Learning To Communicate Globally Through The Platform Of Social -PS5


Integrate the positive and negative effects of social media making global communication easily accessible.


When using social media, the communication barrier of distance is eliminated. This comes with obvious benefits, but it also comes with extra challenges due to the increased potential for misunderstandings with cultural differences and language barriers. The person that knows how to use communication opportunities will have a strong advantage in their work and in their networking and relationships.

This assignment has two parts to it.

Part 1:

Locate and study social media pages of businesses that are making an effort to market their product globally. You can use any social media platform you choose. Examine what you believe the companies are doing well and what can be improved. Look for ways in which their communication are clear to a large number of people, breaking through language and cultural barriers. Also look for ways in which the pages could be improved due to the limitations and challenges of global communication.

After you have studied several pages that are seeking to reach a large number of people, choose three of them.

1A. Choose the page that you feel does the best job overall.

Describe why you feel like this social media page was the best one that you viewed. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1B. Choose one that needs improvement.

Describe what you see that needs improvement in their effort to reach people globally. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1C. Choose one that most closely represents the type of page that you might create in the future. If you have no interest or potential need for ever creating a social media page that is intended to reach the masses globally, then choose one that you are interested in and like.

Describe why you chose this social media page as the one that you can best relate to or like the best. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

Note: Do not use the same social media page for more than one of these three choices. For example, do not say that one social media page was the best and also the one that you would be most likely to create a similar page as. In other words, do not use one social media page for both 1A and 1C. You need to choose three separate pages in total.

Part 2:

Now you will use what you have learned to create your own social media page with the intent of reaching the masses. You will not need to actually create a page on a social media platform. Creating a fake company or organization online could obviously cause problems. Instead, emulate the formatting of a social media page, and create it so that you can submit it to your instructor.

Take what you learned from Part 1 to create the best fake social media page you can on an imaginary company or organization of your choice. Your company or organization can be anything you want, just ensure that it is class-appropriate. Describe what you learned in this assignment and how you incorporated that knowledge into your social media page.


“Diversity” Please respond to the following:

Go to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Website and review cases regarding diversity. Note: Enter the Website and in the search box under “Press Releases” type “diversity”. Review three of the results of your search. Next, propose three ways that an organization can increase diversity within itself. Take a position on whether diversity is or is not important and determine how the methods you provided support your position.

Evaluate ways that an organization can measure and reward compliance. Determine if organizations that measure and reward compliance are more or less likely to experience lawsuits.

Writing Assignment: Respond to King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail (Essay Sample)

Length: 300 typed words (about one page)
Audience: the instructor
Structure and Organization: The essay must be well-structured and paragraph must be well-developed with evidence from the text to support your assertions.
Format: Use MLA style (see “MLA Sample Paper” and/or EasyWriter p.253). Double space your essay in Times Roman pt 12. Do not write a separate title page. In your upper left hand corner, double spaced, include your name, your instructor, the course, and the date of submission. Create a Header in the upper right corner by using your header/footer feature. Give your essay a precise, interesting title, and center your title on the page.
Topics/Questions to consider:
1. How does Martin Luther King, Jr. create an appeal to our emotion? Cite examples of what you consider the most effective instances of that appeal.
2. What types of evidence does King use in his argument? Cite examples.
3. Modeling a Master. Using King’s “letter” as your model, compose a letter to a target audience which examines a situation that you deem to be unfair and advocates specific action to right the wrong. First, you will need to spend some time studying the master. After reading the ‘Letter,” use the following outline to analyze King’s rhetorical strategies; mark passages and make marginal notes to denote each component listed:
I. King’s Introduction
• Presents the issue
• Explains how this situation came about
• Establishes common ground with his audience
• Adopts a tone that is both personal and academic
• Provides logical analysis of the situation at hand (appeal to logos) and invokes value appeals (pathos)
II. King’s Concession
• Anticipates and articulates the opposition’s case
• Shows his understanding of the opposition’s views
• Addresses the opposition’s case; introduces his refutation with a key word, “wait!”
• Appeals to pathos through the use of personal experience; create audience empathy, even as he asserts his case against the opposition
III. King’s Rebuttal—Evidence and Appeals
• Uses definition and analysis/appeal to logos
• Uses appeals to authority/logos
• Uses examples/logos and pathos
• Uses comparison/logos and pathos
• Uses common ground values appeals/pathos
IV. King’s Closing
• Regains audience empathy
• Strikes common ground by expressing shared needs and values
• States a clear “call to action”
• Creates a final sentence that capitalizes on use of first-person plural and resonates with “scintillating” imager


You are the Wellness Director at the Rutledge Hill Community Center and you have been asked to develop a month long 4 session comprehensive program plan to launch for a yearlong program to encourage adult community members to become more physically active. Develop a four session program plan (example: Tuesdays at 5:00; 1-hour sessions) that will motivate and equip community member to become more active. You may identify a ‘specific’ group of group as your ‘priority population’ (i.e. young mothers, elderly, working women, stay-at-home moms, etc.) and you may plan for men AND women, or specifically for men OR women. Be sure to include ALL resources you would need to implement each of the 4 sessions. Your plan should include the following: *instructions attached with example. please do not copy example this there for reference
TECH-GIRLS: A 21st. Century Program


