How do nursing leaders manage multigenerational teams to maximize departmental effectiveness?

How do nursing leaders manage multigenerational teams to maximize departmental effectiveness?

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In a reflection paper, assess your nursing career through appreciative inquiry (Billings & Kowalski, 2008).
?Drawing on your own life stories and experiences, what does a nursing career mean to you?
?How does your nursing practice parallel the ANA (2001) Code of Ethics? List 4 specific examples from the Code of Ethics.
?What motivates you to remain in the nursing profession? Give an example through a personal story and what you learned that motivates you as a registered nurse.
?Develop 3 short-term and 3 long-term goals that emphasize your unique strengths.
?How will a BSN degree impact your short-term and long-term career goals?
?Be creative and talk about your personal journey as a nurse. Include a personal nursing philosophy in the reflection.

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Respond to the Discussion topics below. Your original response should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the assigned Readings for the week. Remember, this is your chance to illustrate not only your understanding, but also your mastery of the materials for the unit. Use your words wisely so the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Limit the use of direct quotes, and do your best to critically evaluate and synthesize the literature in your own words wherever possible. Make sure to include in-text citations and a reference list as appropriate.

In this unit’s Discussion Boards, you will relate developmental theories to the specific issues that are faced by children in their middle childhood. Typically, this is a time of great academic and social development as they enter their formal schooling years.

Discussion Topic
As children become more competent in their language skills, they interact more often with peers to learn and to socialize. When children struggle with speech or have reading problems, they often also struggle with making friends. Using the theories from your Reading and any other peer-reviewed resource, respond to the following questions.

One of the tasks of middle childhood is in developing age-appropriate skills (e.g., academic and social) that help children to feel confident in their overall abilities. Using Erikson’s theory of psychosocial theory in your explanation, how would you describe how children’s sense of self develops from both social interactions with peers and adults?
What are some interventions that can be used to help children who feel inferior to their peers gain more confidence? How does learned helplessness increase feelings of inferiority?
After evaluating your classmates’ proposed interventions, what suggestions would you offer to better facilitate their plans? Remember that psychologists often work on teams, so use this opportunity to build interventions as a class (team).
Next, read “A trip to the zoo: Children’s words and photographs” research article. Note the key differences in photographs and descriptions between the younger and older children. Use this article and your understanding of cognitive development (especially Piaget, Vygotsky, or information processing) to respond to the questions.

Using the cognitive development theory of your choice, compare the differences in photographs and descriptions between children in the youngest group and the older children. Why are their perceptions of what they saw so different from each other?
Propose a follow-up study that would support your conclusions about the cognitive differences between younger and older children. Be creative and use the same cognitive development theory as you did to respond to the first question.

America tropical seomotic analysis (Essay Sample)

Write a 4-5 pages semiotic analysis of the America Tropical mural – which is your topic. Please rely on the links of semiotics which I emailed you in addition to some general annotated sources on the mural. Please only use the sources that i provide. Please follow their link. I will upload all the sources. When writing a semiotic essay, you have all the freedom to interpret your topic in a personally meaningful way, as long as you provide cultural or theoretical evidence to back up your readings. Semiotics simply means to the study of symbols or signs that means that you are theorizing about possible understanding of a literary phenomenon or cultural. You may be required to analyse and identify a symbol or a sign from literary work or write an analysis of a specific cultural for instance cultural fascination with toy dogs. Your semiotic essay should focus tightly on three to five possible interpretation of the sign under study. The following are tips for writing a successful semiotic essay Read the assigned poem, short story or novel, if applicable. If your assignment entails you to identify meaningful sign from a piece of literature, you are required to read the material once to ground yourself in the plot, setting, and characterization of the work. Preferably, you need to read the material a second time, making draft notes in the margins and identifying the recurring themes that interest you. As a student of the study of symbols and signs, you need to dig deeper, searching for motifs or themes beyond the obvious. Summarize your sign to align the breadth of your study with the assigned essay length. Whether given a sign, for instance a growing trend toward vegetarian diets, or you choose your own sign from literature or culture, you need to focus on a specific aspect of your sign. Narrow the scope to your essay specific and tight. Brainstorm about possible understanding of your sign. If you write your essay is about urban vegan trends, you may read that sign as an indication of a growing health initiative, an urban change towards eating patterns that emphasize natural, whole foods that are low in saturated fat Write the introduction of your essay, Name your particular sign and set it up for your reader in a relevant literary, historical, theoretical, social, or cultural context. Make a conclusion of your opening section with a thesis that alludes to your understanding of the literary or cultural signifier under study. Build the body of your essay using three to five of your interpretations of the sign under study. Each interpretation gets its own group of paragraphs, depending on the length of the essay. Avoid repeating your ideas;rather get into a deeper explanation of your understanding for each of your theories. . Make a conclusion of your semiotic essay with an illustration of the significance of your symbols in its context. Describe why it is significant and drive home the importance of your theories source..

Powerpoint I Need It Completed Today!!!!!!!!

This PowerPoint should of a quality that one would expect to see accompanying an oral presentation. The PowerPoint should be no more than ten slides long, present your topic clearly. You will be required to create a 7-10 minute PowerPoint presentation outlining your research paper. Video clips are encouraged but videos may not exceed two (2) minutes total.

1-Comprehensive Description of a Communicable Disease and the Demographic of Interest:

1-Comprehensive Description of a Communicable Disease and the Demographic of Interest: Overview describing the demographic of interest and clinical description of the communicable disease is presented with a thorough, accurate, and clear overview of all of the clinical descriptors.

