BHHS Connections Between Early Christianity and The Roman Empire Discussion

BHHS Connections Between Early Christianity and The Roman Empire Discussion




Please watch the video from the link I provided:

Why was learning about Constantine and Orthodox Christianity the most interesting/enjoyable topic to you this week? What surprised you? What did you find most interesting? What connections did you make with material you learned about in other classes you’ve taken? Or with your personal experience, such as travel? Can you connect the course material to other things you’ve learned or experienced?


Explanation & Answer:

150 words

Engineering Graphics Packet Drawing Orthographic Views Worksheet

Engineering Graphics Packet Drawing Orthographic Views Worksheet






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Name: Graphics Homework ____ / 30 points 1. Study the two drawings and complete the table by matching the numbered surfaces of the orthogonal drawing with the lettered surfaces of the isometric drawing. 2pts 2. For drawings A to F, identify the FRONT, PLAN (top) and SIDE views using number 1 to 18 and write them in the table below. 4pts Name: 3. Draw the three orthographic views of the object shown. 3 pts 4. Draw the three orthographic views of the object shown. 3 pts Name: 9. Draw the three orthographic views of the part shown. 3 pts 10. Draw the three orthographic views of the part shown. 3 pts Name: 11. For the objects shown in orthographic projection below, construct an isometric view in the space provided. Once you have drawn the isometric view, check your work by seeing if the orthographic projections match. 3 pts each
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1 Worksheet

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells Report

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells Report




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will choose a stationary fuel cell technology to review for current status including: 1) performance, 2) cost, 3) number and size in most prominent target markets, 4) stack life, and 5) current research and development efforts. The results of your research will be presented in a paper and as a presentation to the class. cul ull 1. Univ A.1.1.-. LUULVIUSJ
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Explanation & Answer:

1 Report

Tapped Film Summary and Reflection

Tapped Film Summary and Reflection




2 page paper reflects and summarizes the Tapped movie includes ( introduction, main points of the movie, conclusion).


Explanation & Answer:

2 pages

Engineering NextGen Development Unforeseen Consequences Discussion

Engineering NextGen Development Unforeseen Consequences Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a engineering discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


NextGen is a project that is over-budget by billions of dollars and decades late in implementation.  What are some of the unforeseen consequences of NextGen development and how have they impacted aviation today?


Explanation & Answer:

250 words

Engineering Sustainability of The Aviation Industry Discussion

Engineering Sustainability of The Aviation Industry Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a engineering discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Is sustainability actually a realistic goal for the industry?  Why or why not?  What practical steps can be taken now and in the short term (within five years) to reach that goal?


Explanation & Answer:

250 words

Engineering Strength of Materials Worksheet

Engineering Strength of Materials Worksheet




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1 determi’le the slop e at point D Using the met hod of work and energy, decima l places_) 1 points eBook H int Print A __ __ __ __. D 2E I L ‘ 11 I I I L/ 2- — — –L /2 ,- –, .- The slop e at end B is I ~-~ MoL ~ . EI 1 caused by the couple Mo- (Round the fina l ans wer to thre e 2 g E = 72 GP a, um a llo y. Us in d urin g a ten sile tes t of an alu min ed ain obt a le nu mbe r:) dat from wn dra n has bee l ans we rs t o th e n e are st wh o fina the und (Ro y_ The stress-strain diag ram sho wn allo the of the mo dul us of tou ghn ess th e mod ulus of resi lien ce and dete rmine u (MPa) point s 600 eBoo k H int Print 300 150 I I I \ 0.006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.14 0.18 I I I I I I I I I I I The modulus of resilie nce of the ~- – ~ ] kJ/m3_ alloy is/,- The mod ulus of toug hne ss of the allo y is [ ] M J/ m3_ 3 Determin e the modulus of resilien ta) Stai nles s stee l AISI 302 tann eale d): £=1 90 GPa: poi nts ce for eac h of the follo win g met ‘ ay= 260 MPa I eSool< Hint Prim als: tb) Stai nles s stee l AISI 302 tcold -roll ed): E= 190 GPa l I, : ay= 520 MPa le) Mall eabl e cast iron : E= 165 GPa : ay= ~O MPa (Round the final answ ers to one dec ima l plac e.) The mod ulus of resil ienc e for AISI 302 tann eale d) stee l is\ The mod ulus of resil ienc e for AISI 302 tcol d-ro lled ) stee l is\ The mod ulus of resil ienc e for mal leab le cas t iron is\ \ kJt m 3 . \ kJ/ m3. \ kJ/m3_ 4 1 points eBook Determ ine the modulu s of resilien ce for each of the followi ng alloys: 6 (a) Titanium: E= 16.5 x 10 psi: ay= 120 ksi 6 (b) Magne sium: E= 6.5 x 10 psi: ay= 29 ksi 6 (c) Coppe r nickel (annealed): E= 20 x 10 psi: ay= 16 ksi (Round the final answers to one decimal pla.ce1.) Hint Print 3 The modulu s of resilience for titanium is ~I- – ~ llin.-lb! in . The modulu s of resilience for magnesium is I~–~I in.-lb/in3 . The modulus of resilience for copper nickel (annealed) is ~I–~I in.-lb/in3. 5 of the = 6 m/s whe n it strik es a sma ll plate attac hed to end A AB and has a spee d rod rm unifo the along s move O collar g A 3.5-k d iame te r that can be use d rod is 250 MPa , dete rmin e the sma llest the in s stres able allow the that ing know rod. Using E = 200 GPa and al place .) for the rod. (Round the final answ er t o one decim vo points Vo A eBook H ,nt P rint G I I it 7 D 1.2 m ·1 I The small est diam eter that can be used for the rod is I I .__—‘ mm . 6 points eBook Hint Prim rgy of the pris mat al stres se s, dete rmin e the stra in ene Taking into acco unt only the effec t of norm es_) plac answ e r t o thre e deci mal shown.Given: wo = 6w . (Round the final ~} 1111 r1 tJ t B ~ – L —-i►I h The strain ener gy for the b eam is re- –]- ~f ic bea m AB for the loa din g 7 show n. Take P= 7.6 kips_ (For S8 x due to bend ing for the steel beam and load ing Using E= 29 >< 106 psi. deter mine the strain energ y whole num ber.) 4 stresses.) (Roun d the final answ er to the near est ~8-4, I= 57.5 in .)(Neglect the effec t of shear ing p palms eBook Hint Print ” . [,,, L • J X D •·’ L (if1 _ \_3l1 S’S X \ !,;A .-\b. The strain energ y due to bend ing is \~_ _ _.\ in 8 points n ing th e ex pr es sio ifo rm thi ck ne ss _ Us un nno of on cti of a se th th e le ng irc ula r cro ss er AB , wh e re ds is mb er AB ha s a no n-c me mb al me ric of ind cyl ist w tw llo of ho fin al a n s we r ne the an gle The thin-walled cti on _ (R ou nd th e erg y de ns ity, de ter mi se -en s ain os cr str ll the wa for e th on e of ~ and the ex pre ssi T se d by the ce nte r lin 2 an d A is the are a en clo on cti se ss cro ll wa the , small element of .) to three decimal places = T’ eBook Hin t Prin t ~ ~/’ < els , ].~✓ \~ ~ Th p .:inn Ip nf twi ,t of th – – -7 J l J,’ ~ rP mP rn hP r AR is 1 X 8 :, ::.e LLIU I I UI I IUI I-LI i LU Id I LI u::,: 11e1 11ue 1 MD I Id::. d \I I t:::.: :,. u::,1 1 1y LI It: e.11.µ1 e::,: :,1u 1 I the len gth of a of me mb er AB, wh ere ds is st twi of gle an the e min ter ain-energy density, de the fin al an sw er and the expression for the str wa ll cro ss se ctio n. (Round the of line r nte ce the by enclosed ss section and A is the area small element of the wall cro to three decimal places.) , , ,e ll 1111 -VVd llt:U I IUII UVV Lym IUI ILd l I ,- . 2;A T’ 1 I IUI 1- UI IIIU I 111 LI IILI poin ts eBo ok H int Prin t X The ang le of twi st of the me mb er AB is I T I TL2 :r,t tds . ‘-·- – – ‘ GA 9 of th e bra ss owing tha t po rti on CD Kn a). GP 39 = G ( 8D to the bra ss rod TA = 76 0 N -m. = 26 GPa) is bo nd ed of the tw o rod s. Ta ke y erg en The aluminum rod AB (G ain str al tot 40 mm. de ter mi ne the has an inn er dia me ter of points eBook Hi-l t Prin t 37 5 mm / A 40 0m m / Th e tot al str ain e ne rgy of the tw o rod s is lr’—-_ -~ ___,] J _ ro d is ho llo w an d 9 s rod po rtio n CD of the b ras 39 GP a). Kn ow ing tha t = (G BD rod ss bra the N-m . 26 GPa) is bo nd ed to o rod s. Ta ke TA = 76 0 The aluminum rod AB (G = al str ain en erg y of the tw tot the ine erm det , mm 40 has an inn er dia me te r of poin ts eBo ok Hint Prin t 375 mm / A 40 0m m / The total stra in e ne rgy of t he tw . o rod s 1s [___ J ___, J . is ho llo w an d 10 ing E = t ruc tura l ste eL Us t o f a sp eci me n of s tes sile ten a g rin du dat a ob tain ed tw o de c i m a l w n has bee n dra wn fro m h e fin a l an sw ers to sho t m nd gra ou dia (R L train tee ss-s s e stre h t The e s s of the mo dul us of tou gh n 6 mo dul us of res ilie nce and 29 x 10 psi, det erm ine the places.) points
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Explanation & Answer:

1 Worksheet

DU Engineering Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant Essay

DU Engineering Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant Essay




Write a comprehensive paper on the Engstrom auto mirror plant. Include the following sections in the paper.


1. Main issues and problems affectin Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant

2. Strategic steps to improve employee motivation

3. Conclusion


Explanation & Answer:

1 Essay

Eegr signal and system project

Eegr signal and system project




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Project 2 Morgan State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering EEGR 451 – DSP – Spring 2019 FIR Filtering Instructions: In this project, all the problems must be answered using MATLAB. Work with your assigned partner. Clearly label the axes for all plotted signals. Your report should include a title page, problem statement, results clearly presented and a short ‘Conclusion’ section, with MATLAB code provided in the Appendix. A sample code for the second part of this project is given. Your assignment involves identifying and discussing the filter impulse response, the filter order, the input samples, the use of the sampling frequency in the code and other involved frequencies as well as the output samples. Submit the report for Project 2 on Friday, April 26, 2019. ======== Exercise 1: Filtering a random signal by direct convolution Write a MATLAB program to (a) Generate a random input signal of 50 samples whose amplitude is uniformly distributed between -4 and 5; (b) Process the input signal by direct convolution using the following filter impulse response: h(n) = {1/8, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/8} (c) Plot the input and output signals on the same graph and explain what the filtering effect is. Exercise 2: Filtering a multi-frequency signal Let’s consider the following analog signal x(t) = 0.3sin(4000πt)+sin(10000πt)+0.4sin(16000πt) Write a MATLAB program to (a) Sample the analog signal at 60 kHz for a duration of 10 msec. (b) Process the input signal using the given filter impulse response h in the given code. (c) Plot the input and output signals (as function of time) on the same figure using the stem and plot functions. Sample Code % Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter % f1 = 2000; f2 = 5000; f3 = 8000; fs = 60000; t = [0:1/fs:6e-3]; %duration with sampling period x = 0.3*sin(2*pi*f1*t)+sin(2*pi*f2*t)+0.4*sin(2*pi*f3*t); %input signal N = 303; M = 151; for n = 0:N-1 if n == 151 h = 0.2094; else h = (sin(0.5760*pi*(n-M))-sin(0.3665*pi*(n-M)))./pi*(n-M); end end w = conv(x,h) figure(1); stem(t,x,’r’,’Linewidth’,1); hold on; plot(t,x,’k’,’Linewidth’,1); title(‘Sampled analog signal at 60 kHz without Filter’); figure(2); stem(t,w,’r’,’Linewidth’,1); hold on; plot(t,w,’k’,’Linewidth’,1); title(‘Sampled analog signal at 60 kHz with Filter’);
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1 Task

Protecting National Infrastructure Bibliography

Protecting National Infrastructure Bibliography




This assignment will be one of several throughout your PhD program that we use to help you prepare for the dissertation process. One of the core competencies necessary to succeed in a doctoral program is the ability to identify other research that pertains to your own. This means you’ll have to identify similar research, read the papers, and assimilate prior work into your own research. An annotated bibliography helps you develop and hone these research skills.

Your paper will be an annotated bibliography, specifically focusing on the “Depth” topic (i.e. Defense in Depth) in the context of protecting National Infrastructure or related to the topic you would like to consider for your dissertation, just examine that from an emerying threats focus

You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at least seven (7) resources, ALL of which must:

1) Be current. Published within the last few years.

2) Be peer-reviewed.

3) Relate directly to Defense in depth in the context of protecting National Infrastructure.

Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical. Give me enough information for me to decide if I’m interested enough to read the paper, and also how you perceive the paper. Don’t go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more important that quantity. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers.

Every resource you choose must be peer reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not simply assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out.

Here are a few URLs with additional information: (I strongly suggest that you look at these. Really.)…\… <<<< Check out the “Rules! rules! rules!” section……


Explanation & Answer:

5 pages