University of Memphis

TECH-GIRLS: A 21st. Century Program


Program Rationale

Physical inactivity (PA) is a growing problem among youth in all ethnic groups. It has been associated to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases during adulthood (Andersen et al., 2008). Moreover, it can contribute to obesity and it is suspected to cause a negative effect in academic achievement among this population (Tomporowski, Davis, Miller, & Naglieri, 2008). Obesity among children is an public health issue, its prevalence has increased from 13.05% to 15.21% since 1998 (Centers For Diseases Control And Prevention, 2012) According to the School Polices and Programs Study (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, 2000), 8% of elementary schools provide 150 minutes of physical education per week. Since students spend an average of 180 days within elementary school setting, innovative, multimodal and theory- grounded programs should be implemented to decrease morbidity associated to the lack of physical activity in children and adolescents.

Nowadays, many approaches have been suggested to address the lack of physical activity among this population (Kriemler et al., 2010; Toftager, Christiansen, Kristensen, & Troelsen, 2011; Donnelly et al., 2013). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published guidelines to promote healthy eating and physical activity in school settings. Educational materials and a strategic multimodal approach are available for school districts at the CDC website. In addition, the CDC has designed for kids 9-13 years old a friendly website that encourages them to make healthy choices (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011) . The Body and Mind (BAM!) online destination also provides resources for teachers. In general, most of the programs to improve physical activity among children will combine more than one intervention (CDC, 2013).

According to the 2011 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) the prevalence of attending physical activity classes daily did not change significantly from the 2009 survey (33.3%) to 2011 (31.5%). Contrarily, the prevalence of using computers has progressively incremented during the past years 2005-2011 (21.1%- 31.1%) (CDC, 2011). The integration of technology during the 21st century is a new variable to take into account while designing and implementing health promotion programs among the new generations.


Strengthen this section by Cite any other similar efforts to reduce inactivity —or state that none have been done

Integration of technology tools is a core component in a 21st century classroom (Partnership for 21st. Century Skills, 2011). Using Internet, mobile devices, video games and social networks is becoming a standard practice among younger generations. This is a skill that students must develop to function in our environment. Although some scholars have associated using videogames and technology devices to sedentary lifestyle; the growing use of technology has not been constrained by these reports. The incorporation of exergames in school curricula is a technology a tool that has been effectively integrated (Staino & Calvert, 2012). Therefore, the purpose of this project is to develop a technology based program to promote increased participation in physical activity.

There are multiple factors that determine participation in physical activity (Sallis & Owen, 1995). It is important to design and implement a multimodal program that targets more than one factor at the time (Toftager, Christiansen, Kristensen, & Troelsen, 2011) . The proposed physical activity program integrates technology and a socio-ecological model. Socio-ecological models have been used to have a better understanding about the numerous factors and behaviors that act as obstacles to physical activity participation. These models have been effective in improving physical activity in other populations (Sallis & Owen, 1995). Therefore, the TECH- Girls Physical Activity Program will be grounded in a social ecological model, but will combine other components: T- Technology Integration, E- Ecological model component, C -Collaboration component, H -Healthy Habits Component. This program will target girls in 4th- 5th grade and will be pilot tested in a representative sample of the school district before a generalized implementation. This intervention promises to be successful because will simultaneously target different factors that influence physical activity and will integrate an innovation (technology).

Program Overview

The TECH-Girls Physical Activity Program will be added to the mandatory physical education lessons that are part of the elementary schools curriculum. The intervention will have three 60 minutes TECH- Girl sessions per week during the yearlong program. The core activities included in the program will be carried out by the titular teacher. Teachers will have training before implementing the program in their classrooms. Moreover, they will have a monthly meeting to report program activities. The TECH- girls program will be founded by a grant that the State Board of Education has received from a governmental organization.

Theoretical Underpinnings

As it has been mentioned the TECH- Girls program is a multimodal and theory grounded intervention; some activities will be applicable for more than one component.

1. Technology Integration: elementary schools will need to create a virtual environment (Web Site/ Blog) for students. This Web Site will be the principal tool of communication between students and teachers. Students will have a chat room and an electronic physical activity journal. The Web Site will function as a repository of short tutorials about different physical activities that students can perform. In addition students will have a personal account where they will register their physical activities (electronic dairy).

