ODU A Multilingual and Cultural Proficiency Team Case Questions

ODU A Multilingual and Cultural Proficiency Team Case Questions






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CHAPTER 14 ADDRESSING HEALTH DISPARITIES: CULTURAL PROFICIENCY Objectives (1 of 2) • Assess the concepts of health disparities, health inequities, social determinants, cultural competency, and cultural proficiency. • Propose a cogent argument for addressing health disparities. • Analyze and estimate trends in demographics in the U.S. and the expected impact on the patient population and the health care workforce. Objectives (2 of 2) • Examine initiatives to foster cultural proficiency within health care organizations and explain the benefits. • Evaluate new paradigms relating to health disparities in research and practice. Definitions (1 of 4) • Vulnerable populations: groups of people not well integrated into the health care system. • Medically Underserved Areas and Populations (MUA/Ps): identify geographic areas and populations with a lack of access to primary care services (HRSA, 2016). Definitions (2 of 4) • Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs) have a shortage of primary care health services for residents within a geographic area (HRSA, 2016). • Medically Underserved Populations (MUPs) are specific sub-groups of people living in a defined geographic area with a shortage of primary care health services (HRSA, 2016). Definitions (3 of 4) • Health disparities: “differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups in the United States” (NIH, 2010b, para.1). • Priority populations (for research): women; children; racial and ethnic minorities; the elderly; low-income, inner-city, and rural people; and those with special health care needs, such as those who have disabilities, need chronic care, or need end-of-life health care. Definitions (4 of 4) • Health inequities: avoidable inequalities in health between groups of people within countries and between countries. These inequities arise from inequalities within and between societies. Social and economic conditions and their effects on people’s lives determine their risk of illness and the actions taken to prevent them becoming ill or treat illness when it occurs (World Health Organization, 2008). Examples of Health Disparities • Diabetes – Prevalence: • 11.9% in U.S. population • 18% in those of Mexican origin • Infant mortality – Infant deaths per 1,000 live births per CDC • 4.8 among Whites • 11.7 among Blacks • HIV and AIDS – 8x rate among Blacks for HIV and 10x rate for AIDS as compared to Whites Why Health Disparities? Social Determinants Individual Factors Access to health insurance Patients’ beliefs Socioeconomic factors Genetics and biology Living and working conditions Patients’ adherence to preventive and therapeutic measures Geographic isolation Access to healthy food Definitions • Cultural proficiency (as an individual and an organization): – The ability and willingness to respond respectfully and effectively to people of all cultures, classes, races, ages, sexual orientation, ethnic backgrounds, and religions in a manner that values all – Also referred to as: • Cultural intelligence • Cultural competence • Cultural conditioning • Cultural sensitivity • Cultural congruence Cultural Proficiency Initiatives • • • • • • • • • • Workforce diversity and career development Supportive leadership and culture Appropriate human resources policies Assessment on individual and organizational levels Education and training Multilingual services and support materials: CLAS Evaluation and research: data analytics Eliminate structural barriers Community outreach and engagement Public policies Figure 14-1 Changing Demographics in the United States Reproduced from: U.S. Census, 2015 National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) (1 of 3) National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) (2 of 3) National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) (3 of 3) Office of Minority Health, n.d. Retrieved from https://www.thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/assets/pdfs/EnhancedNationalCLASStandards.pdf Benefits of Cultural Proficiency • Good business practice – Improved patient and provider satisfaction – Climate of inclusion • Good workforce management – Effective communications between staff and patients – Decreased turnover – Enrich the future talent pool – Decreased lawsuits • Ethical and moral imperative • Decreased economic burden on society Figure 14-2 Addressing Health Disparities via Cultural Proficiency A Sampling of Research Sources • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality • American Public Health Association • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics • National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Summary • Disproportionate burden of illness and injury among underserved populations • U.S. population and the patient population are becoming more ethnically and racially diverse: will the health care workforce follow suit? • Health care organizations must reflect and support the communities they serve with best practices in cultural proficiency. Case Study: Mrs. Mehmet Mrs. Mehmet, from Kulu in Turkey, has recently come to Sweden where her husband has secured a well-paid job. After several visits to her house by a health visitor Mrs. Mehmet has been persuaded to take her children to a ‘well child clinic’. The doctor, dressed in jeans and a Tshirt, wel-comes Mrs. Mehmet by shaking her hand and asking, ‘How are you?’ Because the translator feels that it is unnecessary to translate this common greeting, the doctor gets no reply from Mrs. Mehmet and proceeds to examine her 6-year-old son, Yusuf. The young boy, cautious of the doctor, is encouraged by his mother to comply with the translated requests. While Yusuf is being examined Mrs. Mehmet tends to her 9-month-old baby girl, Gulay, wrapped tightly in a large blanket, and resting on her lap. The doctor asks Mrs. Mehmet various questions about her son’s health and she replies to them by addressing her answers to the translator. The doctor asks, ‘How is his health?’ and Mrs. Mehmet replies ‘Good?’ ‘Does he eat well?’ asks the doctor, and Mrs. Mehmet replies, ‘Not so well; it would be good to get some medicine so that he can eat better.’ ‘Does he sleep well?’ ‘Yes, fine.’ The doctor shines a small torch into Yusuf’s ears and nose. He then examines his throat, using a spatula to hold down his tongue. He looks at his back and runs his hands down the boy’s legs, grimacing to himself. Finally, he lowers Yusuf’s underpants to inspect his genitals. The doctor sits down behind his desk and starts to write out a referral slip. As he writes, he appears to speak to his pen, and says ‘Basically your son is in good health, but I would like to refer him to a specialist in Stockholm for a second opinion about his legs which appear a little bent to me.’ ‘OK let’s have a look at your baby then,’ says the doctor as he gets up from behind his desk and moves towards Mrs. Mehmet and Gulay. However, Mrs. Mehmet hesitates, appears anxious and tells the transla-tor that she is just here for Yusuf. The translator tells Mrs. Mehmet that since she has brought both children to the clinic she must let the doctor examine both. Uncomfortably, Mrs. Mehmet allows the doctor slowly to unwrap her baby, revealing a tiny skeletal motionless body. The doctor cups Gulay’s fragile head in his big hands, examines Gulay’s neck and ears, and tests various reflexes, while rapidly firing off questions to the translator. The mother says that her Gulay has always been that way and that she nurses the baby herself. The doctor, beginning to appear frus-trated, asks ‘Why haven’t you taken her to a doctor before now?’ Mrs. Mehmet starts to wrap the blankets around Gulay again, explain-ing to the translator that there is little point in taking her daughter to doctors because they would not understand what is wrong with her. Meanwhile the doctor, suspecting chronic diarrhea and fluid loss as well as an upper respiratory infection, and fearing meningitis, announces, ‘This baby needs immediate hospitalization!’ He explains to Mrs. Mehmet that she must take her baby to the hospital today and that he will tele-phone the hospital so that they know to expect her. He draws out a rough map of how she can get to the hospital from the clinic and recommends that she goes right away. Mrs. Mehmet smiles gratefully and thanks the doctor as she gets up and leaves his office with Yusuf close by her side. They go straight home. They do not go to the hospital as instructed by the doctor. QUESTIONS 1. What type of teams would be helpful in this scenario? 2. How do you address this as hospital administrator? 3. Present your solutions.
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Explanation & Answer:

2 pages

CSUN The Significance of Micronutrients to The Body Discussion

CSUN The Significance of Micronutrients to The Body Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


  • Discuss the importance of micronutrients and their function in the body. Choose two micronutrients and discuss the following:
    • Why they are important to the body
    • Signs and symptoms of toxicity and deficiency for each nutrient.
  • What is the role of these nutrients in the prevention of disease? Provide examples.


Explanation & Answer:

420 Words

CSUN Micronutrients Keeping up With Great Well Being Discussion

CSUN Micronutrients Keeping up With Great Well Being Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


  • Discuss the importance of micronutrients and their function in the body. Choose two micronutrients and discuss the following:
    • Why they are important to the body
    • Signs and symptoms of toxicity and deficiency for each nutrient.
  • What is the role of these nutrients in the prevention of disease? Provide examples.


Explanation & Answer:

320 Words

SEU Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Systems Discussion

SEU Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Systems Discussion






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Chapter 8 GERMANY Chapter 12: Overview • Country Description • Brief History of the Healthcare System • Description of the Healthcare System • Evaluation of the Healthcare System • Emerging Challenges • Conclusion Country Description • History • Size and Geography • Government and Political System • Germany in the European Union • Macroeconomics Country Description • Demographics – Birth Rates – Life Expectancy and Age Distribution • Educational System • Culture and Religion • Mortality and Morbidity in the Country Brief History Of The Healthcare System • Historical Evolution of the Healthcare System – German Industrialization and the National Health Insurance Act of 1883 – Social Conflict and the Strengthening of the Medical Profession – Hitler’s Third Reich and World War II – The Post-War Period and Two German States Brief History of the Healthcare System • 1883 Health Insurance Act • Strengths and weaknesses Brief History of the Healthcare System • Pre-World War II – Sickness fund – Compulsory insurance – Evolution of the modern system Brief History of the Healthcare System • Pre-World War II – National Health Insurance Act of 1883 – Hitler’s Third Reich and WWII Brief History of the Healthcare System • Since World War II – Division of the country • Federal Republic of Germany – Reunification – Post-unification health reform Description of the Current Healthcare System • Solidarity and Subsidiarity: Basis for the German Healthcare System – Equity and justice – Solidarity and subsidiarity Description of the Current Healthcare System • Facilities • Workforce • Technology and equipment Evaluation Of The Healthcare System • Cost – Multiparty Payer System and Third-Party Distribution – Out-of-pocket payments – Sickness fund membership – Current benefits Evaluation Of The Healthcare System • Quality – Population measures – Infant Mortality – Two-Tiered Healthcare Systems (by Income) – Vaccination Coverage Evaluation Of The Healthcare System • Quality Assurance • Patients’ Rights • Access – Equity and Universality – Uninsured Populations Current and Emerging Issues and Challenges • Cost containment – Financing and providing access to health irrespective of means to pay is being tested • Aging population – People between 33 and 54 are most concerned; they have to pay for themselves and for their retired fellow Germans • Refugee Crisis Conclusion • German Health Care System (GHCS) based on the original “Bismarck” model of healthcare – Equity and Universal coverage – Ready access with free flexible choices – Funded by government and private contributions • Healthcare is better than in most countries, but patients are facing increasing costs Conclusion • Population aging and the increasing prevalence of lifestyle-related chronic diseases expected to boost health care demand • Plans underway to implement health care cost containment and process optimization – Value-based pricing models and – Pay-for-performance mechanisms This Section Reserved for Instructors Suggested Discussion or Research Questions General Question Categories • • • • • • • • • Structure and Evaluation Healthcare Services and Systems Global Burden of Disease Cultural Influences Medical Travel and Tourism and Off Shoring Health Communication, Marketing, Social Marketing Data and Measurement Policy, Strategy, and the Regulatory Environment Global Health Leadership International Best Practices Discussion or Research Questions • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the German healthcare system. • What were the underlying reasons for the development of the Bismarck System of social welfare? • What improvements were made in the social and health insurance system in the years immediately before World War II? • Compare and contrast the Bismarck System of social and health delivery in West Germany and the centralized, state financed system developed in East Germany. Discussion or Research Questions • Describe the key provisions of the German health reform law passed in 2007. • Describe the two fundamental principles that underpin the German healthcare system. • What impacts on healthcare service delivery are associated with the presence of a two-tiered health insurance system? • How have recent health reforms affected individual financial responsibility in Germany? Suggested Topic Areas To Use When Facilitating Discussions, Projects, or Case Studies • Engagement of stakeholders • Effectively working in and managing teams • Learning how to get in front of the problem or identify opportunities • Learning to communicate effectively • Assessment of solutions that fit the country • Embracing systems thinking • Recognize and embrace diversity • Sustaining the mission of health as well as health care Links to Suggested Images • http://moscow-consulting.com/publications/how-can-state-financedhospitals-increase-their-extrabudgetary-funding
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Explanation & Answer:

300 Words

SEU Balancing Patient Care and Legal Considerations Essay

SEU Balancing Patient Care and Legal Considerations Essay






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Module 11 HCM515 Health Law and Ethics Instructor Name Module 11 Learning Outcomes 1. Analyze legal and ethical obligations to provide care in healthcare settings. 2. Analyze ethical obligations and duties to provide care to patients. 3. Argue ethical and legal ramifications in the termination or refusal of care. HCM515: Health Law and Ethics The Emergence of Ethics in Health Law Violations of Ethics → UN was created → Universal Declaration of Human Rights HCM515: Health Law and Ethics International Human rights  Civil Rights  Political Rights  Fasted growing field in international law. HCM515: Health Law and Ethics Documents Protecting the Right to Health  Constitution of the World Health Organization, https://www.who.int/about/who-we-are/constitution  Universal Declaration of Human Rights, https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universaldeclaration-of-human-rights  International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, https://www.who.int/hhr/Economic_social_cultural.pdf HCM515: Health Law and Ethics Ethical Principles Involved in Human Rights  Dignity  Beneficence  Normative ethics Course Code and Title How Human Rights Advances Health Ethics Sustainable Development Goals  The United Nations has implemented Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)  These are ideals and plans in which countries can improve the lives of their citizens  One of the SDG’s aims is to provide all people throughout the world with  equal,  unbiased access to and  ensure measures are in place to enable utilization of basic Primary Health Care Services Course Code and Title Module 11 Requirements  HCM515: Health Law and Ethics Questions Take advantage of this opportunity to seek further clarification. HCM515: Health Law and Ethics Next Live Session   HCM515: Health Law and Ethics References    Alfaqeeh, G., Cook, E. J., Randhawa, G., & Ali, N. (2017). Access and utilisation of primary health care services comparing urban and rural areas of Riyadh Providence, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. BMC Health Services Research, 17. Hussein, G. M. (2015). Module 3 – Doctors’ professional relationships and duties. In J. Ware (Ed.), Professionalism and ethics handbook for residents: A practical guide (pp. 25-42). Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. Pinto, A. D., & Upshur, R. E. (Eds.). (2013). An introduction to global health ethics. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-0-415-68183-4 / eText ISBN: 9781136178016 HCM515: Health Law and Ethics This concludes our live session. Thank you for your attendance! 1 Balancing Patient Care and Legal Considerations: A Comprehensive Approach in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Student’s Number Institutional affiliation Instructor’s Name Course Date 2 Case Study: Assume you are an attorney in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia representing a variety of private healthcare providers. One of your clients is a private physician that found out one of his Diabetic patients is not following the treatment plan that was provided by the physician. In fact, the patient is not taking their insulin and is on a diet of extremely sugary foods. The physician wants to end care to the patient for fear that the patient is going to harm themselves and later sue the physician. Detail the advice you would provide your client in how to deal with this situation. 3 The first step is to meticulously document every aspect of the physician-patient contact. The physician must meticulously document each interaction, including talks about the treatment plan, instances of noncompliance, and any recommendations made. The keeping of up-to-date and accurate medical records is the foundation for creating a full case history (Alotaibi et al., 2021). This not only ensures a clear grasp of the patient’s medical journey, but it also serves as a necessary foundation for any prospective legal issues that may develop. Building on the solid documentation basis, the second crucial step is to develop open and honest communication with the patient. The physician should have an open talk with the patient, expressing concerns about noncompliance and describing the potential health hazards connected with such behavior. This conversation should be meticulously documented, including not just the specifics of the talk but also any agreements or disagreements reached (Alluhidan et al., 2020). Effective communication not only enriches the physician-patient connection but also greatly adds to an informed decision-making process that respects the patient’s autonomy and well-being. The third strategic stage is to seek out alternative perspectives to help with decisionmaking. Obtaining a second opinion from another trained healthcare practitioner, providing new insights into the patient’s situation, and exploring different techniques to managing their health are all part of this. Concurrently, consultation with colleagues in the medical community provides a larger range of perspectives, enabling a collaborative effort to fully comprehend the nuances of the patient’s situation (Al-Hanawi et al., 2019). This collaborative approach not only reaffirms the commitment to rigorous decision-making, but also demonstrates a shared commitment to putting patient care first. Legal advice is the fourth and most important step in this process. The physician should obtain advice from legal professionals who are well-versed in the complexities of Saudi 4 healthcare legislation and regulations. This legal knowledge ensures that the decision-making process is in accordance with local healthcare rules and aids in anticipating and managing potential legal risks related with the physician’s actions. Maintaining a high level of professionalism is critical during this difficult process (Chikhaoui et al., 2022). Professionalism, in addition to adhering to ethical standards, reduces the danger of allegations of negligence or improper conduct, underlining the significance of a thorough and careful approach in negotiating complex healthcare issues in Saudi Arabia 5 Reference Al-Hanawi, M. K., & Qattan, A. M. (2019). An analysis of public-private partnerships and sustainable health care provision in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Health Services Insights, 12, 117863291985900. https://doi.org/10.1177/1178632919859008 Alluhidan, M., Tashkandi, N., Alblowi, F., Omer, T., Alghaith, T., Alghodaier, H., Alazemi, N., Tulenko, K., Herbst, C. H., Hamza, M. M., & Alghamdi, M. G. (2020). Challenges and policy opportunities in nursing in Saudi Arabia. Human Resources for Health, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-020-00535-2 Alotaibi, A., Saleh, W. M., alshaibani, khalid, Abdulbaqi, A. H., & Alosaimi, M. (2021). Setting the Health Research Priority Agenda for the Ministry of Health (MOH), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2020-2025 Project. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-136392/v1 Alotaibi, A., Saleh, W., Abdulbaqi, A., & Alosaimi, M. (2022). Health Research Priority Agenda for Ministry of Health, kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 2020 to 2025. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 12(4), 413–429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44197-022-00061-5 Chikhaoui, E., Alajmi, A., & Larabi-Marie-Sainte, S. (2022). Artificial Intelligence Applications in healthcare sector: Ethical and legal challenges. Emerging Science Journal, 6(4), 717–738. https://doi.org/10.28991/esj-2022-06-04-05
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Explanation & Answer:

300 Words

HSC 1531 FSCJ Health & Medical Defining Health Discussion Responses

HSC 1531 FSCJ Health & Medical Defining Health Discussion Responses




Respond to two follow-ups to a classmate’s posts:

1.     It is widely recognized that the US healthcare system places a greater emphasis on treating illness rather than promoting preventive care and keeping people healthy. This approach leads to higher healthcare costs and poorer health outcomes compared to other developed countries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading cause of deaths and disabilities in the US. Many of these chronic diseases are preventable through lifestyle modifications and earlier interventions. However, the current healthcare system often lacks strategies such as patient education and awareness, health risk assessments, incentives and rewards and community engagements that support preventive care and the promotion of healthy behaviors.

Investing in preventive care has the potential to improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs in the long term. Studies have shown that a strong emphasis on preventive care can reduce the burden of chronic diseases, decrease hospitalization, and improve overall health of the entire population. For example, the National Library of Medicine estimated that preventive care interventions could save millions of lives and trillions of dollars in healthcare costs. Countries such as Sweden and Canada who place emphasizes on comprehensive and preventive care tend to have better health outcomes and lower healthcare costs per capita compared to the United States. These systems prioritize primary care, preventive screenings, and health education which contribute to healthier populations.

In conclusion there is evidence that suggest that shifting towards a healthcare system that focused more on preventive care and keeping people healthy could lead to improved health outcomes and cost savings. To implement such changes would require implement comprehensive systemic reforms, which would involve addressing various factors beyond just clinical care, such as social determinants of health and access to healthcare services.

2.     I feel that our healthcare system is built to support keeping people “healthy” because over the course of time, there has been so many improvements in resources that can help us. Of course, there are still so much room for growth but there is a significant number of supports in our healthcare system. As the World Health Organization states, health means the well-being of Mental, physical, and social state. Mental health is something that has become more of a discussion over time due to a number of factors such as financial struggle, racial issues, social isolation, etc. In 2019, the World health Organization launched “The WHO Special initiative for Mental Health”. This is a Universal Health coverage for mental health that ensures affordable and easy access for mental health conditions in 12 countries and to 100 million people (WHO, 2023). With Physical health, there has been a number of programs and resources that help people improve their health in so many ways. CDC’s “Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity” focuses of preventing chronic diseases and promoting good nutrition for all ages, ethnicities, etc. This program is so important because it allows all people to participate in the chance to be healthy and learn more about the resources available to them. Lastly, social health is something that isn’t talked about as much. Our environmental conditions affect the way we function, communicate, etc. According to research conducted by the National Library of Medicine, Hospitals and health systems that form partnerships that address the needs of their surrounding communities are more likely to have better health outcomes. When unmet social needs are identified it can improve so many people’s health individually and as a community. There are still a lot of things the healthcare system can work on, but they are helping so many people more and more each day.


Explanation & Answer:

100 Words Each

Introductions from From Inquiry Essay

Introductions from From Inquiry Essay




Exercise #1:

Copy and paste your original and new introduction and conclusion to a new document so they look like the examples above. The key here is to consciously follow the pattern set out in the chapters.

  • Using one of the patterns from “Introductions from From Inquiry.pdf” handout, develop an idea and then draft a new introduction. Develop and include a title that reflects your introduction.
  • Using one of the patterns from “Conclusions From Inquiry to Academic Writing” handout, develop and then draft a new conclusion.
  • Incorporate new introduction and conclusion into your draft.
  • Original Introduction
  • Revised Introduction
  • riginal Conclusion
  • Revised Conclusion

Exercise #2:

  • In the same document as above, copy and paste one of your essay’s body paragraphs into the box labeled “Body paragraph 1: Draft” and “Body paragraph 1: Revised” (see table below)
  • Following the instructions above, use repetition to move reader through the paragraph, making a reference back to a word or idea from the previous sentences.
  • Copy and paste revised paragraph back into your essay.
  • Continue this with your other paragraphs.

Use the concept in the video

  • Steps to Integrating a Quote

    1. Introduce quote, stating name of writer (or speaker) and establishing his or her credentials/credibility;
    2. Insert quote with documentation;

    1 Introduce quote:
    Delbanco, Columbia professor of American Studies, argues that college teaches people to see through propaganda by showing them

  • 2 Insert Quote
    “the difference between demagoguery and responsible arguments” (29).
  • Exercise #3

    After reviewing the information above and watching the video, go to each quote in your draft checking for the following in your introduction to the quote (called a “signal phrase”):

      1. Include author’s name and credentials before the quote.
      2. Include a word to let reader know what you want them to focus on in the quote.

    Copy and paste before and after of two examples in the boxes below and submit with the rest of the work for the week.


