Econ Principle

Chapter 19: Aggregate Expenditures BY THE NUMBERS: DO IT YOURSELF! LAB ACTIVITY


Name: Instructor: Course: Description: Aggregate expenditures drive economic activity, and the government is a major source of spending. This lab activity measures the level of government spending in the United States over the last 40 years. ______________________________________________________________________ Step 1: Acquire the latest available data on government spending as a percentage of GDP from the Government Publishing Office: In the “Search Government Publications” box, enter “total government expenditures as percentages of GDP” and click search. Several Excel spreadsheet options will be shown—select one that includes data from 1976 (or earlier) up to the latest year possible. Step 2: Open the Excel spreadsheet and look for “Federal Government Outlays: Total”. Input government spending as a percentage of GDP in the table below. Data for the first ten years have already been entered.

Year Government

Spending % of GDP


Government Spending %

of GDP


Government Spending %

of GDP 1975 20.6 1989 2003 1976 20.8 1990 2004 1977 20.2 1991 2005 1978 20.1 1992 2006 1979 19.6 1993 2007 1980 21.1 1994 2008 1981 21.6 1995 2009 1982 22.5 1996 2010 1983 22.8 1997 2011 1984 21.5 1998 2012 1985 1999 2013 1986 2000 2014 1987 2001 2015 1988 2002 2016

Step 3: Using Excel, enter the data in the table into two columns, and add the title “Spending as Percent of GDP”. Do not title the “Year” column. Then use your mouse to
Chapter 19: Aggregate Expenditures BY THE NUMBERS: DO IT YOURSELF! LAB ACTIVITY


highlight the 86 cells (43 rows including the header row x 2 columns), click the “Insert” tab from the top banner, and finally under “Charts” select “Insert Line Chart”. Then right click the vertical axis in the chart and select “Format Axis”. Under Axis Options, enter “15” for the “Minimum Bound”. This will truncate the vertical axis. Copy and paste this chart into your response sheet.

Lab Questions:

1. Which year did government spending as a percentage of GDP reach its highest point? In which year was it at its lowest point?

2. Describe the trend in the chart during times of economic prosperity (such as from 1985 to 1990 and from 1993 to 2000). Describe the trend during economic recessions (such as from 1981 to 1982 and from 2008 to 2009).

3. Explain why the relationship described in Question 2 generally exists.

Chapter 19: Aggregate Expenditures
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Lab Questions
Answer Key
Answer Key

A Professional Code Of Conduct PAPER#2

1,000+ word minimum

12 point font

Double spaced

One inch margins

Cover page (APA format)

Running head and page # (APA format)

Introduction and Conclusion (no abstract required)

At least 3 ethical theories applied (Pick from: Hedonism, Desire Satisfaction Theory, Divine Command Theory, Natural Law Theory, Ethical Egoism (NOT Psychological Egoism), Consequentialism or Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Social Contract Theory, Ethical Relativism (can include Cultural Relativism) – if you veer from this list, you MUST check with Prof. Hammack – failure to do so may result in 0 for that critical thinking section.

Headings for Intro, Conclusion, and each Ethical Theory (APA format)

Reference page (APA format)

Minimum 6 sources on Ethical Theory NOT the “topic” (DO NOT USE Pp slides or videos).

Ethical arguments included in any chapter can be used in your papers. I am not looking for your opinion; I am looking for an ethical viewpoint. You can include any relevant personal experiences, graphs, charts, and any other information that may help you describe your moral dilemma. Be sure to include a minimum of 6 total sources using APA guidelines and include them in your references and citations to help you highlight your ethical theory application. Writing is expected to include critical thinking about how ethical theory and information from your references relate to each assignment topic.

A Professional Code of Conduct

This paper will include a set of five to ten principles (that you create) that, combined together, provide a code of conduct for YOU in the role YOU plan to fulfill in your professional life. You may focus on a code of conduct as the professional you will be or you may address a code of conduct you will share with your staff or co-workers in your professional role, i.e. owning a retail company, managing a veterinary clinic, etc. You should begin by researching codes of conduct that exist for people in your position, either by personally inquiring or by doing online research. You may use some of these in your code of conduct but you must add your own to put your stamp on it. The sources you find and use should be referenced appropriately.

Once you have established the codes of conduct, you must discuss what ethical theory (or theories) apply or reject each code. This should be the main focus of the paper. You must discuss at least 3 separate ethical theories. This means thoroughly defining each theory with at least 2 separate, credible sources and then step by step explaining how the codes apply or rejects an ethical theory.

Within the paper, you may also discuss the reasons for your code of conduct choices indicating the overall intent of your code in its entirety.

Here is my paper #1, follow my major in paper #2.


· Indicators of nutrient deficiencies.


· Indicators of nutrient deficiencies.

· Obesity rates or percentages: Compare to CDC statistics.