2-Determinants of Health and Explanation of How Determinants Contribute to Disease Development:Paper comprehensively discusses the determinants of health in relation to the communicable disease, explains their contribution to disease development, and provides evidence to support main points.
3-Epidemiologic Triangle (Host Factors, Agent Factors, and Environmental Factors):The communicable disease is described thoroughly, accurately, and clearly within an epidemiological model. A visual description of the model and how the components of the model interact is included.
4-Role of the Community Health Nurse:Discussion of the role of the community health nurse is clear, comprehensive, and inclusive of the community nurse’s responsibilities to primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention through tasks such as case finding, reporting, data collection and analysis, and follow up.
5-National Agency or Organization That Works to Addresses Communicable Disease:An agency or organization is identified. A clear and accurate description of efforts to address communicable disease is offered.
6-Thesis Development and Purpose:Thesis is comprehensive, contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
7-Paragraph Development and Transitions:There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.
8-Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use):Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
9-Global Implication:A discussion of the global implication of the disease is clear, comprehensive, and inclusive with a comprehensive description of how this is addressed in other countries or cultures and if the disease is endemic to a particular area. An example is provided.
10-Paper Format:All format elements are correct.
11-Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment):In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance completing this assignment.
Communicable Disease Selection
Choose one communicable disease from the following list:
1. Chickenpox
2. Tuberculosis
3. Influenza
4. Mononucleosis
5. Hepatitis B
6. HIV
7. Ebola
8. Measles
9. Polio
10. Influenza
Epidemiology Paper Requirements
Address the following:
1. Describe the communicable disease (causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment) and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time, whom to report to, etc.
2. Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.
3. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. (The textbook describes each element of the epidemiologic triangle). Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population?
4. Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collecting, data analysis, and follow-up).
5. Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organization(s) contributes to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.
6. Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to a particular area? Provide an example.
A minimum of three peer-reviewed or professional references is required.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Pathophysiology And Nursing

Write a paper (1,250-1,750 words) describing the approach to care of cancer. In addition, include the following in your paper:
1. Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.
2. Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.
3. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

The prototype should match the overall design created in the Case Study assignment and should provide evidence that the intended design will work

he Prototype should address the following requirements:

The prototype should match the overall design created in the Case Study assignment and should provide evidence that the intended design will work.
A basic visual interface to support navigation of the program and identify the future functionality of the application.
No subsystem functionality is required but stubs to connectivity points for subsystems should be identified and have the ability to perform basic functionality tests.
All code should be well-documented with comments.
The program should run without significant errors.
Include a documen

nucleic acid molecules in a eukaryotic cell

A biology student found two fragments of nucleic acid molecules in a eukaryotic cell; the fragments were labelled as “X” and “Y”. Upon further investigation, it was found that the chemical composition of fragment X was CGAATTGCCAATTGAGCT, and of fragment Y was UGGUUACCAGUAGCAA.1. Which one of the fragment do you believe is DNA and which one RNA, what is the difference(s) between the two fragments?2. Where would find fragment “X” in the eukaryotic cell, give two examples? 3. Where would find fragment “Y” in the eukaryotic cell, give two examples?4. What purpose do you think the cells use fragment X for ? 5. What purpose do you think the cells use fragment Y for?

Prepare a post that describes your understanding of microaggressions and the concept of privilege using the unit readings and Dr. Flora’s interview as points of reflection.

Have Privilege?

Prepare a post that describes your understanding of microaggressions and the concept of privilege using the unit readings and Dr. Flora’s interview as points of reflection.

· Explain how the concept of White privilege can be expanded to include gender privilege, class privilege, or heterosexual privilege.

· Provide a personal example of how a person may experience privilege, based on one aspect of their identity and oppression based on another.

· Share whether you think the term privilege also applies to the region where someone lives, or the language or dialect he or she speaks, after listening to the interview with Dr. Flora. Explain why or why not.

Response Guidelines

Respond to the post of at least one other learner. Your response should be substantive and contribute to the conversation by asking questions, respectfully debating positions, and presenting supporting literature relevant to the topic. Please review the Faculty Expectations for any other requirements for peer responses.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

· Discuss the concepts of microaggression, White privilege, and various ways in which the term privilege might apply to individuals and populations.

· Articulate one’s role in becoming sensitive to the characteristics and concerns of diverse populations by cultivating self-awareness and cultural competence.

· Apply counseling approaches that promote optimal health and well-being of sexual minorities.


· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

· Dr. Flora: Rural Stereotyping/Implicit Bias | Transcript.

Influence of Television viewing on Children

Influence of Television viewing on Children
Order Description
To what extent and with what justification should adult citizens be concerned about the influence of television viewing on children? In so far as there are concerns which you consider to be legitimate, what effective action would you recommend and why?
1.Muriel Robinson in Unit 45 and the associated reading by David Buckingham in Reader 4 provides a critical overview of the literature on children and television.
2.You may want to relate this discussion to that provided in Unit 46 by Guy Cumberbatch on media violence.
3.Please also use the half-unit by Goonasekera in Unit 44(b) includes relevant empirical findings about reactions of Asian audiences to Western television.
4.Please use the sources of Gemma Moss in Unit 43 – shows how the sense which children make of media is ‘mediated’ through talk with peers, parents and teachers.
5.Note how sources of evidence are differently balanced in the relative weight that they give, in their underlying models of communication, to the child viewer as passive receptor or as active user, or child viewer as individual as against a view of the child viewer as a member of a cultural group.
6.Note how such basic differences in starting point may affect questions that are asked and the conclusions reached.
7.Consider to what extent research questions seem to be premised on assumptions about television as negative or positive in the lives of children.
8.How far is it sensible to separate the influence of television from considerations about the influence of other media?
9.Please use Unit 46 by David Buckingham – explores the potential contribution of media education to children’s understanding, production capabilities and critical assessment of media.