carefully select your words so that your responses contain a balance between theory, experience, and your thoughts. Limit the use of direct quotes and describe the ideas in your own words instead. Include specific citations when necessary and attempt to make each post additive in nature (add new and relevant information to your discussion).

Discussion Topic
Developmental psychologists study specific types of growth in people of a target age or age range. For example, a psychologist might study language development in pre-verbal toddlers or peer-group formation in pre-adolescents. Using the theories and research methods described in your assigned Reading, propose a study of a topic of interest to you. Developmental studies are based in a developmental theory, so be sure to select one that is likely to support your ideas.

Be sure to include:

Target age or age group.
Specific name of the theory (add the name of the theorist, too).
Research question (be specific).
Research design (you may name the model and then try to explain how the model would be used to create a study).

Psychology Assignment Help-PSYCH 625 Homework

Psychology Assignment Help-PSYCH 625 Homework
Complete Parts A, B, and C below.

Part A

Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics. This data is available on the student website under the Textbook Resources link.

Using the data in the file named Ch. 11 Data Set 2, test the research hypothesis at the .05 level of significance that boys raise their hands in class more often than girls. Do this practice problem by hand using a calculator. What is your conclusion regarding the research hypothesis? Remember to first decide whether this is a one- or two-tailed test.

Practice the following problems by hand just to see if you can get the numbers right. Using the following information, calculate the t-test statistic.

Using the results you got from Question 2 and a level of significance at .05, what are the two-tailed critical values associated with each? Would the null hypothesis be rejected?

Using the data in the file named Ch. 11 Data Set 3, test the null hypothesis that urban and rural residents both have the same attitude toward gun control. Use IBM® SPSS® software to complete the analysis for this problem.

In the following examples, indicate whether you would perform a t-test of independent means or dependent means.

Two groups were exposed to different treatment levels for ankle sprains. Which treatment was most effective?
A researcher in nursing wanted to know if the recovery of patients was quicker when some received additional in-home care whereas when others received the standard amount.
A group of adolescent boys was offered interpersonal skills counseling and then tested in September and May to see if there was any impact on family harmony.
One group of adult men was given instructions in reducing their high blood pressure whereas another was not given any instructions.
One group of men was provided access to an exercise program and tested two times over a 6-month period for heart health.

The data set for this problem can be found through the Sage Materials in the Student Textbook Resource Access link, listed under Academic Resources. For Ch. 12 Data Set 3, compute the t value and write a conclusion on whether there is a difference in satisfaction level in a group of families’ use of service centers following a social service intervention on a scale from 1 to 15. Do this exercise using IBM® SPSS® software, and report the exact probability of the outcome. Copy and paste the output from IBM® SPSS® into this worksheet.

You may use SPSS for this problem or do it by hand. A famous brand-name manufacturer wants to know whether people prefer Nibbles or Wribbles. They sample each type of cracker and indicate their like or dislike on a scale from 1 to 10. Which do they like the most? Paste your t-test output into your answer and write a very brief analysis.

Nibbles rating
Wribbles rating





















Using the following table, provide three examples of a simple one-way ANOVA, two examples of a two-factor ANOVA, and one example of a three-factor ANOVA. Complete the table for the missing examples. Identify the grouping and the test variable.

Grouping variable(s)
Test variable

Simple ANOVA
Four levels of hours of training—2, 4, 6, and 8 hours
Typing accuracy

Enter Your Example Here
Enter Your Example Here

Enter Your Example Here
Enter Your Example Here

Enter Your Example Here
Enter Your Example Here

Two-factor ANOVA
Two levels of training and gender (two-way design)
Typing accuracy

Enter Your Example Here
Enter Your Example Here

Enter Your Example Here
Enter Your Example Here

Three-factor ANOVA
Two levels of training, two of gender, and three of income
Voting attitudes

Enter Your Example Here
Enter Your Example Here

The data set for this problem can be found through the Sage Materials in the Textbook Resources Using the data in Ch. 13 Data Set 2 and the IBM® SPSS® software, compute the F ratio for a comparison between the three levels representing the average amount of time that swimmers practice weekly ( 25 hours) with the outcome variable being their time for the 100-yard freestyle. Does practice time make a difference? Use the Options feature to obtain the means for the groups. Copy and paste the output from IBM® SPSS® into this worksheet.

When would you use a factorial ANOVA rather than a simple ANOVA to test the significance of the difference between the averages of two or more groups?