2. Ecological Model

a. Individual/intrapersonal level , students will receive a 15 minutes introductory educational presentation during each session. Topics will be orientated to improve student’s knowledge of being physically active. In addition, students will receive remainders of the importance of being active through the program website.

b. Interpersonal (social) environment factor : parental participation will be essential for this program. Students will be asked to complete TECH-Girls physical activity homework weekly. Parents will need to sign a form that certifies that students completed the assigned activity. The weekly homework will consist in following a 10-minutes exercise routine that will be able at the program’s website. A new 10 minutes routine will be uploaded every week. A second activity for this component consists in building a social network within the website. Students will need to share at least one learned lesson about physical activity and encourage other students to be motivated about the program.

c. Physical Environment : In addition to the outdoor facilities (play grounds and sporting grounds, gymnasiums) every school will need to assign an indoor TECH-Girls room. This room will be equipped with technology devices (such as Wii or applicable device) that allow students to practice exergames during the program sessions.

d. Policy Environment : Administrative personnel at each elementary school will implement policies that encourage student participation. A token system points will be used to each activity within the TECH-Girls program. By the end of the scholar year students who complete the program will receive recognition from the school principal (diploma).

Partnerships and Collaborations: Since the program will be implemented in different elementary schools, online collaboration will be encouraged among teachers and students. They will be able to share learned lessons about the program Website. Moreover, there will be a one-day TECH-Girls Conference at the end of the year program. Parents, teachers and students from all the participant elementary schools will be encouraged to present their ideas by developing TECH-Physical activity projects; awards will be available for the most innovative projects.

Healthy Habits. Although the TECH-Girls program main focus is to encourage physical activity, student will receive information about healthy eating habits through the program. The educational presentation will include the “Healthy Habit of the week”. For example, Week 1: “Drinking water is the best option for a TECH-Girl”. Students will receive remainders (through the program website) about the importance of preferring water over other drinks.


Strategic Plan

Mission. The mission of the TECH-Girls program is to encourage elementary school students to be physically active throughout the week

Goals. The goal of the TECH-Girls Program is to increase elementary school student time spent in physical activity by incorporating technology tools and exergames sessions throughout the week.


1. At least 95% of elementary schools girls (4th-5th grade) from the Shelby County School District will participate in a 30-minute exergame session presented by the TECH-Girls program at least twice a week during the yearlong program.

2. At least 95% of elementary schools girls (4th-5th grade) from the Shelby County School District will participate in technology related activities by using the a 30- TECH-Girls website at least five times a week during the yearlong program.

3. By the end of the one year program 95% of elementary schools students will be able to list at least three benefit of physical activity by using exergames presented by TECH-Girls program.

4. By the end of the program 95% of girls will report at least a 25% increase in time spent in weekly physical activity.

Program Strategies

· Website Interactive opportunities for students and parents

· Physical activity reminders

· Students’ chat room (social support)

· Educational presentations

· Physical activity homework

· Improving physical environment (TECH-Girls room)

· Onsite physical activities (exergames)

· Rewards

· TECH-Girls Annual Conference

· Healthy Habit Reminders

Program evaluation

Baseline and follow up measurements will be taken to assess effectiveness of the TECH- Girls Program (Figure 1). Pre-validated questionnaires will be delivered to parents and students to report physical activity. In addition the number of log-in activity to the websites will be counted for each participant. The electronic diary of physical activity will be used to determine the time that has been spent in physical activities for each participant. Finally, anthropometric measures will also be included during the program evaluation.


Andersen L B Sardinha L B Froberg K Riddoch C L Page A S Anderseen S A 2008 Fitness, fatness and clustering of cardiovascular risk factors in children from Denmark, Estonia, and Portugal:The European Youth Heart Study.Andersen, L. B., Sardinha, L. B., Froberg, K., Riddoch, C. L., Page, A. S., & Anderseen, S. A. (2008). Fitness, fatness and clustering of cardiovascular risk factors in children from Denmark, Estonia, and Portugal: The European Youth Heart Study. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 3(1), 58-66.

CDC 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)CDC (2011). Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). Retrieved April 29, 2013, from http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/yrbs/

CDC 2013 National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health PromotionCDC (2013). National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved April 29, 2013, from http://www.cdc.gov/bam/index.html

Center For Disease Control And Prevention 201109 Guidelines for Schools to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical ActivityCenter For Disease Control And Prevention (2011, September). Guidelines for Schools to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (). Atlanta, CA: Department of Health and Human Services.

Centers For Diseases Control And Pevention 2009 Physical Inactivity and Unhealthy Dietary Behaviours and Academic AchivementsCenters for Diseases Control and Prevention (2009). Physical Inactivity and Unhealthy Dietary Behaviors and Academic Achievements. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Centers For Diseases Control And Prevention 2012 Trends in the prevalence of extreme obesity among US preschool-aged children living in low-income families, 1998-2010.Centers For Diseases Control And Prevention (2012). Trends in the prevalence of extreme obesity among US preschool-aged children living in low-income families, 1998-2010. JAMA, 308(24), 2563-2565.

Centers For Diseases Prevention And Control 2000 School Health Policies and Programs Study 2000Centers for Diseases Prevention and Control (2000). School Health Policies and Programs Study 2000 (). Atlanta, GA: Department of Health and Human Services.

Donnelly J Greene J Gibson C Sullivan D Hansen D Hillman CWashburn R A 2013 Physical activity and academic achievement across the curriculum (A+ PAAC): rationale and design of a 3-year, cluster-randomized trial.Donnelly, J., Greene, J., Gibson, C., Sullivan, D., Hansen, D., Hillman, C.,…Washburn, R. A. (2013). Physical activity and academic achievement across the curriculum (A+ PAAC): rationale and design of a 3-year, cluster-randomized trial. BMJ Public Health, 13, 307.

