Write my Nursing Paper-Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area

In your flyer, include:
The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision.
Potential advantages of membership in the organization.
Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization).
Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience.
Further Directions
Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization.
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Week 14

Discussion Question: Discuss an advantage and one disadvantage of one non-narcotic drug used for chronic pain syndrome. APA style 250 words

The Canadian health care system: Comparison with that of Germany and the United States

In this essay question, the Canadian health care system has been compared with that of Germany and the United States. To start with, Canada indirectly provides health services through a tax-funded public system, which is accessible to all Canadians. Citizens receive coverage from ambulatory services, inpatient services, prescription medications, physician services, community health services, disease prevention programs, and health protection programs. Most hospitals are nonprofit, autonomous entities that provide inpatient and ambulatory services, diagnostic testing, and other services. The Canadian system has been providing successfully a universal access to care regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. Canada’s success in providing universal access and caring for the less fortunate has been a great source of pride for its citizens, who look at it as giving a striking contrast to the US system which leaves many people uninsured. Moreover, the health care renewal accord, which was adopted in 2003, consisted of an agreement, which articulated what needed to be done to reinvigorate the Canadian health system. In the latter regard, items such as funding, objectives, visions, and so forth were illuminated and prioritized. The priorities, which were established, included additional investments in primary health care, home care, and catastrophic drug coverage, to insure for a more long-term strategic functionality of the Canadian healthcare system. Hospitals are staffed with physicians, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, aides, and other various health care professionals. The physicians organize and provide a variety of health care services, and they are compensated primarily through fee for service payments. Like Sweden, Canada provides universal access with high quality care, but struggles to contain costs. Like the UK, Canada implicitly rations care through primary care gate keeping and by imposing waiting lists for specialized care. Recent reforms have focused on maintaining high quality while controlling costs.

Discussion #3-see attachment

Please write the discussion for #2 and write 2 short answers for #1 and 3 with references.

the heading: Discussion # 3

Use references from scholarly literature to support all postings. APA format required.

You Be the Judge

Mrs. M. was admitted to an acute care facility for removal of a noncancerous brain lesion. Following her surgical procedure, she had problems swallowing, but no difficulty with respirations and breathing. On x-ray, her lungs showed no signs of congestion or infiltration. She was receiving humidified oxygen via an oxygen mask.

During transport from her hospital room to x-ray for a repeat chest film, the humidifier attached to her oxygen line was allowed to lay on its side, allowing water to accumulate and enter the patient’s lungs. The sole person who transported Mrs. M. to the x-ray department was an untrained patient transporter. The patient subsequently experienced aspiration pneumonia and was readmitted to the intensive care unit.

Following her recovery, the patient brought suit for the mishandling of the oxygen humidifier, subsequent aspiration pneumonia, and additional recovery time. At the trial, the patient transporter admitted that he had received no training regarding the transportation of patient receiving humidified oxygen and was not aware that there were any special precautions needed for transporting a patient who was receiving humidified oxygen. The plaintiff’s attorney presented no expert witness testimony regarding professional standards for patient transporter. The court ruled in favor of the medical center, noting that expert testimony was required. The patient appealed. (Guido, p. 71)


1. Was an expert witness needed for the jury to understand the issues being tried?

2. Did the patient transporter’s testimony negate the need for expert testimony regarding standards for patient transporter when the patient was receiving humidified oxygen via an oxygen mask?

3. If it was determined that expert testimony was needed, what type of qualifications would you have chosen for the expert in this case?

4. How would you decide the appeal?



Integrated Logistics for DEP/GARD

Management Case Rubric

Case 1, pp. 431-434

(Answer only questions 1, 3, & 5)

Please see my feedback in green.

Point breakdown

Content 120/120

G/S (grammar, spelling, questions) 5/5

Total 125/125

General Requirements:

a. There are 125 points per case

b. One hundred twenty points will be divided equally among the questions (e.g., 4 questions @ 30 points each, 3 questions @ 40 points each, etc.)

c. Five points will be based upon correct use of grammar, spelling, neatness, and inclusion of the case question.

d. Full credit will be given if you meet the following requirements:

· Your answer addresses the questions directly

· Your answer addresses all parts of a multiple-part question

· Your answer includes terms and concepts from the text

· Your answer includes examples from the case

e. Please see the rubric for each management case for specific question requirements



Q1: Diagram the DEP/GARD supply chain (done – see above) What stages are adding value? What stages are not?


Full Credit

40 points

75% Credit

30 points

50% Credit

20 points

25% Credit

10 points


Please review the description of DEP’s supply chain diagram above and the description on pages 433-434.

