The four key elements of professional regulation have been identified as health professional registration

The four key elements of professional regulation have been identified as health professional registration, the setting of standards and codes, accreditation and the management of risk to the public through complaints handling (Chiarella & White, 2013). With reference to relevant disciplinary case law (from UK, Australia or New Zealand) and peer reviewed professional literature, explain how these four elements of the regulation of nursing contribute to public safety.

Structure & Marking Criteria
– Registration and accreditation: Appropriate and relevant use and analysis of case law and literature in relation to the requirements for registration as a nurse, including the accreditation of educational programs (900 words)

– Standard setting: Appropriate and relevant use and analysis of case law and literature in relation to the setting of standards and codes (900 words)

– Dealing with performance, health and conduct complaints and notifications: Appropriate and relevant use and analysis of disciplinary case law and peer reviewed literature in relation to management of risk to the public through performance, health and conduct matters ( 1200 words)

Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training?

BA 2410 – Module Four Homework

Chapter 9

Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training?

What learning principles would you consider when designing a training program?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning in regards to training employees.
Chapter 11

Describe how organizational culture and the use of performance criteria and standards affect the remaining components of a performance management system.

Suppose you are a supervisor, what are three types of errors you might you make when preparing a performance appraisal for your employees? Give a brief definition of the common types of errors you have listed.

Describe the role of performance appraisal in the development of employees. What appraisal methods are appropriate for this role?
Chapter 12

You are the new HR Manager for a company with 180 employees. Your new company has no formal base pay system. What steps will you take to develop a coordinated system?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using market pricing to set compensation in organizations?

The Wages of Emotion Work

As explained in the box by Ferris and Stein, emotion work is the process of managing, evoking, or suppressing feelings so as to create a public display of emotion. The box explains that when a person manages or suppresses his emotions, he is able to relate well with the public. During daily interaction, one expects to meet with people with various personalities. After suppressing or evoking the felt emotions, an individual is able to build strong relationships with the society members (120). This is the wage of controlling one’s emotions. Instead of getting involved in frequent conflicts and fights with other people, a person should control his emotions so as to relate effectively. This is supported by Grandey(95) as she explains how an employee benefits the organization by managing her emotions in order interact with clients or customers in an effective way. This is known as emotional labor in which one enhances, fakes, or suppresses his emotions in order to modify the emotional expression.

The box is very important in the textbook since it is used in explaining how relationships can be built. Sociology is all about interacting and relating with other people in the society. Suppressing or managing emotions would therefore be a part of the things a person should do so as to relate well with others. The box mentions and explained both primary and secondary sources. There are also examples explaining how managing emotions pays. The content in the box is clearly written and this makes me more interested with it. However, it might be confusing at the start since one might not understand why suppressing emotions would be beneficial.

Works Cited

Grandey, Alicia A. Emotion Regulation in the Workplace: A New Way to Conceptualize Emotional Labor. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 5.1(2003), pp. 95-110.

Ferris, Kerry and Jill Stein. The Real World (Fourth Edition). London: W. W. Norton, Incorporated, 2014. Print.

Biology of Sexual Orientation

Biology of Sexual Orientation

Most researchers in the area of human sexuality believe that human sexual orientation is largely biologically determined and not a matter of choice. Describe the biological (anatomical, physiological, genetic, chemical) correlates of sexual orientation. Apply this information to how the general public could be educated about the role of biology in education about sexual orientation. Make sure to support your ideas using the textbook and at least one other recent scholarly source. Reference your sources in standard APA format.

Suicide Discussion Question

Max Points: 5.0
Why is identifying the “real story” important for effective counseling? What difficulties could occur if you do not focus your counseling on the “real story?” Explain how you would handle a client who states he is feeling hopeless and helpless. How would you assess for suicidality? If the client only has fleeting thoughts but no plan, what strategies might you employ?

This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.5.l. Suicide prevention models and strategies.

