Business Owned Aircraft Discussion

Business Owned Aircraft Discussion




Give an example of General Aviation as it relates to the aviation and transportation industry.  Explain, in some detail, what you have learned about the subject.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Page

APA Opportunities for Growth of General Aviation Discussion

APA Opportunities for Growth of General Aviation Discussion




What are some opportunities for growth in General Aviation?  How likely are they to be successful and what can be done to make it more likely to be successful?


Explanation & Answer:

1 Pages

Aviation Short Questions

Aviation Short Questions




1. What are some examples of General Aviation? For each, discuss some of the threats to their continued operation.

2. Explain the concept of liability under the General Aviation Revitalization Act (GARA).

3. In your opinion, what is the outlook for general aviation in the U.S.? Why is it significant?

4. Describe the technologies central to NextGen.

5. What was the impetus for U.S. commercial space transportation regulation?

6. In your own opinion, will commercial space transportation be successful? Is it a good idea? Why or why not?

7. What is meant by sustainability in aviation?

8. What are some of the unique legal and social issues faced by operators seeking to practice sustainability? Give two examples.

9. How do we find the ideal balance between aviation economics and environmental protection?


Explanation & Answer:

400 words

ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case Questions

ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case Questions




Please review Chapter 5: ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case and provide response for following questions.

1. Your medical group wants to expand by starting a new venture, owning and operating a pharmacy. In order to increase the chances for success, you have been asked to perform an enterprise risk assessment that includes reputational risk. Give three examples of how starting a new venture might have risk events that could lead to repercussions that would negatively impact the organization’s reputation and three examples where it might be enhanced, creating opportunity.

2. Explain how improvement is measured with KPIs and give one example related to Human Capital and how this KPI might help you improve your organization.

3. What do you think is the difference between traditional risk management and enterprise risk management?

Here is the link to chapter 5:


Explanation & Answer:

750 Words

3rd Rail Insulator Assembly Lock Cap Bolts Sensor Project

3rd Rail Insulator Assembly Lock Cap Bolts Sensor Project




Require tutor to do 2000 words as a start for me see the tutor is qualified as my whole project is 15000 words so I will make sure the tutor is suitable to complete my whole assignment. I will upload the remaining in a new question.

I will send the details to the tutor once confirmed.