Create a drawing or plan for a 2 × 3 experimental design that would lend itself to a factorial ANOVA. Identify the independent and dependent variables.

Part B

Complete the questions below. Be specific and provide examples when relevant.

Cite any sources consistent with APA guidelines.


What is meant by independent samples? Provide a research example of two independent samples.

When is it appropriate to use a t-test for dependent samples? What is the key piece of information you must know in order to decide?

When is it appropriate to use an ANOVA? What is the key piece of information you must know in order to decide?

Why would you want to do an ANOVA when you have more than two groups, rather than just comparing each pair of means with a t-test?

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Athletics In American And British Universities Writing Assignment (Essay Sample)

This is the second of five response papers. Remember: the purpose of a response paper is to respond to the readings, not summarize them. You need to have a thesis explicitly stated in your first few sentences. The rest of the response paper should be used proving your argument with evidence from the readings.
your assignment is to contrast what you’ve learned about the role of athletics in American universities in the period roughly from 1860s-1910 to the role of athletics in British public schools and universities at the same time.
How are they similar?
How are they different?
What accounts for the differences?
This should be 500-600 words long. Please include a word count at the end of your piece



Write a response in 300–500 words to the discussion below.

My response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation Do the following when responding to the discussion below:

· Read the discussion answer below.

· Provide substantive comments by

· contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;

· building on the remarks or questions of others; or

· sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences

· Make sure your writing

· is clear, concise, and organized;

· demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and

· displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Leaders adopt a leadership style and uses traits, skills and abilities to interact with followers.  “The Leader-Member Exchange Theory is also known as the Vertical Dyad Linkage Theory.”  It states there is a dynamic between the leader and team members recognized as a dyad; a social relationship where the interaction results in an interchange.  Members commit, perform their roles as required to meet the common goals and are rewarded as part of the group.

Leaders assess what interactions are appropriate for each member of the team or group and these individuals are identified as being part of two groups:  the in-group and the out-group (Northouse, 2016).

In-group members tend to be more empathetic, sensitive, patient and committed to the leader.  They are characterized as being reliable and engaging.  They are trusted and are awarded additional responsibilities, including administrative duties, so they gain “access to more resources.”  Out-group members are followers that are excluded from the in-group of members and comply with “directives” because they have no “choice or influence,” but there is no rapport with the leader (Northouse, 2016).

Examples of In-groups roles –

TWC Special project staff – Gained regional recognition for working cases for other units.

Able to travel outside agency to other offices to work

TWC liaison person – Conducted public speaking engagements away from office

Were recognized by agencies

Gained more access to resources and collaborations to complete tasks

Quality Control member – Contributed to case accuracy improvement plans

Recognized for exceptional policy knowledge

Met outside office for meetings

Case reader – Reviewed workers’ case actions and provided feedback

                        Recognized for exceptional policy knowledge

Authority to require workers to review policy

Example of Out-group roles –

TWC staff –    Regular case manager performed only the duties required of them

Relief for scheduler, clerical staff, and PBX operator


All individuals were workers at the same level but the workers that were in the in-group were able to perform their case manage duties and take on other assignments.  They were happy to engage in the other activities they were participating in but were still performing their normal roles on the job.  Due to members of the in-group having special consideration from the leader, they were permitted to engage in extra activities, spent more time with the leader discussing these special duties, they could leave the facility, they were eligible for merit raises and special recognitions at the Annual Appreciation day (Northouse, 2013).  Individuals within the in-group have a positive social identity.  For example, because they are interacting with other units, agencies, organizations and are being recognized individually and within the group and organization; their social interaction is positive (Platow & van Knippenberg, 2015).

The workers in the out-group completed repetition work daily, had to relieve other staff members and perform their duties which were at a lower level.  They also resented the case reader identifying errors in their cases even though cases readers had exceptional policy knowledge, so many times workers would not correct the errors even in the event of inaccurate benefits being issued.  Workers were completing the cases according to their competency and they did not feel they should be making corrections based on a worker at the same level requesting it.  The case reading policy was implemented to catch errors prior to benefits being issued to avoid any over- or under benefit issuances.  The worker argued that they had completed the actions on the cases and did not have time to correct cases and that it was causing unnecessary delays in service delivery.  The actions were serious and could have resulted in individuals being reprimanded, suspended, or even terminated so there was always tension, discord, and delays that causes untimely reports to be generated; all reflecting negatively on the unit.  If the cases had been pulled, they would have caused sanctions for the unit, caused the state funding so they were serious situations (Northouse, 2013).