Movie Report

Choose from the following movies

1. A beautiful Mind

2. Fight Club

3. Black Swan

4. The Soloist

All of these movies depict what it is like to live with Schizophrenia – some more successfully than others. Pick one to watch, then tell me how you feel after watching it. How do you feel about the main character, their coping skills, and those who loved and cared about them?

HPRS- 1303-Five Stages Of Death And Dying Discussion

Hello this is a End of Life Issues class discussion post and the instructions is below.. please read and NO plagiarism..This is due May 6, 2018 before 11:59 pm central time.

Please list and summarize the five stages of death and dying providing a separate paragraph explaining what each stage entails.

Please follow APA formatting conventions, providing references and in-text citations. (please list references)make sure it is in APA format!!!!)

Remember, your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peer

Lunchbox Differences

Topic: Lunchbox Differences
Order Description
Assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that predispose communities and populations to injury, illness, and death. These factors are not always visible to those in positions to educate or affect change. View the video: “Lunchbox Differences in Decile 1 and Decile 10 Schools.” The video can be accessed using the following link:
Describe the concerns depicted by researchers. What relationship does this have to injury, illness, and death in the school-aged child?


724.8.5: Foundations of Inquiry – The graduate differentiates between quality improvement processes, evidence based practice and research.
724.8.6 Literature Review and Analysis – The graduate demonstrates knowledge of the process and outcomes of conducting a literature review.
724.8.7: Ethics and Research – The graduate demonstrates understanding of the ethics of nursing research particularly human subjects’ protections, informed consent and alignment with patient and family values and preferences.
724.8.8: Patient Outcomes – The graduate discriminates between identified standards and practices that do not provide improvements in patient outcomes utilizing relevant sources of evidence and the application of nursing theory.
724.8.9: Data Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination – The graduate describes the process of data collection, analysis and implementation of evidence that can improve clinical practice from an interprofessional perspective.


There are many sources of information available on the web and in journals relating to the nursing discipline. Therefore, it is of pivotal importance to understand the basic tenets of critical appraisal of research for its use in intraprofessional healthcare practices. The aim of evidence-based practice (EBP) is to employ a three-pronged approach blending the best available research evidence, patient values and preferences, and clinical expertise.

In this task, you will critique two primary research evidence sources. You will select one quantitative and one qualitative peer-reviewed journal article on a healthcare topic of interest.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality.

The rubric provides detailed criteria for evaluating your submission. You are expected to use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Note: Research evidence must not be more than ten years old.

A. Evaluate a primary quantitative research peer-reviewed journal article (suggested length of 3–5 pages) that has healthcare implications by doing the following:

1. Identify how the researcher addresses the five following areas of the selected journal article, using the attached “Evidence Table”:

• background or introduction

• review of the literature

• discussion of methodology

• data analysis

• researcher’s conclusion

2. Critique whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article supports the researcher’s conclusion.

3. Explain the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations of the journal article.

4. Identify strengths and limitations of the study.

5. Describe how the evidence informs nursing practice.
B. Evaluate a primary qualitative research peer-reviewed journal article (suggested length of 3–5 pages) that has healthcare implications by doing the following:

1. Identify how the researcher addresses the five following areas of the selected journal article, using the attached “Evidence Table”:

• background or introduction

• review of the literature

• discussion of methodology

• data analysis

• researcher’s conclusion

2. Critique whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article supports the researcher’s conclusion.

3. Explain the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations of the journal article.

4. Identify strengths and limitations of the study.

5. Describe how the evidence informs nursing practice.
C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

The disease to be discussed is cholera

The disease to be discussed is cholera

The intention of this project is to allow students to explore a medical topic of disease and laboratory diagnosis while providing an opportunity to earn class points toward their overall semester grade. The presentation must, at a minimum, be 20 slides but may be longer. The presentation must include the citation of sources in standard format. Items that must be covered: What is the disease? How is the disease contracted? When was it first discovered or diagnosed? How is it diagnosed, symptoms, lab tests used, etc What were the early forms of treatment, how were they administered and were they successful? What is the current modern methods of treatment? Medicines used? What is the patient prognosis? What is the fatality rate? What age group is most vulnerable to the disease? What is the probability of contracting the disease in the US? In other parts of the world? Where is the rate of acquiring it the highest?