2.Literature Review  

3.Proposed Methodology



6.Preliminary Results



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SIE6001 Capstone Project AY2018/19 Interim Report Student Name Project Title Design study of a Remotely Wind Powered Sensor for 3rd Rail Insulator Assembly Lock Cap Bolts Sensor Project Supervisor (SIT) 2nd Supervisor (if any) Industry Supervisor (if any) Name: Company: Email: Phone No.: Instructions: Students are required to submit an interim report documenting the objectives, detailed scope and methodology, comprehensive literature review, budgeting, updated timeline, and preliminary results of the Capstone Project. The report is limited to a maximum of 7,500 words. The interim report will be assessed by the immediate supervisors (SIT and Industry). Report Guidelines: • Word limit: 7,500 pages (excluding current page and appendices if any) • Font/Size: Times New Roman or Arial, Size 12 • Paragraph/Line spacing of 1.5 Suggested Content: Students can breakdown the report into the following sections – Introduction, Objectives and Scope, Literature Review, Proposed Methodology, Budget, Timeline / Milestones, Preliminary Results, References, Appendices (if any) SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 1 Contents 1. Introduction 3 1.1. Motivation 3 1.2. Scope 3 2. Literature Review 4 3. Proposed Methodology 9 4. Budget 10 5. Timeline 11 6. Preliminary Results 12 7. References 13 List of Tables and Figures Table 1: Costing of trackside component (sgbotic, n.d.) 10 Figure 1: Airflow in a tube (Wanfu Liu, 2019) 5 Figure 2:Conceptual VAWT circuit (Ankit Srivastava, March 2015) 6 Figure 3: Horizontal aligned VAWT (Ankit Srivastava, March 2015) 6 Figure 4: Power coefficient of wind turbines (Andrew de Juan, December 2013) 8 Figure 5: SMRT rail operating data (SMRT Trains Ltd., 2018) 9 Figure 6: Week 7-9 Gantt Chart (Trimester 2) 11 Figure 7: Week 10-13 Gantt Chart (Trimester 2) 11 Figure 8:Week 1-4 Gantt Chart (Trimester 3) 11 Figure 9: Week 5-8 Gantt Chart (Trimester 3) 11 Figure 10: Week 9-13 Gantt Chart (Trimester 3) 11 SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 2 1. Introduction The function of the 3rd rail bracket assembly in the SMRT train system is to provide lateral and vertical adjustments to the third rail. This aspect of the assembly is controlled by 2 bolts, the M20 and M12 bolts. M20 bolts are tightened or loosened to make lateral adjustments whereas the M12 bolts adjusts the vertical alignment of the 3rd rail. Another important role of these 2 bolts are to hold the 3rd rail insulator, top cap and claw in place. The two bolts are torqued to a specification determined by the OEM manufacturers and SMRT. The problem of bolt loosening still arises due to the heavy usage of the railway system in Singapore. Some of the factors are, the frequency of trains, length of train service and minimal or limited maintenance time have adverse effects on the 3rd rail bracket assembly. This project will study the feasibility and efficiency of a wind powered standalone sensor to detect and alert the end user of any signs of bolt loosening. There are vast variations of wind turbines in the market, a study on the efficiency of the various designs and sizing of the required battery will also be made for this project. The feasibility of a wind power generating turbine to power the sensor will be studied. 1.1. Motivation The loosening of the M20 and M12 bolts on the 3rd rail bracket assembly causes the misalignment and sagging of the 3rd rail, which was the root cause of the 2011 City Hall incident. There was no indication or information on when the bolt was loosened thus causing a major disruption to revenue services, this affected many commuters. 1.2. Scope In order to keep a sensor powered at track-side, it would have to be powered by batteries and replaced periodically as the batteries ran out. Therefore, a study on harnessing wind energy in the railway system via a wind power generator will be the main scope of this project. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 3 The design of a wind power generator, size and design for the application of a remote track-site sensor to detect the 3rd rail bracket assembly M20 and M12 bolt loosening will also be studied. The housing, sensor and battery management system must be able to withstand the environmental conditions and weather in the tunnels and viaducts of Singapore’s railway system. The sensor shall be designed to detect any loosening of the M20 and M12 bolts via a load cell, with an accuracy of loosening of up to 50Nm of torque for the M20 bolts and 10Nm for the M12 bolt. Once the loosening has been detected by the loadcell, it shall inform the end user wirelessly via a message. Hence the scope of this project would be to, I. Design the Load cell sensor II. Design of sensor circuit for data collection III. Design of wind-powered generator and power efficiency analysis with different wind-blade design 2. Literature Review The literature review was conducted on several topics. A study was done on train induced forced wind draft, followed by airflow characteristics of the train induced by piston effect. The flow around highspeed trains and simulation of train induced forced wind draft for generating electrical power was also studied for the purpose of this project. The study on ‘Train induced forced wind draft for generating electrical power airflow from vertical axis wind turbine’ was done by Nikhita Chilugodu in 2012. The research simulated a study using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software to observe the airflow across the train. In the research, due to the large cross-sectional area the increase in drag coefficients due to the front face of Singapore’s MRT train, it was observed that high drag force was induced. Hence proving the increased velocity of the wind speed at the side walls of the train are due to the high velocity trains. The simulated results showed a laminar flow of up to 6m/s at the sides of the SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 4 MRT train and transmute to 8m/s turbulent flow at the front face of the MRT train due to drag force. Hence 600kW of power can be harvested from the wind using a 2kW vertical axis wind turbine. (Nikhita Chilugodu, 2012) The motion of any fluid is produced and developed in three-dimensional space, but when one direction is the main motion direction, the movement in the other directions can be neglected as shown in the study by Wanfu Lui (2019) on The airflow characteristics of the train induced by piston effect experimental data, the airflow in a subway tunnel is similar to a flow in a tube along its axis (Wanfu Liu, 2019). Thus it can be regarded as a one-directional motion along its axis. Based on the fundamental principle of fluid mechanics, laminar flow is when the flow in the tube results in Re2300 the flow state changes from laminar to turbulent flow. When the flow reaches Re>>2300, it can be considered that the flow of the fluid is in turbulent state and the velocity of the flow is uniform as shown in figure 1 below. Figure 1: Airflow in a tube (Wanfu Liu, 2019) In conclusion, the average wind speed across the whole cross section can be expressed by a point wind speed in the cross-section. When the train passes through the shorter tunnel, the wind speed at the tunnel exit responds quickly and varies greatly. Whereas as the train passes through a long tunnel, the response of the wind speed at the exit of the tunnel is very slow and the change is small. This is because the air flow generated by the piston effect of train travels in a longer tunnel and takes longer time to reach the tunnel entrance and exit (Wanfu Liu, 2019). However, the wind speed at the exit of a longer tunnel is less than that at the exit of a shorter tunnel, which is not necessarily related to the length of the tunnel, which should be caused by other reasons. Because the train is running at a steady speed SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 5 and approaching the exit of the tunnel, the wind speed at the exit of the tunnel does not increase with it (Wanfu Liu, 2019). Also, braking, accelerating and the difference in the lengths of the tunnels will adversely affect the piston wind effect. As concluded in the experimental study by Wanfu Lui (2019). The weakening effect of the piston wind was also found to be that of an entry of another train in the opposite direction. Another research done by Ankit Srivastava (2015), explored the concepts of utilization of wind energy from railways using a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT). The concept circuit proposed is as shown in the figure 2 below. Figure 2:Conceptual VAWT circuit (Ankit Srivastava, March 2015) A simple alternator (turbine) generates AC current hence, a rectifier is needed to convert the AC current into DC. The boost converter is utilized to stabilize the converted AC current (unstable DC current). Thereafter the current is passed through an inverter to charge the battery (Ankit Srivastava, March 2015). Figure 3: Horizontal aligned VAWT (Ankit Srivastava, March 2015) The proposed conceptual design of using a vertical axis wind turbine and the concept of a radial hydraulic turbines as shown in figure 3 above work on the principle by guiding the incoming air via guide vanes through the runner blades. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 6 The air then spins the shaft on the runner which is connected to a dynamo (Ankit Srivastava, March 2015). The use of the dynamo converts wind energy directly into electricity. The radial turbine is driven when the incoming air enters the spiral casing, guided into the blades therefore ‘driving’ it to rotate the shaft. This concept of utilizing guide vanes allows Ankit Srivastava (March 2015) to utilize any direction of wind to turn the turbine to generate electrical energy. Other than harnessing wind energy, Jianjun Wang (September 2015) explored the use of piezoelectric transducers, placed at the rail foot. These transducers converted vertical displacement by the track whenever a train passes over into electricity. The numerical data indicated that patch and stack type piezoelectric transducers can be used to harvest trackside vibration to supply power for a wireless sensor network node and be used as a sensor to monitor basic train information. The investigations provide a theoretical guide in the design of piezoelectric and stack energy harvesters in railway systems (Jianjun Wang, September 2015). Baker (2010) researched on the ‘flow around high-speed trains.’. In his research, the data collected showed variance dependent on several factors. These were mostly due to the difference types of trains, flow structures of the tunnels and boundary conditions. A research done by Andrew de Juan (December 2013) describes how the coefficient of power of a wind turbine is the measure of how efficiently it can convert the energy in the wind into electricity. In his research, he explicitly explains the theory of the Betz limit that no wind turbine could convert more than 59.3% of the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy turning a rotor. This is known as the Betz Limit, and is the theoretical maximum coefficient of power for any wind turbine (Andrew de Juan, December 2013). This theory was also discussed by Vennell (2013) suggesting that wind turbines fall short of the Betz limit power coefficient for several reasons, for example due to the energy lost to creating rotational motion in the turbine’s wake and to aerodynamic drag forces on the turbine blades. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 7 Figure 4: Power coefficient of wind turbines (Andrew de Juan, December 2013) Therefore, for a wind turbine to be 100% efficient (𝐶𝑝 = 1), it would need to stop 100% of wind. For this to happen, the rotor would have to be a solid disc. Hence due to this impracticality, by using up 100% of the kinetic energy from the incoming wind, the wake area air velocity would have to be 0 𝑚 𝑠 . This would induce an inherent blockage thus rendering the wind turbine impractical. Thus, the maximum efficiency a wind turbine can be reached is know as the Betz limit, where no wind turbine could convert more than 59.3% of the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy turning a rotor (Andrew de Juan, December 2013). In another report done by Chien-Chang Chen (July 2011), the effects of the blade pitch angle of the vertical axis wind turbine system was studied. In conclusion, the data showed that the maximum power generated was at a 8𝑜 pitch angle and 2.2 TSR, also proved that a variation of pitch angle over 10𝑜 will reduce the power generated (In Seong Hwang Y. H., January 2009) (In Seong Hwang S. Y., 2006). There was no study on utilizing wind power energy to power a trackside sensor in a railway tunnel or viaduct to my knowledge. Hence the purpose of this study is to simulate the feasibility of a self-powering sensor to monitor the bolt loosening of the 3rd rail bolts in Singapore’s rail network. CFD simulation would be used to study the airflow effects and aid in the sizing and selection of an efficient miniature wind turbine enough to power trackside sensor. A 3D Static CFD will be performed on Ansys, to understand the induced air velocity, slipstream velocity and pressure of a train travelling in a tunnel and on a viaduct. With the simulated results, the expected power generated from the simulated effects of air velocity on the trackside wind power generator will then be used to size a battery to store electricity. This will assist to power the sensors at trackside during non-revenue hours also known as null periods, where insufficient wind velocity and air flow is present in the tunnels or viaducts. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 8 3. Proposed Methodology Based on SMRTs daily operating data as shown in figure 5 below, the total route length was increased from 130km in FY2017 to 137km in FY18. The total carkilometers operated is 142,000,000. Figure 5: SMRT rail operating data (SMRT Trains Ltd., 2018) This means for the North-South and East-West Line (NSEWL) which are 45km and 57.2km respectively operates188 6-car trains and Circle Line (CCL) which is 34.4km long operates 64 3-car trains or the equivalent of 32 NSEWL 6-car trains (SMRT Corporation Ltd, 2019). An estimated, 23.66 million train-kilometers was operated. By dividing the total route length, 172 749 trips were made in 2018. On average, 473 trips are made daily. The scope of this project is not limited to tunnels alone, hence the study will be focused on a line with both tunnels and viaducts for this purpose hence the NSEWL will be the area of focus. Which means, 41.87% of 473 trips are made on the EastWest Line. Which results an estimated 198 trips along the line, assuming headway distances are the same across both the NSEWL and CCL. Thus concluding 198 instances to utilize wind energy to power the trackside sensor and store excess energy to power it after revenue services. This assumption excludes external wind factors (cross-wind) and weather considerations, for the purpose of this study. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 9 4. Budget Two major components in this project would be the trackside sensor and the wind power generator and its components. An estimated budget based on available resources of both this equipment will be calculated in table 1 below. Table 1: Costing of trackside component (sgbotic, n.d.) Component Arduino Starter Kit Flexiforce Pressure Sensor (100lbs) Flexiforce Pressure Sensor (25lbs) FlexiForce Adapter Infra-red LED 950nm (5mm) Resistor 10K Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH Resistor 1K Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH Resistor 330 Ohm 1/4 Watt PTH 40-Pin Rainbow Wire, 20cm – M/M 40-Pin Rainbow Wire, 20cm – M/F Breadboarding Wire Bundle – M/M Quantity 1 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 1 1 65 Total Cost: Cost $139.00 $70.00 $70.00 $50.00 $15.00 $0.70 $0.70 $0.70 $6.50 $6.50 $7.90 $367.00 An estimated cost of the wind power generating device will be based on Venera Nurmanova’s (2017) horizontal aligned Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) with six fan blades. Unlike the traditional three bladed horizontal wind turbines, VAWT can rotate at a higher angular speed. Thus, it is suggested to utilize a gearbox to regulate the shaft rotational speed and ensure a controlled desired operating speed of generator rotor. The most commercialized types of generator are induction generator (IG) and permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). Both generators operate at fixed rotational speed while being connected to the grid. Despite economic feasibility of IG, it is strongly recommended to use more efficient PMSG, which in turn does not require additional capacitor for power factor correction (Venera Nurmanova, 2017). Based on his research, the estimated cost of the wind power generator would be approximately $500. Thus, this project can be concluded with an estimated total budget of $867.00. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 10 5. Timeline Trimester 2 Task Week 7 18 – F eb 19 – F eb 2 0 – F eb Week 8 2 1- F eb 2 2 – F eb 2 5- F eb 2 6 – F eb Week 9 2 7- F eb 2 8 – F eb 1- M ar 4 – M ar 5- M ar 6 – M ar 7- M ar 8 – M ar Capstone Project Proposal Review Lock Cap Design Study environmental conditons of the train tunnels and viaducts Research load cell sensors and design prototype sensor circuit diagram Research wind power generators and design prototype Design Creo prototype of housing for the sensors on the Lock Cap Interim Report Figure 6: Week 7-9 Gantt Chart (Trimester 2) Trimester 2 Task Week 10 11- M ar 12 – M ar 13 – M ar Week 11 14 – M ar 15- M ar 18 – M ar 19 – M ar 2 0 – M ar Week 12 2 1- M ar 2 2 – M ar 2 5- M ar 2 6 – M ar 2 7- M ar Week 13 2 8 – M ar 2 9 – M ar 1- A p r 2 -Apr 2 5- A p r 2 6 -Apr 2 9 -Apr 3 0 -Apr 2 3 – M ay 2 4 – M ay 2 7- M ay 2 8 – M ay 3 -Apr 4 -Apr 5- A p r 2 – M ay 3 – M ay Capstone Project Proposal Review Lock Cap Design Study environmental conditons of the train tunnels and viaducts Research load cell sensors and design prototype sensor circuit diagram Research wind power generators and design prototype Design Creo prototype of housing for the sensors on the Lock Cap Interim Report Design sensor circuit Figure 7: Week 10-13 Gantt Chart (Trimester 2) Trimester 3 Task Week 1 8 -Apr 9 -Apr 10 – A p r Week 2 11- A p r 12 – A p r 15- A p r 16 – A p r 17- A p r Week 3 18 – A p r 19 – A p r 2 2 -Apr 2 3 -Apr Week 4 2 4 -Apr 1- M ay Design sensor circuit Integrate sensor housing onto Lock Cap Figure 8:Week 1-4 Gantt Chart (Trimester 3) Trimester 3 Task Week 5 6 – M ay 7- M ay 8 – M ay Trimester 3 Week 6 9 – M ay 10 – M ay 13 – M ay 14 – M ay 15- M ay Week 7 16 – M ay 17- M ay 2 0 – M ay 2 1- M ay 2 2 – M ay Week 8 2 9 – M ay 3 0 – M ay 3 1- M ay Interim Presentation Design improvements Re-design prototype with improvements Test Sensor Function Figure 9: Week 5-8 Gantt Chart (Trimester 3) Trimester 3 Task Week 9 3 – Jun 4 – Jun 5- Jun Week 10 6 – Jun 7- Jun 10 – Jun 11- Jun 12 – Jun Week 11 13 – Jun 14 – Jun 17- Jun 18 – Jun 19 – Jun Week 12 2 0 – Jun 2 1- Jun 2 4 – Jun 2 5- Jun 2 6 – Jun Week 13 2 7- Jun 2 8 – Jun 1- Jul 2 – Jul 3 – Jul 4 – Jul Final Report Capstone Project Poster Capstone Presentation Figure 10: Week 9-13 Gantt Chart (Trimester 3) SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 11 5- Jul 6. Preliminary Results Based on the literature review and research findings, the various wind power generating turbines VAWT and HAWT has its pros and cons. Of which for the purpose of this study, a horizontal axis VAWT will be the focus of study, as it is ideal and appropriate for lower altitudes and lower speeds. The Betz limit will be one of the parameters used in CFD modelling of the wind effects on the turbine. The housing design of the wind turbine also plays a role in enhancing the power generating efficiency of the wind turbine. A more detailed analysis will be used to approach the air flow effects and power generation capabilities, thereafter the circuitry design of the track-site sensor and its battery will be sized. In figure 6 of section 6, the design of the prototype housing was initially planned to be have started on week 9. Due to the lack of knowledge in the subject area, a more extensive research was made and found that it was ideal to determine the characteristics of the airflow effects and determine a rough expectation of airflow that could be harnessed for power generation, thereafter the design plan will set in to further incorporate full power harnessing capability and reduce energy losses due to improper or poor design. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 12 7. References Andrew de Juan, S. A. (December 2013). Wind Energy Analysis, Wind Energy Modelling. Energy Systems Modelling. Cork, Ireland: Department of Process, Energy and Transport Engineering Cork Institute of Technology. doi:10.13140/2.1.3075.1047 Ankit Srivastava, G. J. (March 2015). UTILIZATION OF WIND ENERGY FROM RAILWAYS USING VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE. International Conference on Energy Economics and Environment (ICEEE), 2015. Dehradun, India: Graphic Era University. doi:10.1109/EnergyEconomics.2015.7235107 Babolib, M. M. (2013). Numerical Analysis of Aerodynamic Performance of Regional Passenger Train under Crosswind Conditions. International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, 5(2), 68-74. doi:10.4273/ijvss.5.2.05 Baker, C. (June 2010). THE FLOW AROUND HIGH SPEED TRAINS. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 277-298. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2009.11.002 Chien-Chang Chen, C.-H. K.-C.-M. (July 2011). What Happens to the Betz Limit in VAWT System? Taiwan, Republic of China: National Chung Hsing University. I. Paraschivoiu, O. T. (2009). H-DarrieusWind Turbine with Blade Pitch Control. International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 7. doi:10.1155/2009/505343 In Seong Hwang, S. Y. (2006, April ). Efficiency Improvement of a New Vertical Axis Wind Turbine by. Gwanak-gu, Seoul: School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University. In Seong Hwang, Y. H. (January 2009). Optimization of cycloidal water turbine and the performance improvement. Applied Energy, 86, 1532–1540. Jianjun Wang, Z. S. (September 2015). Modeling on energy harvesting from a railway system using piezoelectric transducers. Smart Mater. Struct. 24 (2015) 105017 (13pp), 24. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/24/10/105017 Nikhita Chilugodu, Y.-J. Y.-T. (2012, JULY ). Simulation of Train Induced Forced Wind Draft for Generating Electrical Power From Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING, 13(7), 1177-1181. doi:10.1007/s12541-012-0156-6 SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 13 sgbotic. (n.d.). sgbotic. Retrieved from SMRT Corporation Ltd. (2019). Information Kit. Retrieved from News-Room: SMRT Trains Ltd. (2018). Operations Review. Singapore: SMRT Trains Ltd. Venera Nurmanova, M. B. (2017). Feasibility Study on Wind Energy Harvesting System Implementation in Moving Trains. International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON). Vennell, R. (2013). Exceeding the Betz Limit with Tidal Turbines. Renewable Energy. 55, pp. 277-285. Dunedin, New Zealand: Ocean Physics Group, Department of Marine Science, University of Otago. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.12.016 Wanfu Liu, P. L. (2019). Study on Airflow Characteristics of Train Induced by Piston Effect in Subway Tunnel. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science (pp. 1177-1181). Tianjin, 300134, China: Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MEM, Tianjin. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Interim Report Page 14 SIE6001 Capstone Project AY2018/19 Final Report Guidelines A) Instructions: Students are required to submit a final report documenting the details and results/achievements of the Capstone Project. B) Report guidelines: • Word limit: 15,000 words (from Introduction to Conclusions – excluding Abstract, Acknowledgment, List of References and Appendices). • Font/Size: Times New Roman or Arial, Size 12. • Paragraph/Line spacing of 1.5. C) Suggested Content: Students can breakdown the report into the following chapters – Introduction, Objectives and Scope, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Appendices (if any). D) Submission: Students are required to submit the softcopy of the Capstone Project Final Report through xSiTe’s drop-box by 19th July 2019 (Week 11). The hardcopy of the report is to be submitted to your project supervisor by the same day as well. E) Cover page: Please use the cover page as shown in Appendix A. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Final Report Page 1 Appendix A SIE6001 – Capstone Project Final Report Student Name Student Matriculation Number Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land/BS) Engineering Cluster AY 2018/2019 Master of Engineering Technology (MEngTech) SIE6001 Capstone Project – Final Report Page 2 SIE6001 Capstone Project AY2018/19 Project Proposal Student Name Design of a Remotely Wind Powered Sensor 3rd Rail Insulator Assembly Lock Cap Sensor Project Title Project Supervisor (SIT) 2nd Supervisor (if any) Name: Company: Email: Phone No.: Industry Supervisor (if any) Instructions: Students are required to submit a proposal of their Capstone Project. The proposal should detail the industry relevance of the study, objectives, scope, proposed methodology, timeline and expected deliverables. The project proposal is limited to a maximum of 10 pages. The proposal will be assessed by the immediate supervisors (SIT and Industry). Project Proposal: Abstract: The function of the 3rd rail bracket assembly in the SMRT train system is to provide lateral and vertical adjustments to the third rail, along the path of the tracks. This aspect of the assembly is controlled by 2 bolts, the M20 and M12 bolts. M20; Lateral adjustments, M12; Vertical adjustments. The M20 bolt and M12 bolts have yet another important role in the assembly; to hold the 3rd rail insulator, top cap and claw in place. Besides being torqued to a standard decided by the manufacturers and SMRT themselves, the problem of bolt loosening still arises. This is due to the heavy usage of the railway system in Singapore. Frequency of trains, length of train services and minimal maintenance time has adverse effects on the 3rd rail bracket assembly. Front Left Back Top Figure 1: 3rd Rail Lock Cap (Designed in DP2) SIE6001 Capstone Project – Project Proposal Page 1 Hence my proposed project would be to enhance the design of the 3rd Rail Lock Cap as shown in figure 1 above (designed in DP2) which will not only prevent the unwanted loosening of the 3rd rail bracket assembly’s M20 and M12 bolts but also remotely send a signal via a sensor powered by the wind, if there was any loosening encountered. The design is to be in accordance to SMRT standards and to take into account installation techniques and prevent any hindrances to the alignment (lateral and vertical) adjustments. Objectives: To design a wind powered remote sensor and housing to detect the 3rd rail bracket assembly M20 and M12 bolt loosening and send an indication message remotely if any loosening was encountered. The housing must be able to withstand the environmental conditions of the tunnel, viaduct and Singapore’s weather and temperature conditions. The design of the housing for the sensor in addition to the Lock Cap must not impede any 3rd rail maintenance activities or installation technique. The assembly must be able to hold the required number of spare shim plates and hold the M20 and M12 bolts in place. Figure 2: 3rd Rail Assembly The sensor circuit must be designed to detect the rotational movement of the bolts via a load cell, an accuracy of loosening of up to 10Nm of torque must be detected and send a message to the user wirelessly. The entire housing must be able to stay powered up for at least 7 days and accurately detect any loosening of the M20 and M12 bolts of up to 10Nm of torque. Scope: The scope of this project will be to explore designs for a suitable housing sensor with an inbuilt wind power generator sufficient to power the load cell sensor. The design is to be in accordance to SMRTs standards and to accommodate any maintenance of the 3rd rail bracket assembly. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Project Proposal Page 2 Proposed Methodology: The methodology for this Capstone Project would be to enhance the 3rd Rail Lock Cap to encompass a self-powering capability to allow any sensors, primarily a load cell, mounted on the Lock Cap to be remotely powered. An extensive study on the design of the housing for the sensor and wind energy harnessing module will be made. Design analysis of an electronic circuit to allow wind energy harnessing capabilities from a wind turbine or fan will be made and compared. A battery management system will also be used to design this Remote Sensor on the Lock Cap. Figure 3: Lock Cap Assembly Drawing The housing design will take into considerations the environmental conditions of the tunnel and viaducts. It will also be designed to protect the sensor and circuitry from dust and adverse weather conditions in the tunnels and on the viaducts. A field test will be carried out over a period of 2 weeks at a location on the test track with significant pumping and various configuration of trackside structures such as an insulated rail joint (IRJ), Cable trough and at brackets with localized rail defects such as depressions or corrugations. This is to sufficiently simulate adverse track conditions with significant pumping and vibration forces on the 3rd Rail Bracket, in order to test the integrity of the housing design. The differences between the test track and the mainline would be the frequency of train movement, the varying loads of the trains (peak/non-peak), the various train models (different load distribution). These factors could potentially affect the accuracy of the tests on the test track. Hence, it should be noted that the test performed on the test track is to allow a practical and realistic justification based on the sensor data collected to further allow the locking cap to be installed on the main lines. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Project Proposal Page 3 Timeline: The timeline for this Capstone project at an estimated 10 working hours per week over the 2 trimesters and an additional 4 hours per week on self-study can be found in the 3 figures below. The Gantt chart is an estimated guideline from the project proposal to the various milestones; interim report, interim presentation, final report, and final capstone project poster. This Gantt chart will be updated weekly to maintain its accuracy. Trimester 2 Task Week 7 18 – F eb 19 – F eb 2 0 – F eb Week 8 2 1- F eb 2 2 – F eb 2 5- F eb 2 6 – F eb Week 9 2 7- F eb 2 8 – F eb 1- M ar 4 – M ar 5- M ar 6 – M ar Week 10 7- M ar 8 – M ar 11- M ar 12 – M ar 13 – M ar Week 11 14 – M ar 15- M ar 18 – M ar 19 – M ar 2 0 – M ar Week 12 2 1- M ar 2 2 – M ar 2 5- M ar 2 6 – M ar 2 7- M ar Week 13 2 8 – M ar 2 9 – M ar 1- A p r 2 -Apr 3 -Apr 4 -Apr 5- A p r Capstone Project Proposal Review Lock Cap Design Study environmental conditons of the train tunnels and viaducts Research load cell sensors and design prototype sensor circuit diagram Research wind power generators and design prototype Design Creo prototype of housing for the sensors on the Lock Cap Interim Report Design sensor circuit Integrate sensor housing onto Lock Cap Interim Presentation Design improvements Re-design prototype with improvements Test Sensor Function Final Report Capstone Project Poster Capstone Presentation Figure 4: Gantt Chart (Trimester 2, Wk 7 – 13) Trimester 3 Task Week 1 8 -Apr 9 -Apr 10 – A p r Week 2 11- A p r 12 – A p r 15- A p r 16 – A p r 17- A p r Week 3 18 – A p r 19 – A p r 2 2 -Apr 2 3 -Apr 2 4 -Apr Week 4 2 5- A p r 2 6 -Apr 2 9 -Apr 3 0 -Apr 1- M ay Week 5 2 – M ay 3 – M ay 6 – M ay 7- M ay 8 – M ay Week 6 9 – M ay 10 – M ay 13 – M ay 14 – M ay 15- M ay Week 7 16 – M ay 17- M ay 2 0 – M ay 2 1- M ay 2 2 – M ay 2 3 – M ay 2 4 – M ay Capstone Project Proposal Review Lock Cap Design Study environmental conditons of the train tunnels and viaducts Research load cell sensors and design prototype sensor circuit diagram Research wind power generators and design prototype Design Creo prototype of housing for the sensors on the Lock Cap Interim Report Design sensor circuit Integrate sensor housing onto Lock Cap Interim Presentation Design improvements Re-design prototype with improvements Test Sensor Function Final Report Capstone Project Poster Capstone Presentation Figure 5: Gantt Chart (Trimester 3, Wk 1 – 7) Trimester 3 Task Week 8 2 7- M ay 2 8 – M ay 2 9 – M ay Week 9 3 0 – M ay 3 1- M ay 3 – Jun 4 – Jun 5- Jun Week 10 6 – Jun 7- Jun 10 – Jun 11- Jun 12 – Jun Week 11 13 – Jun 14 – Jun 17- Jun 18 – Jun 19 – Jun Week 12 2 0 – Jun 2 1- Jun 2 4 – Jun 2 5- Jun 2 6 – Jun Week 13 2 7- Jun 2 8 – Jun 1- Jul 2 – Jul 3 – Jul 4 – Jul 5- Jul Capstone Project Proposal Review Lock Cap Design Study environmental conditons of the train tunnels and viaducts Research load cell sensors and design prototype sensor circuit diagram Research wind power generators and design prototype Design Creo prototype of housing for the sensors on the Lock Cap Interim Report Design sensor circuit Integrate sensor housing onto Lock Cap Interim Presentation Design improvements Re-design prototype with improvements Test Sensor Function Final Report Capstone Project Poster Capstone Presentation Figure 6: Gantt Chart (Trimester 3, Wk 8 – 13) SIE6001 Capstone Project – Project Proposal Page 4 Expected Deliverables; The expected deliverables of this project are a working prototype able to meet the criteria of the design goals which is a remotely wind-powered sensor that will indicate any loosening rotational movement of the M20 and M12 bolts of up to 10Nm torque via a load cell sensor wirelessly to the user, prevent the dropping of the spare shim plates and hold a minimum of 3 spare shim plates in place. The device must be able to withstand the forces encountered by the 3rd rail bracket assembly and protect the sensors circuitry from the environmental impact in the tunnels and adverse weather conditions on the viaducts. The sensor should also be able to operate continuously on wind-power generated by the turbine/fan to deem the design a success. SIE6001 Capstone Project – Project Proposal Page 5
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Montebello Water Filtration Plan Report