Brain And The Nervous System

Field: Psychology

Report Issue
This week we learn about the brain and the nervous system. As we learn about how chemical reactions affect us, it made me think of a question. Do we truly control our actions and behaviors? Or do we act based solely on the chemical reactions that happen in brains and nervous systems? What do you think? Which is it? Free will or chemical reactions? In your discussion post, which option do you agree with? Support your response with information from either our textbook or from the video below. Remember to earn full credit, you need to have a total of 3 responses; 1 original and 2 replies.

YouTube URL:

The Be ef Lifecycle

The Be ef Lifecycle

FEEDYARD Cattle spend 4-6 months at a feedyard

being fed a scientifically-balanced diet and receiving daily care. Some

spend the rest of their lives on a pasture being grass finished.

Retailers and foodservice operators sell beef in SUPERMARKETS AND RESTAURANTS.

Due to strong demand for U.S. beef, beef is EXPORTED TO MORE


Beef helps nourish the bodies of MILLIONS OF AMERICANS

by providing 10 essential nutrients.

STOCKERS AND BACKGROUNDERS Between 6-12 months of age cattle spend

time at stocker and backgrounder farms and ranches where they graze on a variety of

pastures. Here they gain weight and convert forage and grass into lean protein.

LIVESTOCK AUCTION MARKETS Many calves leave the farm or ranch

where they were born and are sold at livestock auction markets to stockers and

backgrounders between 6-12 months of age.

WEANING Beef calves are weaned away from their

mothers between 6-8 months of age.


COW-CALF Cows are bred and calves are born and raised every year on cow-calf farms and ranches, spending time grazing on grass pastures within

sight of their mothers.

PACKING PLANT Cattle are sent to a packer/processing facility to be slaughtered and processed then distributed

to supermarket retailers and restaurants.








  • interview two people who have successfully completed doctoral programs.
    Your goal in this assignment is to carefully consider and organize the body of your paper around these three key ideas:

    • What most assisted your interviewees in completing their major research projects or dissertations?
    • What challenges did your interviewees experience?
    • What specific recommendations do your interviewees have for successful completion?
    • Use the following guidelines as you conduct your interview to help you achieve the above three goals:
    • Select individuals to interview, if possible, who are not AU faculty or staff members, since one purpose of this assignment is to broaden your perspectives regarding conducting doctoral research.
    • Each interview should take 30–45 minutes, depending on how responsive your interviewees are.
    • You may conduct your interviews in person or by phone.
      Prior to meeting your interviewees, develop 10–15 interview questions you will ask each of them that will hep you to address the above three goals. It is important to ask the same questions to both.
    • The first question or two should help you understand their research topics and why the topics were of interest to your interviewees. In addition it could be very useful to your research to ask questions like these: What tips do they have for locating good materials, especially research articles? How long did it take the interviewee from start to finish? What resources were required, such as technology, postage, and other costs? Another important area of information concerns the role of the committee chair and the committee members.
    • Several questions should be asked to help you explore what assisted each person the most in completing the research or dissertation.
    • Trying to understand the challenges each interviewee faced will also require several questions.
    • As you conduct each interview, you may ask related, follow up questions to help you better understand each interviewee’s response, such as: “Could you give me a specific example of what you meant when you said …?” or “Could you provide a little more detail about …?” This will help you provide details in your paper as well as enhance your understanding of the challenges faced.
    • Toward the end of your interview, ask what recommendations each interviewee could provide to help you be successful in the completion of your dissertation.
    • In order to capture the information from the interview, be prepared to take detailed notes. Some students even request permission to tape record their interviews so they can replay and listen to them to better understand the information provided by each interviewee.
    • Collate the information gathered from your interviews. Write a three- to four-page analysis comparing and contrasting the information from the two interviews. Do not present the analysis in a question and answer format.

