UJ Science Analysis of key Components of Stochastic Simulation Essay

UJ Science Analysis of key Components of Stochastic Simulation Essay




A Literature Review on Stochastic Simulation

Use these articles: Drawert B, Hellander A, Bales B, Banerjee D, Bellesia G, Daigle BJ Jr, et al. (2016) Stochastic Simulation Service: Bridging the Gap between the Computational Expert and the Biologist. PLoS Comput Biol 12(12): e1005220. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005220 Kevin Y. Chen, Daniel M. Zuckerman, Philip C. Nelson; Stochastic Simulation to Visualize Gene Expression and Error Correction in Living Cells. The Biophysicist 1 January 2020; 1 (1): 3. doi: https://doi.org/10.35459/tbp.2019.000101 Michael T. Klann, Alexei Lapin, Matthias Reuss, Stochastic Simulation of Signal Transduction: Impact of the Cellular Architecture on Diffusion, Biophysical Journal, Volume 96, Issue 12,2009, Pages 5122-5129, ISSN 0006-3495, (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349509007784) Špa?ek, M., P?lpán, P., & Kopecký, Z. (2020). Management of business processes using stochastic simulation. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 83, p. 01066). EDP Sciences. Hussain, S., Zeb, A., Rasheed, A., & Saeed, T. (2020). Stochastic mathematical model for the spread and control of Corona virus. Advances in Difference Equations, 2020(1), 1-11. Simoni, G., Reali, F., Priami, C., & Marchetti, L. (2019). Stochastic simulation algorithms for computational systems biology: Exact, approximate, and hybrid methods. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine, 11(6), e1459.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Essay

HU Breadth and Depth of Occupational Therapy Profession Essay

HU Breadth and Depth of Occupational Therapy Profession Essay




View the videos below and then write an essay that articulates their understanding of the breadth and depth of the occupational therapy profession, what they found interesting, what moved them, and what they want to further pursue if they were accepted into the Graduate Occupational Therapy Program.

Overview of OT: Scope of Practice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?Ud5Fp279g4Y (Because of OT) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?iELrelHvlU4 (What is OT? From San Jose State students 2012) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?8S7P0ON9w1A (Many faces of OT: University of British Columbia) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?kkw77r-KIuc (From University of Brighton) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?qw0Z1xTacMA (OT Grads why that became an OT) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?cyT5XNRYHoc (Spend the morning with an OT student on Final Fieldwork placement Toronto)

2. Occupational Therapy Practice with Children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?Rz4wbdeqIPM (Down Syndrome) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?YRFLI5N-IbU (Erb’s Palsy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?U7umR9sPUqs (Bell’s Palsy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?D1G5ssZlVUw (Child’s view of Sensory Processing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?4-jqtlwfw5M (Susan Roley, Shay et al discuss SI) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?709DlMuPkRg&spfreload?10 (Spend the day with an pediatric OT) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?iXu0ntBTEXg&spfreload?10 (Joey talks about OT and PT at Pitt) Discover Occupational therapy/ Cincinnati Children’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?Rkpf5AamuGU Equine-Assisted Occupational Therapy at the Temple Grandin Equine Center https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?k8EtZlpJDbM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?IcUNnnwFm4g&spfreload?10 (Mason child with low vision) Accessible Design: TedTalk. Helen Cohen http://www.otcentennial.org/video/accessible-design-occupational-therapist-give-ted-talk

3. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Settings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?Ik7w5fdtRjY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?dJ7ylh2fJFc&t?356s An OT Clinic for Community Mental Health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?YqKwFtNQ-vY Occupational Therapist: Careers in Mental Health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?OC3ygShUNEw

4. Physical Rehabilitation with Adults https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?__FyPAuLRYI&spfreload?10 (Nick with lawn business) Occupational Therapy restores arm function after stroke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?zlUG5DMzZc8&t?23s Occupational Therapy Practice: Physical Rehabilitation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?N73shn93A2c Occupational Therapist uses SaeboFlex to restore arm movement years post stroke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?N73shn93A2c Occupational Therapist helps a woman who had a stroke work on dressing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?FRmwRqgIJsM&t?126s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?cmM5K0LNlGE (Adult with MS: Royal College) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?a_SROgPA2GM&spfreload?10 (TBI. AOTA RIC) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?bBQXvDQdRaE (Stroke, Fred OT and PT from TV news) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?Sk53cBpZ_Ik (Wii Stroke Rehab. With researcher). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?SOmYX9DGgJU (OT helps Wounded Warriors) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?P_rz3fPrEkI&spfreload?10 (OTA Former Soldier rehab for amputees) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?AUMiUBSyN8U (From AOTA conference 2014 Wounded

5. Older Adult and OT Practice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?OeBcetc1Aeo&spfreload?10 Home visit to older adult falls prevention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?MyEzDB5S3eE OT in Home Modification from AARP and AOTA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?X35gUn5ZM1c Part 1 dementia AOTA (Laura Gitlin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?0_WREuVAnpU AOTA video on end stage of dementia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?qw0Z1xTacMA (To live not just exist, Alistair) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v?8S7P0ON9w1A


Explanation & Answer:

1 Essay

HU Science Key Psychometric Features of Asus R Discussion

HU Science Key Psychometric Features of Asus R Discussion






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Enhanced Discussion- Instrumentation: Instructions for completion For this enhanced discussion, you will be selecting an assessment instrument that you might use as a substance abuse counselor in your future practice. 1. Select an assessment instrument that you can readily access. Many assessments are free to use/view, and you do not need to spend money to access an addictions assessment for this assignment. There are many assessments out there in the public domain (free), and the UC library has many of them. Here is a helpful website for well-established assessments, and while they may not have links directly to all of the instruments, they do tell you where you can locate them (author, title of assessment, etc.) so you can then look for them on the UC library website: http://lib.adai.uw.edu/instruments/ and click on “Selected assessment instruments” under the paragraph that begins with the gold star. You may also choose to look at the Samet et al. (2007) article or the Barsky (2006) article from our readings, or the Stauffer (2008) article for suggestions about potential instruments to use. If you are currently working in the addictions field, you may have an assessment instrument that is used at work that you would like to learn more about, and this would be a great opportunity for that as well. Remember to select an assessment instrument, not a screening tool! 2. After selecting an assessment, you will need to report on the use of the instrument and on its basic psychometric properties. The Samet et al. (2007) article provides several examples of professional critiques/reviews of existing assessment instruments, and you are NOT be allowed to select one of the 6 instruments from this article for your own review (as these critiques have already been presented there). You can, however, use these as guides for your own review. 3. Read through the assessment and any associated instructional guidelines or material that accompanies the instrument (usually there is a research article published with the instrument by the developers of the instrument). You may need to locate additional research that tests the psychometric properties of the instrument (reliability/validity), but many times this is included in the original author’s research. 4. Critique the assessment instrument. You will need to first include basic information about using your selected assessment tool, and these criteria are located on page 20 of the Samet et al. (2007) article (under the General Features of Assessment Instruments section). In addition, you may want to supplement your review using the guidelines starting on page 125 of the Barsky (2006) article. 5. Finally, comment on your own personal reactions to the value of this assessment for your own future use. What are your thoughts on ease of use, the language used, any concerns you have about using this instrument in your own practice? Include any general feelings about the flow of the assessment or ability to capture relevant information you would need to assess your client’s substance use and treatment needs. 6. Post your review of your assessment in a new thread of the Enhanced Discussion board, being sure to include a link to your assessment instrument (or information about how to access this assessment). You do not need to continuously cite information from your assessment tool- just include the access/location information at the beginning of your post. 7. As with other discussion boards, be sure to connect your critique to your readings, comment on other classmates’ postings about their assessment instruments, and post on more than one day of the week to earn full credit. Suggested Format: Instrument selected: include full name, authors/creators, full reference citation or link- basically, how to find this instrument Critique: A paragraph or two to address key elements of your selected instrument (see #4 above). Personal reactions: A few sentences (see #5 above). Grading Rubric: Below are the criteria that will be used to grade the Instrumentation discussion board for this semester. Criteria All portions of the assignment are complete, showing in-depth reflection and organization. Thoughtful critique of instrument, and personal reactions reflect critical thought. Obvious integration of new information from readings and lectures. Attention to spelling and grammar. Posts made throughout the week (on more than one day), and incorporate comments of classmates. Critique and reaction display basic understanding of core concepts of assignment. May demonstrate limited connection to readings and/or other sources. Use of new information minimal. May also lack attention to spelling and grammar. Posts on only one day of the week. Narrative and/or critique too brief to develop an understanding of the purpose of the activity. Makes assumptions or uses conjecture to form conclusion. Comments do not interact with or incorporate the ideas of other participants’ comments. Point Value 15 12 10 Superficial critique. Portions of assignment may be incomplete. Does not contain pertinent information in crucial areas to meet the purpose of the assignment. 7 Insufficient data to form a conclusion. Fails to demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of the activity or use of new information. 5 Does not complete or submit assignment. 0
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1 Discussion

