UMKC Science The Result of Combining All the Raw Data Project

UMKC Science The Result of Combining All the Raw Data Project




1. Click the link and make a copy of the slides: Links to an external site.

2. Complete it.

You need to complete at least TWO Data Analysis Sections.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Project

WU Interest in The Master in Environment and Management Program Letter

WU Interest in The Master in Environment and Management Program Letter




Upload a personal statement. It should be a letter indicating applicant’s motivation for seeking entrance to the program. The statement should comment upon applicant’s personal and career goals, the expectations s/he has for the program in relation to the achievement of his/her goals, and the strengths the applicant feel s/he can bring to the program. While it is not necessary, the applicant can also include potential thesis interests and potential thesis sponsor.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Page

COM 12509 CU Challenging Nonverbal Norm Reflection

COM 12509 CU Challenging Nonverbal Norm Reflection




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COM12509A1 Instructions For this reflection, you will RESPECTFULLY & SAFELY violate a nonverbal communication norm, then reflect on your experience in writing. Please be sure to address the following. (((((((This is what to address!!!!!! A change in my personal appearance. 1. Identify the nonverbal norm you are going to violate. What type of nonverbal communication is this? Is this a social/cultural norm or one of your own? 2. Address how you are going to violate it. If you are going to change how you dress, be sure to discuss how you typically dress and how this is different. 3. Discuss your expectations; do you think people will notice? If so, how do you expect them to react? Are there specific people in your lives who you expect to get a reaction from? How do you think YOU will feel during the experiment? Once you have identified your expectations, then you can hold the experiment. After holding the experiment, be sure to discuss 4. How do you think the experiment went? Did other people react the way you expected? 5. How did you react to this experiment? What did you learn from this?
Purchase answer to see full attachment

Explanation & Answer:

5 Questions

KCS Hormonal Contraception Scientific Paper

KCS Hormonal Contraception Scientific Paper




Scientific paper for Hormonal contraception


Explanation & Answer:

2 pages

KU Sex Discussion Thread

KU Sex Discussion Thread

Question Description

I’m working on a science discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.


write a discussion thread about sex


Explanation & Answer:

1 Discussion

CCN Religious Freedom and Free Speech Case Study

CCN Religious Freedom and Free Speech Case Study




Explanation & Answer:

1 Page

HU Science Observing Celestial Objects Through Telescopes Discussion

HU Science Observing Celestial Objects Through Telescopes Discussion




not much this is the question. When we look through a telescope at stars and other things in space, we are seeing light from many years ago. Is it worth observing space if we are actually observing what it was like many years ago?


Explanation & Answer:

1 Discussion

HU Science Observing Celestial Objects Through Telescopes Discussion

HU Science Observing Celestial Objects Through Telescopes Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a science question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Why, when we look through a telescope at things in space, are we seeing light from many years ago? Challenge: What rights and responsibilities do we have towards Earth and the rest of the Universe?


Explanation & Answer:

500 words

Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Identity Research Paper

Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Identity Research Paper




In this first research paper, you are to research ASD and answer the following questions. In your paper you are to:
1. Explain the differences between Classic Autism and Asperger Disorder according to the DSM-V (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association). 2. How is ASD identified and diagnosed? Use the new coding system. Name and describe some of the measurement tools.3. Describe the characteristics of ASD under each criterion: a) language deficits, b) social differences, c) behavior, and d) motor deficits.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Paper

UJ Science The National COVID 19 Vaccine Immunization Program Essay

UJ Science The National COVID 19 Vaccine Immunization Program Essay




To what extent is a parent’s intention to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 influenced by their level of education, their own experience with the vaccination process, and their trust in science?

The hypothesis for the first is:


There’s no correlation between the level of education of a parent and trust in information sent by the government and doctors/scientists.

The second hypothesis:

There is no relationship between the way a parent feels about vaccinating their child because of their own bad experience and the awareness of getting their child vaccinated.

Based on the calculations of chi square or pearson correlation we need to figure out if these hypothesis are true or not


Explanation & Answer:

1 Essay