A) Indicate 4 stages of this supply chain that ADD VALUE, including 1 sentence (per stage) that explains why you feel value is added .

B) Indicate 4 stages of this supply chain that DO NOT ADD VALUE, including 1 sentence (per stage) that explains why you feel value is not added.


A) Indicate 3 stages of this supply chain that ADD VALUE, including 1 sentence(per stage) that explains why you feel value is added.

B) Indicate 3 stages of this supply chain that DO NOT ADD VALUE, including 1 sentence(per stage) that explains why you feel value is not added.


A) Indicate 2 stages of this supply chain that ADD VALUE, including 1 sentence (per stage) that explains why you feel value is added.

B) Indicate 2 stages of this supply chain that DO NOT ADD VALUE, including 1 sentence (per stage) that explains why you feel value is not added.


A) Indicate 1 stage of this supply chain that ADD VALUE, including 1 sentence(per stage) that explains why you feel value is added.

B) Indicate 1 stage of this supply chain that DO NOT ADD VALUE, including 1 sentence (per stage) that explains why you feel value is not added.



Q3: Can the performance cycle be improved through the use of the 25 percent and 15 percent companies? What trade-offs must be made to use these suppliers?


Full Credit

40 points

75% Credit

30 points

50% Credit

20 points

25% Credit

10 points


A) Identify the Company# and Chemical Compound pair that do NOT MEET the expected performance days criteria laid out on p. 433 (Hint: include ALL suppliers – there are 6 that exceed the allowed days)

B) Compare and identify four 15% or 25% companies and the respective chemical compounds they supply that might take some of the 60% company’s share of the compound (ex. Compound A companies 2 or 3 provide better service levels than company 1).

C)Explain in 2-3 sentences what the trade-offs might be if you give the 15% and 25% companies more business (hint: why are they only 15 – 25% in the first place?)


A) Same as “Full Credit”, but only identify four Company# and Chemical Compound pairs.

B) Same as “Full Credit”, but only compare and identify three 15% or 25% companies and the compounds they provide.

C) Same as “Full Credit”


A) Same as “Full Credit”, but only identify three Company# and Chemical Compound pairs.

B) Same as “Full Credit”, but only compare and identify two 15% or 25% companies and the compounds they provide.

C) Same as “Full Credit”


A) Same as “Full Credit”, but only identify two Company# and Chemical Compound pairs.

B) Same as “Full Credit”, but only compare and identify one 15% or 25% companies and the compounds they provide.

C) Same as “Full Credit”



Q5: What will likely be “qualifying criteria” and “order winning criteria”? Will these change over time? What does this suggest about supply chain management?


Full Credit

40 points

75% Credit

30 points

50% Credit

20 points

25% Credit

10 points


A) List THREE “qualifying” criteria that GARD expects from its suppliers.

B) List THREE “order winning” criteria that GARD expects from its suppliers.

(Hint: Chapter 4 provides both basic and enhanced criteria upon which to evaluate potential and current suppliers)

C) In 4-6 sentences, explain why you feel criteria may change over time, and why suppliers must keep up with improvements in supply chain management.


A) List TWO “qualifying” criteria that GARD expects from its suppliers.

B) List TWO “order winning” criteria that GARD expects from its suppliers.

(Hint: Chapter 4 provides both basic and enhanced criteria upon which to evaluate potential and current suppliers)

C) In 4-6 sentences, explain why you feel criteria may change over time, and why suppliers must keep up with improvements in supply chain management.


A) List ONE “qualifying” criterion that GARD expects from its suppliers.

B) List ONE “order winning” criterion that GARD expects from its suppliers.

(Hint: Chapter 4 provides both basic and enhanced criteria upon which to evaluate potential and current suppliers)

C) In 4-6 sentences, explain why you feel criteria may change over time, and why suppliers must keep up with improvements in supply chain management.