BHA 4104 CU Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations Papers

BHA 4104 CU Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations Papers




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3 in 1 Different papers please!!!!! Part 1 BHA4104 Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations Preparation This assignment is based around the Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations media simulation. Be sure you have completed this activity before completing this assignment. You may also find it useful to research on strategic planning, Porter’s five forces model, environmental scanning, and strategic frameworks beyond the resources provided. Instructions In addition to the scenario presented in the Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operational, incorporate the following change in the organization’s environment when creating your analysis for this assignment: • A new for-profit 50-bed acute care hospital is slated to open in the next eight months, offering a full complement of services. The goal of this assignment is to create a succinct and thorough analysis of the internal and external environment for St. Anthony Medical Center. This report should help stakeholders understand the importance of understanding the environment in which the organization operates. Additionally, it should clearly lay out an analysis of the internal and external environments and apply one or more strategic frameworks to analyze the environment and raise operational considerations. This assignment has two distinct parts: • • Part 1: Understanding the Environment. Part 2: Organizational Analysis. When completing your assignment, read the instructions carefully to make sure you are addressing all the scoring guide criteria. Part 1: Understanding the Environment Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria: • Analyze the impact and importance of understanding competition within the health industry as it applies to strategic planning. • • Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style. Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. For this part of your assignment, the focus should be on providing a brief analysis of the ways in which competition within the health care industry affects strategic planning and should be incorporated into strategic planning. As a part of your analysis, you should consider the types of evidence and analysis that would be compelling to the stakeholders at St. Anthony Medical Center to ensure that they are onboard and understand the importance at considering the competition in the environment when undertaking strategic planning. This relates to both internal and external factors. As you create this part of your assignment, it may be helpful to think about these following areas and aspects of an organization that compete for time, attention, and resources: • • • • External competition. Staffing. Stakeholders. Organizational Capacity. Part 2: Organizational Analysis Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria: • • • • • Analyze the internal, general, and external environment within which an organization operates. Examine strategic frameworks of health care organizations. Discuss implications for the organization’s future if strategic frameworks are not utilized. Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style. Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. For the second part of your assignment, you will present an environmental analysis for the organization. Additionally, you will discuss one or more strategic frameworks (for example, a SWOT analysis) and apply it to the scenario presented in the media simulation. Finally, you will create a compelling argument as to the need for utilizing a strategic framework and the potential implications for the organization’s future if nothing is employed. It may be useful to apply Porter’s Five Forces of Competitive Position Analysis when conducting and communicating your analysis. Submission Requirements • • • • • Structure: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page. Length: 5–7 pages. References: Cite at least three current scholarly or professional resources. Format: Use APA style for references and citations. Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced. Resources • • • • • • • • APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]Links to an external site.. APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX]Links to an external site.. Porter’s Five Forces of Competitive Position AnalysisLinks to an external site.. Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations | Transcript. APA Style and FormatLinks to an external site.. Capella University LibraryLinks to an external site.. Capella Writing CenterLinks to an external site.. How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles?Links to an external site.. View Rubric Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operatio Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operati Criteria Analyze the impact and importance of understanding competition within the health industry as it applies to strategic planning. view longer description Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operatio Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operati Criteria Examine strategic frameworks of health care organizations. view longer description Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operatio Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operati Criteria Analyze the internal, general, and external environment within which an organization operates. view longer description Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operatio Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operati Criteria Discuss implications for the organization’s future if strategic frameworks are not utilized. view longer description Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operatio Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operati Criteria Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style. view longer description Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operatio Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operati Criteria Communicate in a professional and effective manner by writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. view longer description Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operatio Week 5 Assignment – Vila Health: Strategic Analysis and Operati Criteria Total Points: 0 Part 2 BHA4106 Benchmarks and Quality Measures Instructions Step One: Preparation Locate data related to quality measures relevant to your topic from one or more of these websites: • • • • • • • Agency for Healthcare Research and QualityLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). https://www.ahrq.gov Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Links to an external site.. (n.d.). http://www.cdc.gov Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). CMS data navigatorLinks to an external site.. https://data.cms.gov/ The Joint CommissionLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). https://www.jointcommission.org/ National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)Links to an external site.. (2019). https://www.ncqa.org/ Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationLinks to an external site.. (n.d.). http://www.osha.gov/index.html Any other site that contains national or state health care quality measures. Step Two: Data Collection Using the Data Collection Spreadsheet Guide [XLSX] Download Data Collection Spreadsheet Guide [XLSX]as an example, create a spreadsheet containing three tabs: Dashboard Tracking, Data Collection, and Trending. On the first tab, Dashboard Tracking, draw from the information you gathered in Step One as part of your preparation for this assessment: • • • Identify the specific benchmark data you will compare with your office data. Remember it is up to you to establish your benchmarks. Organize or create a spreadsheet to display the totals, percentages, averages, and so on of your office data and of the national or state data you will be using for comparison. Note: Your Office Data column will be blank because you are not collecting any office data. This is only a proposal to do an information review of the quality of care provided by the physician group. Data does, however, need to appear in the Benchmark (national/state) data column. Include at least one comparison graph of your choice on this tab. On the second tab, Data Collection, draw from the information you gathered in Step One as part of your preparation for this assessment: • • • Create a form you will use to collect specific data from the patients’ records. Include a row for each patient. Provide a column for each data collection point (quality measure) you will be comparing. Note: The information on this page is totaled, averaged, et cetera, with the results linked to the first tab. To create your third tab, Trends, you will need to do some additional research. Identify national benchmarks for the condition you have chosen that could be compared to your office data. For example, if the trend in your office is that you are seeing more patients with asthma, but the national trend is decreasing, you have discovered a discrepancy that needs to be investigated. To perform your analysis: • • Visit one or more of the following websites containing national data: o Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). HCUPnet: Healthcare cost and utilization projectLinks to an external site.. https://hcupnet.ahrq.gov/#setup o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). CDC wonderLinks to an external site.. https://wonder.cdc.gov/WelcomeT.html o Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (n.d.). CMS data navigatorLinks to an external site.. https://data.cms.gov/ o Any other site that contains national or state health care data. Locate and analyze statistical data relevant to the selected condition. Examine trends: ▪ What other meaningful trends exist? For example, consider the number of new cases, increases or decreases of cases within a specific age range or location, et cetera. ▪ How do the national and state trends compare? ▪ Is the national trend increasing or decreasing? ▪ What is the percentage of cases who expire from the disease? Identify the trending of one statistical result relating to the condition you selected over the last 5–10 years. Create a line graph