Floriani V Kennedy C 2008 Promotion of physical activity in Children.Floriani, V., & Kennedy, C. (2008). Promotion of physical activity in Children. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 20, 90-95.

Kriemler S Zahner L Schindler C Meyer U Hartman T Hebestreit HPuder J J 2010 Effect of school based physical activity programme (KISS) on fitness and adiosity in primary schoolshildren:cluster randomised controlled trial.Kriemler, S., Zahner, L., Schindler, C., Meyer, U., Hartman, T., Hebestreit, H.,…Puder, J. J. (2010). Effect of school based physical activity programme (KISS) on fitness and adiposity in primary schools children: cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ, 340, c785.

Partnership For 21st Century Skills 201103 Framework for 21st Century LearningPartnership For 21st. Century Skills (2011, March). Framework for 21st Century Learning. Retrieved April 29, 2013, from http://www.p21.org/storage/documents/1.__p21_framework_2-pager.pdf

Sallis J F Owen N 1995 Physical Activity and Behavioural MedicineSallis, J. F., & Owen, N. (1995). Physical Activity and Behavioral Medicine. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Staino A Calvert S 2012 Digital gaming and pediatric obesity: at the intersection of science and social policy.Staino, A., & Calvert, S. (2012). Digital gaming and pediatric obesity: at the intersection of science and social policy. Social Issues Policy Review, 6(1), 54-81.

Toftager M Christiansen L B Kristensen P L Troelsen J 2011 SPACE for physical activity- a multicomponent intervention study: study design and baseline findings from a cluster randomized controlled trial.Toftager, M., Christiansen, L. B., Kristensen, P. L., & Troelsen, J. (2011). SPACE for physical activity- a multicomponent intervention study: study design and baseline findings from a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 11, 777.

Tomporowski P D Davis C L Miller P H Naglieri J A 2008 Exercise and children’s intelligence, cognition, and academic achivement.Tomporowski, P. D., Davis, C. L., Miller, P. H., & Naglieri, J. A. (2008). Exercise and children’s intelligence, cognition, and academic achievement. Educational Phycology Review, 5, 5-10.


Unit Plan

Running head: TECH-GIRLS 1


Program Name: TECH-Girl Program

Target audience: Elementary School Girl Students (4th- 5th grade)


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Getting Acquainted!!!

· Explain TECH-Girl meaning

· Demonstrate how to navigate on the TECH-Girls program website

· Demonstrate how to create an TECH-Girl account

· Provide an introduction about benefit of physical activity/ exergames and exergame methodologies

· Introduce participants to the healthy habit of this week

Healthy- Journaling and Networking!!

· Demonstrate how to use the electronic daily journal and chat room.

· Demonstrate how to find other exergame networks

· Provide a list of different other websites

Get Moving!!!

· Describe different recommended physical activities that can be done to reach moderate intensity and vigorous intensity exercise by using Exergaming products

· Provide information about frequency, duration and intensity that a TECH-Girl should target each week

· Recall healthy habit of the week

Home Activities!!

· Demonstrate how to found physical activity videos available on the program website

· List of tips to be physically active at home

· Connecting with the exergame network

Healthy Eating

· Describe threshold for “healthy drinks”: sugar-sweetened beverages

· Describe reasons to avoid sugar-sweetened beverage

· Demonstrate how to use technology aids available (websites and apps) to review caloric value and sodium in sugar-sweetened beverage


Facilitator presentation (Video Demonstration)

Creating an TECH-Girl account

Complete physical activity questionnaire

First exergame experience (Introduction)


Facilitator presentation ( Video


Students will update electronic journal

Students will connect with other schools social networks

Control Exergaming (Wii Sport) for 25’


Facilitator presentation (Video demonstration)

Finding an accountability partner to send reminders (it will be set by the system)

Exergaming Machines (Gamercize Sport) for 30’


Facilitator presentation

(Video demonstration)

Updating electronic journal

Completing a physical activity video

Workout Exergaming 30’ (Wii Fit Plus)


Facilitator presentation(Video Demonstration)

Updating electronic journal

Sending a reminder to your TECH-girl partner

Exergaming Machines (Gamercize Sport) for 30’


Running head: TECH-GIRLS 15


Session Plan

Program Name: TECH-Girls Program Session #1

Ages: 11-12 Topic: Getting Acquainted Prepared by:

Session Overview & Purpose (GOAL)
To become aware of integration of physical activity and technologies
Behavioral Objective
Cognitive Objective
Affective Objective
During this session participants will:
· Create a TECH-Girl account

· Complete the physical activity questionnaire

· Be familiar with the exergames equipment available at TECH-room

Upon completion of the session participants will be able to:
· Recall at least three exergame methodologies

· Recall healthy habit of the week

Through participation in this session participants will:
· Be able to identify their favorites exergames

(Major Teaching Points)
(Give necessary information)

1. Explain TECH-Girl acronym

2. Tutorial to use the TECH-Girls website & Creating an account

3. Provide statistics about the effectiveness and benefits of exergames

4. Provide 30 seconds videos of examples of exergames

5. The healthy habit of the week: “Water my first option”

Equipment / Materials Needed
· Name tags

· Computers/ Internet/ TECH-Girl Website

· Electronic physical activity questionnaire (website)

· Video Presentation, timer

· Identifying favorite exergame electronic survey(website)

· TECH-Girls Room (all equipment for planned exergame)

(How will students be grouped, etc.)