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334 CHAPTER r I rnoiU INTRoDUCTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS: DRAFTING AN ESSAY 1 DRAFTING CONCLUSIONS In writing a conclusion to your essay, you are making a final appeal to your audience. You want to convince readers that what you have written is a relevant, meaningful interpretation of a shared issue. You also want to remind them that your argument is reasonable. Rather than summarize all of the points you’ve made in the essay-assume your readers have carefully read what you’ve written-pull together the key components of your argument in the service of answering the question “So what?” Establish why your argument is important: What will happen if things stay the same? What will happen if things change? How effective your conclusion is depends on whether or not readers feel that you have adequately addressed “So what?”-that you have made clear what is significant and of value. In building on the specific details of your argument, you can also place what you have written in a broader context. (What are the sociologi- cal implications of your argument? How far-reaching are they? Are there political implications? Economic implications?) Finally, explain again how your ideas contribute something new to the conversation by building on, extending, or even challenging what others have argued. In her concluding paragraph, Elizabeth Martinez brings together her main points, puts her essay in a broader context, indicates what’s new in her argument, and answers the question “So what?”: Accepting the implications of a different narrative could also shed light on today’s struggles. In the affirmative-action struggle, for example, opponents have said that that policy is no longer needed because racism ended with the Civil Rights Movement. But if we look at slavery as a fundamental pillar ofthis nation, going back centuries, it becomes obvious that racism could not have been ended by thirty years of mild reforms. If we see how the myth of the frontier idealized the white male adventurer as the central hero of national history with the woman as sunbonneted helpmate, then we might better understand the dehumanized ways in which women have continued to be treated. A more truthful origin narrative could also help break down divisions among peoples of color by revealing common experiences and histories of cooperation. Let’s examine this concluding paragraph: 1. Although Martinez refers back to important events and ideas she has discussed, she does not merely summarize. Instead, she suggests the implications of those important events and ideas in her first sentence (the topic sentence), which crystallizes the main point of her essay: Americans need a different origin narrative. 2. Then she puts those implications in the broader context of contemporary racial and gender issues. From Greene, Stuart, and April Lidinsky. From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Text and Reader, Macmillian, 2018. DRAFTINGCONCLUSIONS 335 3. She signals what’s new in her argument with the word if (if we look at slavety in a new way; if we look at the frontier myth in a new way). 4. Finally, her answers to why this issue matters culminate in the last sentence. This last sentence connects and extends the claim of her topic sentence, by asserting that a “more truthful origin narrative” could help heal divisions among peoples of color who have been misrepresented by the old origin myth. Clearly, she believes the implications of her argument matter: A new national identity has the potential to heal a country in crisis, a country on the verge of a “nervous breakdown” (para.4). Marlinez also does something else in the last sentence of the concluding paragraph: She looks to the future, suggesting what the future implications of her argument could be. Looking to the future is one of five strategies for shaping a conclusion. The others we discuss are echoing the introduction, chalienging the reader, posing questions, and concluding with a quotation. Each of these strategies appeals to readers in different ways; therefore, we suggest you try them all out in writing your own conclusions. Also, remember that some of these strategies can be combined. For example, you can write a conclusion that challenges readers, poses a question, looks to the future, and ends with a quotation. r Echo the Introduction Echoing the introduction in your conclusion helps readers come full circle. It helps them see how you have developed your idea from beginning to end. In the following example, the student writer begins with a voice speaking from behind an Islamic veil, revealing the ways that Western culture misunderstands the symbolic value of wearing the veil’ The writer repeats this visual image in her conclusion, quoting from the Koran: “Speak to them from behind a curtain.” Noticeihatthe Introduction: A voice from behind the shrouds of an Islamjc veil author begins with “a -ilir”,ii”ntiti” exctaims: “I often wonder whether people see me as a radical, shroudaofanlslamic fundamentalist Mustim terrorjst packing an AK-47 assault rifLe -“-: veil” -:”, andthen eohoes .-,,,– :: tn ner lh6 quotacpn rnside myjean jacket. 0r maybe they see me as the poster girl for conciusion:”9peakto oppressed womanhood everywhere.” In American cutture where themfro.mbehinda shametess pubLic exposure, particul.arly of femaLes, epitomizes curtain.’ uttimate freedom, the head-to-toe covering of a Muslim woman seems inherentLy oppressive. Driven by an autonomous national attitude, the inhabitants of the “[and of the free” are quick to equate the vejL with indisputabLe persecution. Yet Muslim women reveal the enslaving hijab as a symbolic disptay of the Islamjc ideals – honor, modesty. and stability. Because of an unfair American assessment. the aura of hijab mystery cannot 336 CHAPTER il I FROM INTRODUCTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS: DRAFTING AN ESSAY be removed untiI the customs and ethics of Mus[im cuLture are genuine[y exptored. It is this form of enigmatic seclusion that forms the feminist controversy between Western [iberats, who perceive the vejl as an inhjbiting factor against free wit[, and Istamic disciptes, who conceptuatize the veiI as a sacred symboI of utmost mora[ity. ConcLusion: For those who improperlyjudge an atien religion, the veil becomes a symbol of oppression and devastation. instead of a representation of pride and piety. Despite Western images. the hijab is a daity revitatization and reminder of the Is[amic societaI and retigious idea[s, thereby uphotding the conduct and attitudes of the Muslim community. Americans share these idea[s yet fait to recognize them in the context of a different culture. By sincerety exploring the custom of Istamic veiting, one wj[[ realize the vital role the hijab ptays in shaping Mustim culture by sheltering women. and consequentty society, from the perils that erupt from indecency. The principtes implored in the Koran of modesty. Notice howthe conclusion echoesthe introduction in its referenceto a voice speaking from behind honor, and stabitity construct a unifying and moral view of the Istamic Middte Eastern society when property investigated. As it was transcribed from Attah, “Speak to them from behind a curtain. This is purer for your hearts and their hearts.” a curtain. r Chqllenge the Reoder By issuing a challenge to your readers, you create a sense of urgency, provoking them to act to change the status quo. In this example, the student writer explains the unacceptable consequences of preventing young women fi om educating themselves about AIDS and the spread of a disease that has already reached epidemic proportions. The changes in AIDS education that I am suggesting are necessary and retatively simpte to make. Although the current curricutum in high schooI health ctasses is hetpful, and informative, it simpLy does not pertain to young women as much as it shoutd. AIDS Heretheauthor is kitLing women at an alarming rate, and many people do not citesafinalpieceof . research to emohasize tneexinttoftlhe problem. realize this. According to Daniet DeNoon, AIDS is one of the six teading causes of death among women aged 18 to 45, and women “bear the brunt of the worldwide AIDS epidemic.” For this reason, Hereshebeginsher DeNoon argues, women are one of the most important new exolicit challenae to ,:;;;;;:;;:;;”;; populations that are contractins HIV at a hish rate. I challenge theyhavetodoto young women to be more wetl-informed about AIDS and their P-‘:y:tl’-:1″!::,.* Ljnk to the disease; otherwise, many new cases may devetop. As their student6 from the epidemic continues to spread, women need to realize that infection. DRAFTINGCONCLUSIONS 337 they can stop the spread of the disease and protect themselves from infection and a number of retated comptications. It is the responsibitity of heatth educators to present this to young women and inform them of the powerful choices that they can make. r look to the Future Looking to the future is particularly relevant when you are asking readers to take action. To move readers to action, you must establish the persistence of a problem and the consequences of letting a situation continue unchanged. In the concluding paragraph below, the student author points out a number of things that teachers need to do to involve parents in their children’s education. She identifies a range of options before identifying what she believes is perhaps the most important action teachers can take. First and foremost, teachers must recognize the ways in whjch some parents are positively contributing to their chjldren’s The aecond through fifth sentences present an array of option6. academic endeavors. Teachers must recognize nontraditional methods of participation as legitimate and work toward supporting parents in these tasks. For instance, teachers might send home suggestions for locaI after-schooI tutoring programs. Teachers must atso try to make urban parents feel wetcome and respected in their schoo[. Teachers might ca[[ parents to ask their opinion about a cerlain difficutty their child is having, or invite them to talk about something of jnterest to them. One parent. for jnstance, spoke highLy of the previous superintendent who had let him use his work as a film producer to help with a show for students during homeroom. If teachers can develop jnnovative ways to utilize parents’talents and interests rather than just inviting them to be passively involved in an alreadyin-place curricu[um, more parents might respond. Perhaps, most important[y. if teachers want parents to be jnvolved in students’ educations, they must make the parents feeI as though their opinions and concerns have real weight. When parents such as those jnterviewed for thjs study voice concerns and questions over lnthe lasttwo senten6es,the writer looks to the future with her their chjtd’s progress, it is imperative that teachers acknowledge recommendations. and answer them. r Pose Questions Posing questions stimulates readers to think about the implications of your argument and to apply what you argue to other situations. This is the case in the following paragraph, in which the student r,’n’riter focuses on immigration and then shifts readers’ attention to racism and the 338 CHAeTER I I I rnortt tNTRoDUcTIoNS To coNcLUStoNS: DRAFTING AN EssAY possibility of hate crimes. It’s useful to extrapolate from your argument, to raise questions that test whether what you write can be applied to different situations. These questions can help readers understand what is at issue. ALso, my research may apply to a broader spectrum of sociotogicaL topics. There has been recent discussjon about the increasing trend of immigration. Much of thjs discussion has jnvotved the The first queation, djstribution of resources to immigrants. ShouLd immigrants have equaL access to certain economic and educational resources in America? The decision is split. But it wjtt be interesting to see how this debate wil.l play out. If immigrants are granted more Other apeculative queations follow from possible reaponses resources, wit[ certain Americans mobilize against the distrjbution to the writer’s first of these resources? Wil[ we see another rise in racjst groups such question. as the Ku K[ux KLan jn order to prevent immigrants from obtaining more resources? My research can also be used to understand g[obal confl”ict or war. In genera[, groups mobiLize when thejr estabLished resources are threatened by an externaI force. Moreover. groups use framing processes to justify their colLective action to others. r Conclude with o Quototion A quotation can strengthen your argument, indicating that others in positions of power and authority support your stance. A quotation also can add poignancy to your argument, as it does in the following excerpt, in which the quotation amplifies the idea that people use Barbie to advance their own interests. The question sti[[ remajns, what does Barbie mean? Is she the spokeswoman for the empowerment of women, or rather js she performing the dirty work of conservatjve patriarchy? I do not think we wilL ever know the answer. Rather, Barbie is the undeniabte “American Icon.” She is a toy, and she js what we want her to be. A test performed by Atbert M. Magro at Fairmont State Cotlege titted “Why Barbie is Perceived as Beautifut” shows that Barbie is the epitome ofwhat we as humans find beautifut. The test sought to find human preferences on evolutionary changes in the human body. Subjects were shown a serjes of photos comparing different human body parts, such as the size and shape of the eyes, and asked to decide which feature they preferred: the primitive or derived (more evolved traits). The test revealed that the subjects preferred the derjved body traits. it is these preferred evolutionary features that are utiLized on the body of Barbie. Barbie is truly an extension of what we are and DRAFTINGCONCLUSIONS 339 The writer quotes what we perceive. Juel Best concludes his discourse on Barb.ie an authorityto with these words: “Toys do not embody viotence or sexism or amplifythe idea occu[t meanings. PeopLe must assign toys their meanings.” that individually and co I I ective ly, we p roj ect significance ontoys. Barbie is whoever we make her out to be. Barbie grabs hotd of our imaginations and lets us go wil.d. Pull together the main claims of your essay. Dont simply repeat points you make in the paper. Instead, show readers how the points you make fit together. Answer the question “So what?” Show your readers r.vhy your stand on the issue is significant. Place your argument in a larger context. Discuss the specifics of your argument, but also indicate its broader implications. Show readers what is new. As you synthesize the key points of your argument, explain how what you argue builds on, extends, or challenges the thinking of others. Decide on the best strategy for writing your conclusion. Will you echo the introduction? Challenge the reader? Look to the future? Pose questions? Conclude with a quotation? Choose the best strategy or strategies to appeal to your readers. A Prqctice Sequence: Drofting o Conclusion Write your conclusion, using one of the strategies described in this section. Then share your conclusion with a classmate. Ask this person to address the following questions: . Did I pull together the key points of the argument? . Did I answer “so what?” adequately? r Are the implications I want readers to draw from the essay clear? After listening to the responses, try a second strategy, and then ask your classmate which conclusion is more effective. If you do not have a conclusion of your own, analyze each example conclusion above to see how well each appears to (1) pull together the main claim of the essay, (2) answer “So what?” (3) place the argument in a larger context, and (4) show readers what is new. From Greene, Stuart, and April Lidinsky. From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Text and Reader, Macmillian, 2018. From Introductions to Conclusions Drafting an Essay I n this chapter, we describe strategies for crafting introductions that set up your argument. We then describe the characteristics of well-formulated paragraphs that will help you build your argument. Finally, we provide you with some strategies for writing conclusions that reinforce what is new about your argument, what is at stake, and what readers should do with the knowledge you convey. DRAFTING INTRODUCTIONS The introduction is where you set up your argument. It’s where you establish that the issue or problem you focus on is timely and relevant, identify a widely held assumption or gap, challenge that assumption or suggest how your research will fill that gap, and state your thesis. You can also state the question that motivates your research and reframe or change the “conversation” in order to prompt readers to see an issue in a new way. Writers use a number of strategies to set up their arguments. In this section we look at six of them: • Moving from a general topic and issue to a specific thesis (invertedtriangle introduction) • Introducing the issue with a story (narrative introduction) • Beginning with a question (interrogative introduction) • Capturing readers’ attention with something unexpected (paradoxical introduction) • Identifying a gap in knowledge (minding-the-gap introduction) • Changing the conversation (reframing introduction) 364 DRAFTING INTRODUCTIONS 365 Remember that an introduction need not be limited to a single paragraph. It may take several paragraphs to effectively set up your argument, as we indicate in Chapter 6. Keep in mind that you have to make these strategies your own. That is, we can suggest models, but you must make them work for your own argument. You must imagine your readers and what will engage them using appeals to their emotions, sensibilities, and intellect. What will you do to get readers to follow your line of argument? What tone do you want to take? Playful? Serious? Formal? Urgent? The attitude you want to convey will depend on your purpose, your argument, and the needs of your audience. ■ The Inverted-Triangle Introduction An inverted-triangle introduction, like an upside-down triangle, is broad at the top and pointed at the base. It begins with a description of the problem or issue and then narrows its focus, ending with the point of the paragraph (and the triangle), the writer’s thesis. We can see this strategy at work in the following introduction from a student’s essay. The student writer (1) begins with a broad description of the problem she will address, (2) then focuses on a set of widely held but troublesome assumptions, and (3) finally, presents her thesis in response to what she sees as a pervasive problem. The student begins with a general set of assumptions about education that she believes people readily accept. She then cites author bell hooks to identify an approach that makes use of these assumptions – the “banking system” of education, a term hooks borrows from educator Paulo Freire. The student then points to the banking system as the source of a misconception or gap that she wants to correct. This sets up her thesis about the “true purpose” of education. In recent debates focusing on curricular reform in schools, many voice the belief that education’s sole purpose is to communicate information for students to store and draw on as necessary. By storing this information, students hope to perform well on tests. Good test scores assure good grades. Good grades eventually lead to acceptances into good colleges, which ultimately guarantee good jobs. Many teachers and students, convinced that education exists as a tool to secure good jobs, rely on the banking system. In her essay “Teaching to Transgress,” bell hooks defines the banking system as an “approach to learning that is rooted in the notion that all students need to do is consume information fed to them by a professor and be able to memorize and store it” (185). Through the banking system, students focus solely on facts, missing the important themes and life lessons available in classes and school materials. The banking system misdirects the fundamental goals of education. Education’s true purpose is to prepare students for the real world by allowing them access to pertinent life knowledge available in their studies. Education should then entice students to apply this pertinent life knowledge to daily life struggles through praxis. In addition to her definition of the banking system, hooks offers the idea of praxis from the work of Paulo Freire. When incorporated into education, praxis, or “action and 366 CHAPTER 11 FROM INTRODUCTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS: DRAFTING AN ESSAY reflection upon the world in order to change it” (185), offers an advantageous educational tool that enhances the true purpose of education and overcomes the banking system. The strategy of writing an introduction as an inverted triangle entails first identifying an idea, an argument, or a concept that people appear to accept as true; next, pointing out the problems with that idea, argument, or concept; and then, in a few sentences, setting out a thesis. It’s import­ ant to acknowledge and evaluate multiple perspectives to pave the way for you to present your own position. In this case, the student writer chal­ lenges an assumption by offering alternative perspectives and providing multiple voices-her own and the published authors who also call atten­ tion to the purpose of education that others have overlooked. ■ The Narrative Introduction Opening with a short narrative, or story, is a strategy many writers use successfully to draw readers into the problem that they want to address. A narrative introduction relates a sequence of events and can be espe­ cially effective if you think you need to coax indifferent or reluctant read­ ers into taking an interest in the topic that you believe they should know about. Of course, a narrative introduction delays the declaration of your argument, so it’s wise to choose a short story that clearly connects to your argument and get to the thesis as quickly as possible (within a few paragraphs) before your readers start wondering “What’s the point of this story?” Notice how the student writer uses a narrative introduction to her argument in her essay titled “Throwing a Punch at Gender Roles: How Women’s Boxing Empowers Women.” The student’s entire first paragraph is a narrative that takes us into the world of women’s boxing and foreshadows her thesis. Glancing at my watch, I ran into the gym, noting to myself that being late to the first day of boxing practice was not the right way to make a good first impression. I flew down the stairs into the basement, to the room the boxers have lovingly dubbed “The Pit.” What greeted me when I got there was more than I could ever have imagined. Picture a room filled with boxing gloves of all sizes covering an entire wall, a mirror covering another, a boxing ring in a comer, and an awesome collection of framed newspaper and magazine arti­ cles chronicling the boxers whose pictures were hanging on every wall. Now picture that room with seventy-plus girls on the floor doing push-ups, sweat dripping down their faces. I was immediately struck by the discipline this sport would require of me, but I had no idea I would take so much more from it. DRAFTING INTRODUCTIONS With her narrative as a backdrop, the student identifies a problem, using the transition word ‘yet” to mark her challenge to the conditions she observes in the university’s women’s boxing program. The writer then states her thesis (what her paper “will show”): Despite the problems of stereotyping, women’s boxing offers women significant opportunities for growth. 367 The university offers the only nonmilitary-based college-level women’s boxing program in America, and it also offers women the chance to push their physical limits in a regulated environment. Yet the program is plagued with disappointments. I have experienced for myself the stereotypes female boxers face and have dealt with the harsh reality that boxing is still widely recognized as only a men’s sport. This paper will show that the women’s boxing program at Notre Dame serves as a much-needed outlet for females to come face-to-face with aspects of themselves they would not typically get a chance to explore. It will also examine how viewing this sport as a positive opportunity for women at ND indicates that there is growing hope that very soon more activities similar to women’s boxing may be better received by society in general. I will accomplish these goals by analyzing scholarly journals, old Observer [the school newspaper] articles, and survey questions answered by the captains of the 20– women’s boxing team of ND. The student writer uses a visually descriptive narrative to introduce us to the world of women’s college boxing; then, in the second paragraph, she steers us toward the purpose of the paper and the methods she will use to develop her argument about what women’s boxing offers to young women and to the changing world of sports. A variation on the strategy of setting up an argument with a story is to create a scenario. In the following example, the writer invites readers to imagine a familiar scene that, for many, conjures up assumptions about youth the author wants to change. Notice how Nancy Lesko, a distinguished professor of education, uses this strategy of creating a scenario in Act Your Age: A Cultural Construction of Adolescence to “complicate” the nature of identity and “trouble” common misperceptions of adolescence. The first paragraph is a scenario that invites readers to reflect on a seemingly familiar experience and ve,y subtly begins to challenge readers’ assumptions with references in quotes, such as “another tribe” and the much-quoted adult perspective, “the trouble with teenagers.” Consider for a moment some familiar public spaces: your local mall, a Cineplex, the outside seating of fast food restaurants, a bowling alley, skateboarding sites, video arcades, or buses around 3 P.M. any Monday through Friday. Ubiquitous in all of those spaces are teenagers-almost always in groups and sporting hair, clothes, piercing, and attitudes that mark them as belonging to “another tribe.” Teenagers are so obvious and omnipresent that we seem hardly to notice them unless their peals of laughter cause us to nervously look their way or they interfere with the expected movement or pace of a common task such as standing in line or shopping for groceries, or they walk too close on the street or in the mall. The ubiquity of teenagers in social spaces beyond households and schools is matched by their prominence in 368 CHAPTER 11 The writer folfow5 thi5 5cenario and ana/y5i5 with her intention to challenge conception5 of ado/e5cence and correct 5ome mi5perception5 that adult5 have about youth. 1he5e fa/5e a55umption5 are rooted in fiction. The author offer5 a per5pective that i5 ba5ed more on reality. FROM INTRODUCTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS: DRAFTING AN ESSAY our talk. .. . They are most often spoken of with familiarity, sometimes with affection, and regularly with some hostility or displeasure. In these various venues and with decidedly mixed emotions, we talk about “the trouble with teenagers.” This book takes a closer look at these “troubling teenagers” as stock characters in popular narratives, scientific discourses, and educational programs via endlessly repeated stories-clinical and anecdotal-of instability, emotionality, present-centeredness, and irresponsibility. The ubiquitousness of teenagers with problems, their ability to outrage or worry adults, and the certainty about their naturally-occurring “nature” beg scrutiny. The ready construction of young people into numerous public problems-most recently violent Internet suburbanites, teenage mothers, and urban criminals-suggests that teenagers are complex and malleable accomplishments with broad political and social effects. The overarching aim of this book is to “trouble” these common conceptions of adolescents. The way the writer uses images can be an effective way to invite reflection on what seems familiar. Is this the way I see youth? Is the author accurate in what she describes? Is her research a credible source for challenging my experience? ■ The Interrogative Introduction An interrogative introduction invites readers into the conversation of your essay by asking one or more questions, which the essay goes on to answer. This is an issue-based question (see Chapter 5) that will pique your readers’ interest, enticing them to read on to discover how your insights shed light on the issue. Notice the question Daphne Spain, a professor of urban and environmental planning, uses to open her essay “Spatial Segregation and Gender Stratification in the Workplace.” Spain 5et5 up her argument by a5king a que5tion and then tentatively an5wering it with a reference to a publi5hed 5tudy. In the third 5entence, 5he 5tate5 her the5i5 – that men and women have very little contact in the workplace. Finally, 5he outline5 the effect5 that thi5 lack of contact ha5 on women. To what extent do women and men who work in different occupations also work in different space? Baran and Teegarden propose that occupational segregation in the insurance industry is “tantamount to spatial segregation by gender” since managers are overwhelmingly male and clerical staff are predominantly female. This essay examines the spatial conditions of women’s work and men’s work and proposes that working women and men come into daily contact with one another very infrequently. Further, women’s jobs can be classified as “open floor,” but men’s jobs are more likely to be “closed door.” That is, women work in a more public environment with less control of their space than men. This lack of spatial control both reflects and contributes to women’s lower occupational status by limiting opportunities for the transfer of knowledge from men to women. DRAFTING INTRODUCTIONS 369 By the end of this introductory paragraph, Spain has explained some of the terms she will use in her essay (open floor and closed door) and has offered in her final sentence a clear statement of her thesis. In “Harry Potter and the Technology of Magic,” literature scholar Elizabeth Teare begins by contextualizing the Harry Potter publishing phenomenon. Then she raises a question about what fueled this success story. In her first four sentences, Teare describes something she is curious about and she hopes readers will be curious about – the popularity of the Harry Potter books. In the fifth sentence, Teare asks the question she will try to answer in the rest of the essay. Finally, in the last sentence, Teare offers a partial answer to her question – her thesis. The July/August 2001 issue of Book lists J. K. Rowling as one of the ten most influential people in publishing. She shares space on this list with John Grisham and Oprah Winfrey, along with less famous but equally powerful insiders in the book industry. What these industry leaders have in common is an almost magical power to make books succeed in the marketplace, and this magic, in addition to that performed with wands, Rowling’s novels appear to practice. Opening weekend sales charted like those of a blockbuster movie (not to mention the blockbuster movie itself), the reconstruction of the venerable New York Times bestseller lists, the creation of a new nation’s worth of web sites in the territory of cyberspace, and of course the legendary inspiration of tens of millions of child readers-the Harry Potter books have transformed both the technologies of reading and the way we understand those technologies. What is it that makes these books-about a lonely boy whose first act on learning he is a wizard is to go shopping for a wand-not only an international phenomenon among children and parents and teachers but also a topic of compelling interest to literary, social, and cultural critics? I will argue that the stories the books tell, as well as the stories we’re telling about them, enact both our fantasies and our fears of children’s literature and publishing in the context of twenty-first-century commercial and technological culture. In the final two sentences of the introduction, Teare raises her question about the root of this “international phenomenon” and then offers her thesis. By the end of the opening paragraph, then, the reader knows exactly what question is driving Teare’s essay and the answer she proposes to explain throughout the essay. ■ The Paradoxical Introduction A paradoxical introduction appeals to readers’ curiosity by pointing out an aspect of an issue that runs counter to their expectations. Just as an interrogative introduction draws readers in by asking a question, a paradoxical introduction draws readers in by saying, in effect, “Here’s something completely surprising and unlikely about this issue, but my essay 370 CHAPTER 11 FROM INTRODUCTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS: DRAFTING AN ESSAY will go on to show you how it is true.” In this passage from “‘Holding Back’: Negotiating a Glass Ceiling on Women’s Muscular Strength,” sociologist Shari L. Dworkin points to a paradox in our commonsense understanding of bodies as the product of biology, not culture. In the first sentence, Dworkin quotes from a study to identify the thinking that she is going to challenge. Notice how Dworkin signals her own position “However” relative to commonly held assumptions. Dworkin ends by stating her thesis, noting a paradox that will surprise readers. Current work in gender studies points to how “when examined closely, much of what we take for granted about gender and its causes and effects either does not hold up, or can be explained differently.” These arguments become especially contentious when confronting nature/ culture debates on gendered bodies. After all, “common sense” frequently tells us that flesh and blood bodies are about biology. However, bodies are also shaped and constrained through cumulative social practices, structures of opportunity, wider cultural meanings, and more. Paradoxically, then, when we think that we are “really seeing” naturally sexed bodies, perhaps we are seeing the effect of internalizing gender ideologies-carrying out social practices-and this constructs our vision of “sexed” bodies. Dworkin’s strategy in the first three sentences is to describe common practice, the understanding that bodies are biological. Then, in the sentences beginning “However” and “Paradoxically,” she advances the surprising idea that our bodies-not just the clothes we wear, for example-carry cultural gender markers. Her essay then goes on to examine women’s weightlifting and the complex motives driving many women to create a body that is perceived as muscular but not masculine. ■ The Minding-the-Gap Introduction This type of introduction takes its name from the British train system, the voice on the loudspeaker that intones “Mind the gap!” at every stop, to call riders’ attention to the gap between the train car and the platform. In a minding-the-gap introduction, a writer calls readers’ attention to a gap in the research on an issue and then uses the rest of the essay to fill in the “gap.” A minding-the-gap introduction says, in effect, “Wait a minute. There’s something missing from this conversation, and my research and ideas will fill in this gap.” For example, in the introductory paragraphs to her edited collection of published essays, Transforming the City: Community Organizing and the Challenges of Political Change , professor of political science and urban studies Marion Orr calls attention to the “decline of civic engagement” and misplaced priorities in the United States. DRAFTING INTRODUCTIONS In the first paragraph, the author provides a review of research that serves as a backdrop for stating the problem. The author then underscores a trend (the issue) that has concerned many different observers and that has had unfortunate consequences for people who have the greatest needs. Invoking the voices of other writers, she reminds us of the importance of contextualizing other perspectives in our writing. The author then offers a possible strateqy to address the issue she raises at the end of the second paragraph. 