on the third tab of your spreadsheet, Trends, that illustrates the national and/or state trending of the disease you selected over the past 5–10 years. o • • Note: Remember you have not collected your office data yet for comparison purposes. You could add that data at a later time. Step 3: Data Compatibility Write a short section to add to the proposal you will complete in Assessment 3. Be sure this section of your proposal includes all of the following headings and your narrative addresses each of the bullet points. Introduction • Provide a brief 1–2 sentence high-level summary explaining data compatibility. Data Compatibility • Assess the compatibility of the data: o How can you ensure data from multiple sources is compatible? o How do you know the data you are using for comparison is compatible with your office data? o What challenges are associated with data standardization? We do not want to compare apples with oranges. You want to be sure data from multiple sources: ▪ Represents the same condition. ▪ Uses similar statistical analysis. ▪ And so on. Effects of Health Information Quality on the HIE • • • • Explain the difference between an HIE and a national database. Explain what problems can develop if facilities submit incomplete or inaccurate information to an HIE. Explain what problems can develop if facilities submit incomplete or inaccurate information to a national database. Explain how incomplete or inaccurate data may affect your proposal. Conclusion • Briefly reinforce your paper’s main points. Additional Requirements Your assessment should meet the following requirements: • • • • • • Excel spreadsheet: Your spreadsheet must contain three tabs, be organized, contain appropriate graphs, and have correct spelling. Written communication: Your paper needs to be clear and well organized, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, to support orderly exposition of content. Title page: Develop a descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words. It should stir interest yet maintain professional decorum. References: Include a minimum of two citations of peer-reviewed sources in current APA format. Length: 1–3 typed, double-spaced content pages, not including the title page and references page. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Competencies Measured By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria: • • • Competency 4: Determine how a health information exchange (HIE) or other external health care databases affect the management of patient data, clinical knowledge, and population data. o Assess the compatibility of data from multiple sources. o Explain the effects of health information quality on an HIE. Competency 5: Apply quality and change management concepts to health care information management. o Analyze statistical trends relevant to a selected condition. o Assess quality measures relevant to a selected condition. Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, and is consistent with the expectations for health care professionals. o Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, and good organization. o Apply proper APA formatting and style to citations and references. View Rubric [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M Criteria Ratin 44 to >37.4 pts DISTINGUISHED Applies specific criteria to ev statistics are most relevant t chooses meaningful trends t 37.4 to >30.8 pts PROFICIENT Analyze statistical trends relevant to a selected condition. view longer description Analyzes statistical trends re condition. 30.8 to >0 pts BASIC Analyzes statistical trends re condition, but there are sign 0 pts NON_PERFORMANCE Does not analyze statistical selected condition. 44 to >37.4 pts DISTINGUISHED Assess quality measures relevant to a selected condition. view longer description Applies cogent and explicit c measures relevant to a selec 37.4 to >30.8 pts PROFICIENT [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M Criteria Ratin Assesses quality measures re condition. 30.8 to >0 pts BASIC Describes quality measures condition. 0 pts NON_PERFORMANCE Does not describe quality m selected condition. 44 to >37.4 pts DISTINGUISHED Applies cogent and explicit c compatibility of data from m 37.4 to >30.8 pts Assess the compatibility of data from multiple sources. view longer description PROFICIENT Assesses compatibility of da 30.8 to >0 pts BASIC Identifies factors that affect multiple sources. 0 pts NON_PERFORMANCE [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M Criteria Ratin Does not identify factors tha data from multiple sources. 44 to >37.4 pts DISTINGUISHED Evaluates diverse scenarios develop if facilities submit in information to an HIE. 37.4 to >30.8 pts PROFICIENT Explain the effects of health information quality on an HIE. view longer description Explains the effects of health an HIE. 30.8 to >0 pts BASIC Identifies effects of health in HIE, but does not explain th 0 pts NON_PERFORMANCE Does not identify effects of on an HIE. 12 to >10.2 pts Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, and good organization. view longer description DISTINGUISHED Writes concisely with excelle organization, with no errors [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M Criteria Ratin syntax, and employing critic as needed. 10.2 to >8.4 pts PROFICIENT Writes clearly, with correct s syntax, and good organizatio 8.4 to >0 pts BASIC Writes clearly overall, but th spelling, grammar, syntax, or 0 pts NON_PERFORMANCE Does not write clearly, and t grammar, syntax, and organi 12 to >10.2 pts DISTINGUISHED Apply proper APA formatting and style to citations and references. view longer description Consistently applies proper A to citations and references w 10.2 to >8.4 pts PROFICIENT Applies proper APA formatti and references. 8.4 to >0 pts [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M [u05a1] Week 5 Assignment: Benchmarks and Quality M Criteria Ratin BASIC Applies APA formatting and references inconsistently an 0 pts NON_PERFORMANCE Does not apply proper APA f citations and references. Total Points: 0 Part 3 BHA4108 Analysis of Data and Policies Overview When developing a Community Health Assessment and Plan (CHAP), it’s important to be aware of a variety of policies at the local, state, and federal levels. These can influence the type of data you may collect or use, the interventions you may choose, and how they may be implemented. By examining these relationships between your chosen priorities and public health policy, you will gain insights into how demographic, socioeconomic, and many other community factors must be taken into consideration when developing an effective and implementable CHAP. For this assignment, you will analyze existing health policies that directly impact the community you profiled in the previous assignment, identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. You should consider each policy’s effectiveness in addressing health equity, accessibility, and affordability of healthcare services. This assignment will deepen your understanding of the role policy plays in shaping community health outcomes, and completing this policy analysis will help you formulate how you will write your CHAP report for publication in the next assignment. Preparation Before you begin the assignment: • • • • Review the top five community population health priorities that you identified in your previous assignment. o From the top five priorities, identify the top three. These are the priorities you will focus on going forward. Consider the factors that have made these the three top health priorities needed in the community you’re assessing. Review Assignment 2 TEMPLATE Analysis of Data and Policies [DOCX] Download Assignment 2 TEMPLATE Analysis of Data and Policies [DOCX]. You will use this provided template to record your community health profile data. Review the Assignment 2 TutorialLinks to an external site.. o This video walks you through the assignment template. Review Assignment 2 EXEMPLAR Analysis of Data and Policies [PDF] Download Assignment 2 EXEMPLAR Analysis of Data and Policies [PDF]. The exemplar is only for guidance; do not copy any information from the exemplar. All coursework must be original. Instructions Using the Assignment 2 TEMPLATE Analysis of Data and Policies, complete the following: 1. List the top three priorities for the CHAP. o Provide a rationale for the choices. o Support the choices with credible sources. 2. Relate four or more relevant policies to their CHAP priorities with an insightful response. o Support the responses with credible sources. 3. Summarize the rationale for all top three population health priorities. Explain how at least one of the following applies: o Prevalence. o Burden. o Social determinants. o Any other variable that demonstrates deep understanding of the priorities. 4. Summarize the relevancy of the chosen health policies for the CHAP. o Demonstrate critical thinking via one or more of the following: Reflect on the relationship between the health policies and the top three health priorities outlined in the CHAP. ▪ Evaluate the impact of the health policies on the top three health priorities outlined in the CHAP. ▪ Infer the consequences of the health policies on the top three health priorities outlined in the CHAP. ▪ Any other explanation that demonstrates deep understanding of health policy. 5. Apply proper APA formatting and citation style as required. ▪ Additional Requirements Submit your assignment as an attachment in the assignment area. Your assignment should also meet the following submission requirements: • • Written communication: Apply scholarly and professional communication skills consistent with expectations for the intended purpose. Offer academic citations and/or professional experiences as examples. Consider exploring the resources at the Writing CenterLinks to an external site. and Academic WriterLinks to an external site.. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Visit Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for help with APA citations. View Rubric Week 5 Assignment – Analysis of Data and Policies – Sco Week 5 Assignment – Analysis of Data and Policies – Sco Criteria List the top three priorities, and provide a rationale for the choices. view longer description 40 to >34 DISTINGU Lists the t provides a the choice 34 to >28 PROFICIE Lists the t provides a choices. 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Explanation & Answer:

5 pages

UJ Water Pollution and Effects on Marine Life Brief Paper

UJ Water Pollution and Effects on Marine Life Brief Paper

Question Description

I’m working on a science question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Causes of water pollution and its impact on marine life.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Paper

NRS 610 CTU Science The Advanced Nursing Practice Role Discussion

NRS 610 CTU Science The Advanced Nursing Practice Role Discussion




Discuss the following

  • Define the differences and similarities between the advanced nursing practice role and advanced practice nursing role.
  • Define the 4 advanced practice roles.
  • Discuss the reason why you are obtaining your master’s degree and relation to your chosen concentration
  • Define the skills and traits necessary for your chosen role and how you anticipate using them in your role.
  • Identify the traits that you possess from this listing and which ones you need to acquire or strengthen

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates. Consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate‘s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates‘ postings?

Initially, when our lecture aimed to distinguish between an advanced practice nurse and advanced nursing practice, I thought it was an error because they are similar. Despite their similarities, these terms do have notable differences. Scanlon et al. (2023) advised, “The APN roles have clearly defined education, regulation, and practice requirements such as the Nurse Practitioner (NP), Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), and Advanced Practice Nurse (APN·). ANP roles are not as prescriptive.” (p.485). The distinction between an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) and advanced nursing practice is crucial. An advanced nurse practice surpasses basic nurse education, exploring into specialized roles, while advanced nursing practice encompasses a heightened level of nursing that incorporates advanced skills, leadership, and specialized knowledge. Nurse managers and nurse executives exemplify two roles within advanced nursing practiced.
Advanced Practice Nursing involves nurses with master’s-level preparation, encompassing four distinct roles: certified nurse practitioner, certified registered nurse anesthetist, certified nurse-midwife, and clinical nurse specialist. Certified nurse practitioners are advanced practice nurses who can assess, diagnose, and treat patients. They sometimes work independently or with physicians. Certified registered nurse anesthetist provides anesthesia to patient during medical procedures and usually collaborate with surgeons and anesthetist. Certified nurse-midwives (CNM) emerged in response to the elevated rates of maternal and child mortality in rural counties. The foundation of Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) in Hyden, Kentucky, marked a significant turning point. According to DeNisco (2015), after two decades, the mortality rate witnessed a substantial decrease. Specifically, the mortality rate dropped from 9.1 per 10,000 births in Hyden, Kentucky, to 3.4 per 10,000 births for the rest of the country (p. 11). Clinical nurse specialist provides advance clinical care in a specific area of nursing such as intensive care unit, oncology, nephrology, or community health.