1. Participant will receive the name tag at the beginning of the session

2. Students will work individually at the computer lab & TECH-Room

(Describe, in detail, the activity to reinforce this session)

1. Instructor will ask each student to create a TECH-Girl account

2. Each student will have fifteen minutes to complete the electronic physical activity questionnaire

3. Participants will identify favorite exergames on a interface of the website

4. Participant will have 15 minutes to see and use the exergame equipment

Time Schedule (60 min max)
0-2 min Introduction

3-15 min Presentation

15-20 min Creating TECH-Girl account

20-35 min Complete physical activity questionnaire

35-40 min Verification (take survey before living the computer lab)

40-45min (Change room, go to the TECH-girl room)

45-60 min Exergame (15 min)

(Steps to check for student understanding)

1. Participants will send a message to the instructor (verification of creating an account)

2. Instructor will have administrator access to the website that will allow him/her to corroborate that the questionnaire was submitted

3. Participant will answer 3 knowledge questions from the presentation on the website.

Summary / Explanations Closure
Participants will be encouraged to review the website while at home and experiment using all the features.

Session Evaluation / Comments (self assessment)
Participants will receive an online satisfaction survey after each week.

Program Name TECH-Girls Program Session #2

Ages: 11-12 Health Topic: Healthy …Journaling and Networking Prepared by: NAME

Session Overview & Purpose (GOAL)
To guide participants to combine physical activity and electronic journaling and networking
Behavioral Objective
Cognitive Objective
Affective Objective
During this session participants will:
· Update electronic PA diary and networking

· Exergaming for at least 25 minutes and maintain an active hart rate of achieve a heart rate of 60-75% of their max heart rate.

Upon completion of the session participants will be able to:
· Recall at least two recommended websites that they can visit

By the end of the session participants will:

Be able to identify their favorites website

(Major Teaching Points)
(Give necessary information)

1. Demonstrate how to use the electronic physical activity daily journal and chat room.

2. Describe importance of keeping a journal of physical activity

3. Provide the threshold of physical activity for their age

4. Demonstrate how to find other exergame networks

5. Provide a list of different other recommended websites (CDC, other schools websites)

Equipment / Materials Needed
· Name tags

· Computers/ Internet/ TECH-Girl Website

· Electronic diary (website)

· Electronic list of recommended websites (links will be available)

· Presentation/projector, timer

· Identifying favorite website survey (website)

· TECH-Girls Room (all equipment for planned exergaming)

(How will students be grouped, etc

1. Participant will receive the name tag at the beginning of the session

2. Students will work individually at the computer lab & TECH-Room

(Describe, in detail, the activity to reinforce this session)

1. Instructor will ask each student to update electronic journal

2. Each student will have fifteen minutes to visit 4 websites

3. Participants will identify favorite website in an interface of the website

4. Participant will have 25 minutes to exergaming

Time Schedule (60 min max)
0-2 min Introduction

3-15 min Presentation

15-20 min Updating journal

20-30 min Choosing website and go to the TECH-room

30-55 min Control Exergaming (Wii Sport) for 25’

55-60 min Questions, summary and closure.

(Steps to check for student understanding)

1. Instructor will have administrator access to the website that will allow him/her to corroborate that activities were completed (PA diary update & networking and choosing a website)

Summary / Explanations Closure
Participants will be encouraged to review the website while at home and experiment using all the features available

Session Evaluation / Comments (self-assessment)
Participants will receive an online satisfaction survey every week

Program Name: TECH-Girls Session #3

Ages: 11-12 years Health Topic: Get Moving Prepared by NAME

Session Overview Purpose (GOAL)
To guide participants to be involved in exergaming
Behavioral Objective
Cognitive Objective
Affective Objective
During this session participants will:
· Exergaming for at least 30 minutes and maintain an active hart rate of achieve a heart rate of 60-75% of their max heart rate.

Upon completion of the session participants will be able to:
· Identify at least two different exergaming products.

By the end of the session participants will:

Select her favorite exergaming product.