Montebello Water Filtration Plan Report




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Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner
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BME 306 Western New England University Scometry & Hemorheology Lab Report

BME 306 Western New England University Scometry & Hemorheology Lab Report




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BME 306 Junior Laboratory Introduction to Viscometry Laboratory Spring 2019 Introduction Blood has a distinct rheological property that can be mimicked by other solutions. The original Alfred Hitchcock movie “Psycho”, for example, used a chocolate syrup mixture to mimic the flow patterns of blood in that infamous shower scene. There are clearly a number of forensic applications that could exploit solutions with rheological properties similar to those of real blood and other fluids. In this laboratory, you have the task of determining the rheological properties of a 10:1 water to chocolate syrup mixture. Consider the search for a substitute that mimics a solution that shows a slight Bingham plastic type behavior at shear rates less than 1500 s-1. Suppose this solution also has viscosities ranging between 1.3 and 1.7 cP with yield stresses between 0.01 and 0.3 N/m2. Keep in mind that you may need to submit this information to a design history file so be sure and document your experiment appropriately. During this laboratory you will have access to a Brookfield Viscometer. The Brookfield Viscometer SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is as follows: Use of the Brookfield DV-II Viscometer 1) Level the viscometer using the threaded feet on the stand. 2) Turn on viscometer. Select Stand Alone mode, by pressing down arrow. 3) Begin the Autozero process by following instruction on display screen. Additional information on Autozeroing is described in the Getting Started Section of the SOP. The thread on the spindle is left-handed thread. Make sure spindle is clean & dry. Replace spindle – autozero process is complete. Put cup back on and lock handle underneath. 4) To set gap height, flick tiny switch on cylinder to right – red light comes on. Gently turn top of cup with lined divisions counter-clockwise until the yellow light just flickers on. Adjust the sight – thin gray metal bar above cup – until it’s aligned with a division marker. Now go clockwise one division, and yellow light should go off. Turn small switch off to the left. Now you have set the gap. [Gap needs to be reset only when you replace the spindle.] 5) Remove the sample cup and using a pipette, place 0.5 mL of the solution in the center of the cup. [Pipette set to 500 uL; one click down to draw up water; two clicks down to release water into center of cup]. 6) Replace the sample cup & lock underneath. 7) Manually adjust the RPM on the viscometer by pressing “Set Speed” button and up/down arrows. Note the torque when set to 60RPMs. You’d like to have a torque between 10 – 80% torque to properly study your sample’s behavior: torque too low, not enough accuracy; too high, straining viscometer. Press “Motor On” button & give viscometer time to settle. 8) Press “Options” button, Press Enter for “Setup”, and make sure viscometer operates on “Print Serial”, then “Enter”. 9) Open DV Loader. Viscometer will not allow you to run a program until DV Loader is open & on for a couple of minutes. Write a B.E.V.I.S. program to control your data acquisition, make sure the window is set to COM1, and download this program to the viscometer, by pressing the “Options” button, and selecting “Download a program”, then hit “Download program on your DVLoader window. Now you MUST close DV Loader. Open Wingather. Under Instrumentation tab, select Com1. Under View tab, select “Programs”. 10) On Viscometer, hit Escape once, hit down arrow to “Run a program”, hit Enter. In Wingather, Dashboard tab set to COM1. Under “Tests” tab, hit “Gather” tab & “Collect all data” button, “Save Data” & “Overwrite” check box, and select file & filename for your data. Hit “Start” button. (It may ask you for the filename again – you won’t be opening or using this file at all – just make a name to run the viscometer). 11) On Viscometer, hit Enter to Run your program. Under the “Run/Data” tab, record your results in your lab notebook, noting the Viscosity, Speed (RPMs), % Torque, Shear Stress, Shear Rate, and Elapsed Interval. Short Technical Report: Due: Wed. April 23rd – please bring the report to my office by 2pm. (Sleith 121) Please write a short technical report on your findings. Your report should include: • A brief introduction to include a statement of purpose, clinical relevance and expected results. A background on viscometry is not needed. • A brief materials & methods section: you can use the SOP reference BUT Remember the FDA may see this information. • A brief results section. You should present a figure graphing the shear stress versus the shear rate, and then interpret the trends in the graph. • A brief discussion section and conclusions section including: o Is the chocolate sauce Newtonian? If not, what type of non-Newtonian behavior does it exhibit? If the fluid is non-Newtonian what components of the mixture may be responsible for this behavior? o Based on your results, is a 10:1 water to chocolate sauce mixture a viable production substitute for the given fluid?
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Interested in Break Even Analysis Essay

Interested in Break Even Analysis Essay

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I’m working on a Engineering question and need guidance to help me study.


Which is of greater value to the entrepreneur, primary or secondary data? Why?

When would an entrepreneur be interested in break-even analysis?


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Electrical Engineering Questions

Electrical Engineering Questions

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I’m studying for my Engineering class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?