My motivation for pursuing a master’s in nursing is undergoing a transformation. Initially, it was primarily seen as a requirement for becoming an instructor. However, after just the first day of this course, I find myself captivated by the prospect of acquiring new knowledge, and my reasons for pursuing this advanced degree are growing.

After more than a decade as a nurse, I’ve cultivated clinical skills and traits that are highly applicable to the role of an instructor. My initial shyness transformed into assertiveness, particularly when it involves patient safety concerns—an invaluable lesson instilled by my nursing instructor during the program. As a potential instructor, I can contribute qualities like empathy and creativity, honed through years of practical experience.

Despite my extensive nursing career, I can still empathize with the challenges faced by students as they navigate the demanding balance of work, family, and nursing school. Having been a new graduate myself, I understand the frustrations encountered while dealing with other healthcare professionals. Sharing these experiences aims to create an open and supportive learning environment.

While certain traits, such as empathy, are my strengths, I acknowledge the need for improvement in cultural competence. Although I may be knowledgeable about some cultures, there’s a continuous commitment to learning more about others to enhance my effectiveness as an instructor.


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500 words

FNDH 701 The Importance of Sensory Lexicon in Quinoa Evaluation Essay

FNDH 701 The Importance of Sensory Lexicon in Quinoa Evaluation Essay






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Article Critique Assignment FNDH 701 – Due Date: Tuesday November 28, 2023 ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES For this assignment, you all will be required to work in groups and create an article critique. There will be 4 students in each group (5 students in the last 2 groups), please see your group and your assigned article below. I have provided an example article with guidelines as well as examples of good and bad critiques. The objective of the assignment is for you all to become more familiar with scientific papers, their setup, getting the necessary information, and being critical about the information available in peer-reviewed articles, all while you work as a group. You will only need to upload the assignment in Canvas ONE time by one of your team members. Of the 30 points this assignment is worth, 10 points will come from the average of your own evaluation by your teammates (form uploaded as well). Please complete the evaluation sheet assigning scores for each of your team members and upload it as well by the deadline. You will receive 2 bonus points if you upload the evaluation sheet by the deadline. No points will be awarded after the deadline. This information is confidential, I will be the only one looking at these forms. I expect you to be thorough and honest in your reviews. Feel free to use any type of communication tools to get this assignment completed: emails, discussion boards, zoom conference etc. Contact me if you have any questions. Good luck! Dr. Talavera A PRIMER TO CRITIQUING SCIENTIFIC PAPERS Follow the guidelines from this attached article. Use the Ashford Title Page format. Other things to keep in mind: COMMENTS FOR THE AUTHORS – What is the major contribution of the paper? What are its major strengths and weaknesses? Please include both general and specific comments bearing on these questions and emphasize your most significant points. GENERAL: 1. Importance and interest to SENSORY SCIENTISTS 2. Scientific soundness 3. Originality 4. Organization and clarity 5. Cohesiveness of argument 6. Degree to which conclusions are supported by the data 7. Length relative to the number of new ideas and information 8. Conciseness and writing style SPECIFIC: Support your general comments with specific evidence. 1. Presentation Does the paper tell a cohesive story? Is it a tightly reasoned argument evident throughout the paper? Where does the paper wander from this argument? Do the title, abstract, key words, introduction, and conclusions accurately and consistently reflect the major point(s) of the paper? Is the writing concise, easy to follow, interesting? 2. Length What portions of the paper should be expanded, condensed, combined, or deleted? 3. Methods Are they appropriate and current? Are they described clearly enough so that someone else could repeat the work? 4. Data presentation When results are stated in the text of the paper, can you easily verify them by examining tables and figures? Are all tables and figures clearly labeled, well planned, too complex, or unnecessary? 5. Statistical design and analyses Are they appropriate, and correct? Can the reader readily discern which measurements or observations are independent of which other measurements or observations? Are replicates correctly identified? Are significance statements justified? 6. Errors Point out any errors in technique, fact, calculation, interpretation, or style. 7. Citations Are all (and only) pertinent references cited? Do they provide for all assertions of fact not supported by the article itself? FAIRNESS and OBJECTIVITY — If the research reported in this paper is flawed, criticize the science, not the scientist. Harsh words in a review will cause the reader to doubt your objectivity; as a result, your criticism will be rejected, even if they are correct! Comments directed to the author should convince the author that: 1. You have read the entire paper carefully 2. Your criticisms are objective and correct, are not merely differences of opinion, and are intended to help the author improve his or her paper, and 3. You are qualified to provide an expert opinion about the research reported in this paper. If you fail to win the author’s respect and appreciation, your efforts will have been wasted. See the examples of good critiques and bad critiques for the article below: Yogurt Carbonation Example Example 1 – A good critique Journal Article Wright, AO, Ogden, LV, Eggett, DL. 2003. Determination of Carbonation Threshold in Yogurt. J Food Sci 68 (1): 378-81. Overall, this article is of importance to both sensory scientists and the industry because thresholds are critical in setting limits in food applications. The main objective of this study was to determine a group mean detection threshold of carbonation in Swissstyle yogurt for a defined demographic group being college-aged students. This article flowed logically and used references to support the results. In this paper, I will discuss both strengths and weaknesses according to the organization of the article beginning with the title and abstract. The title and abstract were both very concise and brief. The abstract stated the ranges of carbonation evaluated, the panel selected, methods used, and final results. The keywords used were precise and accurate. I found that the abstract did not state a clear objective or indicate why this research was of importance. I also believe that the abstract misrepresented the experiments sampling method. It states that 72 repetitions were completed, and each panelist received 42 3-AFC presentations. Upon analyzing this article, I found that six replications or sessions were completed with seven samples per session by 12 panelists, leading to a total of 72 sample tests, 42 3-AFC presentations per panelist, and an overall total of 504 presentations. When critiquing the introduction, I found that the author did a great job of presenting both the advantages and disadvantages of using carbonation in dairy products. They cited carbonation research that has been conducted on dairy products and why thresholds are of importance. The authors ended this section by stating a clear, strong objective and how this research could be applied to the industry. The author could have been expanded this section by giving a brief explanation of the 3-AFC procedure including its definition, how it used as a test for the measurement of sensory thresholds, and how the procedure is conducted. In the materials and methods section, I found that the authors became very detailed, and this section could have been shortened. Under preparation of yogurt, I found that the author used both kg and g instead of being uniform and consistent by using one unit of measurement. Next, the author states ‘two portions’ which made me believe two equal portions or 50/50. However, it then states that the portions were divided into 30/70 but did not indicate how this was determined. Within this same paragraph, it states that all mixtures were prepared and stored in a cooler. Therefore, it is assumed that only one batch of mixtures were prepared for all tests. The definition of a replication states that new preparation or batches are made from scratch for each session. In this case, I believe the replications were merely sub-samples. The research was to be conducted according to the ASTM method E1432 procedure that recommended 6 to 7 concentration levels by factors of 2 to 4. However, the researcher set their own factor of 1.66 for 8 concentrations. Therefore, the researchers were not following the method recommendations. Regarding factors and concentrations, I found that the researchers did not use consistent decimals and that there were errors in the calculation of factors for percentage saturated yogurt blended with stock. The concentrations should have been 0%, 2.8%, 4.7%, 7.7%, 12.8%, 21.3%, 35.3%, 58.6%,and 97.8% (100%). The bolded percentages represented the calculations I found to be different. There were to be 8 concentrations with controls being 0% and 100%. When analyzing the sample sets, only 7 concentrations were used (2.8% – 58.6%). The article states that degree Brix was determined from 79 samples; however, I do not understand where the 79 samples that were tested came from. The author did a good job explaining the carbon dioxide determination by infrared method and the how the equation was used to convert percent CO2 headspace gas to ppm CO2. The researchers presented each panelist with 42 3AFC presentations which was above the recommended 20 – 40 3-AFC presentations per individual, improving statistical data. To eliminate biased results, the researchers used red lighting, paper ballots, and