(Major Teaching Points)
(Give necessary information)

1. Describe different recommended physical activities that can be done to reach moderate intensity and vigorous intensity exercise by using exergaming products

2. Explain importance of physical activity

3. Provide information about frequency, duration and intensity that a TECH-Girl should target each week

4. Recall healthy habit of the week

Equipment / Materials Needed
· Name tags

· Computers/ Internet/ TECH-Girl Website

· Chat room (website)

· Video presentation, timer

· Identifying favorite exergaming product survey (website)

· TECH-Girls Room (all equipment for planned exergaming)

(How will students be grouped, etc

1. Participant will receive the name tag at the beginning of the session

2. Students will work individually at the computer lab & TECH-Room

(Describe, in detail, the activity to reinforce this session)

1. Participants will have 5 min to chat with the classmate that has been assigned as a accountability partner

2. Participants will identify favorite website in an interface of the website

3. Participants will have 30 minutes to exergaming

Time Schedule (60 min max)
0-2 min Introduction

3-15 min Short video presentation

15-20 min Chat room & identify favorite exergame

25-55 min Exergaming Machines (Gamercize Sport) for 30’

55-60 min Questions, summary and closure.

(Steps to check for student understanding)

1. Instructor will have administrator access to the website that will allow him/her to corroborate that activities were completed (Chat and choosing favorite exergame product)

Summary / Explanations Closure
Participants will be encouraged to review the website while at home and experiment using all the features available

Session Evaluation / Comments
Participants will receive an online satisfaction survey every week

Program Name: TECH-Girl Program Session #4

Ages: 11-12 Health Topic: Home Physical Activities Prepared by NAME

Session Overview & Purpose (GOAL)
To guide participants to be physically active at home by using online products
Behavioral Objective
Cognitive Objective
Affective Objective
During this session participants will:
· Update electronic PA diary

· Exergaming for at least 30 minutes and maintain an active hart rate of achieve a heart rate of 60-75% of their max heart rate.

Upon completion of the session participants will be able to:
· List at least three tips to be physically active at home

By the end of the session participants will:

Select one tip that she consider feasible to implement at home.

(Major Teaching Points)
(Give necessary information)

1. Demonstrate how to found physical activity videos available on the program website

2. List of tips to be physically active at home

3. Explain student that their parent will need to sign PA homework form

4. Demonstrate how to connect with the TEN exergame network

Equipment / Materials Needed
· Name tags

· Computers/ Internet/ TECH-Girl Website

· Video presentation, timer

· Identifying favorite tip to be active at home survey (website)

TECH-Girls Room (all equipment for planned exergaming)

(How will students be grouped, etc

1. Participant will receive the name tag at the beginning of the session

2. Students will work individually at the computer lab & TECH-Room

(Describe, in detail, the activity to reinforce this session)

1. Participants will have 5 min to update PA diary

2. Participants will identify favorite tip to implement at home in an interface of the website

3. Participants will have 30 minutes to exergaming

Time Schedule (60 min max)
0-2 min Introduction

3-15 min Short video presentation

15-20 min identify favorite PA tip

25-55 min Workout Exergaming 30’ (Wii Fit Plus)

55-60 min Questions, summary

(Steps to check for student understanding)

Instructor will have administrator access to the website that will allow him/her to corroborate that activities were completed (PA diary and choosing PA tip)

Summary / Explanations Closure
Participants will be encouraged to review the website while at home and experiment using all the features available and complete PA homework

Session Evaluation / Comments (self-assessment)
Participants will receive an online satisfaction survey every week.

Program Name: Healthy & Wise Heart -Men Wellness Program Session #5

Ages: 11-12 years old Health Topic: Healthy Eating Prepared by NAME

Session Overview & Purpose (GOAL)
To guide participants to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages
Behavioral Objective
Cognitive Objective
Affective Objective
During this session participants will:
· Update electronic PA diary

· Exergaming for at least 30 minutes and maintain an active hart rate of achieve a heart rate of 60-75% of their max heart rate

Upon completion of the session participants will be able to:
· List two negative effects of sugar-sweetened beverages

By the end of the session participants will:

Select her favorite technology app to review caloric value and sodium in a drink

(Major Teaching Points)
(Give necessary information)

1. Describe threshold for “healthy drinks”: sugar-sweetened beverages

2. Describe reasons to avoid sugar-sweetened beverage

3. Demonstrate how to use technology aids available (websites and apps) to review caloric value and sodium in sugar-sweetened beverage

Equipment / Materials Needed
· Name tags

· Computers/ Internet/ TECH-Girl Website

· Video presentation, timer

· Identifying favorite technology App Survey

· TECH-Girls Room (all equipment for planned exergaming)

(How will students be grouped, etc

1. Participant will receive the name tag at the beginning of the session

2. Students will work individually at the computer lab & TECH-Room

(Describe, in detail, the activity to reinforce this session)

· Participants will have 5 min to update PA diary

· Participants will identify favorite technology app

· Participants will have 30 minutes to exergaming

Time Schedule (60 min max)
0-2 min Introduction

3-15 min Short video presentation

15-20 min identify favorite technology App

25-55 min Exergaming Machines (Gamercize Sport) for 30’

55-60 min Questions, summary and closure.

(Steps to check for student understanding)

Instructor will have administrator access to the website that will allow him/her to corroborate that activities were completed (PA diary and choosing technology App)

Summary / Explanations Closure
Participants will be encouraged to review the website while at home and experiment using all the features available and complete PA homework.