· Affordability of food/available discounts or food programs and usage (e.g., WIC, food boxes, soup kitchens, meals-on-wheels, food stamps, senior discounts, employee discounts, etc.).

· Availability of water (e.g., number and quality of drinking fountains).

· Fast food and junk food accessibility (vending machines).

· Evidence of healthy food consumption or unhealthy food consumption (trash, long lines, observations, etc.).

· Provisions for special diets, if applicable.

· For schools (in addition to above):

o Nutritional content of food in cafeteria and vending machines: Compare to ARS 15-242/The Arizona Nutrition Standards (or other state standards based on residence)

o Amount of free or reduced lunch

Elimination (Environmental Health Concerns) –

· Common air contaminants’ impact on the community.

· Noise.

· Waste disposal.

· Pest control: Is the community notified of pesticides usage?

· Hygiene practices (laundry services, hand washing, etc.).

· Bathrooms: Number of bathrooms; inspect for cleanliness, supplies, if possible.

· Universal precaution practices of health providers, teachers, members (if applicable).

· Temperature controls (e.g., within buildings, outside shade structures).

· Safety (committee, security guards, crossing guards, badges, locked campuses).

NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography


Research today on nursing turnover rates are focused on the causes and prevention, but not many studies are geared towards hospitals dealing with the results of nursing turnover rates and shortages. (Havens et al., 2013, 928) Researchers Havens et al argue that increasing work engagement (vigor, dedication, and absorption) can help improve the quality of patient care which can be greatly impacted by nursing shortages. In addition, nurses in the workforce today can be categorized by generation which can help administrations design strategy for enhancement of work engagement. (Havens et al., 2013, 928-929)


Researchers Havens et al. conducted a descriptive, correlational quantitative study. Non-experimental, cross-sectional surveys were distributed to 747 nurses from 5 rural hospitals in Pennsylvania. Each participant was grouped according to their generational cohort (e.g. Veterans, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y). (Havens et al., 2013, 929-930) The results showed that work engagement differed throughout cohorts with Veterans as the most engaged and Generation X as the least engaged. (Havens et al., 2013, 935-936). NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography


Little research is done on nurse work engagement and how it may vary across generations, and this study adds knowledge to the existing literature on turnover rates and how to manage with it. In addition, more knowledge on dealing with work engagement in different generations provides a strategy to improve the practice environments at an administrative level. (Havens et al., 2013, 928) The tools that were used in this study included Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9), Decisional Involvement Scale (DIS), Relational Coordination Scale (RCS), and Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index were used, and the Cronbach’s alpha showed they were valid; these tools were also used in previous studies by other researchers. (Havens et al., 2013, 930-931) The researchers all had PhDs which meant they knew how to conduct research. In addition, it included the common elements of a research article such as an introduction, methods, design, results, discussion and conclusion.

Unfortunately, research was conducted on only one state, which makes generalizing the evidence difficult; this is a limitation of the study. And, the level of education of the participants were not tested as well, which can be considered an extraneous variable. (Havens et al., 2013, 936) Overall, the researchers described and compared work engagement at a generational level, provided predictors of work engagement (e.g. tenure, practice environment, relational coordination), and advised on approaches to improve practice environment which is the main predictor across all generations.

The research article on work-to-family conflict by Chen et al. is very different from this article written by Havens et al. The previous article addressed the cause of turnover intention (job satisfaction, conflict at home), while the latter study focused on the solution (increase work engagement) in the presence of such an issue as high turnover rates. Nonetheless, both studies were conducted by respectable individuals, and their efforts provide more understanding on turnover rates that can be used in clinical practice. NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography.


More perspective was gained by reading this article. Turnover rates seemed like an impossible issue, but with more engaged nurses the issue doesn’t seem as grave and this study helped me to understand that. Also, I was planning on discussing the different causes of turnover rates, but with more evidence I will be able to share the effect and possible interventions to high turnover rates; my project will be altogether more well-rounded. Overall, the direction of my project is slightly changed but nonetheless the same.

NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography


Chen, I.-H., Brown, R., Bowers, B. J., & Chang, W.-Y. (2015). Work-to-family conflict as a mediator of the relationship between jaob satisfaction and turnover intention. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2350-2361.

Sullivan Havens, D., Warshawsky, N. E., & Vasey, J. (2013). RN work engagement in generational cohorts: the view from rural US hospitals. Journal of Nursing Management, 927-939.

Department of Nursing

NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice

Annotated Bibliography Grading Criteria

Student’s Name: ___________________________________ Date ______________

Professor: ____________________________________________________________

Grading Criteria Possible Points Student’s Score
I. Format 10
A. Title page that includes name, topic, course title, date, instructor.