tapped the sample cups to create an uniform appearance I believe the authors could have expanded the results and discussion section of this paper. Research papers should focus their time on the results and interpretation of these results. However, this article focused its detailed description on the materials and methods rather than on results. In Table 1, I found that it included data from 13 panelists rather than 12; therefore, results would be skewed based on one more entry of data. I believe that the author did not explain Table 1, Figure 2, or Figure 3 so that results were clearly understood. I also think the author could have expanded on the results of the computer program through graphs or charts. The conclusion was precise and summarized the results from the completed research. The article indicates that a weakness of the study was that results may not apply to the general population; however, I believe the researcher were accurate in selection of panelist because testing was conducted on healthy 18-24 years old subjects, following the guidelines in having participants that are healthy 20-year-olds to best generalize population values. **************************************************************************************************** Example 2 – Another good critique ARTICLE CRITIQUE Wright AO, Ogden LV and Egget DL. 2003. Determination of carbonation threshold in yogurt. Journal of Food Science 68. Determination of Carbonation threshold in Yogurt is a research article written by A.O. Wright, L.V. Ogden and D.L. Egget. It is taken from the Journal of Food Science, volume 68, number 1, published in 2003. The objective of this article, and of the sensory analysis led for this research, is to determine the mean carbonation threshold in a strawberry flavored yogurt by college-aged students. The knowledge of such a threshold could be of considerable importance for dairy industries. The article is divided in four parts as it is common in research articles: an introduction defining the purpose of the study, the materials and methods carried out to fulfill this goal, the results and discussion, and lastly the conclusion. In the introduction, the authors cite different surveys to explain the importance of carbonation in food products, and also describe what the bad effects of a high carbonation concentration could be. The objective of the survey is therefore very well explained, giving information on the methods, panelists, and consequences of the determination of the threshold at a larger scale: the dairy industry. However, we can underline the fact that neither in the title nor in the introduction, do the authors explain the type of yogurt used in the analysis. They state it is a Swiss-style yogurt, but never say that it is a strawberry flavored yogurt. The materials and methods are described in three distinct parts. The preparation of the yogurt is highly detailed, with the quantities, percentages, temperatures, and ph. I am not sure it should be overemphasized as such. Moreover, the article states that a factor of 1.66 was used between levels for the concentrations, but the numbers given for the proportion of saturated yogurts and stock are not precise. In fact, the numbers were not corrected in the same way as far as the decimals are concerned: sometimes it was corrected on the upper level, and other times on the lower one. For example, 2.8*1.66=4.65, and was corrected to 4.7, whereas 7.7*1.66=12.78 corrected to 12.9. This is not scientific, although in the end the difference may not be very significant. Another paragraph is dedicated to the physical proprieties if the samples to show that they had the same content of total solids and Brix degree. This is important for the scientific aspect of the survey. The method of determination of the CO 2 level is overdeveloped to my sense, stating the conversion equation between percentages and ppm, but also the machines used. It is of first importance because carbonation is the objective of the survey, and it could help the industrials to duplicate the methods used, but I am not sure it should be detailed as such. The sensory method and panel are very well described, giving details about the prerequisites, selection process and training of the panelists, and enhancing the test conditions (temperatures, minimization of bias, samples characteristics). However, the authors do not explain why they have chosen a triangle test for their survey and not another discrimination test; we can guess it is because it is the more sensitive test of the three. Table one gives us the threshold per panelists. We can deplore that once again the numbers are not corrected on the same basis: 10 2.48467=306.7 and was corrected to 305, and 102.5809=181.2 corrected to 181. Moreover, the group threshold is correct as far as the log10 estimate is concerned, but its conversion to ppm (party per millions) is wrong: 102.4307=269.6. This is very surprising as this number is the main objective of the research. Lastly, the mean threshold ppm CO2 would be 277 given the ppm results of the thirteen panelists. The interpretation of the results is therefore not accurate. Nevertheless, because the threshold determination depends on a large number of factors as the authors point out, a difference of about 10ppm is perhaps insignificant. However, this determination was the main purpose of the study, so we can believe that all the calculus should be doublechecked to find the right threshold. Another problem in the results is that it is not stated at which percentage of maximum proportion of correct judgments the threshold was determined. Given figure two, we can calculate that the threshold was taken for 65% of maximum proportion of correct judgments. The conclusion is short but precise, objective and clear. It gives the mean threshold found as well as a 95% level of confidence limit range; neither of numbers seems to be accurate given the errors in the calculations. It then broadens the conclusion of the research to the industrial level, reminding that this analysis was only carried out on a specific population category. In conclusion, I can say that this article may have a very important impact on the dairy industry and could lead to the development of new carbonated yogurts. However, the calculations seem to have errors and should be double-checked in order to find the exact threshold. For the moment I don’t think this research article is accurate and usable. The good point however about this article is the complete introduction which gives a lot of information to support the goal of the article. Another advantage is the detailed procedures given, which could enable dairy industrials to reproduce such products and experiments. **************************************************************************************************** Example 3 – A bad critique, this is what you should not do Title of Paper: Determination of Carbonation Threshold in Yogurt, Journal of Food Science – Vol. 68, Nr. 1, 2003 There are many drawbacks in this paper that render it less acceptable by Food Scientists. The first mistake is that it is not mentioned anywhere in this paper when it was submitted and the date when it was accepted in revised form. This is crucial if someone wants to know whether the paper was revised or not. The second misleading representation is that this article is showing the countries and universities of the authors at the end of the paper. Many people are used to look for this kind of information below the names of the author and before the Abstract. In materials and methods, I believe that it was a big mistake to provide with only one recipe for yogurt with specific percentages without mentioning if any additions of acids or sweetness are going to affect the perception and threshold of carbonation or not. Most of the companies are not going to stick to the same recipe for Swiss-style yogurt. Nothing is mentioned about variations of flavors, sweetness, viscosity, and acidity to the perceived CO2 detection. Another misleading representation is to mention 3-AFC without even explaining what each of the letter signifies. This article should be addressed to people having interest in detection of CO2 threshold, and these people might have no prior knowledge of some basic terms in Sensory Analysis. At least, the letters should be explained on the bottom margin. Also, as they inferred in the conclusion, the sample doesn’t at all represent the population since people tested are young. Every year, each one of us loses 1% of his taste. This means that another study must be conducted to assess the detection threshold for older people. The conclusion of this article might even seem inaccurate. There is a wide number of detection thresholds taken from the panel with probably a high range of standard deviation. In this case, it is not sure how much can the Mean of detection threshold be significant with a wide range of data to infer from the results that all Swiss-type yogurt have the detection threshold of 227ppm. With all these drawbacks, the article has however some logical presentation. It is comprehensible how materials and methods were conducted, and the sources used to generate the detection threshold are from ASTM, which is supposed to be a credible source to conduct threshold detection. The literature and the sources of information were not investigated in this critique due of a lack of time. We don’t know whether the authors were able to infer correctly the conclusions of each research from different journals already stated. Finally, and contrary to their conclusion, we can say that the research is not relevant for any yogurt company willing to develop carbonated products although the article follows a logical structure. Groups assignments are the following: Article 1. Biases in paired preference tests: Cross-cultural comparison of Japanese and American consumers Group 1 1 2 3 4 Lindsey Decker Heather Trainor Alex Gavrilos Sara Schlickau Article 2. Effects of water types and roasting points on consumer liking and emotional responses toward coffee Group 2 1 2 3 4 Kayla Erman Doris Agyei Lindsey Gercken Lok Shrestha Julianna Johnson Bony Topiwala Alejandra Guillenvallejo Jasmine Wallace Hailey Karroum Rosanna Maffei Madison Haines Jessica Wood Karen Magana Kostas Batziakas Susanna Ko Daniel Bauer kmagana@ksu.edu kbatziakas@ksu.edu susannak@ksu.edu