Session Evaluation / Comments (self-assessment)
Participants will receive an online satisfaction survey every week.


Resources and Materials:

The TECH-Girls website interface

TECH-Girls Room Station & Computer Lab


Video-Presentation Outline:

The videopresentations will ve available online, teachers will not need to prepare materials.Materials will be developed by an expert in instructional design. Student will review videos individually in the computer lab. Teacher will put the pace of the session.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Getting Acquainted!!!

· Explain TECH-Girl meaning

T- Technology Integration,

E- Ecological model component

C -Collaboration component H -Healthy Habits Component

· Introduce student to the annual conference, diploma and rewards.

· Demonstration on how to navigate on the TECH-Girls program website

· Demonstration on how to create an TECH-Girl account

· Provide an introduction about benefit of physical activity/ exergames and exergame methodologies

· Statistics available

· Results on other elementary schools

· Introduce participants to the healthy habit of this week

· Importance of drinking water

Healthy- Journaling and Networking!!

· Demonstration how to use the electronic daily journal and chat room.

· Describe importance of keeping a journal of physical activity

· Provide the threshold of physical activity for their age

60 min/day (CDC)

· Demonstration how to find other exergame networks

· Provide a tour to different websites

· BAM (CDC website)

· CDC Guidelines tools for students and parents

· TEN exergame network

· Full up to play 60

Get Moving!!!

· Description of different physical activities that can be done to reach moderate intensity and vigorous intensity exercise by using exergaming products:

· Control Exergaming

· Rhythm Exergaming

· Exergaming Machines

· Workout Exergaming Sensory Exergaming

· Explain importance of physical activity

· Fitness

· Academic Achievement

· Prevent Risk factors

· Provide information about frequency, duration and intensity that a TECH-Girl should target each week

CDC guidelines & recommendations

· Recall healthy habit of the week

Home Activities!!

· Demonstration how to found physical activity videos available on the program website

· List of tips to be physically active at home

· Dancing while watching T

· Using stairs

· Walking and Biking around the house

· Walking your dog

· Playing outside

· Demonstrate how to connect with the exergame network

Healthy Eating

· Description threshold for “healthy drinks”: sugar-sweetened beverages

Include dramatic relief video (Coca-Cola as a car battery cleaner)

· Describe reasons to avoid sugar-sweetened beverage

· Demonstrate how to use technology aids available (websites and apps) to review caloric value and sodium in sugar-sweetened beverage

Include illustration for the nutrition facts an place for looking for calories and sodium

Outline Surveys

Each session will have an online survey to verify students understanding. This survey will function as a verification process for each lesson.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Getting Acquainted!!!

PA Questionnaire (a pre-validated tool will be used)

Identifying favorite exergame electronic survey:

· Which one of the following is not an exergame?

· Which one of the following is your favorite exergame?

Healthy- Journaling and Networking!!

Identifying favorite website survey:

· How many minutes you should exercise according to the CDC website?

· Which one of the following is your favorite website?

Get Moving!!!

Identifying favorite exergaming product survey

· What is the CDC recommendation about frequency and intensity of PA?

· Mention two exergame products

· Which one is your favorite exergame product?

Home Activities!!

Identifying favorite tip to be active at home survey

· Mention three tips to be physically active at home

· Which one is your favorite one?

Healthy Eating

Identifying favorite technology App Survey

· List two negative effects of sugar-sweetened beverages

· Which one is your favorite technology app?

You are the Wellness Director at the Rutledge Hill Community Center and you have been asked to develop a month long 4 session comprehensive program plan to launch for a yearlong program to encourage adult community members to become more physically active. Develop a four session program plan (example: Tuesdays at 5:00; 1-hour sessions) that will motivate and equip community member to become more active . You may identify a ‘specific’ group of group as your ‘priority population’ (i.e. young mothers, elderly, working women, stay-at-home moms, etc.) and you may plan for men AND women, or specifically for men OR women. Be sure to include ALL resources you would need to implement each of the 4 sessions. Your plan should include the following:

1. Title Page (Program name, etc.)

2. Introduction (describe your population and approach).

3. Program Overview (describe the program, including your ‘strategic plan’)

a. Program Mission, Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Evaluation

4. 4 Day Program Unit/Block Plan

5. 4 Session Plans (detailed plans or one hour sessions)

a. Session 1-Session Plan

i. Session 1 Resources

ii. All resources and materials i.e. detailed lecture outlines, assessments, descriptions of activities, etc.)

b. Session 2-Session Plan

i. Session 2 Resources

ii. All resources and materials i.e. detailed lecture outlines, assessments, descriptions of activities, etc.)

c. Session 3-Session Plan

i. Session 3 Resources

ii. All resources and materials i.e. detailed lecture outlines, assessments, descriptions of activities, etc.)

d. Session 4-Session Plan

i. Session 4 Resources

ii. All resources and materials i.e. detailed lecture outlines, assessments, descriptions of activities, etc.)