      Consider the following as you write your paper:

    • Introductory Paragraph: Begin your paper with a purpose statement and a map of how you intend to organize your paper. Using the 3 main goals listed above as broad themes/categories with sub headings could be a most useful way to organize this paper. Be sure to also include in this introductory paragraph the name of each or pseudonym [if confidentiality is needed] as well as the basic nature of their research or dissertation study.
    • Your paper should be an analysis of the interviews and a comparison of their experiences, not just a summary of each specific question asked.
    • Attach your interview questionnaire to the end of your paper.
    • By the due date assigned, post your interview analysis in Microsoft Word format to the Submissions Area.

      All written assignments and responses should follow APA style in formatting and attributing sources.
      Please make sure you review the elements of the grading criteria and associated points carefully and make sure your assignment has addressed all the elements and in enough detail to merit full points.
      Assignment 2a Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsCrafted a comprehensive interview questionnaire including questions to elicit a comprehensive description.
      Included questions as an appendix.4Analyzed the interviews and discussed key concepts that were generated related to the research and/or dissertation process..8Discussed the knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources required, and challenges/barriers that impacted completion8Submitted the assignment in an organized format in APA Style with minimal grammatical and mechanical errors.4Total:24

  • All written assignments and responses should follow APA style in formatting and attributing sources.
    Please make sure you review the elements of the grading criteria and associated points carefully and make sure your assignment has addressed all the elements and in enough detail to merit full points.
    Assignment 2b Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsSummarized 2-3 key concepts generated through the interviews4Reflected what will most help you succeed in completing your dissertation and described the single greatest “take away learning” that you will use.4Explained two challenges you anticipate in completing your dissertation.4Discussed two key strategies on how you plan to overcome these challenges.4Made positive and significant contributions (a minimum of two additional posts) to peer submissions4Total:20

Trade Of Quinoa

Top five importers

Top five exporters

Historical trade Volume and Value

(either global aggregate or just for the largest markets above)

Summarize your findings graphically.

After you find the data above, write 1-2 pages about a political economy issue related to the good or

product, such as:

Trade policies affecting world trade

Countries agreements/disagreements about trade policies

Domestic politics impacts related to trade in that good

Environmental/labor issues related to trade in this good

Please make sure to include all your resources

helpful links:
Summer 2018

Econ 181 International Trade

Research Assignment – Due on b-space by 6/28 at 10:00 AM

If your research assignment is posted past due date and time you will get 0 points!

Each one of you is researching a specific good. For that good you should find:

 Top five importers

 Top five exporters

 Historical trade Volume and Value (either global aggregate or just for the largest markets above)

Summarize your findings graphically.

After you find the data above, write 1-2 pages about a political economy issue related to the good or

product, such as:

 Trade policies affecting world trade

 Countries agreements/disagreements about trade policies

 Domestic politics impacts related to trade in that good

 Environmental/labor issues related to trade in this good

Please make sure to include all your resources

After your summary is complete, you should post it in the assignment section of b-courses.

Here are a few helpful links to get you started: (accessible only on-campus)

Developing A Strategic Approach

This is to be original work the attached file is from assignment 1 work off of the attached file apa style

For this assignment, continue your role as the administrator of the organization you created for Assignment 1.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Create a mission and vision statement for your organization. Determine three (3) specific strategic goals that align with the ideals in those two (2) statements.
Recommend one (1) specific adaptive strategy or combination of adaptive strategies that would be most effective in ensuring that the organization achieves its strategic goals. Support your recommendation with examples of the successful application of the recommended strategy or strategies.
Outline three (3) service delivery and three (3) support components that will be necessary elements of the organization’s value chain geared toward achieving the strategic goals that you identified. Examine, in detail, the main reasons why the delivery and support components of the value chain that you identified are essential to the achievement of the organization’s goals.
Suggest one (1) specific approach to maintaining the selected adaptive strategy or strategies in order to ensure that the organization achieves its mission and vision.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites to not qualify as academic resources.