(1 Week)





DEP Truck



60% 60%

Company 5








25% 25%

60% 60%




Company 6

Company 4

Company 3

Company 2

Company 1



Materials Inventory

(1 Week)


Remote Warehouse


DEP Truck

Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Company 6
60%60%15%15% 25%25%15%15% 15%15%25%25% 60% 60% 60% 60% 25% 25%

In one single spaced page or 2 double spaced pages you have to write about: Motivation and Rewards System Explain how the established organization motivate and rewards its members’ performance. Do your writing about the both sides Team members in the organization and Clints or customers (Parents & Childern) I have attached the case for the project so by reading the case you will be able to know the way to motivate and reward. I also attached the power point slides in order to know the material about motivation and reward system. attachment ch7.pptx attachment ch8.pptx attachment group_proje

Pick a type of cancer to research. Find articles that answer questions concerning your chosen type of cancer. This assignment will help you to organize the sources you will use in the Unit V Research Paper. An annotated bibliography consists of two parts: the reference citation in APA format, followed by the summary for that reference.  Your sources should address the following topics, which will be included in the Unit V Research Paper:

o Define cancer.

o Describe the type of cancer you selected.

o Describe the diagnosis: symptoms, diagnosis, staging, and prognosis.

o Discuss treatment options, including medicines/alternative treatments.

o Discuss causes/risk factors. o Include the incidence rate or statistics.

o Explain the resources you would use if you or someone you knew had this type of cancer.

o Discuss what you can do to help the fight against cancer.

o Include any other interesting facts.

BIO 1030, General Biology I 3  Create an annotated bibliography following the structure given in the example:

o Click here for the annotated bibliography example.

o Find four to six current sources (published within the last five years).

o Note that the reference citations should be organized in alphabetical order.

o Summaries should not include opinions; rather, summaries should contain a short synopsis of the article, and no direct quotes should be present. End your summary with one or two sentences on why that source was selected and how it is of value to your research topic.

Each summary should be at least 50 words in length.

 You must use at least two articles from any of the CSU Online Library databases to create your annotated bibliography. The remaining sources may include the textbook and credible websites other than Wikipedia.

Posted: A Year AgoBudget: $20

Pathopharmacological Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice

As an advanced practice nurse, it is important to diagnose, treat, and evaluate patients who have chronic disease. A nurse must understand how pathology, treatment, regimens, and psycho-social issues affect patients and the care they receive. Disease management is more than just monitoring a medication or treatment; it is evaluating the disease process from the micro to macro level. As a nurse with an advanced degree, you will be expected to assess patients and individual and population responses to chronic illness.

For this assessment, you will investigate pathopharmacological issues related to a specific disease process. You may choose to investigate traumatic brain injury, depression, obesity, asthma, or heart disease. As part of this assessment, you will analyze the various impacts the disease process has on the patients, their families, and populations at a local, national, and international level.


A. Investigate one of the following disease processes: traumatic brain injury, depression, obesity, asthma, or heart disease.
1. Analyze the pathophysiology of the disease process you selected in part A.
2. Discuss the standard of practice for the selected disease process.
a. Discuss the evidence-based pharmacological treatments in your state and how they affect management of the selected disease in your community.
b. Discuss clinical guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and patient education for the selected disease process.
c. Compare the standard practice for managing the disease within your community with state or national practices.
3. Discuss characteristics of and resources for a patient who manages the selected disease well, including access to care, treatment options, life expectancy, and outcomes.
a. Analyze disparities between management of the selected disease on a national and international level.
4. Discuss three or four factors (e.g., financial resources, access to care, insured/uninsured, Medicare/Medicaid) that contribute to a patient being able to manage the selected disease
a. Explain how a lack of the factors discussed in part A4 leads to an unmanaged disease process.
i. Describe characteristics of a patient with the selected disease that is unmanaged.

B. Analyze how the selected disease process affects patients, families, and populations in your community.

1. Discuss the financial costs associated with the selected disease process for patients, families, and populations from diagnosis to treatment.

C. Discuss how you will promote best practices for managing the selected disease in your current healthcare organization.

1. Discuss three strategies you could use to implement best practices for managing the selected disease in your current healthcare organization.
2. Discuss an appropriate method to evaluate the implementation of each of the strategies from part C1.

D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Implementation of IOM Future of Nursing Report

Implementation of IOM Future of Nursing Report

In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development. What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?

Explore the Campaign for Action webpage: https://campaignforaction.org/states

Review your state’s progress report by locating your state and clicking on one of the six progress icons for: education, leadership, practice, interpersonal collaboration, diversity, and data. You can also download a full progress report for your state by clicking on the box located at the bottom of the webpage.

In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words:

Discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”
Identify the importance of the IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing workforce development.
What is the role of state-based action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action?
Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s Action Coalition. In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers?