6. Appendix: include any supportive materials or resources to enhance your program.

Teaching philosophy in clinical nursing education

Develop your personal teaching philosophy. Teaching philosophies express your values and beliefs about teaching.
Purpose: Your personal teaching philosophy is a statement that demonstrates purposeful reflection about your teaching and communicates your goals as a teacher. It encourages you to articulate your personal theory of learning, a description of how you teach and justification for why you teach that way.

Teaching philosophies vary in length. For the purposes of this activity, you have a word limit of 500 words.

Format of Teaching Philosophy:

The text of your teaching philosophy is 500 words.

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Assignment 4: Written Paper 3 (Week 6)

Assignment 4: Written Paper 3 (Week 6)
In 2-3 pages, compare and contrast the European and North American freight transportation systems, globalized trade, and global policy implications . Lastly, reviewing the future research, what part do you find interesting and why?
Submission Instructions: Please attach the assignment in Word Format
Save and submit paper with the following name line: STUDENTLASTNAMECOURSE#ASSGN#
All written submissions should be submitted in a font and page set-up that is readable, neat. and adheres to the APA format, which is described below.
Typewritten in double-spaced format with a readable style and font and submitted inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom access is not possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor).
Arial 11 or 12-point font or Times New Roman styles.
Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation made for special situations and online submission variances.
Paragraph spacing should be zero, zero, double, without space between paragraphs
References should be a minimum of two references, except where additional references are specified (APA format)
Citations – review University requirements, as well as plagiarism guidelines
Abstract and table of contents are not required except as specified in assignment instructions
Mr. Curtis document
Your firm has a well-respected economic research staff. The staff members have been successful in developing econometric models that can predict macroeconomic variables with a surprisingly degree of accuracy. The economic research staff would like to know which variables to monitor if options are ultimately used by the firm. Write a 1-2 page document to Mr. Curtis explaining how the listed variables impact the prices of call options and what the associated theory is behind each relationship:
•. Stock price
•. Risk-free rate
•. Exercise price
•. Stock volatility
It is also important to recognize if put-call parity conditions are being met; if not, an arbitrage opportunity exists for the firm. In the following situation, identify whether or not an arbitrage opportunity exists if
• The call price = $1.15.
• Exercise price = $22.50.
• Time to expiration = 60 days.
• Put price = $0.55.

Organizational and Change Theory Paper

Although an organization may be a jungle of personalities and numerous challenges, positive changes can occur. This happens because of the dedication nursing leaders and those around them have. It is not easy to change the minds of many individuals, but with knowledge of appropriate change theories and perseverance, it is possible to bring about the changes you desire.

Based on the theories of organizational and change management presented in the text and this week’s readings, analyze a change that has happened at your place of employment, including how effectively this change was handled. Write a 2–3 page paper addressing how well the change process worked. As a nurse leader, what would you have done differently to make the change more effective?

Process Billing/Coding Scenario Essay

The process of reimbursement involves many responsibilities. For this writing assignment, imagine you are a reimbursement specialist in a physician’s office. In a one-page essay, describe the process of reimbursement step by step, starting at the point that the services have been coded and ending when the claim is paid in its entirety. Select one type of insurance (Private insurance such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, or Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) and use it while completing your paper. Enter your work into a Word document named “BillingProcess”. Process Billing/Coding Scenario Essay.

Include at least the following in your document:

Claims completion (CMS-1500)

Describe the key pieces of the information needed, in a list

What should go into Box 1

What should go into Box 2

The claim verification process

Claims payment, including:

Verification/accuracy of payment

Possible rejections and how to appeal them

Payment posting. Process Billing/Coding Scenario Essay.

Billing/collection from patients


Note: Write the paper as if they are instructions for a new employee.

Health Insurance Claim Form

Process Billing/Coding Scenario Essay

Post – Need Done In 12 Hours!

Min 300 words, 1 scholar article (no older than 5 years), APA format



Reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned on healthcare systems, politics, and health policy. Read the article that is linked below and share insights as how to make informed decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global basis.

In addition, state how you will apply what you have learned in this course to your upcoming practicum experience. Note: it is welcome but not necessary to post your own references this week in your discussion responses. Enjoy the reading and simply reflect with us.

READ ARTICLE TO ANSWER POST. ( you may site the article) ——–>

Read the article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by:

Kohl, H.W., Craig, C. L., Lambert, E.V., Inoue, S., Alkandari, J.R., Leetonngin, G., & Kahlmeier, K. (2012). The

pandemic of physical inactivity: Global action for public health. The Lancet, 380(9838), 294-305. doi:


A systems approach to dealing with the global issue of physical inactivity is discussed.

Validity And Reliability In Qualitative Research

500 words!!

Evaluation and standards of research quality are important in both qualitative and quantitative research. Reliability and validity are two measures of research rigor, both important for scholar-practitioners to understand in order to conduct and interpret quality research. Validity and reliability constructs are approached differently in quantitative and qualitative research. After viewing the presentation and the Reading and Study material for this module, respond to the following:

Describe validity and reliability measures for qualitative research and how they compare to quanitative research constructs.

Which validation and reliability constructs can you employ in your ADRP study?

Why is demonstrating validity and reliability important for a Christian researcher?