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1. A 95%-efficient 100-hp motor runs 6,000 hours per year and produces power for a fan that requires 80 hp of shaft work. A) Calculate the annual operating cost of the motor if the pulleys use 90%-efficient standard V-belts B) Calculate the annual operating cost of the motor if the pulleys use 95%-efficient notched V-belts. C) Calculate the annual electricity cost savings from switching from standard to notched Vbelts. 2. A 20-hp motor runs 5,000 hours per year, produces 5 hp of shaft work, and operates at 60% efficiency with a power factor of 75%. A) Calculate the power (kW), energy (kWh) and reactive power (kVAr) produced by the motor. B) If motor were replaced with an energy efficient 5-hp motor operating at 90% efficiency with a power factor of 90%, calculate the power (kW), energy (kWh) and reactive power (kVAr) produced by the “right-sized” motor. C) Calculate the power, energy, power factor and total cost savings from rightsizing the motor. 3. A company has 2,000 4-foot, 4-lamp fixtures with 34-W T12 lamps and electromagnetic ballasts. The lights are on an average of 75 hours per week for 50 weeks per year. It is proposed to replace the current T12 lamps with 32-W T8 long-life low mercury lamps and to replace the current magnetic ballasts with normal output electronic ballasts. The time required to replace of old lamps is 0.25 hours/fixture. The time required to install new lamps and ballasts is 0.50 hours/fixture. Fill in the shaded areas in the table below. 4. If the electrical demand is 1,000 kW and electrical energy use is 250,000 kWh, calculate the adjustment to the avoided cost of demand for the following energy use block structure: Energy: $0.04 /kWh for the first 200 kWh/kW $0.03 /kWh for the next 100 kWh/kW $0.02 /kWh for all additional kWh 5. Use the following rate structure to calculate the monthly service charge, energy charge, demand charge, power factor charge and total charge for a plant if E = 600,000 kWh, D = 900 kW, PF = 0.85. Determine the fraction of the total cost associated with each charge. Service: $100 / month Energy: $0.04 /kWh for the first 200 kWh/kW $0.03 /kWh for next 100 kWh/kW $0.02 /kWh for all additional kWh Demand: $12 /kW-month Power factor: If PF < 0.90, additional demand charge of: P (kW) (0.90 – PF) / PF 6. Use the following rate structure to calculate the monthly service charge, energy charge, demand charge and total charge for a plant if E = 500,000 kWh, D = 1,000 kW, PF = 0.92. What would be the demand charge if the power factor was 1.00? Service: $100 /month Energy: $0.03 /kWh for first 250 kWh/kVA $0.01 /kWh for all additional kWh Demand: $18 /kVA-month for first 4,000 kVA: $14 /kVA-month for all additional kVA 7. Calculate the annual cost savings if a customer purchases the transformer and switches from a secondary to primary rate if E = 500,000 kWh/month, D = 1,200 kW. If the transformer could be purchased for $20,000, determine the simple payback. Primary Rate Secondary Rate Service: $95 /month Service: $16 /month Demand: $13.80 /kW-month Demand: $14.10 /kW-month Energy: $0.021 /kWh Energy: $0.030 /kWh for first 125,000 kWh $0.025 /kWh for over 125,000 kWh 8. Plant demand during each of three shifts per day and the on-peak and off-peak demand periods are shown below. Using the following rate structure, determine annual demand cost savings if: a) 500 kW is moved from first shift to third shift, and b) if 1,200 kW is moved from first shift to third shift. Demand: $14 /kW-month Greatest of: 100% of on-peak (weekdays: 7 am to 9 pm) 75% of off-peak (all other times) 9. The surface temperature of 200 ft of 8-inch diameter un-insulated pipe carrying steam at 335 F is 250 F. The pipe is located in a room with air and surroundings at 50 F. The surface emissivity of the pipe is 0.70. Calculate convection, radiation and total heat loss from the pipe (Btu/hr). The pipe is insulated with 3 inches on insulation with thermal resistance R = 2 hr-ft2-F/Btu per inch. The surface emissivity of the insulation is 0.70. Calculate convection, radiation and total heat loss from the insulated pipe (Btu/hr). Calculate the heat loss and fuel savings from insulating the pipe (Btu/hr) if the efficiency of the steam system is 65%. 10. The surface temperature of a steam-heated, un-insulated rectangular tank with four walls with height 6 ft and length 10 ft is 170 F. The temperature of fluid in the tank is 190 F, and the temperature of the air and surroundings is 70 F. The surface emissivity of the tank is 0.70. Calculate convection, radiation and total heat loss from the tank walls (Btu/hr). The tank walls are insulated with 1 inch on insulation with thermal resistance R = 5 hr-ft2-F/Btu per inch. The surface emissivity of the insulation is 0.70. Calculate convection, radiation and total heat loss from the insulated tank walls (Btu/hr). Calculate the heat loss and fuel savings from insulating the tank walls (Btu/hr) if the efficiency of the steam system is 80%. 11. A pump pumps water through a closed loop piping system to 10 machines. Only 7 machines are operated at any one time. Excess flow is directed through a by-pass valve. The 40-hp pump motor is 90% efficiency and 75% loaded when the pump generates full flow. A) If the pump operates 7,000 hours per year, calculate annual electricity use (kWh/yr). B) Using pump affinity laws, calculate the annual electricity savings (kWh/yr) if the by-pass valve were closed and a VFD were installed on the pump motor. 12. Consider for the following table of major electricity-using equipment, rated output power, fraction loaded, and operating hours. Number Type Rated Output Power Fraction Loaded (hp, kW or tons) Operating Hours (hours/year) 1 150-hp air compressors 150 0.80 6,000 2 30-hp chilled water pumps 30 0.75 6,000 2 15-hp cooling loop pumps 15 0.75 6,000 0.465 1.00 7,000 150 400-W MH Lights 5 60-hp injection molders 60 0.70 6,000 2 75-ton chiller 75 0.50 6,000 2 10-hp cooling tower fan 10 0.75 4,000 The efficiency of electrical motors is about 90%. Input power to chiller is 0.75 kW/ton. The total annual electricity use of the facility is 3,000,000 kWh/year. Calculate the electricity use and fraction of total electricity use by each category of equipment. Calculate the electricity use of other non-listed equipment. Sort the results from large to small and show a bar graph of electricity use by category of equipment, with percentage of the total electricity use.
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12 Questions