371 There is considerable discussion and increasing concerns about the declining levels of civic engagement in the United States. A recent study produced by a group of scholars affiliated with the American Political Science Association (APSA) proclaimed that “American democracy is at risk” because Americans have turned away from public and civic life. Robert Putnam used the “bowling alone” metaphor to describe the decline in membership in civic organizations, fraternal groups, parent-teacher associations, Boy Scouts, and many other organizations. Theda Skocpol attributes part of America’s “diminished democracy” to the rise of professional advocacy groups …. According to the study sponsored by APSA, “Americans have turned away from politics and the public sphere in large numbers, leaving our civic life impoverished.” Most observers agree that the decline of civic engagement and the hijacking of locally rooted organizations are not good news for the United States and that the problem is magnified and implications far-reaching in the country’s central cities. Stephen Macedo and his colleagues point to metropolitan areas and their central cities as places “where the most serious challenges to healthy democratic life are also found.” With higher concentrations of low-income and disadvantaged residents, cities are disproportionately hurt by civic disengagement …. Is there a strategy that could address many of the social and economic challenges facing central cities and help reinvigorate civic engagement in urban communities? This book explores community organizing as just such a strategy. Orr uses this two-paragraph introduction to highlight what she finds problematic about increasing “civic disengagement” by ordinary citizens, as opposed to “top-down organizations, and the lack of focus on populations that most need access to resources.” She also raises a question that implicitly asks readers how they might approach the problem, if they agree there is one, and introduce readers to her own approach. ■ The Reframing Introduction Reframing a discussion provides a new perspective that others may have overlooked. Often reframing involves defining a word or phrase in a new way or creating a new term to offer a lens through which to challenge an idea, concept, or experience that others have written about. Naming something is also memorable and can have a powerful influence on the 3 72 CHAPTER 11 FROM INTRODUCTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS: DRAFTING AN ESSAY ways readers see an issue. Consider how Noliwe Rooks, author of four books and director of American Studies at Cornell University, reframes a familiar narrative of inequality in American public education. The road necessarily traveled to achieve freedom and equality in the United States leads directly through public education. For American citizens who are neither white nor wealthy, the journey has often been twisted and turned before leading back to the beginning, exposing stark tensions between racial and economic integration as an educational strategy and the strategy that champions separate but equal schools as America’s ideology of choice. Since the earliest days when tax-supported public education was conceived and implemented, there have been intractable tensions between how economics, or race-or both-determine the funding, form, and purpose of education in America … . It is then not surprising that students educated in The author follows this brief historical overview wealthy schools perform well as measured by standard educaby coining a word, tional benchmarks. Students educated in poor schools do not. ”segrenomics,” to reframe While there have been times in our nation’s history when we the ways readers think about race, class, and have acknowledged the damage inflicted by separate educainequality in education. tional systems on our constitutionally enshrined rights of citizenship, with few exceptions we have found little incentive to commit ourselves to integrating both halves of this literal and figurative schoolhouse. Racial and economic integration is the one systemic solution that we know ensures the tide will lift all educational boats equally. However, instead of committing to educating poor children in the same way as we do the wealthy, or actually with the wealthy, we have offered separate educational content (such as reoccurring vocational education for the poor) and idiosyncratic forms of delivery (such as virtual charter schools and cyber education) as substitutes for what we know consistently works. While not ensuring educational equality, such separate, segregated, and unequal forms of education have provided the opportunity for businesses to make a profit selling schooling. I am calling this specific form of economic profit segrenomics. The author begins her introduction by calling attention to how historical inequities in school funding are influenced by race and class. The author is strategic in setting up the narrative and using the word “however,” to force readers to pause and reconsider past solutions (“Racial and economic integration is the one systemic solution”) to a persistent problem. Reframing separate and unequal schooling as “segrenomics” serves the author’s purpose of describing what she sees as exploitation (opportunity for businesses to make a profit selling schooling). Thus she shifts the conversation from one that centers on school funding to a broader problem that readers need to know about. DRAFTING INTRODUCTIONS 373 D Use an inverted triangle. Begin with a broad situation, concept, or idea, and narrow the focus to your thesis. E) Begin with a narrative or scenario. Capture readers’ imagination and interest with a story that sets the stage for your argument. EJ Ask a question that you will answer. Provoke readers’ interest with a question, and then use your thesis to answer the question. ri] Present a paradox. Begin with an assumption that readers accept as true and formulate a thesis that not only challenges that assumption but may very well seem paradoxical. El Mind the gap. Identify what readers know and then what they don’t know (or what you believe they need to know). r:1 Reframe the conversation. Describe an idea, concept, or experience that is familiar to most readers and use a framing concept to name and redirect the focus on an issue that others may have ignored or overlooked. A Practice Sequence: Drafting an Introduction Write or rewrite your introduction (which, as you’ve seen, may involve more than one paragraph), using one of the six drafting strategies discussed in this chapter. Then share your introduction with one of your peers and ask the following questions: • To what extent did the strategy compel you to want to read further? • To what extent is my thesis clear? • How effectively do I draw a distinction between what I believe others assume to be true and my own approach? • Is there another way that I might have made my introduction more compelling? After listening to the responses , try a second strategy and then ask your peer which introduction is more effective. 2 If you do not have your own introduction to work on, revise the introduction below from a student’s essay, combining two of the six drafting strategies we’ve discussed in this chapter. News correspondent Pauline Frederick once commented, “When a man gets up to speak people listen then look. When a woman gets up, people look; then, if they like what they see, they listen.” Ironically, the harsh reality of this statement is given life by the ongoing controversy What Is Education For? Keyi Zhu Instructor: DAVID BORDELON Rutgers University 2023/10/23 What Is Education For? In the 21st century, the cause of schooling goes beyond, without a doubt, getting ready students for the staff. It is about equipping them with the competencies and understanding essential to navigate an unsure and rapidly converting international. The purpose of higher training isn’t always just personnel readiness but global readiness. This means providing students with the intellectual toolkit to become independent, critical thinkers who can solve problems using various methods. Traditional education models, focused on discipline-specific knowledge and rote memorization, are no longer sufficient. Students must be adaptable and resilient in a disrupted and disturbing economy where entire industries and professions change or disappear. They must be prepared for a future where jobs may be contingent, on-demand, and lacking security or advancement opportunities. Furthermore, students today are not content with simply acquiring skills for a changing world. They want to be change-makers and contribute to society in meaningful ways. They want to understand the world enough to lead it and address significant social issues (Allen, 2016). This requires a new kind of education that goes beyond job training and focuses on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. The evolving nature of schooling in the virtual age has delivered widespread adjustments in how we approach coaching and mastering. With the advent of technology, training has become more available and bendy, bearing in mind personalized and self-paced learning reviews (Meier, 2016). However, this also presents challenges in ensuring equitable access to the right of entry to era and digital resources and addressing the troubles of records overload and virtual literacy. Disparities in academic access and effects persist, both globally and within international locations. Socioeconomic elements, including earnings and race, regularly decide the first-rate training individuals achieve. This perpetuates inequality and bounds possibilities for social mobility (Meier, 2016). It is essential to deal with those disparities and ensure that all students have the same entry to a first-class education, regardless of their history. The debate between conventional and progressive education fashions also shapes the cause of schooling in the 21st century. Traditional models emphasize subject-unique knowledge and standardized trying out, even as advanced fashions cognizance of significant wondering, problem-solving, and creativity (Meier, 2016). There is a want to strike a stability between these tactics, spotting the significance of foundational information and equipping students with the abilities vital to thrive in a swiftly changing world. Traditionalists argue that the motive of schooling within the twenty-first century must ordinarily be targeted on transmitting discipline-unique know-how and making ready students for the team of workers. They believe that a strong basis in center topics, including math, science, and language arts, is essential for college kids to achieve their careers. Traditionalists also emphasize the significance of discipline and shape in training (Allen, 2016). They argue that a traditional coaching technique, with clear expectations and a focus on memorization and repetition, facilitates students to increase vital competencies, field, perseverance, and attention to detail. While traditionalists make legitimate factors about the importance of foundational information and discipline, some regions of war of words exist. The conventional training method won’t effectively put together students for the unexpectedly changing and unsure world of the twenty-first century (Meier, 2016). The attention to standardized testing and rote memorization can also restrict students’ ability to think severely, remedy complex troubles, and adapt to new conditions. Additionally, the conventional training method may perpetuate inequalities in getting the right of entry and results. Students from deprived backgrounds might not have equal opportunities for a satisfactory education. They may be left behind in a gadget prioritizing standardized testing and field-precise understanding. To address those concerns, it’s vital to balance the conventional approach and more revolutionary fashions of schooling (Allen, 2016). Incorporating crucial thinking, problem-solving, and creativity into the curriculum can better prepare students for the demands of the 21st century while still ensuring a solid foundation of understanding. The traditionalists argue for a content-focused education emphasizing discipline-specific knowledge and preparing students for the workforce. They agree with a based and standardized method of coaching and gaining knowledge. On the other hand, modern fashions of education emphasize critical questioning, hassle-fixing, and creativity, aiming to prepare students for a swiftly converting international (Meier, 2016). They propose a bendier and personalized approach to schooling. Education in the 21st century must strike stability between those perspectives, incorporating each foundational knowledge and ability necessary for adaptability and innovation. Education within the 21st century aims to offer students a strong foundation of subjectunique understanding and equip them with the competencies and attitude to navigate a hastily converting global. It must foster critical thinking, trouble-solving, and creativity, empowering college students to become impartial and adaptable newcomers (Meier, 2016). Education also needs to deal with disparities in admission and consequences, ensuring that every student has identical opportunities to triumph. Cathy argues that higher education should focus on world readiness, providing students with the intellectual toolkit to become independent, critical thinkers who can solve problems using various methods. This aligns with the need for education to foster critical thinking and problemsolving skills. Deborah Meier highlights the importance of equality in education, aiming to ensure that all students can live equally flourishing lives (Meier, 2016). This supports the idea of addressing disparities in access and outcomes. An instance of educational software that aligns with the interpretive function is a task-based mastering initiative. In this method, students interact in global industries, requiring important wondering, problem-solving, and collaboration. They follow subject-precise knowledge to clear up complicated issues and increase transferable competencies to diverse contexts. This approach prepares college students for the personnel band and fosters adaptability and creativity, permitting them to thrive in a rapidly converting world. The conversation on the purpose of training ought to be preserved, as there are unanswered questions and demanding situations to cope with. Further studies and exploration of the subject of schooling can assist us in broadening revolutionary strategies, bridging academic gaps, and creating an extra equitable and effective training device. By conducting ongoing talks and collaboration, we will work toward a future wherein schooling empowers individuals and promotes social and financial progress. References (Main) Allen, Danielle. “What Is Education For?” Boston Review, 26 April 2016, www.bostonreview.net/forum/danielle-allen-what-is-education-for Meier, Deborah. “What Is Education For?” Forum Response. Boston Review, 26 April 2016, http://www.bostonreview.net/forum_response/deborah-meier-deborah-meier-respondsdanielle-allen Satz, Debra. “What Is Education For?” Forum Response. Boston Review, 26 April 2016, http://www.bostonreview.net/forum_response/debra-satz-debra-satz-responds-danielleallen
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Exploring Otherness in The Films of Guillermo del Toro Paper