1 .8
B. Structure
1. Neatly typewritten

2. Spelling and grammar

3. Logical topic development

5 5
C. Length (1 – 2 page[s] not counting title page)

2 2
D. APA general formatting rules and citations throughout paper

NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography

2 2
II. Content
A. Summarize:

1. What are the main arguments?

2. What type of research & design?

3. What is the point of this article? What topics are covered?

· If someone asked what this article is about, what would you say?

30 30
B. Assess:
1. How is this a useful source?

2. How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography?

3. Is the information reliable? p. 323 – 324

2.What are possible extraneous variables and limitations? p. 37-38, 154

3.What is the goal (objective statement) of this source? How do the findings describe meeting (or not meeting) this goal?

25 25
C. Reflect:

1. How it fits into your research.

2. How this source is helpful to your RU project.

§ Specific contributions in helping shape your argument.

2. Ways this article has changed how you think about your topic.

NURS 389 Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice Annotated Bibliography

25 25
III. References 10 10
1.APA style
2. Article criteria: <5 years, nurse authored, peer 3.Reviewed, USA published

Only obligatory: an empirical research reference is the article itself – reference at top of bibliography per example on OWL website. Please use headings as reflected in A, B, & C.

Total Points 100 99.8

APA format reference that you may use for free:

It is recommended that you upload your paper into Turnitin on D2L to check for plagiarism prior to submission to your professor. Also, to check for correct grammar, use the Grammar Tutor on D2L.

Please Answer This Question ,Please Fallow Instruction Below

In this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the application of the functional health assessment of a movie character. To complete this assignment, choose a movie from the following list and identify a character from the movie on whom you would like to do a health assessment. If you wish to use a character from a movie not included on the following list, get the approval of your instructor.


Away From Her
Lorenzo’s Oil
My Sister’s Keeper
Rain Man
Steel Magnolias
The Elephant Man
The Mighty
The Tic Code

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides using the template “Movie Character Presentation.”
Provide an introduction and background overview of the movie character (client).
Assess the client using the “Functional Health Pattern Assessment.”
Based on your “observations” and thoughts, document your assessment, providing examples from the movie.
Describe any observed or potential cultural, geographic, religious, ethnic, or spiritual considerations of this client.
Describe two normal health patterns of the client as well as two abnormal health patterns that you observe, and provide examples.
Develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client based on your assessment.
Identify and describe three interventions for the client: health promotion, health prevention, and maintenance.
Identify at least two possible resources or community services to which you would refer this client and provide rationale for your choices.
In addition to submitting the presentation to the instructor, post your assignment to the Movie Character Health Assessment Presentation Main Forum as directed by instructor. Respond to other students’ posts in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion. Each person should make at least three substantive comments.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Matar’s The Return Is About Suffering.

Matar’s The Return is about suffering. People suffering under Qaddafi and after the Arab Spring. Returning to Libya, Matar desired to “cure himself of his country.” He describes his father “as obsessed with the past and future, with returning to and remaking Libya” while his mother was “devoted to the present.” Write a children’s book similar to the story told by Matar from the perspective of different members of his family or outsiders.

market structures

market structures
Order Description
Review Chapters 11–13 in Essential Foundations of Economics.
View the media 3.4a Resource: Perfect Competition and 3.4b Resource: Different Market Structures.
Next, write a two- to three-page paper (600 words minimum) examining perfect competition in the value-menu fast-food restaurant business. Address the following questions in your paper:
What are the characteristics of perfect competition? Why does this type of fast-food restaurant tend to display characteristics of perfect competition?
Imagine you are running a firm with the characteristics of a perfectly competitive firm. Describe how your firm would maximize its short-run profits.
Why might firms in perfect competition choose to be open on Monday, typically the slowest day of the week, when their revenues do not seem to be sufficient to warrant doing so?
What are the long-run benefits of running a firm in perfect competition?
Under what conditions would your value-menu fast-food restaurant decide to be open on Mondays, and when would it decide not to be open on Mondays? When is losing money on Mondays still a good business decision?
Explain how your experience as a manager would change if the value-menu fast-food restaurant you were in charge of operated under a different market structure?monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. For example, in each case, how would you decide what price to charge? What would your profits look like? Would consumers be better off in terms of welfare, when you compare a firm in monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly to one in perfect competition?
Two sources in addition to your textbook are required for this paper.

Psychology Research Paper (PrincessMary tutor)

(PrincessMary tutor)

Annotated Bibliography Instructions

The Annotated Bibliography is designed to assist you with your Research Paper research, by selecting and reviewing 3 scholarly journal articles, as well as to practice using proper in-text citations. It is recommended that you read and review the Research Paper Outline and Research Paper Instructions before completing this assignment. The Annotated Bibliography is the first building block of your Research Paper.

Using the Jerry Falwell Library, you will select 3 full-text, scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal articles that directly relate to 1 or more of the topics listed below and that have been published in the last 7 years. Save each selected article as a PDF file. If you need assistance finding scholarly journal articles, click here to learn how to navigate through the Jerry Falwell Library.