California State University Analysis of an Air Conditioning System Lab Report

California State University Analysis of an Air Conditioning System Lab Report




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CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH ECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Thermal Engineering Laboratory Exp#6-Analysis of an Air Conditioning System Object: To investigate different air-conditioning processes including heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification and to use the Psychrometric chart as applied to humidity measurement and control. Background Theory: The transfer of heat from lower temperature regions to higher temperature ones is called refrigeration. It is the cooling or maintenance of a space or a body at a temperature below the equilibrium temperature it would normally resume. Generally the term refers to cooling by interposing a system which absorbs heat from the space or body at a cold temperature, then rejects it to the surrounding at a higher temperature with a net input of work energy. Several systems are used to accomplish this. Three of those are: The vapor-compression cycle Cools by compression and expansion of a vapor The absorption cycle Cools by absorption of a vapor in a liquid (most commonly, ammonia in water) The hot-junction/cold-junction electrical system Provides cooling effect using two bimetal junctions, where current flow in one direction (DC) causes junction A to heat up and junction B to cool. Reverse the current and A will cool and B will heat up Devices that produce refrigeration are called refrigerators, and the cycles on which they operate are called refrigeration cycles. The working fluids used in refrigerators are called refrigerants. This experiment will investigate the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle, which resembles the Rankine cycle with an expansion valve substituted for the turbine. This cycle, usually referred to as the refrigeration cycle may be evaluated as a heat engine with net work input and a cooling effect as the desired output. Vapor-compression refrigeration is the most widely used method for air-conditioning of large public buildings, offices, private residences, hotels, hospitals, theaters, restaurants and automobiles. It is also used in domestic and commercial refrigerators, large-scale warehouses for chilled or frozen storage of foods and meats, refrigerated trucks and railroad cars, and a host of other commercial and industrial services. 1 The vapor-compression refrigeration uses a circulating liquid refrigerant as the medium which absorbs and removes heat from the space to be cooled and subsequently rejects that heat elsewhere. Figure 1 depicts a typical, single-stage vapor-compression system. Figure 1: Vapor-compression Refrigeration All such systems have four components: a compressor, a condenser, a Thermal expansion valve (also called a throttling valve), and an evaporator. Circulating refrigerant enters the compressor in the thermodynamic state known as a saturated vapor and is compressed to a higher pressure, resulting in a higher temperature as well. The hot, compressed vapor is then in the thermodynamic state known as a superheated vapor and it is at a temperature and pressure at which it can be condensed with typically available cooling water or cooling air. That hot vapor is routed through a condenser where it is cooled and condensed into a liquid by flowing through a coil or tubes with cool water or cool air flowing across the coil or tubes. This is where the circulating refrigerant rejects heat from the system and the rejected heat is carried away by the cooling medium. The condensed liquid refrigerant, in the thermodynamic state known as a saturated liquid, is next routed through an expansion valve where it undergoes an abrupt reduction in pressure. That pressure reduction results in the adiabatic flash evaporation of a part of the liquid refrigerant. The auto-refrigeration effect of the adiabatic flash evaporation lowers the temperature of the liquid and vapor refrigerant mixture to where it is colder than the temperature of the enclosed space to be refrigerated. 2 The cold mixture is then routed through the coil or tubes in the evaporator. A fan circulates the warm air in the enclosed space across the coil or tubes carrying the cold refrigerant liquid and vapor mixture. That warm air evaporates the liquid part of the cold refrigerant mixture. At the same time, the circulating air is cooled and thus lowers the temperature of the enclosed space to the desired temperature. The evaporator is where the circulating refrigerant absorbs and removes heat which is subsequently rejected in the condenser and transferred elsewhere by the water or air used in the condenser. To complete the refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant vapor from the evaporator is again a saturated vapor and is routed back into the compressor. The idealized refrigeration cycle, like other ideal cycles has four processes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Isentropic compression Constant pressure heat rejection Isenthalpic (constant enthalpy) expansion (throttling) Constant pressure heat absorption Unlike other ideal thermodynamic cycles, process 3, the expansion process, is not reversible. Figure 2 shows the schematic and the T-s diagram for an ideal vapor-compression cycle Figure 2-Schematic and T-s diagram for an ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle 3 The processes are also shown on the P-h diagram in figure 3. Figure 3- the P-h diagram for an ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle A consequence of the second law of thermodynamics is that heat can not be transferred from a colder to a warmer space without a net heat input of energy. The coefficient of performance (COP) is the ratio of heat so moved to the input energy required to move it. COP= (Heat added or removed)/ Work input Results of First and Second Law Analysis for Steady-Flow: Component Compressor Condenser Throttle Valve Evaporator Process s = Const. P = Const. ∆s > 0 P = Const. First Law Result h3=h4 4 Therefore: The cooling capacity of refrigeration systems is often defined in units called “TONs of refrigeration”. The most common definition of that unit is: 1 TON of refrigeration is the rate of heat removal required to freeze a ton (i.e., 2000 pounds) of water at 32 °F in 24 hours. Based on the heat of fusion for water being 144 Btu per pound, 1 ton of refrigeration = 12,000 Btu/h = 12,660 kJ/h = 3.517 kW. Most residential air conditioning units range in capacity from about 1 to 5 Tons of refrigeration. Air conditioning: Air conditioning is the removal of heat from indoor air for thermal comfort. In another sense, the term can refer to any form of cooling, heating, ventilation, or disinfection that modifies the condition of air. An air conditioner (often referred to as AC or air con.) is an appliance, system, or machine designed to change the air temperature and humidity within an area (used for cooling as well as heating depending on the air properties at a given time), typically using a refrigeration cycle but sometimes using evaporation, commonly for comfort cooling in buildings and motor vehicles. Important Terms used in Air conditioning studies: Dry Bulb Temperature, DBT is that of an air sample, as determined by an ordinary thermometer, the thermometer’s bulb being dry. On the standard Psychrometric chart this is shown horizontally along the abscissa. Wet Bulb Temperature or Saturation Temperature, WBT, is that of an air sample after it has passed through a constant-pressure, ideal adiabatic saturation process, that is, after the air has passed over a large surface of liquid water in an insulated channel. In practice, this is the reading of a thermometer whose sensing bulb is covered with a wet sock evaporating into a rapid stream of the sample air. Humidity is a term for the amount of water vapor in the air, and can refer to any one of several measurements of humidity. The two most common measurements are relative humidity and specific humidity. Relative humidity is a term used to describe the amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water vapor. It is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in the air-water mixture to the saturated vapor pressure of water at those conditions. The relative humidity of air 5 depends not only on temperature but also on pressure of the system of interest. Relative humidity is normally expressed as a percentage and is calculated by using the following equation. It is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor (H2O) mixture to the saturated vapor pressure of water in the at a prescribed temperature. Relative humidity is an important metric used in weather forecasts and reports, as it is an indicator of the likelihood of precipitation, dew, or fog. In hot summer weather, a rise in relative humidity also increases the apparent temperature to humans (and other animals) by hindering the evaporation of perspiration from the skin as the relative humidity rises. For example, according to the Heat Index, a relative humidity of 75% at 80°F (27°C) would feel like 83.574°F ±1.3 °F (28.652°C ±0.7 °C) at about 44% relative humidity. Specific humidity is the ratio of water vapor to dry air in a particular mass, and is sometimes referred to as humidity ratio. Specific humidity ratio is expressed as a ratio of mass of water vapor, , per unit mass of dry air .That ratio is defined as: The dew point is the temperature to which a volume of humid air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into liquid water. Condensed water is called dew when it forms on a solid surface. Saturation Vapor Pressure Ps (N/m2, Pa) The pressure at which the vapor phase of a material is in equilibrium with the liquid phase of the same material. The saturation vapor pressure varies with temperature. In the case of saturated air (air saturated with water vapor), the saturation vapor pressure is the pressure (at a specific temperature) when the rate of evaporation of water equals the rate of condensation of water, and is also the point at which the relative humidity is 100%. The equations relating relative and specific humidity, temperature (wet and dry bulb), pressure (air, vapor) and enthalpy are quite tedious and inconvenient. For this reason a graph of the thermodynamic parameters of moist air at a constant pressure was developed relating all the relevant variables. This graph is called a Psychrometric chart and is extremely useful for designing and evaluating air-conditioning and cooling tower system. The versatility of the Psychrometric chart lies in the fact that by knowing two independent properties of some moist air (at a constant known pressure), the other properties can be determined. Changes in state, such as when two air streams mix, can easily be graphically modeled using the correct Psychrometric chart for the location’s air pressure or elevation relative to sea level. For 6 locations at or below 2000 ft (600 m), a common assumption is to use the sea level Psychrometric chart. The most common chart is the “ω-t” (omega-t) chart in which the Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT) appears horizontally as the abscissa and the humidity ratios (ω) appear as the ordinates. In order to use a particular chart, for a given air pressure or elevation, at least two of the six independent properties must be known (DBT, WBT, RH, Humidity Ratio, Specific Enthalpy, and Specific Volume). 7 RA2 Air-Conditioning unit The changes of air condition that may be investigated with the RA2 are:  Heating of air  Cooling of air  Humidification of air  Dehumidification of air with cooling The properties of air that may be measured directly by the RA2 sensors and controls are:  Air velocity  Relative humidity  Temperature (at multiple locations)  Power input (electrical) to each heater unit (preheat, reheat and boiler) The constants assumed by the software for calculations are:  Heat capacity ratio (g or k) for air: 1.41 @20°C [ratio, dimensionless]  Heat capacity ratio (g or k) for water: 133 @20°C [ratio, dimensionless]  Acceleration due to gravity (g): 9.81 [m/s²] -1 -1  Ideal gas constant (R): 8.314472 [J K mol ] -1 -1  Constant pressure specific heat (cp): 1.005 @20°C [kJ kg K ] -1 -1  Constant volume specific heat (cv): 0.715 [kJ kg K ] Variables that cannot be measured by the RA2 and must be input from additional measurements are:  Ambient (atmospheric) pressure Using Calculations instead of Psychrometric Chart to Determine Air State The standard method of determining the parameters required to analyze HVAC systems is to use the Psychrometric chart as described above. However these parameters can also be calculated. This section describes the formulae used in the RA2 software to determine the air state. Saturation Pressure and Partial Pressure of the Water Vapor The maximum saturation pressure of the water vapor in moist air varies with the temperature of the air vapor mixture and can be expressed as: pws = e(77.3450 + 0.0057 T – 7,235 / T) / T8.2 (1) where pws = water vapor saturation pressure (Pa) e = the constant 2.718……. T = temperature of the moist air (K) Equation (1) represents the curve on the Psychrometric chart at 100% RH. 8 Relative Humidity (RH) is defined as the partial pressure of the water vapor, divided by the partial pressure of saturated air at the same temperature. RH = pw / pws x 100% (2) From equations (1) and (2) the partial pressure of the water vapor can be calculated if the temperature and RH are known. Humidity Ratio The humidity ratio can be determined from the partial pressure of water vapor and air: x = 0.62198 pw / (pa – pw) (3) where pw = partial pressure of water vapor in the moist air (Pa) pa = atmospheric pressure of the moist air (Pa) Thus from equations (1), (2) and (3), the humidity ratio (x) (i.e. the abscissa of the Psychrometric chart) can be determined from the temperature and RH measurements. Other Calculations Required Calculating Mass Flow Rate From the continuity