Exploring Otherness in The Films of Guillermo del Toro Paper




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EWRT 1B Monsters and Misfits: Exploring Otherness in The Films of Guillermo del Toro Outline Draft Due: Wednesday Week 8 Upload to assignment link in Canvas Objectives of this Essay: Critical Thinking, Comparative Literary Analysis, Synthesis, Cultural Studies and Critique, Integration of Evidence, MLA documentation Writing Prompt: Using Cronos, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Shape of Water (and Pinocchio if you have seen it), write an essay analyzing the gothic theme of monstrosity and otherness in the filmmaker Guillermo del Toro’s work. How does monstrosity exist in the human heart and not in appearance? Using at least five sources of scholarship from the chapters and links I have provided to you so far this quarter, explain the gothic theme of monstrosity and then examine the ways that theme gets uniquely expressed by del Toro in at least TWO if not all four of his films. In your thesis, be sure to set yourself apart and make your essay relevant to right now by expressing what you think del Toro’s films/themes teach us about ourselves and our thoughts/fears/anxieties about otherness and why that message is especially important today. In other words, try to connect what you’re saying about his filmmaking in general to what is happening right now this moment in the news or in our culture. How can you connect del Toro’s thoughts on othering to a particular issue facing our culture–a thought/fear/anxiety about otherness we are in conflict over today? If he was making a film right now, who would his monster(s) be and why would he feel compelled to tell their story? Writing Tips: As you ponder this writing prompt, it is imperative you develop your own thesis that says something ABOUT del Toro and monstrosity. I don’t want you to simply define and summarize; I want you to be analytical and reflective. If you hand this task over to ChatGPT, you will remain at the surface with your thinking, just like in the days when you may have reached for Cliff’s Notes when writing about a book you failed to read. You simply can not write well if you haven’t put in the work to understand your material. Be prepared for your grade to reflect superficiality if you do not have an authentic thesis and a grasp of the course content. This outline is intended to help foster your thinking and reflection, and it must be filled out and submitted before your final essay can be graded. Reach out to me if you need help—I am here to answer questions and encourage you! Construct your essay’s argument from the foundation up—using a thesis as your central idea and a series of supporting ideas that explain it. Write strong POINT SENTENCES—your thesis statement and your paragraph openings. These framing sentences are useful architectural structure that help keep you focused, so you can build your essay one point at a time in organized paragraphs. As you explain your reasoning and show your reader why your observations are reasonable, bring in specific scenes from the movies and specific quotations from the articles I have linked you to each week. The scenes, the details, the quoted passages are priceless evidence that helps illustrate your point. You must draw upon a minimum of FIVE of these secondary sources, and you should find them listed on the Canvas page for each film we have studied. There are many to choose from—and when you find helpful commentary related to what you are saying/arguing in a paragraph, integrate the evidence into your discussion. When you allow a source other than yourself to “speak” in your paper, you need to prepare your reader for the new voice. You do that by setting them up with a signal phrase. Note these signals in the highlighted wording below: According to Paul Tassi in his article “There’s Something Your Probably Missed in The Shape of Water,” there may be an explanation for Elisa’s love for the creature. He writes, “the creature makes Elisa feel loved even as a ‘broken’ person who can’t speak, but I do think it’s more than that. I think that the two are possibly the same species.” Given his belief that she has an unnatural affinity for water, he argues she may be part fish in some way . . . . You must sandwich all quotes between a set up signal phrase of your own and a reflection or explanation if it—connect the quoted evidence to your paragraph’s point so you develop and use it—do not just plunk it in there because you have to. MLA format is required–integrate your quotations and cite your sources. COMPOSING YOUR FIRST DRAFT Students must upload this completed outline to Canvas by Wednesday of Week 8 as a pre-requisite for their final essay. If you have not fully completed and uploaded this outline, your essay will not be graded. I encourage you to print this out and use pencil or pen to write out your thoughts—it is a rough draft. Your opening remarks . . . gather your readers around the fire and prepare them for your story, use the language from the writing prompt and tell them what you’re writing about. This section of your essay sets up your paper and it could be one, two or three paragraphs long but it should end with an emphasis on your thesis—the central observation/point you plan to explain in your essay’s body paragraphs. Explain the gothic theme of monstrosity and its traditional depictions in literature State how that theme gets uniquely expressed by del Toro in at least TWO if not all four of his films. Develop a unique perspective of your own. Formulate a statement depicting how you would apply del Toro’s notion of othering to a particular issue facing our culture right now–a thought/fear/anxiety about otherness we are in conflict over today. If he was making a film right now, who would his monster(s) be and why would he feel compelled to tell their story? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your first stop . . . Take the reader through your first supporting point. It could be an examination of the traditional depictions of monsters in literature. Review your introduction and your thesis—what is the first point your thesis promises to explain? Use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Make explicit references to scenes in the films. Integrate at least one quotation from a secondary source to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to your next idea, write a transition sentence that connects this paragraph to your last paragraph—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point. You should try to unfold or unravel your thesis and try to show how your points are related—are they two of the same kind of idea? Is this paragraph also about traditional depictions of monsters or are you starting to talk about del Toro’s unique depictions of monsters? Is this next idea a departure or contrast? Is there a causal relationship, meaning the previous point may have caused or contributed to this next one? As your argument unfolds in the body of your essay, you want to be thinking about the relationship between your supporting points and use transition words/phrase/sentences to make connections and insure smooth passageway from one paragraph to the next. Try to logically unravel your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to this next idea, write a transition sentence that connects this paragraph to your last paragraph or back to your thesis—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point or how it relates to your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to this next idea, consider varying your transition style. Are you relying on formulaic first, second, third kinds of transitions? Do the paragraphs all start the same way? Are they mechanical and predictable? Try to write a transition sentence right here that is different. Make it connect this paragraph to your last paragraph or back to your thesis—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point or how it relates to your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As your argument continues to unfold in the body of your essay, make sure you are connecting the reader back to your thesis. Use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ A Pause for Reflection . . . Is there anything you want to say here? Do you think you need to stop for a minute and pose a question to your reader? Is there something you have learned that you want to emphasize or something profound you want to ask the reader to consider? Is there an epiphany you need to express? Do you have any criticism of the author or of something you’ve uncovered through your analysis. Sometimes its helpful to pause for reflection just before moving toward closure. If you DON”T have anything to pause for and just have more points to make in support of your thesis, keep doing so! This is an optional step—not mandatory. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your closing words . . . wrap up your essay and provide meaningful closure. You should give your reader something to reflect on. DO NOT BE BORING or FORMULAIC. DO NOT SUMMARIZE YOURSELF. DO NOT USE “IN CONCLUSION” You want to have the same effect as a pebble dropped in a pond or as a blown-out candle. Poof! You are gone, but the rising smoke lingers. The pebble sinks to the bottom, but the ripples shimmer on the surface in reverberating waves. You can have this effect if you leave your audience with an image or question. You can call them into action. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Works Cited Tassi, Paul. “There’s Something You Probably Missed in The Shape of Water.” Forbes.com. Mar 5, 2018. https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/03/05/theres-something-important you-probably-missed-in-the-shape-of-water/?sh=4fd596b51aa7. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The entries should look like my example—Indent lines 2+ one tab over so names are on left Alphabetize your entries A-Z EWRT 1B Monsters and Misfits: Exploring Otherness in The Films of Guillermo del Toro Outline Draft Due: Wednesday Week 8 Upload to assignment link in Canvas Objectives of this Essay: Critical Thinking, Comparative Literary Analysis, Synthesis, Cultural Studies and Critique, Integration of Evidence, MLA documentation Writing Prompt: Using Cronos, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Shape of Water (and Pinocchio if you have seen it), write an essay analyzing the gothic theme of monstrosity and otherness in the filmmaker Guillermo del Toro’s work. How does monstrosity exist in the human heart and not in appearance? Using at least five sources of scholarship from the chapters and links I have provided to you so far this quarter, explain the gothic theme of monstrosity and then examine the ways that theme gets uniquely expressed by del Toro in at least TWO if not all four of his films. In your thesis, be sure to set yourself apart and make your essay relevant to right now by expressing what you think del Toro’s films/themes teach us about ourselves and our thoughts/fears/anxieties about otherness and why that message is especially important today. In other words, try to connect what you’re saying about his filmmaking in general to what is happening right now this moment in the news or in our culture. How can you connect del Toro’s thoughts on othering to a particular issue facing our culture–a thought/fear/anxiety about otherness we are in conflict over today? If he was making a film right now, who would his monster(s) be and why would he feel compelled to tell their story? Writing Tips: As you ponder this writing prompt, it is imperative you develop your own thesis that says something ABOUT del Toro and monstrosity. I don’t want you to simply define and summarize; I want you to be analytical and reflective. If you hand this task over to ChatGPT, you will remain at the surface with your thinking, just like in the days when you may have reached for Cliff’s Notes when writing about a book you failed to read. You simply can not write well if you haven’t put in the work to understand your material. Be prepared for your grade to reflect superficiality if you do not have an authentic thesis and a grasp of the course content. This outline is intended to help foster your thinking and reflection, and it must be filled out and submitted before your final essay can be graded. Reach out to me if you need help—I am here to answer questions and encourage you! Construct your essay’s argument from the foundation up—using a thesis as your central idea and a series of supporting ideas that explain it. Write strong POINT SENTENCES—your thesis statement and your paragraph openings. These framing sentences are useful architectural structure that help keep you focused, so you can build your essay one point at a time in organized paragraphs. As you explain your reasoning and show your reader why your observations are reasonable, bring in specific scenes from the movies and specific quotations from the articles I have linked you to each week. The scenes, the details, the quoted passages are priceless evidence that helps illustrate your point. You must draw upon a minimum of FIVE of these secondary sources, and you should find them listed on the Canvas page for each film we have studied. There are many to choose from—and when you find helpful commentary related to what you are saying/arguing in a paragraph, integrate the evidence into your discussion. When you allow a source other than yourself to “speak” in your paper, you need to prepare your reader for the new voice. You do that by setting them up with a signal phrase. Note these signals in the highlighted wording below: According to Paul Tassi in his article “There’s Something Your Probably Missed in The Shape of Water,” there may be an explanation for Elisa’s love for the creature. He writes, “the creature makes Elisa feel loved even as a ‘broken’ person who can’t speak, but I do think it’s more than that. I think that the two are possibly the same species.” Given his belief that she has an unnatural affinity for water, he argues she may be part fish in some way . . . . You must sandwich all quotes between a set up signal phrase of your own and a reflection or explanation if it—connect the quoted evidence to your paragraph’s point so you develop and use it—do not just plunk it in there because you have to. MLA format is required–integrate your quotations and cite your sources. COMPOSING YOUR FIRST DRAFT Students must upload this completed outline to Canvas by Wednesday of Week 8 as a pre-requisite for their final essay. If you have not fully completed and uploaded this outline, your essay will not be graded. I encourage you to print this out and use pencil or pen to write out your thoughts—it is a rough draft. Your opening remarks . . . gather your readers around the fire and prepare them for your story, use the language from the writing prompt and tell them what you’re writing about. This section of your essay sets up your paper and it could be one, two or three paragraphs long but it should end with an emphasis on your thesis—the central observation/point you plan to explain in your essay’s body paragraphs. Explain the gothic theme of monstrosity and its traditional depictions in literature State how that theme gets uniquely expressed by del Toro in at least TWO if not all four of his films. Develop a unique perspective of your own. Formulate a statement depicting how you would apply del Toro’s notion of othering to a particular issue facing our culture right now–a thought/fear/anxiety about otherness we are in conflict over today. If he was making a film right now, who would his monster(s) be and why would he feel compelled to tell their story? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your first stop . . . Take the reader through your first supporting point. It could be an examination of the traditional depictions of monsters in literature. Review your introduction and your thesis—what is the first point your thesis promises to explain? Use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Make explicit references to scenes in the films. Integrate at least one quotation from a secondary source to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to your next idea, write a transition sentence that connects this paragraph to your last paragraph—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point. You should try to unfold or unravel your thesis and try to show how your points are related—are they two of the same kind of idea? Is this paragraph also about traditional depictions of monsters or are you starting to talk about del Toro’s unique depictions of monsters? Is this next idea a departure or contrast? Is there a causal relationship, meaning the previous point may have caused or contributed to this next one? As your argument unfolds in the body of your essay, you want to be thinking about the relationship between your supporting points and use transition words/phrase/sentences to make connections and insure smooth passageway from one paragraph to the next. Try to logically unravel your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to this next idea, write a transition sentence that connects this paragraph to your last paragraph or back to your thesis—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point or how it relates to your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to this next idea, consider varying your transition style. Are you relying on formulaic first, second, third kinds of transitions? Do the paragraphs all start the same way? Are they mechanical and predictable? Try to write a transition sentence right here that is different. Make it connect this paragraph to your last paragraph or back to your thesis—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point or how it relates to your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As your argument continues to unfold in the body of your essay, make sure you are connecting the reader back to your thesis. Use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ A Pause for Reflection . . . Is there anything you want to say here? Do you think you need to stop for a minute and pose a question to your reader? Is there something you have learned that you want to emphasize or something profound you want to ask the reader to consider? Is there an epiphany you need to express? Do you have any criticism of the author or of something you’ve uncovered through your analysis. Sometimes its helpful to pause for reflection just before moving toward closure. If you DON”T have anything to pause for and just have more points to make in support of your thesis, keep doing so! This is an optional step—not mandatory. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your closing words . . . wrap up your essay and provide meaningful closure. You should give your reader something to reflect on. DO NOT BE BORING or FORMULAIC. DO NOT SUMMARIZE YOURSELF. DO NOT USE “IN CONCLUSION” You want to have the same effect as a pebble dropped in a pond or as a blown-out candle. Poof! You are gone, but the rising smoke lingers. The pebble sinks to the bottom, but the ripples shimmer on the surface in reverberating waves. You can have this effect if you leave your audience with an image or question. You can call them into action. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Works Cited Tassi, Paul. “There’s Something You Probably Missed in The Shape of Water.” Forbes.com. Mar 5, 2018. https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/03/05/theres-something-important you-probably-missed-in-the-shape-of-water/?sh=4fd596b51aa7. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The entries should look like my example—Indent lines 2+ one tab over so names are on left Alphabetize your entries A-Z EWRT 1B Monsters and Misfits: Exploring Otherness in The Films of Guillermo del Toro Outline Draft Due: Wednesday Week 8 Upload to assignment link in Canvas Objectives of this Essay: Critical Thinking, Comparative Literary Analysis, Synthesis, Cultural Studies and Critique, Integration of Evidence, MLA documentation Writing Prompt: Using Cronos, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Shape of Water (and Pinocchio if you have seen it), write an essay analyzing the gothic theme of monstrosity and otherness in the filmmaker Guillermo del Toro’s work. How does monstrosity exist in the human heart and not in appearance? Using at least five sources of scholarship from the chapters and links I have provided to you so far this quarter, explain the gothic theme of monstrosity and then examine the ways that theme gets uniquely expressed by del Toro in at least TWO if not all four of his films. In your thesis, be sure to set yourself apart and make your essay relevant to right now by expressing what you think del Toro’s films/themes teach us about ourselves and our thoughts/fears/anxieties about otherness and why that message is especially important today. In other words, try to connect what you’re saying about his filmmaking in general to what is happening right now this moment in the news or in our culture. How can you connect del Toro’s thoughts on othering to a particular issue facing our culture–a thought/fear/anxiety about otherness we are in conflict over today? If he was making a film right now, who would his monster(s) be and why would he feel compelled to tell their story? Writing Tips: As you ponder this writing prompt, it is imperative you develop your own thesis that says something ABOUT del Toro and monstrosity. I don’t want you to simply define and summarize; I want you to be analytical and reflective. If you hand this task over to ChatGPT, you will remain at the surface with your thinking, just like in the days when you may have reached for Cliff’s Notes when writing about a book you failed to read. You simply can not write well if you haven’t put in the work to understand your material. Be prepared for your grade to reflect superficiality if you do not have an authentic thesis and a grasp of the course content. This outline is intended to help foster your thinking and reflection, and it must be filled out and submitted before your final essay can be graded. Reach out to me if you need help—I am here to answer questions and encourage you! Construct your essay’s argument from the foundation up—using a thesis as your central idea and a series of supporting ideas that explain it. Write strong POINT SENTENCES—your thesis statement and your paragraph openings. These framing sentences are useful architectural structure that help keep you focused, so you can build your essay one point at a time in organized paragraphs. As you explain your reasoning and show your reader why your observations are reasonable, bring in specific scenes from the movies and specific quotations from the articles I have linked you to each week. The scenes, the details, the quoted passages are priceless evidence that helps illustrate your point. You must draw upon a minimum of FIVE of these secondary sources, and you should find them listed on the Canvas page for each film we have studied. There are many to choose from—and when you find helpful commentary related to what you are saying/arguing in a paragraph, integrate the evidence into your discussion. When you allow a source other than yourself to “speak” in your paper, you need to prepare your reader for the new voice. You do that by setting them up with a signal phrase. Note these signals in the highlighted wording below: According to Paul Tassi in his article “There’s Something Your Probably Missed in The Shape of Water,” there may be an explanation for Elisa’s love for the creature. He writes, “the creature makes Elisa feel loved even as a ‘broken’ person who can’t speak, but I do think it’s more than that. I think that the two are possibly the same species.” Given his belief that she has an unnatural affinity for water, he argues she may be part fish in some way . . . . You must sandwich all quotes between a set up signal phrase of your own and a reflection or explanation if it—connect the quoted evidence to your paragraph’s point so you develop and use it—do not just plunk it in there because you have to. MLA format is required–integrate your quotations and cite your sources. COMPOSING YOUR FIRST DRAFT Students must upload this completed outline to Canvas by Wednesday of Week 8 as a pre-requisite for their final essay. If you have not fully completed and uploaded this outline, your essay will not be graded. I encourage you to print this out and use pencil or pen to write out your thoughts—it is a rough draft. Your opening remarks . . . gather your readers around the fire and prepare them for your story, use the language from the writing prompt and tell them what you’re writing about. This section of your essay sets up your paper and it could be one, two or three paragraphs long but it should end with an emphasis on your thesis—the central observation/point you plan to explain in your essay’s body paragraphs. Explain the gothic theme of monstrosity and its traditional depictions in literature State how that theme gets uniquely expressed by del Toro in at least TWO if not all four of his films. Develop a unique perspective of your own. Formulate a statement depicting how you would apply del Toro’s notion of othering to a particular issue facing our culture right now–a thought/fear/anxiety about otherness we are in conflict over today. If he was making a film right now, who would his monster(s) be and why would he feel compelled to tell their story? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your first stop . . . Take the reader through your first supporting point. It could be an examination of the traditional depictions of monsters in literature. Review your introduction and your thesis—what is the first point your thesis promises to explain? Use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Make explicit references to scenes in the films. Integrate at least one quotation from a secondary source to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to your next idea, write a transition sentence that connects this paragraph to your last paragraph—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point. You should try to unfold or unravel your thesis and try to show how your points are related—are they two of the same kind of idea? Is this paragraph also about traditional depictions of monsters or are you starting to talk about del Toro’s unique depictions of monsters? Is this next idea a departure or contrast? Is there a causal relationship, meaning the previous point may have caused or contributed to this next one? As your argument unfolds in the body of your essay, you want to be thinking about the relationship between your supporting points and use transition words/phrase/sentences to make connections and insure smooth passageway from one paragraph to the next. Try to logically unravel your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to this next idea, write a transition sentence that connects this paragraph to your last paragraph or back to your thesis—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point or how it relates to your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As you pivot to this next idea, consider varying your transition style. Are you relying on formulaic first, second, third kinds of transitions? Do the paragraphs all start the same way? Are they mechanical and predictable? Try to write a transition sentence right here that is different. Make it connect this paragraph to your last paragraph or back to your thesis—try to overlap them and show how your last point leads you logically to this next point or how it relates to your thesis. After you formulate this connection between your paragraphs and develop a transition, use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your next stop . . . As your argument continues to unfold in the body of your essay, make sure you are connecting the reader back to your thesis. Use a strong “point sentence” that tells your reader what this paragraph will explain/develop in support of your thesis. Integrate references to scenes and quotations from secondary sources to help illustrate your point and show your reader how you arrived at this point based upon the data/evidence you analyzed. If you can, make explicit connections between what you’re saying here and your thesis. Tie the point to your thesis. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ A Pause for Reflection . . . Is there anything you want to say here? Do you think you need to stop for a minute and pose a question to your reader? Is there something you have learned that you want to emphasize or something profound you want to ask the reader to consider? Is there an epiphany you need to express? Do you have any criticism of the author or of something you’ve uncovered through your analysis. Sometimes its helpful to pause for reflection just before moving toward closure. If you DON”T have anything to pause for and just have more points to make in support of your thesis, keep doing so! This is an optional step—not mandatory. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Your closing words . . . wrap up your essay and provide meaningful closure. You should give your reader something to reflect on. DO NOT BE BORING or FORMULAIC. DO NOT SUMMARIZE YOURSELF. DO NOT USE “IN CONCLUSION” You want to have the same effect as a pebble dropped in a pond or as a blown-out candle. Poof! You are gone, but the rising smoke lingers. The pebble sinks to the bottom, but the ripples shimmer on the surface in reverberating waves. You can have this effect if you leave your audience with an image or question. You can call them into action. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Works Cited Tassi, Paul. “There’s Something You Probably Missed in The Shape of Water.” Forbes.com. Mar 5, 2018. https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/03/05/theres-something-important you-probably-missed-in-the-shape-of-water/?sh=4fd596b51aa7. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The entries should look like my example—Indent lines 2+ one tab over so names are on left Alphabetize your entries A-Z
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Behavior Change Project Discussion