danielbauer@ksu.edu Article 6. Salt reduction in potato chips using microparticulated salt and spices: A sensory study with consumers Group 6 1 2 3 4 hkarroum@ksu.edu rmaffei@ksu.edu mh97@ksu.edu jmwood222@ksu.edu Article 5. Developing a Lexicon for Descriptive Analysis of Soymilks Group 5 1 2 3 4 juliannaj99@ksu.edu bony@ksu.edu guillenv@ksu.edu jasminewallace@ksu.edu Article 4. Influence of information received by the consumer on the sensory perception of processed orange juice Group 4 1 2 3 4 erman@ksu.edu dagyei@ksu.edu lgercken@ksu.edu lokshrestha@ksu.edu Article 3. Lexicon Development, Consumer Acceptance, and Drivers of Liking of Quinoa Varieties Group 3 1 2 3 4 lkdecker@ksu.edu htrainor2014@ksu.edu alexgavrilos@ksu.edu schlickaus@ksu.edu Ashton Mcginn Bryce Dailey Constance Macri Benjamin Kowalyshen ashtonmcginn@ksu.edu bdailey@ksu.edu cmacri@ksu.edu kowalyshenb@ksu.edu Article 7. A sensory lexicon to characterize the quality of fresh and preserved peppers Group 7 1 2 3 4 Amelia Bresette Eugenia Decker Amrita Raj Mann Adam Price Article 8. Development of a Lexicon for Caviar and Its Usefulness for Determining Consumer Preference Group 8 1 2 3 4 5 Julia Rivera Peggy Elefant Alexander Nguyen Vincent Shelhamer Megan Turner julia01@ksu.edu peggyelefant@ksu.edu nguyenvmtalex@ksu.edu vts@ksu.edu meganturner@ksu.edu Article 9. Consumer Attitudes and Preferences for Fresh Market Tomatoes Group 9 1 2 3 4 5 amelia0225@ksu.edu eugeniad@ksu.edu arkmann@ksu.edu adprice@ksu.edu Emily Cummings Bridget Frick Jonathan Ocampo Cameron Fiorenza Intisar Abdel-Alim emilyferrari64@ksu.edu bridge9@ksu.edu jonaocampo@ksu.edu cmfiorenza@ksu.edu iabdelalim@ksu.edu Lexicon Development, Consumer Acceptance, and Drivers of Liking of Quinoa Varieties Abstract: Quinoa is becoming increasingly popular, with an expanding number of commercially available varieties. To compare the sensory properties of these quinoa varieties, a common sensory lexicon needs to be developed. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a lexicon of cooked quinoa and examine consumer acceptance of diverse varieties. A trained panel (n = 9) developed aroma, taste/flavor, texture, and color descriptors to describe the sensory properties of 21 quinoa varieties. In addition, texture of the cooked quinoa was determined using a texture analyzer. Results indicated that the developed lexicon could distinguish among these quinoa varieties, showing significant differences in aromas, taste/flavors, and texture attributes. Specifically, quinoa variety effects were observed for the aromas of caramel, nutty, buttery, grassy, earthy, and woody; taste/flavor of sweet, bitter, grain-like, nutty, earthy, and toasty; and firm, cohesive, pasty, adhesive, crunchy, chewy, astringent, and moist textures. Three varieties, “QQ74,” “Linares,” and “CO407D,” exhibited an adhesive texture that has not been described in other commercialized quinoa. Subsequent consumer evaluation (n = 100) on 6 selected samples found that the “Commercial Red” sample was the most accepted overall whereas the least accepted was the field variety “QQ74.” For all consumers, overall acceptance of quinoa was driven by higher intensities of grassy aroma, and firm and crunchy texture. Segmentation of the consumers into 4 groups was explored and showed that consumers varied in their acceptance of specific attributes, particularly texture. From the present study, the quinoa lexicon and key drivers of consumer acceptance can be utilized in the industry to evaluate quinoa varieties, product quality and processing procedures. Keywords: consumer acceptance, lexicon, sensory evaluation, quinoa Practical Application: The lexicon of cooked quinoa can be used by breeders to screen quinoa varieties. This lexicon will also be useful in the food industry to evaluate the sensory properties of quinoa from multiple farms, harvest years, and processing procedures, with the potential of directing quinoa toward different applications based on its properties. The consumer acceptance results, along with the specific consumer segments that were identified, will allow for targeted marketing of quinoa. Introduction Quinoa is classified as a pseudocereal, like amaranth and buckwheat. With its high protein content and balanced essential amino acid profile, quinoa is becoming popular worldwide. Currently, export levels exceed USD70 million in Bolivia and USD25 million in Peru (Furche and others 2015). In California, the retail price of quinoa increased from $9/kg in 2013 to $13 to $20/kg in 2015 (Nuñez de Arco 2015). Quinoa has been incorporated into numerous products including bread, cookies, pasta, cakes, and chocolates (Pop and others 2014; Alencar and others 2015; Casas Moreno and others 2015; Wang and others 2015). Some of these products are gluten-free foods, thus targeting the gluten-sensitive market segment (Wang and others 2015). The rising popularity of quinoa inspired researchers in the United States to breed varieties that are compatible with local weather, photoperiod, and soil conditions, which greatly differ from quinoa’s original land, the Andean mountain region. Since 2010, Washington State Univ. has been breeding and evaluating JFDS-2016-1630 Submitted 10/1/2016, Accepted 2/2/2017. Authors Wu and Ross are with School of Food Science, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164, U.S.A. Author Morris is with USDA-ARS Western Wheat Quality Laboratory, E202 Food Quality Building, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164, U.S.A. Author Murphy is with Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164, U.S.A. Direct inquiries to author Ross (E-mail: cfross@wsu.edu). R  C 2017 Institute of Food Technologists doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13677 Further reproduction without permission is prohibited quinoa germplasm adapted to the Pacific Northwest region of the U.S. Among currently grown quinoa varieties, agronomic attributes of interest include high yield, consistent performance over years, and tolerance to drought, salinity, heat, preharvest sprouting, and diseases (Peterson and Murphy 2015). However, beyond agronomic attributes, the sensory profiles of these quinoa varieties are also important to assist in breeding decisions, as well as screening genotypes/cultivars for various food applications. In order to provide a complete descriptive profile of the cooked quinoa, a trained sensory evaluation is needed, along with the development of a complete lexicon of the sensory attributes of importance. Currently, no quinoa lexicon is available and descriptions of quinoa sensory properties are limited. From published research, attributes describing quinoa taste have been limited to bitter, sweet, earthy, and nutty (Koziol 1991; Lorenz and Coulter 1991; Repo-Carrasco and others 2003; Stikic and others 2012; Föste and others 2014), with texture attributes of cooked quinoa described as creamy, smooth, and crunchy (Abugoch 2009). Thus, to address the lack of a quinoa lexicon, one objective of this study was to develop a lexicon describing the sensory properties of quinoa. Beyond developing a lexicon to describe quinoa, consumer preference of the different quinoa varieties is also of great interest. Most previous sensory studies on quinoa focused on the acceptance of quinoa-containing products, whereas consumer acceptance on Vol. 82, Nr. 4, 2017 r Journal of Food Science 993 Sensory & Food Quality Geyang Wu, Carolyn F. Ross, Craig F. Morris, and Kevin M. Murphy Sensory evaluation of cooked quinoa . . . Sensory & Food Quality the plain cooked grain of quinoa varieties has not been studied. Because of the lack of cooked quinoa studies performed with consumers, rice may be considered as a model to study quinoa because of the similar cooking process. Tomlins and others (2005) found consumer preference of rice was driven by the appearance attributes of uniform, clean, bright, and translucent, with consumers not liking the brown color of cooked rice or unshelled paddy in raw rice. In another study, Suwannaporn and others (2008) found that consumer acceptance of rice products was significantly influenced by convenience, grain variety, and tradition/naturalness. This study, presenting a quinoa lexicon along with consumer acceptance of different quinoa varieties, provides critical information for both the breeding programs and food industry researchers. Given the predicted importance of texture in consumer acceptance of quinoa, in this study, the Texture Analyzer (TA-XT2i) was also used to evaluate the parameters of hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and chewiness of quinoa samples. This lexicon describing the sensory attributes of cooked quinoa will be a useful tool to evaluate varieties, compare samples of quinoa grown across different environments and years, and cleaned or processed using different procedures. Finally, the sensory attributes driving consumer preference can be utilized to evaluate optimal quinoa quality and target different consumers based on preference. Materials and Methods Quinoa samples This study included 21 quinoa samples harvested in 2014, of which 16 varieties were from Finnriver Organic Farm (Chimacum, Wash., U.S.A.) and 5 were commercial samples from Bolivia and Peru (Table 1). Quinoa preparation Following harvest, the samples from Finnriver Farm were cleaned in a Clipper Office Tester (Seedburo, Des Plainies, Ill., U.S.A.) to separate mixed weed seeds and threshed materials. Subsequently, the samples were soaked for 30 min, rubbed manually under running water, and dried at 43 °C until the moisture reached
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find nursing article for this topic and have to be within 5 years period. 

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” Se puede decir que el constructivismo está orientado principalmente hacia la psicología de la personalidad y la educación, e impregnado básicamente por las teorías del desarrollo y el aprendizaje. Por otro lado, el interaccionismo social se centra en el papel de las interacciones sociales en la construcción de la identidad y la realidad de una persona.”

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  2. Diferencias entre Construccionismo e Interaccionismo Social.
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  4. Aplicación práctica.
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