A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. I live in the state of Georgia

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J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2014 Sep; 18(Suppl 1): S2–S5.

doi: 10.4103/0973-029X.141175

PMCID: PMC4211232


Radhika M Bavle

Editor-in-Chief-JOMFP, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bangalore – 562 157, Karnataka,

India. E-mail: moc.liamg@pmoai.dar

Copyright : © Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, which

permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

NEOPLASM is an abnormal and un-coordinated growth of tissue, which is categorized by WHO (World Health Organization) as benign tumors, in-situ tumors, malignant tumors, and neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behavior.[1]

Cancer is a malignant tumor featuring abnormal cell growth and cellular division resulting in excessive cellular proliferation, with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.[2,3] Dysplasia is linked to altered tissue architecture, with one of the reasons being excessive cellular proliferation, leading in all probability to malignant transformation if not treated.[4]

The cell cycle, or cell-division cycle, is the series of events that take place in a cell leading to its division and duplication (replication) that produces two daughter cells.[5]

Cell division occurs in defined stages, which together comprise the cell cycle [Figure 1]. There are two types of cell division: Meiosis and Mitosis.

Figure 1 Cell cycle illustration with duration, regulation, and inhibitors

• MEIOSIS: Occurs during formation of the gametes, the number of chromosomes reduced to half in reproductive cell[6]

• MITOSIS: Mitosis is the process in which a eukaryotic cell nucleus splits in two, followed by division of the parent cell into two daughter cells.[6]

CELL CYCLE: Divided into two major events,[5]

• Interphase- Cell increases in size and replicates its genetic material • Mitosis • G phase- A resting phase where the cell has stopped dividing[5]



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• G phase- Cells increase in size in Gap 1. The G1 checkpoint control mechanism ensures that everything is ready for DNA synthesis[5]

• S phase- DNA replication occurs during this phase[5] • G phase- During the gap between DNA synthesis and mitosis, the cell will continue to grow. The G2

checkpoint control mechanism ensures that everything is ready to enter the M (mitosis) phase and divide [5]

• MITOSIS is subdivided into • PROPHASE- This is the first stage of mitosis. In this phase, chromosomes are distinctly seen and

centrioles move apart. Nuclear membrane disappears[7] [Figure 2]

Figure 2 (a) Photomicrograph (H&E stain, ×400) (b) hand drawn illustration showing prophase of mitosis with condensed nuclear chromatin

• METAPHASE- Chromosomes are lined up along the metaphase or equatorial plate[7] [Figure 3]

Figure 3 (a) Photomicrograph (H&E stain, ×400) (b) hand drawn illustration showing metaphase in mitosis

• ANAPHASE- Sister chromatids separate and begin to migrate to opposite poles of the cell and a cleavage furrow begins to develop[7] [Figure 4]

Figure 4 (a) Photomicrograph (H&E stain, ×400) (b) hand drawn illustration showing division of chromosomal material in anaphase of mitosis

• TELOPHASE- Terminal phase of mitosis and characterized by cytokinesis, reconstitution of nucleus and nuclear envelope, disappearance of mitotic spindle, and unwinding of chromosomes into chromatin.[7] [ Figure 5]

Figure 5 (a) Photomicrograph (H&E stain, ×400) (b) hand drawn illustration showing telophase in mitosis with complete division and formation of a new set of daughter cells


Mitosis occurs in the following circumstances:

• Development and growth • Cell replacement, repair, and regeneration • Asexual reproduction in some micro-organisms.

The turnover rate of oral mucosa ranges from 14 – 24 days depending on the site (buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth, etc.). Oral mucosa is a highly dynamic tissue that rapidly replaces its structure and contributes to oral health by maintaining an intact barrier that protects the underlying tissues from environmental stress. Mucosal renewal and repair depends on stem cells or basal or mother cells. Only stem cells have the ability to continuously generate new cells for whole lifetime and when they divide they both renew themselves and produce hierarchies of other cells that differentiate for tissue function.[8]




Defects of mitosis result in various nuclear abnormalities, namely, micronuclei, binucleation, broken egg appearance, pyknotic nuclei, and increased numbers of and/or abnormal mitotic figures.[9]

These abnormal mitotic figures (MFs) are commonly seen in oral epithelial dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma. Location and increased numbers of and/or abnormal mitotic figures are important criteria that carry increased weightage in the grading of dysplasias.[9]

Mitotic activity remains restricted to somatic stem cells that eventually repair injuries, and to committed stem cells that substitute for tissue turnover.[4]

The following are the criteria that characterize aberrations from regular mitotic activity in the soma:[4]

• Dislocated divisions with relentless persistency • Multipolar anaphase distortion [Figures 6 and 7]

Figure 6 (a) Photomicrograph (H&E stain, ×400) (b) hand drawn illustration showing abnormal mitosis with tripod formation

Figure 7 (a) Photomicrograph(H&E stain, ×400) (b) hand drawn illustration showing abnormal mitosis with tetrapod formation

• Centromere defects and chromosome misaggregation resulting in multiple mitotic figures • Spindle defects- Aberrant cellular divisions • Genome instability (Failures in check points and apoptotic system) resulting in proliferation and aberrant

chromosome division figures (CDFs) • Chromosome mutations- Acquisition of successive mutations leading to tumor initiation or syndromic

manifestations • Interphase aneuploidy • Chromosome division figures- Pathologic mitosis with aberrant DNA content.