Behavior Change Project Discussion




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Johnny is a 17 year old male student that attends a private day placement. Johnny started at this school on October 1 , 2017. Johnnys is eligible for special education services under the category of Multiple Disabilities (intellectual disability, emotional/behavioral disability). Although Johnny has displayed a variety of adaptive skills he still currently displays the interferring behavior of failure to cooperate which often requires intervention from staff. Johnnys operational definition of failure to cooperate is defined as any social behavior deemed innapropiate in a professional setting including but not limited to: pushing through, scratching, pulling hair, pulling clothing of others, grabbing, and spitting. Normally this includes yelling, crying, innapropiate verbalizations, putting head down attempting to sleep, and ignoring direction from staff. Staff have noted that this behavior occurs for extended periods of time, also that each episode of the interferring behavior last at least 15 minutes. Classroom observations also make note that Johnny’s episodes of FTC happen 7-10 times per 8 hour school day. Johnnys IEP team and more specifically his school behavior specialist have communicated the need for decreasing the intensity, frequency and duration of this target behavior. Johnnys IEP team will provide alternate behaviors to replace those that interfere with his daily academic programming.Replacement behaviors are those that are considered appropriate and provides the client/student with the same reinforcement as the target behavior. Johnnys IEP team has agreed upon working on increasing his appropiate requesting defined as any time Johnny properly requests (raise hand and ask with inside voice) a want or need, in the absence of targeted interferring behaviors. This will serve as a replacement for the targeted interferring behavior. SPED 411/511 Behavior Change Project Each student will submit a behavior change project as part of the requirement for SPED 411/511. This project is to be written in a report format, as if it were being presented at a meeting. You can use a student that you have worked with in the past as a model, or you may use the case provided. In either scenario you must complete each of the following: 1. Operationally define two (2) behaviors, one (1) that you would like to decrease and one (1) that you would like to put in its place. 2. Based on the two behaviors you selected, identify a data collection tool that would be appropriate for each behavior and explain why you choose that tool. 3. Identify/describe antecedent(s) that occasion the problem behavior. 4. Identify/describe consequence(s) that maintain the problem behavior. 5. Identify hypothesis regarding the function of the behavior. 6. Is the target behavior a skill deficit or a performance deficit? 7. Identify and describe at least two (2) evidence-based interventions (these REQUIRE supporting evidence) that you would use to decrease the target behavior and to put the replacement behavior in its place. Be sure the interventions include changes to antecedent and/or consequent events to decrease probability of problem behavior and/or increase probability of appropriate behavior. Also be sure the interventions align with the determination of skill or performance deficit. General Curriculum – Behavior Change Project Giselle is nine years old and in 4th grade. Her problem behaviors in school include aggressing toward her peers, taunting her teacher and peers, not working on task, leaving her seat without permission, and destroying property. Her English class has sixteen other students in it with one teacher and one teacher’s aide. During class, Giselle is required to complete an assignment on punctuation, abbreviations, and capital letters followed by a coloring assignment. The team looked at Giselle’s history of academic achievement, mental health, and family. They also interviewed Giselle’s teacher, her parents and Giselle herself. The interviews attempted to identify those activities Giselle enjoys as well as what might trigger her problem behaviors. The team also observed Giselle in class. When asked to do a lesson from her textbook, Giselle often sees how long the lesson is and refuses to do it. In her interview, Giselle reported that she found the lessons too difficult. Giselle has test scores showing she is four years below her grade level in reading and it was decided that she needed easier reading tasks. The team also concluded that Giselle would talk back to the teacher less if she had more choices. She was expected to read at a fourth grade level while her tests showed that she was at a first grade reading level. The team reported that the data supports that Giselle’s appropriate behavior would increase if the assignment were modified to meet her needs. Specific behaviors were measured for 3-4 sessions while Giselle completed the original assignment, 3-4 sessions with the modified assignment, then 3-4 sessions with a return to the original assignment, and finally 3-4 sessions with the modified assignment again. Observers looked at Giselle’s task engagement and problem behaviors during the sessions. Observers also measured how much attention the teacher gave. Adapted from: Dunlap, G., White, R., Vera, A., Wilson, D., & Panacek, L. (1996). The effects of multicomponent, assessment-based curricular modifications on the classroom behavior of children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Journal of Behavioral Education, 6, 481-500. Adapted Curriculum – Behavior Change Project Darin is a 9 year old boy with autism and is in the 3rd grade. He has severe intellectual disabilities and communicates in very short phrases. Darin’s problem behaviors at school include self-injurious behavior such as slapping himself, as well as hitting, kicking, and screaming. The team interviewed Darin’s teachers. They also observed him throughout the school day. When Darin displayed problem behaviors, a teacher or assistant recorded when it occurred, what it was, what happened before the event, what the teacher thought the function of the behavior was, and what consequences came as a result of the behavior. The data supported Darin tends to act out when he isn’t clear about what he is supposed to do, when he has to speak in front of other students, and when asked to write something. The team worked diligently to identify the function of his problem behaviors. The team reported if he engaged in problem behaviors his teachers would no longer remove him from the situation, but instruct him to ask for a break. The goal of this change was to make problem behaviors less relevant – by modifying the environment to decrease activities he found aversive while still meeting education goals. The team also wanted to make changes to make problem behaviors less effective and less efficient by teaching him a more appropriate way to take a break. Darin continues to struggle academically and socially. His parents also reported ongoing problems at home. Adapted from: Horner, R.H., Albin, R.W., Sprague, J.R., & Todd, A.W. Positive behavior support. In M. E. Snell & F. Brown (Eds.), Instruction of students with severe disabilities (5th ed) (pp. 207-243). Upper Saddle River: NJ: Merrill. Early Childhood Special Education – Behavior Change Project Walden preschool has both typically developing children and children identified on the autism spectrum, ranging from three years to six years old. In this program, seven of the children are identified on the autism spectrum and eight are typically developing. The children generally get along, however, recently Timmy has demonstrated frequent incidents of problem behavior during free play. During free play, Timmy could choose from a variety of toys including books, blocks, art materials, and costumes. The teacher observed the children for the 50 minutes of free play and recorded both negative and positive social interactions. Negative social interactions included arguing over toys, tattling, physical aggression, and namecalling. Positive social interactions included sharing, helping another child, chatting, hugging, and playing together. Timmy’s preferred activities were discovered by asking the teachers what Timmy liked to do best and also observing the Timmy’s reaction when presented with different toys. A variety of types of toys were found to be useful in keeping Timmy engaged. It is also important that the teachers provide attention when a Timmy is behaving well and engaged. Teachers at Walden walk around the free play area and pay attention to all of the children. Children with a consistent lack of engagement receive attention on every round, while some children receive attention only every second round, and some every third round. Attention may be something as simple as a smile or brief touch. The team struggled to improve the social skills of the children and to see what free play arrangement maximized engagement and social interaction in the children. Currently, free play consists of 10 toys on shelves that are rotated with a different set of ten each week. Also, each child had a box out of reach that contained their favorite toys and activities. In the conventional set up condition, the toys available were picked by local preschool teachers and all the toys from the individual boxes were set up to be available to everyone. In the current set up, Timmy experienced the highest rates of negative social interactions with an average of 24 a day. Timmy also had the same average rate of positive social interaction. The team wanted to identify a possible classroom set up that would decrease the negative social interactions and increase positive social interactions. Adapted from: McGee, G. & Daly, T. (1999). Prevention of problem behavior in preschool children. In A.C. Repp and R.H. Horner (Eds.), Functional analysis of problem behavior: From effective assessment to effective support (pp.171-195). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
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Navigating Cultural Identities Impact on Connections in The Best We Could Do Paper

Navigating Cultural Identities Impact on Connections in The Best We Could Do Paper