equation: where A and B are two points along the duct. In the experiments that follow, the letter subscripts refer to the positions along the duct as shown below: Thus, for a simple duct, the mass flow rate is constant through the duct. 9 The air flow rate (F) is measured by the air speed sensor at position D. The volume flow rate can be calculated to be F.A m3/s, where A is the cross section area of the duct. Therefore the mass flow rate can be expressed as: where v = specific volume of moist air per mass unit of dry air and water vapor (m3/kg) F = Flow rate of the air (m/s) A = Area of the duct (m2) The Specific Volume, v, (Inverse Density) of the air is determined from the Psychrometric chart, by plotting the dry bulb temperature and measured RH at the air flow sensor position. Note on Flow Rate Measurement: the above assumes the flow rate is constant throughout the duct, which of course is not the case. Flow rates near the walls and in the corners will be much lower than in the center. The RA2 measures the flow rate at the center of the duct. Therefore a factor needs to be applied to calculate the average flow. On RA2 this factor has been found empirically to be approximately 0.6. Sensible Air Heating Sensible Heating is heating that does not involve a change of phase (e.g. evaporation) of any of the materials involved. Similarly sensible cooling of air does not involve any condensation. The sensible heat of a material is the heat energy of the air that may be gained or lost through convection and conduction. The sensible heat is a result of the material’s specific heat capacity, its mass, and its temperature compared to some defined datum or reference temperature (e.g. measured using a standard scale of temperature such as Kelvin, Fahrenheit or Celsius, all of which use fixed reference points). The term ‘sensible heat’ rather than simply ‘heat’ is used in order to distinguish it from latent heat. From first law of thermodynamics: W (work transfer rate) is zero 10 Therefore the effective heating (or cooling) of the air between positions A and B can be expressed as: Individual enthalpy can be determined from the Psychrometric chart. Alternatively, the change in enthalpy may be calculated as cpa(TB – TA) + x cpw (TB – TA) where TA is the initial temperature of the air TB is the temperature of the air after heating cpa is the specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure cpw is the specific heat capacity of water vapor at constant pressure x is the humidity ratio Note on Latent Heat: Latent heat is the heat energy required for a material (e.g. water) to undergo a change of phase (e.g. evaporation from liquid to vapor). For example, a mass of liquid water will not immediately and completely change phase to water vapor as it reaches the evaporation temperature of 100°C, but requires additional heat input for the entire mass to evaporate. The temperature of the water will remain at 100°C (the temperature of the phase change) until the change is complete. The heat that must be added to enable the phase change, which does not result in a change of temperature, is the latent heat. The RA2 provides the facilities to investigate latent heat as the input power to the humidifier is measured. Also it is possible to collect the condensate from the chiller over a period of time. However detailed analysis of this non-sensible heating and cooling is beyond the scope of the standard experiments for the RA2. This would make an ideal topic for project work. Energy Balance and Heating Efficiency Efficiency = sensible air heating/ Electrical Heater power Note: In an HVAC system it is quite possible to obtain ‘efficiencies’ of >100% as heat may be gained from the surroundings as well as lost. It is more correct to term efficiency investigations as an ‘Energy Balance’. 11 Description: The Armfield RA2 Unit represents a model of an Air Conditioning system by demonstrating the effects of essential Air Conditioning processes: cooling, heating, humidifying and dehumidifying. The effect and relationships of the primary processes involved in air handling systems can be investigated. The RA2 Unit is designed so that students can simulate different environments and perform measurements to allow Psychrometric data analysis. The RA2 is a bench-top unit which comprises of a square ventilation duct mounted on a mild steel support frame. The duct is made of clear acrylic so all components are clearly visible: air fan, air preheater, humidifier tube, chiller/dehumidifier heat exchanger and air re-heater. The duct consists of 4 main parts: Left-Hand (LH) assembly, Right-Hand (RH) assembly, Fan assembly and Louvre assembly. An axial fan moves the air to be conditioned through the duct. Heating elements are used to heat the air. Humidification is provided by steam delivered through a tube from a boiler. The refrigerating capacity is generated by an evaporator (heat exchanger) which is connected to the refrigeration unit. The refrigeration unit and boiler are located underneath the duct. Temperature and humidity sensors record the temperature and relative humidity at every stage of operation. The air flow rate is determined using an air velocity transmitter. An acrylic Louvre is located at the exit from the duct. 1 Axial Fan The axial fan moves the air through the duct. The speed of the fan may be controlled to give different air flow rates. The fan must be on when both the pre-heater and re-heater are on to avoid heat damage to the acrylic duct during operation. The fan is protected with a guard, which prevents objects from reaching the blades. Front view of fan assembly Pre-heater and Re-heater The pre-heater comprises two electric elements of 200W each, for a total power of 400W. It is located downstream of the fan in order to preheat the air flowing through the evaporator. In the second part of the duct, after the evaporator, there is a re-heater (200W) which can be used to reheat the cooled or cooled and dehumidified air. The elements are arranged at an angle to give efficient heat transfer to the air stream. Air sensing thermostats are incorporated in the duct above the heater elements to provide overheat protection. Heating Coils 2 Evaporator The refrigerating capacity of approximately 500W at 20°C is generated by an evaporator, which is part of a compact refrigeration system. The refrigeration unit is used to cool and dehumidify the air stream. The evaporator consists of a direct-expansion coil operated with a thermostatic expansion valve. The evaporator is clearly visible within the ventilation duct, and the rest of the refrigeration unit- the condensing unit- is placed just underneath the duct. Air passing across the evaporator fins is cooled as the refrigerant flowing through the tubes absorbs heat and is boiled (evaporated). Refrigerant flowing through the coil tubes is controlled by a thermostatic expansion valve mounted at the inlet to the evaporator coil. This valve automatically feeds just enough refrigerant into the coil for the refrigerant to be completely converted (boiled) from liquid to gas. The valve is controlled by a temperature-sensing bulb mounted on the coil outlet (suction) connection. The evaporator itself is complete with an angled draining tray at the bottom. During the dehumidification experiment, condensate can be collected and measured with a graduated cylinder. Evaporator Assembly Refrigerant This equipment includes a sealed unit containing refrigerant R134a (Also known as: HFC-134a; 1,1,1-2 Tetrafluoroethane; Norflurane; Norfluran). This is a common refrigerant introduced to replace CFC (chloro-fluoro-carbon) refrigerants such as R-12. R134a is colourless, nonflammable and non-corrosive with a very faint odour, and is safe under normal use as described in this manual. See the safety section at the front of this manual for additional information. 3 Condensing Unit The Condensing Unit, located below the ventilation duct, incorporates a compressor and a condenser. The compressor is used to compress gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator, and in the fan cooled condenser the refrigerant gives away the heat gained in the evaporator. The Condensing Unit also incorporates a refrigerant collector, filter/dryer, sight glass and high/low pressure cut-out for safety purposes. Refrigeration Unit Assembly Humidifier Humidification is provided by a water boiler of 5L total volume. Steam is generated when the water is boiled using the electric element, (2kW). The boiler is made of plastic and includes a tube which delivers steam to the air duct. It also includes a drain valve, and can be refilled manually through the filler cap and refill lance. Distilled water is recommended in order to avoid scaling of the vessel and duct. The boiler incorporates a cut-out switch, which prevents the electrical element from overheating if the water level falls too low. If this occurs, wait 2 minutes and refill boiler, the cut off will self- reset and steam can be produced again with 5 -12 minutes. Power to the boiler heaters can be remotely controlled and monitored using the Armfield RA2 Software. 4 Air Velocity Sensor The air velocity in the duct is measured by the air velocity transmitter. This operates on the hot film anemometer principle, using special thin film. It has very good accuracy at low air velocities. The working range is 0–10m/s and the response time can be up to 4 seconds at constant temperature. Therefore it is important to obtain steady conditions in order to have stable velocity measurement. Steady state in the system is usually obtained after about 15 minutes. The velocity transmitter is mounted in the duct in the best position to measure the average air velocity. Care should be taken to ensure the correct angle between the sensor head and the air flow. Air Velocity Sensor Temperature / Relative Humidity Sensor Temperature and Relative Humidity (T/RH) sensors are located at every stage of operation. There are 4 T/RH sensors in total: at the duct inlet, before the evaporator, after the evaporator and at the duct outlet. Temperature and Relative Humidity is measured by the sensor. The RH sensor is a water resistant type so that it can operate in the range from 10 to 100% Relative Humidity. Temperature/Relative Humidity (T/RH) Sensor Block 5 Data Logger/Equipment Controller and Software The Armfield RA2 Air Conditioning Unit is designed to be operated using the RA2-306 software supplied with the equipment. The RA2 Air Conditioning Unit must therefore be connected to a suitable PC running the RA2-306 software (or an equivalent program created by the student). The RA2 software also allows data logging of experimental results, and performs some standard calculations on the data. Unit Dimensions: Length – 170 cm Depth – 44 cm Height – 60.5 cm 6 Exp#6-Analysis of an Air Conditioning System o o Investigate different air-conditioning processes including heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification Learn how to use the Psychrometric chart as applied to humidity measurement and control o o o Refrigeration refers to the transfer of heat from lower temperature regions to higher temperature ones It is the cooling or maintenance of a space or a body at a temperature below the equilibrium temperature it would normally resume Generally the term refers to cooling by interposing a system which absorbs heat from the space or body at a cold temperature, then rejects it to the surrounding at a higher temperature with a net input of work energy o o o The vapor-compression cycle Cools by compression and expansion of a vapor The absorption cycle Cools by absorption of a vapor in a liquid (most commonly, ammonia in water) The hot-junction/cold-junction electrical system Provides cooling effect using two bimetal junctions, where current flow in one direction (DC) causes junction A to heat up and junction B to cool. Reverse the current and A will cool and B will heat up Devices that produce refrigeration are called refrigerators, Heat pumps or AC units o The cycles on which they operate are called refrigeration cycles o The working fluids used in refrigerators are called refrigerants o o o The most widely used method for airconditioning of large public buildings, offices, private residences, hotels, hospitals, theaters, restaurants and automobiles Uses a circulating liquid refrigerant as the medium which absorbs and removes heat from the space to be cooled and subsequently rejects that heat elsewhere Main components: • Compressor • Condenser • Thermal Expansion Valve • Evaporator o Compressor: o Condenser: Refrigerant enters the compressor as a saturated vapor and is compressed to a higher pressure, resulting in a higher temperature as well. Refrigerant then leaves the compressor as a superheated vapor and it is at a temperature and pressure at which it can be condensed with typically available cooling water or cooling air That hot vapor is routed through a condenser where it is cooled and condensed into a liquid by flowing through a coil or tubes with cool water or cool air flowing across the coil or tubes. This is where the circulating refrigerant rejects heat from the system and rejected heat is carried away by the cooling medium. o Thermal Expansion Valve (Throttling Valve) The condensed liquid refrigerant, in the thermodynamic state known as a saturated liquid, is next routed through an expansion valve where it undergoes an abrupt reduction in pressure. That pressure reduction results in the adiabatic flash evaporation of a part of the liquid refrigerant. The auto-refrigeration effect of the adiabatic flash evaporation lowers the temperature of the liquid and vapor refrigerant mixture to where it is colder than the temperature of the enclosed space to be refrigerated. The cold mixture is then routed through the coil or tubes in the evaporator o Evaporator A fan circulates the warm air in the enclosed space across the coil or tubes carrying the cold refrigerant liquid and vapor mixture. That warm air evaporates the liquid part of the cold refrigerant mixture. At the same time, the circulating air is cooled