Assignment: Applying Theory to Practice and Research

There are four common theories often used in public health. They are: the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Health Belief Model, the Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Trans-theoretical Stages of Change. While these are not the only theories used in public health, they are most often utilized in the field. As a future public health leader, it is imperative to have a firm understanding of these four widely used theories so you can understand what motivates and influences people to change their behavior or attitudes related to public health issues. For this Application Assignment, select one article for each theory or one article that discusses all of the theories and summarize the information. Focus on how the theory was applied in practice and how this information may help guide you in the development of your public health campaign (Prescription Drug Overdose)

Submit the assignment (4 pages not including title and reference page)

· Select one article on each of the following theories: Theory of Reasoned Action, Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Trans-theoretical Stages of Change or select one article that discusses all of the theories;

· Summarize how each theory is applied to practice;

· Explain two strengths of each theory;

· Explain at least two limitations of each of the theories;

· Select one theory you would like to use in the development of your public health campaign (PRESCRIPTION DRUG OVERDOSE) and justify your selection.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources(MIN 4). Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct

Term Paper: Where and how does the examination of long-term health impacts fit within the population health perspective?

Term Paper: Where and how does the examination of long-term health impacts fit within the population health perspective?

State the gap in nursing practice that is the focus of the project.

A Systematic Review on Evidenced Base Practices to improve influenza vaccine uptake among nurses in a government assisted hospital without a Madatory Policy requirement

To the Writer – This doctoral project aim is to get most current references (2013-2016) relating to development and planning for quality improvements relating to the paper topic. (This is a systematic literature review – please use PubMed, Cinahl etc)
Title Page – if you can condense my title to be 12 words or less with the same theme (appreciate).

Problem Statement –
Please note that it must be in one or 2 paragraphs state the relevance of the problem statement. THE CURRRENT PROBLEM IS THAT NURSES IN A HOSPITAL THAT DOES NOT MANDATE THE INFLUENZA VACCINE OFTEN REFUSE/DECLINE THE VACCINE. THE GOAL IS TO MAKE THEN SEE THE BENEFIT OF DOING IT. WE NEED TO GET THE VACCINE RATES HIGHER.). Please summarize and give supporting evidence that provides justification that this problem is meaningful and relevant to the field of medicine. State the gap in nursing practice that is the focus of the project.
List the guiding practice-focused question that will address the identified gap in nursing practice.

to highlight the development of quality improvement for nurses to be aware and take the influenza vaccine with or without policy mandate.
Context for the doctoral project – describe the intended practice setting and my relationship to the practice setting ( I am an employee health nurse who has in the past experienced difficulty with low rates for the flu vaccine without a mandate, wanted to find out how to increase the acceptance rate what methods improved dramatically, for the last 2 – 3 years what has other facility done to greatly improve their scores.
POSSIBLE SOURCES OF EVIDENCE – List sources of date that can address practice focused question. (Evidence must be based on literature review most recent years.

Write your own definition for each concept of the metaparadigm of nursing. Which concept would you add to the metaparadigm of nursing and why?

find a new journal article or case study, and explain how nursing models, theories, research, and master’s level practice are related to each other. If applicable, frame your discussion post within the context of your current or desired area of clinical expertise (Operating Room).

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After reading this week’s assigned text book(Mc Ewen,M and wills.M(2014) Theoretical basis for nursing, 4th edition. Read Chapter 1,2,3 and 4. think about your nursing philosophy. In your own words, discuss your philosophy of nursing. Reflect on the definition of the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. Write your own definition for each concept of the metaparadigm of nursing. Which concept would you add to the metaparadigm of nursing and why? Which concept would you eliminate and why?

Your paper should be 1-2 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins. Cite at least one outside sources using APA format.

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