The hypothesis on the understanding of mitosis is as an equational bipartition of the hereditary substance (Fleming 1879; Roux 1883). True mitoses guarantee the constancy of terminally differentiated tissues.[4]

Cellular division can be:

• Symmetric

• Asymmetric

Stem cells are capable of two types of symmetric divisions: A proliferation division resulting in the creation of two stem cells, and a differentiation division resulting in the creation of two differentiated cells[10] [Figure 8].

Figure 8 Types of cell division – asymmetric and symmetric cell division

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Asymmetric cell division [Figure 8] is suspected to play an important role in cancer, in particular with respect to the cancer stem cell hypothesis. The hypothesis states in essence that each tumor contains a relatively small population of cells capable of initiating and maintaining tumor growth. This hypothesis has enormous therapeutic implications, but also raises the possibility that defects in stem cell lineages may lead to tumor formation. Cancer stem cells as well as normal embryonic and adult stem cells are defined by both their ability to make more stem cells, a property known as self-renewal, and their ability to produce cells that differentiate. One strategy by which cancer stem cells can accomplish these two tasks is asymmetric cell division. Asymmetric division is a key mechanism to ensure tissue homeostasis.[10]

In normal stem and progenitor cells, asymmetric cell division balances proliferation and self-renewal with cell- cycle exit and differentiation. Disruption of asymmetric cell division leads to aberrant self-renewal and impairs differentiation, and could therefore constitute an early step in the tumorigenic transformation of stem and progenitor cells and result in formation of atypical/multipolar mitosis (According to studies done by Arnold (1879), von Hansemann (1890), Mendelsohn). The pathology of premalignant and malignant tumors is the given homeland for the pathology of mitosis.[11]

Stroebe (1892) described asymmetric mitosis occurrence in carcinoma and sarcoma and in normal regenerating and inflammatory tissues.[11]

Stains to visualize CDFs and atypical and typical mitotic figures include H and E, Crystal violet, toluidine blue, Giemsa stain and fluorescent microscopy. Newer prognosticators like immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, autoradiography, and DNA ploidy measurements are now on the forefront.[9]

The immunohistochemical labeling of MFs with the mitosis-specific antibody anti–phosphohistone H3 (PHH3) has been suggested as a promising method.[12]

Anti-PHH3 antibodies specifically detect the core protein histone H3 only when phosphorylated at serine 10 (Ser10) or serine 28 (Ser28). The phosphorylation of histone H3 is a rare event in interphase cells but a process almost exclusively occurring during mitosis.[12]


• Staff, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bangalore

• Dr. Shruti Singh and Dr. Padmalatha G.V, Postgraduate students, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bangalore.

Discussion on roles and responsibility in leadership and management

Select a topic for your Topic 3 Executive Summary assignment. Post your idea and basic thoughts about the topic using the Topic 3 Executive Summary assignment details. You should provide thoughts to your peers about their topics and ideas that may assist them in completing their projects.

Topic for Executive Summary assignment:

Improve care at the end of life in long term care facilities

This project will develop an educational program for staff and administrators aimed at improving the care of the dying in nursing homes (long-term care facilities). A qualitative research program will be pursued to identify the difficulties in providing humane care to dying residents in long-term care facilities. The qualitative research will include focus groups consisting of staff and administrators as well as interviews with the family members of recently deceased nursing home residents. The community liaison will be performing the research along with the nurses in the facilities helping perform interviews, making the cost for this program minimal. The project will be evaluated by Process-Based Evaluations. Process-based evaluations are geared to fully understanding how a program works — how does it produce that results that it does. These evaluations are useful if programs are long-standing and have changed over the years, employees or customers report a large number of complaints about the program, there appear to be large inefficiencies in delivering program services and they are also useful for accurately portraying to outside parties how a program truly operates

Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Improving Quality in Long-Term Care. (1970, January 01). Executive Summary. Retrieved December 11, 2017, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK224506/