SMC Exxon Valdez In the Wake of Disaster Discussion

SMC Exxon Valdez In the Wake of Disaster Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Review the Exxon Valdez: In the Wake of Disaster video below for this discussion board.   You may find the Exxon Valdez video of particular interest as it reviews the well-known Exxon Valdez oil spill case that occurred in 1989.  The video is a helpful examination into understanding the significant consequences that can result from a company’s conduct.

After reviewing the video please respond to the following questions:

Share any three terms referenced in the video that are covered in the class.

Did the video reference civil damages that could result from this case?  Please explain.


Explanation & Answer:

2 Questions

UCSB Arizona Geography History Government and Challenges Questions

UCSB Arizona Geography History Government and Challenges Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Write two questions for each of the objectives and provide the answers. Answers must be detailed.

Objectives are as follows:

1.1 Describe Arizona’s major geographical features and historical periods.

1.2 Analyze the factors that shaped Arizona’s Constitution.

2.1 Explain the functions of Arizona’s legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

2.2 Describe Arizona’s county governments and municipalities.

2.3 Describe challenges Arizona faces in the 21st century.

Use the following stems to create the questions:

  • Explain why __________.
  • Why is ________________ important?
  • Compare __________ and __________.
  • Summarize ___________.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Page

USC Two Party Dominance Pros and Cons Discussion

USC Two Party Dominance Pros and Cons Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a history discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of two party (Democrats and republicans) dominance.

Describe how lack of representation occurs.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Paragraph

SMC The Loss and Looting of Egyptian Antiquities Article Analysis

SMC The Loss and Looting of Egyptian Antiquities Article Analysis




Identify at least one article that you found challenging and describe why.

List at least 3-5 questions you have about the overall material you just read.

  1. Thinking about the readings and/or videos for the week altogether, identify and connect 3-5 common themes.
  2. For your assignment, choose 1 from these readings.

Historical Context 

Introduction to Egypt: to an external site.

Pre & Early dynastic Egypt: to an external site.

Old Kingdom: to an external site.

Middle Kingdom: to an external site.

  1. New Kingdom: to an external site.

Looting to an external site.

Art Works: 

Pre and Early dynastic, and old Kingdom

Palette of King Narmer: to an external site.

Menkaure and his wife: to an external site.

Seated Scribe: to an external site.

Middle Kingdom

Statues of Senswosret to an external site.

Pectoral and Necklace: to an external site.

Late Kingdom

House Altar depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Three of their Daughters: to an external site.

Bust of Queen Nefertiti: to an external site.


Explanation & Answer:

1 Analysis

SMC Byzantine And Romanesque Art Formal Analysis

SMC Byzantine And Romanesque Art Formal Analysis




Choose at least 3 images to discuss for the week, and in one to two sentences, explain why you chose these images. Was it a personal connection? Did you like something in particular? Or Did you just simply choose them because you felt like it?

For your three chosen images, provide a visual analysis. Describe what you see. Think about shape, material, color, pigment (if it has any), and texture. Is it an object? A sculpture? A painting. Observe the image, and simply just describe what you see.

Then list 3-5 facts about the image. Situate it in its historical context and tell me something we won’t know just by looking at it. Consider questions like who made it? Why was it made? What does it represent? What was its function? What’s the connection between the artist and the object?


Byzantine Images 


Early Byzantine

architecture to an external site.

Hagia Sophia to an external site.

Middle Byzantine

Theotokos Mosaic to an external site.

Illuminated manuscripts ***note the importance of books during this period*** to an external site.

The Paris Psalter to an external site.

  1. Late Byzantine

Naturalism in Hagia Sophia to an external site.

  1. Chora’s Mosaics: Picturing Salvation to an external site.

Vita Icons to an external site.

  1. Romanesque Images 


Last Judgement from Autun (Links to an external site.)

Reliquary of St. Foy (Links to an external site.)

Pentecost of Vezelay (Links to an external site.)

Virgin and Child in Majesty (Links to an external site.)

  1. England

Explanation & Answer:

6 Sentences


ECRH World War II and War in Japan Timelines

ECRH World War II and War in Japan Timelines

Question Description

I’m working on a history exercise and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


create a timeline of the events leading to WWII.  Then create a timeline of the events leading to the war in Japan.

HIS 111 Eugenics and US Immigration Essay

HIS 111 Eugenics and US Immigration Essay




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HIS 111 (F23) Exam 3 Please answer ONE of the questions below. Your response should be double-spaced and written in 12point font. Your essay should be about 2type-written pages. You are expected to draw from required course material, period. Do not draw from outside sources. You are required to cite sources using a parenthetical format. For books, your citation should consist of the author’s last name and page number. Examples: (Takaki, p. 125); (Klinkner & Smith, p. 200); (Fields & Fields, p. 12). For articles, your citation should consist of the author’s last name and article title. Example: (Reed, “Why Juneteenth Celebrations Should Acknowledge the 13th Amendment”). And for lectures, your citation should simply indicate the lecturer’s name and lecture title. Example: (Reed, Lecture, “Reconstruction” Parts I-III). 1) What was eugenics and what role did it play in US immigration policy during the 1920s? (Lectures; Takaki Chapter 11 and other relevant chapters) 2) Did the Emancipation Proclamation end chattel slavery in the US or did the 13th Amendment do so? Explain what each of the above did and did not do. (Lectures; Klinkner/Smith, Chapters 2 and 3; Reed, “Why Juneteenth Celebrations Should Acknowledge the 13th Amendment”) 3) What were the push and pull factors contributing to the Great Migration? 90percent Did the migration improve blacks’ economic and social status? 10percent (Lectures and Takaki Chapter 13) RUBRIC This paper will be graded Pass/Fail. A competently executed (passing) essay will conform to the following guidelines. Papers should not be fewer than 1 page and should not exceed 2.5 pages. Your papers should be logically organized. Papers should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Logical organization necessitates clearly written sentences and appropriate paragraph breaks. Successfully papers will directly address the questions/issues and demonstrate a command of relevant assigned readings/lectures. Citations should include all information derived from the text that is not common knowledge—not just quotes. Practically, this means that each paragraph will likely have at least one citation. Students are permitted a maximum of TWO quotes. GRADING SCHEMA: 1 page minimum, 2.5 pages maximum Double-spaced 12point font Logical Organization Directly address the question Demonstrate mastery of relevant assigned readings/lectures You must cite your sources as directed 10percent 5percent 20percent 30percent 30percent 5percent
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Explanation & Answer:

2 pages


UCSB Eras of the Supreme Court Essay

UCSB Eras of the Supreme Court Essay




Consider the following eras of the Supreme Court:

Early Court

Marshall Court

  • Taney Court
  • Reconstruction Era
  • Pre-New Deal Era
  • New Deal Era
  • Warren Court
  • Burger Court
  • Rehnquist Court
  • Roberts Court
  • Choose 2 of the eras above and write your reflection on the significance of these eras of the Supreme Court. Consider their impact on the U.S. judicial system and include this in your reflection.
  • Create a paragraph-style timeline that includes the title, date, and summary of the following information:

Five separate ideas and events that led to the development of the Constitution.

How the Articles of Confederation influenced the Constitution (think about why they did not work)

Significant changes in the law during each of the above Supreme Court eras you chose.


Explanation & Answer:

3 pages

LSC History The Condition of Americas Connections Discussion

LSC History The Condition of Americas Connections Discussion






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Chapter 4 By the turn of the 20th century, the U.S. had emerged as a major economic world power with the growing need to export its agricultural and industrial production and to invest its surplus capital in other countries. American power was mostly expressed in th e form of informal empire as opposed to the territorial empires of Britain, France, and other European powers at the time. The U.S. used its economic and growing military power to shape political and economic outcomes in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean region, but did take direct control of territories like Hawaii and the Philippines through armed intervention as well. A political debate over imperialism erupted among political and intellectual leaders that called into question the nature of American democracy. At the same time, huge numbers of immigrants flooded into the U.S., redefining American culture and reinforcing the international character of American society in the 20th century. 1. Post an open-ended question and description that will engage your fellow students and encourage genuine, robust, and meaningful responses that will build upon your ideas and enrich the discussion. Try to connect the historical topic to issues, events, ideas, and/or challenges that our society faces today. Your description should be about 100-150 words and should elaborate various aspects the historical topic and present-day topics and include sub-questions that clarify and extend the main question. 2. Respond to at least two other students’ questions. Student 1 Jennifer The 1920s saw rapid and significant economic expansion. It is the first decade that is genuinely modern, and significant economic advancements occur during that time. Since I can remember, the United States has a history of using force to influence political and economic developments in other nations. Is the economy even going to grow if they are using their military might? People in those nations are forced to come to the US in search of opportunities as the US attempts to impose its will on other nations. Similar to how, when we read in the news, Hondurans are traveling to Mexico in search of better opportunities, they never offer assistance before eventually crossing into the United States. MY question again is so it it fair ? Is it fair for the U.S. to better their economy even though when it comes to providing help to immigrant they do not offer help. How is this fair ? Student 2 (Ritchie) Another history lesson I learned that America was putting themselves first to be superior than other nations. While the Monroe Doctrine said European countries should stay out of Latin America, the Roosevelt Corollary took this further to say the United States had the right to exercise military force in Latin American countries to keep European countries out. America as well as implementing the Open Door act is trying to better there status and relation with other countries to help the U.S. have the upper hand in power and relations with others then other nations. Do you think it is right to take advantage of other nations to gain power or is it just seizing the moment in history to become more sustainable? less
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HIST 115 UMGC History The Persian and the Greek Discussion

HIST 115 UMGC History The Persian and the Greek Discussion




The Persians and Greeks

In this video, John Green challenges us to reconsider the frictions and outcomes between ancient Greece and the Persian Empire, by pointing out that much of our perspective of these is shaped by pro-Greek historical bias, rather than a comprehensive view of history. He sketches out the Greek coalescence after the Persian Wars and the contributions of Greece’s golden age to the modern world. He concludes with an overview of the destructiveness of the Peloponnesian Wars and the decline of Greece.

Describe the sources that historians have used to study Greek history. What are the limitations of these sources? How do modern historians overcome these limitations?

Discuss the impact of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars on the Greek world, specifically Athens and Sparta. Do you see any connection between the wars?

What made it possible for Philip II and Alexander the Great to conquer the Greek World, where the much larger Persian Empire had failed?

Discuss the disintegration of Alexander the Great’s empire following his death. Why did it fall apart so quickly?

Discuss the transition of Rome from a republic to an empire. Is it even accurate to call Rome a republic before the reign of Augustus? Or is it an empire in every way except for the name? Hint: a Roman Empire is different from the Roman Empire.

The period from 27 BCE to 180 CE is known as the Pax Romana, where Rome was powerful and prosperous. By 476, the Roman Empire in the west was no more, yet the empire in the east survived. What factors account for this, and why?


Explanation & Answer:

2 pages