and thus lowers the temperature of the enclosed space to the desired temperature. The evaporator is where the circulating refrigerant absorbs and removes heat which is subsequently rejected in the condenser and transferred elsewhere by the water or air used in the condenser. To complete the refrigeration cycle, the refrigerant vapor from the evaporator is again a saturated vapor and is routed back into the compressor. Processes are: 1. Isentropic compression 2. Constant pressure heat rejection 3. Isenthalpic (constant enthalpy) expansion (throttling) 4. Constant pressure heat absorption Unlike other ideal thermodynamic cycles, process 3, the expansion process, is not reversible o o A consequence of the second law of thermodynamics is that heat can not be transferred from a colder to a warmer space without a net input of energy The coefficient of performance (COP) is the ratio of heat removed to the input energy required to move it COP= (Heat added or removed)/ Work input o o Defined in a unit called “TONs of refrigeration“ TON of refrigeration is the rate of heat removal required to freeze one ton (i.e., 2000 pounds) of water at 32 °F in 24 hours. Based on the heat of fusion for water being 144 Btu per pound 1 TON= 12,000 Btu/h = 12,660 kJ/h = 3.517 kW o Most residential air conditioning units range in capacity from about 1 to 5 TONs of refrigeration. o o o Air conditioning is the removal of heat from indoor air for thermal comfort. The term can refer to any form of cooling, heating, ventilation, or disinfection that modifies the condition of air. An air conditioner (often referred to as AC unit) is an appliance, system, or machine designed to change the air temperature and humidity within an area ❖Used for cooling as well as heating depending on the air properties at a given time ❖Typically using a refrigeration cycle   Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT) is the temperature determined by an ordinary thermometer. On the standard Psychrometric chart this is shown horizontally along the abscissa Wet Bulb Temperature or Saturation Temperature, WBT, is that of an air sample after it has passed through a constant-pressure, ideal adiabatic saturation process, that is, after the air has passed over a large surface of liquid water in an insulated channel. In practice, this is the reading of a thermometer whose sensing bulb is covered with a wet sock evaporating into a rapid stream of the sample air. a term used for the amount of water vapor in the air, and can refer to any one of several measurements of humidity. The two most common measurements are relative humidity and specific humidity. o o o o The amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water vapor Defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in the air-water mixture to the saturated vapor pressure of water at those conditions: Normally expressed as a percentage Depends not only on temperature but also on pressure of the system of interest. o o o The ratio of water vapor to dry air in a particular mass Also referred to as humidity ratio Expressed as a ratio of mass of water vapor per unit mass of dry air .That ratio is defined as: The temperature to which a volume of humid air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into liquid water. Condensed water is called dew when it forms on a solid surface. o o o o A graph of the thermodynamic parameters of moist air at a constant pressure relating all the relevant variables extremely useful for designing and evaluating air-conditioning and cooling tower system. By knowing two independent properties of some moist air (at a constant known pressure), the other properties can be determined Changes in state, such as when two air streams mix, can easily be graphically modeled using the correct Psychrometric chart for the location’s air pressure or elevation relative to sea level o Sensible heating o Humidification refers to the process of heat exchanged by a body or thermodynamic system that changes the temperature, and some macroscopic variables of the body, but leaves unchanged certain other macroscopic variables, such as volume or pressure is the process in which the moisture or water vapor or humidity is added to the air without changing its dry bulb (DB) temperature is called as humidification process. This process is represented by a straight vertical line on the Psychrometric chart starting from the initial value of relative humidity, extending upwards and ending at the final value of the relative humidity. In actual practice the pure humidification process is not possible, since the humidification is always accompanied by cooling or heating of the air. Humidification process along with cooling or heating is used in number of air conditioning applications. o o o In heating and humidification psychrometric process of the air, the dry bulb temperature as well as the humidity of the air increases. The heating and humidification process is carried out by passing the air over spray of water, which is maintained at temperature higher than the dry bulb temperature of air or by mixing air and the steam. When the ordinary air is passed over the spray of water maintained at temperature higher than the dry bulb temperature of the air, the moisture particles from the spray tend to get evaporated and get absorbed in the air due to which the moisture content of the air increase. At the same time, since the temperature of the moisture is greater than the dry bulb temperature of the air, there is overall increase in its temperature. During heating and humidification process the dry bulb, wet bulb, and dew point temperature of the air increases along with its relative humidity. The heating and humidification process is represented on the psychrometric chart by an angular line that starts from the given value of the dry bulb temperature and extends upwards towards right (see the figure below). o o o o One of the most commonly used air conditioning application for the cooling purposes In this process the moisture is added to the air by passing it over the stream or spray of water which is at temperature lower than the dry bulb temperature of the air During the cooling and humidification process the dry bulb of the air reduces, its wet bulb and the dew point temperature increases, while its moisture content and thus the relative humidity also increases. Also, the sensible heat of the air reduces, while the latent heat of the air increases resulting in the overall increase in the enthalpy of the air. Cooling and humidification process is represented by an angular line on the psychrometric chart starting from the given value of the dry bulb temperature and the relative humidity and extending upwards toward left. o o o The process in which the moisture or water vapor or the humidity is removed from the air keeping its dry bulb (DB) temperature constant This process is represented by a straight vertical line on the psychrometric chart starting from the initial value of relative humidity, extending downwards and ending at the final value of the relative humidity. Like the pure humidification process, in actual practice the pure dehumidification process is not possible, since the dehumidification is always accompanied by cooling or heating of the air. The process in which the air is cooled sensibly and at the same time the moisture is removed from it is called as cooling and dehumidification process. Cooling and dehumidification process is obtained when the air at the given dry bulb and dew point (DP) temperature is cooled below the dew point temperature During the cooling and dehumidification process the dry bulb, wet bulb and the dew point temperature of air reduces. Similarly, the sensible heat and the latent heat of the air also reduce leading to overall reduction in the enthalpy of the air. The cooling and dehumidification process is represented by a straight angular line on the psychrometric chart. The line starts from the given value of the DB temperature and extends downwards towards left The process in which the air is heated and at the same time moisture is removed from it is called as heating and dehumidification process. This process is obtained by passing the air over certain chemicals like alumina and molecular sieves. These elements have inherent properties due to which they keep on releasing the heat and also have the tendency to absorb the moisture. These are called as the hygroscopic chemicals During the heating and dehumidification process dry bulb temperature of the air increases while its dew point and wet bulb temperature reduces. On the psychrometric chart, this process is represented by a straight angular line starting from the given DB temperature conditions and extending downwards towards right to the final DB temperature conditions EXP#6-Air-Conditioning Analysis Objective: To investigate different air conditioning processes such as heating, cooling and possibly dehumidification Experimental Procedure: Equipment Set-up: 1. Turn on the unit. 2. Connect the PC to the equipment using the USB provided, turn it on and open the RA2 software. The software should indicate ‘IFDVCM (No.): OK’ in the bottom right of the software window, and the red and green USB indicator lights on the electrical console should be illuminated. 3. Check that the RCCD (circuit breaker) on the electrical console is in the up (OFF) position. 4. Check that the sensor readings in the software indicate reasonable values 5. Select and load Exercise E: Enthalpy and Project Work 6. Click on the “View diagram” icon in top menu 7. Click on the “Start COM Session” icon and follow the instruction 8. Find the atmospheric pressure from online sources and enter the value in the box for “Atmospheric Pressure” 9. Click on “Power On” in “Controls” on the left side of the screen Procedure: Run 1: 1. Set the fan to 60% 2. Set the Preheat control to manual and 30% (Check that the preheat element on the mimic diagram changes to red indicating that the heater is in operation) 3. Turn the cooling on 4. Wait 5 minutes for T3 to stabilize 5. Open the reheat control and set T4 at 2-3 degrees greater than T3. (Check that the reheat element on the mimic diagram changes to red indicating that the heater is in operation) 6. Wait for the system to stabilize (T4 must be close to the set temperature at this point) 7. Once the system’s stabilized select the “GO” icon to record data at an interval of 10 seconds for the duration of 1 minute (Use the “Configure the Data Sampling” icon for the proper setting) 8. Click on “Save the results to file”, name the file, and save it as an excel file Run 2: 9. Increase the Preheat control to 50% 10. Allow the system to stabilize and repeat the experiment Run 3: 11. Increase the Preheat control to 70% 12. Allow the system to stabilize and repeat the experiment Note: A full report is not required for this lab. Instead, each member of a group must perform the calculations for one run (a different pre-heat setting), submit the detailed calculations and briefly answer the questions in the “Analysis” Calculations: 1. At one preheat setting (30%, 50%, and 70%), use the average T and RH (relative humidity) at each of the four positions, point 1 (fan inlet), point 2 (before the evaporator), point3 (after the evaporator), and point 4 (duct exit) to locate the points on the Psychrometric and label each point with its number 2. Using the Psychrometric chart, estimate the wet-bulb temperature, absolute humidity (aka Humidity Ratio (x), and the Specific Enthalpy (h) at each point. Also, find the dew point temperature at point 2 (before the evaporator) and the specific volume at point 4. Show the results in a table 3. Calculate the density of air at point 4 4. Use the average velocity and the cross section area of the duct (0.0412 m2) to calculate the volumetric flow rate of air in m3/s 5. Calculate the mass flow rate of air in kg/s 6. Use the enthalpy at points 1,2,3 and 4 to determine: i. ii. iii. Heat added to the air by the pre-heater Heat removed from the air by the evaporator Heat added to the air by the re-heater 7. Determine the cooling capacity of the unit in TON 8. Calculate the COP of the refrigeration unit if the power input to the compressor is 0.2 hP (Note: 1 hP= 745.7 Watts) 9. From the change in Humidity Ratio across the evaporator, and the mass flow rate of air, calculate the rate of dehumidification in g/s Analysis: 1. Connect the points on the Psychrometric charts and describe the type of processes that occur between each two points (e.g. 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4) 2. Are the processes as expected? Explain 3. How does the relative humidity change with temperature? Are the changes as expected? 4. Is dehumidification expected to occur in process 2-3? (Hint: compare T3 with Tdew at point Lab 6 data and report • • • • • • Data for experiment 6, Air Conditioning analysis, is now posted. As was explained in class, the report for this lab is INDIVIDUAL and DOES NOT REQUIRE all components of a complete report. Each member of a group must select a different run of the experiment and submit an individual report consists of ONLY the following parts: Title page (Must include the title of the experiment and Run#, Student’s name, group# ,section enrolled, and submission date) Raw data (Raw data can be copied from beachboard but the selected run must be highlighted) Detailed calculations (this part can be handwritten) Answer to the questions in the “Analysis” part of the handout (MUST BE TYPED) A copy of the Psychrometric chart showing all points of analysis (marked and labeled with numbers) Use the following table to present properties of air found at each point using the psychrometric chart: o 3 T (oC) Twet (oC) X RH(%) h (kJ/kg) Tdew ( C) V(m /kg) (gH2O/kgair) Point 1 NR Point 2 NR NR Point 3 NR Point 4 NR NR NR= NOT REQUIRED The report for this lab is due Monday, May 6. This report MUST be submitted individually . Like the other reports, an electronic copy must be submitted to BeachBoard. The hard copy will be collected in class
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