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Book Club 3 Meeting April 12, 2023 Overview: You will be working with your book clubs to share the information you gathered by doing your assigned job and weekly evidence chart while reading your assignment for this week. Please follow the steps below to discuss this reading. NOTE: While you are working together to discuss the text, you should complete this worksheet individually. This is the place for you to take notes on your book club discussion and build ideas for Essay 3. Below, note the book you are reading and which chapters you are discussing today. Book Title Chapters Read The Best We Could Do Chapters 6-7 Part 1: General Check-In First, take a few minutes to check in with your group and share your thoughts on this section of the book. What did you think about this section? Things you found interesting? Things you found confusing? Share your reaction in the box below. – The wars and internal struggles within Vietnam played a large part in these chapters and influenced Ma and Bo’s lives. Mention of loss of an infant and the effect it has on Ma and Bo. Confusion between the grandparents and what ends up happening to them. Part 2: Summarizer Review the summary and make sure the Summarizer has covered all the key points. Make adjustments as necessary by adding important information or deleting unnecessary information. Have the group member(s) who completed the summary share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcanvas.socccd.edu%2 Ffiles%2F14379843%2Fdownload%3Fverifier%3DhiTnQSpnpp6dCtpcEW55EAksymglPg5l9 H7GzZm9&data=05%7C01%7Cmchang94%40ivc.edu%7C10dec9495cba42f7efc108dbe0a2 7b21%7C3f01c1a0e05841c798d9b9fc7cf3c3f9%7C1%7C0%7C638350760687649965%7CU nknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLC JXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=5p3hbY5QMQW0e1gnFCaWFVFKBikre1lL NwCFVgp1IN8%3D&reserved=0 Below, note your key takeaways from discussing the summary. – Bo’s journey to Sai Gon leads him down a path away from the military conflict. Early into Ma and Bo’s relationship, Ma becomes pregnant and Bo gets severe tuberculosis. North Vietnamese government makes it difficult for Ma and Bo to work peacefully. The family wants to escape from Vietnam by smuggling themselves out. Part 3: Researcher/Vocabulary Enricher Discuss the 5 key research points and vocabulary words. Find these researched sections and words in the text and discuss how your new knowledge impacts your understanding of these sections. Have the group member(s) who completed the Research/Vocabulary Enricher job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZgQJN4J7Cz3HbLgEiVkDHX8eHxjK0DdV4KGb3NK9WY/edit?usp=sharing Below, note your key takeaways from your discussion of the researcher/vocabulary enricher’s findings. Chapter 6: The Chessboard ● Bui’s parents’ marriage was not a typical love match, but rather a practical arrangement made in the midst of war and upheaval. ● Despite their lack of romantic love, Bui’s parents were devoted to their children and did everything they could to provide for them. ● Bui begins to understand that her parents’ sacrifices were made not out of obligation, but out of love for their children. Chapter 7: Heroes and Losers ● The end of the Vietnam War brought new challenges for Bui’s family, as they faced political repression and economic hardship under the new communist regime. ● Bui’s parents’ resilience and determination helped them to survive through difficult times. ● Bui comes to appreciate her parents’ strength and courage, and she realizes that they are not just her parents, but also heroes in her own right. Part 4: Golden Line Finder Review the golden lines. Have the Golden Line Finder share the page number, and take the time to look at the golden lines in context. Spend some time discussing the meaning of these passages and why they are important. Have the group member(s) who completed the Golden Line Finder job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. Copy of Golden Line Finder Here, note two of the passages that stood out the most to you: Golden Line “ The street had changed beyond recognition”(180). Why did it stand out to you? It reflects the theme of change and transition. “ But it still wasn’t easy for me to swallow that It displays a moment of emotional complexity my mother had been at her happiness without and possibly conflict for the narrator. us”(191) Below, note your key takeaways from your discussion of the golden lines. – Vietnam suffers throughout the conflict to the point where it becomes “beyond – recognizable”. We’re given a glimpse of Ma’s life before having a family and being more independent. Part 5: Discussion Director Have the Discussion Director lead a discussion of this section of the text using the 6 questions they generated. Have the group member(s) who completed the Discussion Director job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mUhh6EUpupmAMIDpzJgXysCx3gNfFGLDOdN0mk81 sWI/edit?usp=sharing Below, note your key takeaways from the discussion generated by these questions. 1. What do you think Bui tries to accomplish by comparing her relocation to New York to Bo’s relocation to Sai Gon? I think she tries to put herself in a similar position as Bo in order to relate to him better in order to build a deeper understanding of him. 2. How could Bui’s realization that she knows so little about her family’s past in Vietnam, influence her decision to write her book? Because she recognizes that she knows so little, it could serve as a motivation for her to research her family’s past. 3. How did the conflict with Vietnam create difficulty for Ma and Bo, during their early years of marriage? They had to struggle with many threats and moving around a lot. The state of their community deteriorated around them, as the toll of the wars grew greater. 4. What do Ma and Bo’s experiences during the wars in Vietnam try to demonstrate? It shows us how strong they were, through all the difficulties, they persevered and stuck together. 5. What do Ma and Bo’s change in teaching style portray in terms of how their society/environment is changing? It showed how the government had taken hold of their jobs and forced their influence over them. 6. How does the persecution/discrimination in Vietnam that Ma and Bo experience relate to Bo’s harsh childhood? It brought back memories of Bo’s childhood and all the bad memories, which reinstated a sense of fear in him and brought back the “nightmares” of his childhood. Book Club 4 Meeting November 13, 2023 Overview: You will be working with your book clubs to share the information you gathered by doing your assigned job and weekly evidence chart while reading your assignment for this week. Please follow the steps below to discuss this reading. NOTE: While you are working together to discuss the text, you should complete this worksheet individually. This is the place for you to take notes on your book club discussion and build ideas for Essay 3. Below, note the book you are reading and which chapters you are discussing today. Book Title Chapters Read The Best We Can Do Chatpers 8-10 Part 1: General Check-In First, take a few minutes to check in with your group and share your thoughts on this section of the book. What did you think about this section? Things you found interesting? Things you found confusing? Share your reaction in the box below. Part 2: Summarizer Review the summary and make sure the Summarizer has covered all the key points. Make adjustments as necessary by adding important information or deleting unnecessary information. Have the group member(s) who completed the summary share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xXOgJPsWymqqq9qEGi5P0h0Lroyzikdje5HbbMqCvPc/ edit Below, note your key takeaways from discussing the summary. The author Thi Bui continues to write about her family’s difficult journey of changing to life in the United States. She focuses on their fight to balance a painful past marked by the Vietnam War with the difficulties of fitting in in a new country. These chapters talk about Bui’s own attempts to understand what her parents went through during the war and as refugees afterward, comparing these to her own experiences as a mother. In this part of the book, she talks about the complicated relationships between her family members of different generations and how events in the past and changes in culture have affected these ties. Part 3: Researcher/Vocabulary Enricher Discuss the 5 key research points and vocabulary words. Find these researched sections and words in the text and discuss how your new knowledge impacts your understanding of these sections. Have the group member(s) who completed the Research/Vocabulary Enricher job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16ucjeKYEHDV4UW5brfEDlvTAGdEL182ZFzeQ35LnPQ/edit Below, note your key takeaways from your discussion of the researcher/vocabulary enricher’s findings. Part 4: Golden Line Finder Review the golden lines. Have the Golden Line Finder share the page number, and take the time to look at the golden lines in context. Spend some time discussing the meaning of these passages and why they are important. Have the group member(s) who completed the Golden Line Finder job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16sTuFiojBgEKpjNwk3pummzl3XIPBq9qE6zW9XuB8SY /edit?usp=sharing Here, note two of the passages that stood out the most to you: Golden Line Why did it stand out to you? “The unintentional ones came from their unexorcised demons… …and from the habits they formed over so many years of trying to survive” (Bui 295). While Ma and Bo tried to instill good values into their children and provide them with a good environment, their past scars from their life in Vietnam made it difficult for them to adapt to America. “But when I look at my son, now ten years old, I don’t see war and loss or even Travis and me. I see a new life, bound with mine by coincidence, and I think maybe he can be free” (Bui 328-329). Now with her own family, Bui is able to move past her worries and truly enjoy herself, hopeful for her son’s future. Below, note your key takeaways from your discussion of the golden lines. As Bui experiences the results of past generational trauma from her parents’ past, she not only recognizes that they are a result of their broken pasts, but also ventures into why/how they developed that way. In recognition of this, Bui can now try to provide her son with a better environment and let him be “free”. Part 5: Discussion Director Have the Discussion Director lead a discussion of this section of the text using the 6 questions they generated. Have the group member(s) who completed the Discussion Director job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VFpKqDHBwyf9IQ05XCKkOtkDI2qBK_frAdPSFrIaq6I/e dit?usp=sharing Below, note your key takeaways from the discussion generated by these questions. ● ● ● The author’s family’s American experience both fulfills and subverts their expectations. On the one hand, they are able to achieve the American dream of owning a home and providing a better life for their children. On the other hand, they also face challenges such as racism, cultural discrimination, and the struggle to maintain their sense of identity. The author’s depiction of Pulau Besar challenges our common perceptions of refugee camps. Instead of being portrayed as places of despair and hopelessness, the author shows that refugee camps can also be places of community, resilience, and even hope. The author’s concept of paradise evolves over time, from her childhood fantasies to her more nuanced understanding of adulthood. As she grows older, she realizes that paradise is not a physical place, but a state of being that is characterized by peace, happiness, and love. Book Club 1 Meeting November 01, 2023 Overview: You will be working with your book clubs to share the information you gathered by doing your assigned job and weekly evidence chart while reading your assignment for this week. Please follow the steps below to discuss this reading. NOTE: While you are working together to discuss the text, you should complete this worksheet individually. This is the place for you to take notes on your book club discussion and build ideas for Essay 3. Below, note the book you are reading and which chapters you are discussing today. Book Title Chapters Read The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir by Thi Bui Chpt. 1-2 Part 1: General Check-In First, take a few minutes to check in with your group and share your thoughts on this section of the book. What did you think about this section? Things you found interesting? Things you found confusing? Share your reaction in the box below. Mikhail: Marcus: I thought that introducing the premise of the novel and the author through childbirth brought an intense start to the book and kind of established the atmosphere for how the novel would be. Leading into chapter 2, we are shown the relationships between each family member and the hardships/struggles her parents, especially her mother experienced in their lifetime. Mrwan: The authors family has gone through some hardship moving to california Part 2: Summarizer (Marcus) Review the summary and make sure the Summarizer has covered all the key points. Make adjustments as necessary by adding important information or deleting unnecessary information. Have the group member(s) who completed the summary share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-qMSpWc2Vdj4d8gEaEFF8ivXUuv6hfxpVHlhtamIX8/edit?usp=sharing Below, note your key takeaways from discussing the summary. Chapter 1: ● Struggles of childbirth, emphasized through the detailed panels, Thi in intense pain and fear during experience. ● Mother and husband showed up to support/comfort her, bringing food and relief. ● Mother’s recount of birth and absence of husband in time of need. ● Thi finds a new sense of responsibility after experiencing motherhood. Chapter 2: ● Thi is able to come back home and experiences a wave of new responsibilities. ● Starts introducing family members and dynamics, as well as past issues. ● Sisters are introduced through romantic relationships and their parents reactions, includes abandonment of daughter and attempted suicide by mother. ● Parents are reprented by shadows/sillouhettes and are depicted escaping Vietnam on boats. Thi discusses her struggles with finding a balance between being someone’s child, but also another person’s parent. ● Thi, her husband, and child leave New York to go to California with her parents. But she finds that despite being so close physically, there was a lack of emotional connection. ● In addition there were a cultural differences, like how in Vietnam it would be considered normal for parents to live with their children, but in America they were expected to live on their own. ● Thi had met members of her mother’s side of the family, but her father intentionally keeps his a secret, which causes Thi to try to research his background. ● The birth of her and all of her siblings is depicted and the struggles that their mother had to experience, including the loss of some of her children. Part 3: Researcher/Vocabulary Enricher Discuss the 5 key research points and vocabulary words. Find these researched sections and words in the text and discuss how your new knowledge impacts your understanding of these sections. Have the group member(s) who completed the Research/Vocabulary Enricher job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MZwPTydO5wvKczWiKyLSBjj8kjoeESWO8U0vWngzo 8M/edit?usp=sharing Below, note your key takeaways from your discussion of the researcher/vocabulary enricher’s findings. ● First chapter vocab focuses on the struggles of childbirth, including taking drugs, experiencing pain, etc. ● Second chapter focuses on empty spaces in relationships within the family tree (current generation to parents/parents to grandparents) Part 4: Golden Line Finder Review the golden lines. Have the Golden Line Finder share the page number, and take the time to look at the golden lines in context. Spend some time discussing the meaning of these passages and why they are important. Have the group member(s) who completed the Golden Line Finder job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16lf6fv14YAkGLwrinkbZW8neDIiOzscGdXuVDsjQcM/edit?usp=sharing Here, note two of the passages that stood out the most to you: Golden Line I dont know exactly what it looks like, but I Why did it stand out to you? This Quote shows that there is difference recognize what is not, and now I understand Proximity and closeness are not the same” (31). between proximity and closeness. “And that if I could see Vietnam as a real place and not a simple of something lost I would see my parents as real people and learn to love them better” (36). The author says if she knew Vietnam better, her relationship with herparents will improve. Below, note your key takeaways from your discussion of the golden lines. ● Having people around us does not mean that were close to them. ● Even though the author is spending alot of time with her parents helping them trying to get closser to them instead she is just learning some parcticll skills like pouring tea and giving presents. ● The author feels a barrier between her and her familly because of her low knolwdge about her home country vietnam ● The author could feel what her parents gone through from hardship and tuff times Part 5: Discussion Director (Mikhail) Have the Discussion Director lead a discussion of this section of the text using the 6 questions they generated. Have the group member(s) who completed the Discussion Director job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. Copy of Discussion Director (Misha) Below, note your key takeaways from the discussion generated by these questions. Question 1: How does the first and second chapters of the book set up the tone of the story? Khaled: They set the emotional and thematic stage by introducing important characters and historical elements. Marcus: Starting off with childbirth and the personal struggles and losses of her family brings in an intense tone to the book. Moayed:The first and second chapters of the book set the tone by introducing characters, settings, and initial events. The tone can vary depending on the book’s genre and themes. Question 2: How would you describe the author’s parents based on the first two chapters? Moayed: The description of the author’s parents in the first two chapters depends on the book’s content, including their personalities and relationships. Marcus: I would say that her parents were very hardened by their past, making the father emotionally distant and the mother depressed. Khaled:the book generally focuses on the complexities of family history and the immigrant experience. Question 3: Do the illustrations in the book help your understanding of the story, and if so, how? Khaled:They can clarify details, set the mood. Moayed: Illustrations in a book can help readers understand the story by providing visual context, depicting scenes, and enhancing the reading experience Marcus: The illustrations bring a lot of emphasis onto the emotions that Bui is trying to convey. Through the facial expressions and exaggeration of some of her experiences, it helps portray what she was feeling at the time. Question 4: How does the family use the word “escape,” and what does it mean to them? Moayed:The meaning of “escape” to the family would depend on the book’s narrative, which could include escaping difficult situations or pursuing dreams. Marcus: “Escape” could refer to physically escaping dangerous situations like wars/conflict in Vietnam, but also from personal struggles, like the loss of a child or suicide. Question 5: How does the AUTHOR describe her parents in the first chapter? Moayed:The author’s description of her parents in the first chapter would be specific to the book’s content, including physical descriptions and character traits. Marcus: Her mother is often depicted as more emotional and caring, while the father remains cold and distant. Question 6: Why do you think there is such a disconnected relationship between the author and her parents? Moayed:The disconnected relationship between the author and her parents could be to generational differences, personal conflicts, or other factors explored in the narrative. Marcus: I think that her parents went through such traumatic and intense experiences, that it causes an emotional barrier to be placed between them. Important Highlights of the Discussion: Book Club 4 Meeting November 13, 2023 Overview: You will be working with your book clubs to share the information you gathered by doing your assigned job and weekly evidence chart while reading your assignment for this week. Please follow the steps below to discuss this reading. NOTE: While you are working together to discuss the text, you should complete this worksheet individually. This is the place for you to take notes on your book club discussion and build ideas for Essay 3. Below, note the book you are reading and which chapters you are discussing today. Book Title Chapters Read The Best We Can Do Chatpers 8-10 Part 1: General Check-In First, take a few minutes to check in with your group and share your thoughts on this section of the book. What did you think about this section? Things you found interesting? Things you found confusing? Share your reaction in the box below. Part 2: Summarizer Review the summary and make sure the Summarizer has covered all the key points. Make adjustments as necessary by adding important information or deleting unnecessary information. Have the group member(s) who completed the summary share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xXOgJPsWymqqq9qEGi5P0h0Lroyzikdje5HbbMqCvPc /edit Below, note your key takeaways from discussing the summary. The author Thi Bui continues to write about her family’s difficult journey of changing to life in the United States. She focuses on their fight to balance a painful past marked by the Vietnam War with the difficulties of fitting in in a new country. These chapters talk about Bui’s own attempts to understand what her parents went through during the war and as refugees afterward, comparing these to her own experiences as a mother. In this part of the book, she talks about the complicated relationships between her family members of different generations and how events in the past and changes in culture have affected these ties. Part 3: Researcher/Vocabulary Enricher Discuss the 5 key research points and vocabulary words. Find these researched sections and words in the text and discuss how your new knowledge impacts your understanding of these sections. Have the group member(s) who completed the Research/Vocabulary Enricher job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. Below, note your key takeaways from your discussion of the researcher/vocabulary enricher’s findings. Part 4: Golden Line Finder Review the golden lines. Have the Golden Line Finder share the page number, and take the time to look at the golden lines in context. Spend some time discussing the meaning of these passages and why they are important. Have the group member(s) who completed the Golden Line Finder job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16sTuFiojBgEKpjNwk3pummzl3XIPBq9qE6zW9XuB8SY /edit?usp=sharing Here, note two of the passages that stood out the most to you: Golden Line Why did it stand out to you? “The unintentional ones came from their unexorcised demons… …and from the habits they formed over so many years of trying to survive” (Bui 295). While Ma and Bo tried to instill good values into their children and provide them with a good environment, their past scars from their life in Vietnam made it difficult for them to adapt to America. “But when I look at my son, now ten years old, I don’t see war and loss or even Travis and me. I see a new life, bound with mine by coincidence, and I think maybe he can be free” (Bui 328-329). Now with her own family, Bui is able to move past her worries and truly enjoy herself, hopeful for her son’s future. Below, note your key takeaways from your discussion of the golden lines. As Bui experiences the results of past generational trauma from her parents’ past, she not only recognizes that they are a result of their broken pasts, but also ventures into why/how they developed that way. In recognition of this, Bui can now try to provide her son with a better environment and let him be “free”. Part 5: Discussion Director Have the Discussion Director lead a discussion of this section of the text using the 6 questions they generated. Have the group member(s) who completed the Discussion Director job share a link to their document(s). Copy and paste the link in the box below so you can access it as needed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VFpKqDHBwyf9IQ05XCKkOtkDI2qBK_frAdPSFrIaq6I/e dit?usp=sharing Below, note your key takeaways from the discussion generated by these questions. ● ● ● The author’s family’s American experience both fulfills and subverts their expectations. On the one hand, they are able to achieve the American dream of owning a home and providing a better life for their children. On the other hand, they also face challenges such as racism, cultural discrimination, and the struggle to maintain their sense of identity. The author’s depiction of Pulau Besar challenges our common perceptions of refugee camps. Instead of being portrayed as places of despair and hopelessness, the author shows that refugee camps can also be places of community, resilience, and even hope. The author’s concept of paradise evolves over time, from her childhood fantasies to her more nuanced understanding of adulthood. As she grows older, she realizes that paradise is not a physical place, but a state of being that is characterized by peace, happiness, and love. Summarizer Essay 3 Book Clubs Name Khaled / MO Reading Assignment 8-10 Important Note: Be sure to make a copy of this document to work in. Do not type directly in this document. Overview: Your job is to summarize the reading for your group. Your summary should focus on the important events and main ideas of the chapters you read. Tasks: ● ● You should complete summaries of each chapter you read for this assignment. You can decide if your summary is made up of bullet pointed main ideas or written in paragraph form. Write your summary here: The author Thi Bui continues to write about her family’s difficult journey of changing to life in the United States. She focuses on their fight to balance a painful past marked by the Vietnam War with the difficulties of fitting in in a new country. These chapters talk about Bui’s own attempts to understand what her parents went through during the war and as refugees afterward, comparing these to her own experiences as a mother. In this part of the book, she talks about the complicated relationships between her family members of different generations and how events in the past and changes in culture have affected these ties.
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