Nature versus Nurture (in relationship to personality)

The Unconscious (in relationship to personality)

View of Self (in relationship to personality)

Development(in relationship to personality)

Motivation (in relationship to personality)

Maturation (in relationship to personality)

After reviewing each of the articles that you have selected and saved, you will then create a 300–500 word review (with in-text citations) of each article. The review portion of the assignment will give a general synopsis of each article that you reviewed and must note which portion of personality that the article is related to. This assignment does not need to include a title page, abstract page, or reference page; however, each reference must be listed in current APA format at the beginning of each summary. Each article must be cited using current APA format within your review of that particular article.

You must paraphrase; do not include any direct quotes. Proper use of in-text citations is imperative. If you do not include any in-text citations in this assignment, you will receive a zero. You are encouraged to read and review the chapter on in-text citations in your APA manual. Do not cite other sources outside of the article that you are reviewing.

You will submit 4 documents total in your submission: the 3 PDF documents that you saved (1 for each article) and your Annotated Bibliography submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file.

A grading rubric is provided to ensure you follow the assignment expectations.

Research Paper Instructions

The Research Paper will discuss 6 major ideas that make up the basics of personality theory as well as include a section on biblical integration. You must follow the outline given in Module/Week 5 to structure your paper; it is important that you do not stray from the outline.

It is imperative that your Research Paper include scholarly research and not your opinion. Your paper is a presentation of research regarding each of the required headings. Your paper must use 3rd person writing instead of 1st person (I, my, we) or second person (you) language. The Research Paper must include 8–10 pages of text (not including the title, abstract, or reference pages).

The Research Paper requires the use of at least 10 scholarly references (books and journal articles). At least 6 of these references must be scholarly journal articles. Do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, websites, book reviews, or your textbook as references in your paper. You must use the Bible, but it does not count toward the 10 scholarly references.

Be sure to follow current APA formatting per the current APA manual. You must include in-text citations as well as a reference page within your paper. Paraphrasing with citations is strongly preferred over direct quotes. If you do not include any in-text citations in this assignment, you will receive a zero.

You do not need to submit the PDFs used as references for this assignment; however, the Research Paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document. Be sure to review the grading rubric before beginning your paper.

Previously, you proposed a Fitness-for-Duty Evaluation (FFDE) for a police department. In this assignment, you are to create a comprehensive, well-researched FFDE proposal based on the following scenario.

Previously, you proposed a Fitness-for-Duty Evaluation (FFDE) for a police department. In this assignment, you are to create a comprehensive, well-researched FFDE proposal based on the following scenario.


A midwestern state police department recently responded to a barricaded active shooter incident where the shooter had confined himself and his family to their home. The negotiator was able to persuade the shooter to release his four young children but was unable to persuade the shooter to release his wife or surrender. The scenario resulted in the suicide of the active shooter in front of his spouse, who remained unharmed.

You are the mental health consultant for the police department. You have been assigned to conduct an FFDE on the negotiator, a thirty-five-year-old white male. The negotiator is a seven-year veteran of the force who has three small children and is going through a divorce. Although the officer appears to be handling the stress well, a closer examination reveals that the negotiator shows signs of depression and anxiety, which were not present prior to the incident.


Using at least two scholarly resources from the professional literature, investigate methods for developing FFDEs. The literature may include online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

Create a 6- to 8-page Microsoft Word document by addressing the following:

  • Design an appropriate fitness-for-duty assessment for the negotiator, which will be submitted to your client and the police department. The plan should, at a minimum, include the following:
    • Paperwork: You should review before you commence your evaluation. Remember that you may want to consider who is making the referral and why.
    • Psychometric instruments and a justification for using them.
    • Clinical semistructured interview questions that are sensitive to issues of culture and ethics. Consider developing rapport with the officer before you lead into the sensitive questions pertaining to the referral.
    • Effects of symptoms of depression and anxiety on an officer’s ability to perform his or her duties.
    • Any treatment, if recommended, for symptoms of depression and anxiety in a law enforcement officer.
  • Create a clinical fitness-for-duty written evaluation outline. Include aspects of cultural and ethical standards, valid and reliable instruments, and the recommendations of your evaluation, including, but not limited to, treatment recommendations and firearm retention.
  • Provide an introduction paragraph to the client and use section headers.

Apply APA standards to cite sources.

Electronic Cigarettes and Liquid Nicotine

Please read these instructions carefully!

You will apply what you have learned about scientific literacy, biological literacy and biochemistry to the use of e-cigs to help quit smoking. The PDFs posted on Titanium contains the following articles:

Ritchel, M. (2014, March 23). Selling a Poison by the Barrel: Liquid Nicotine for E-Cigarettes. The New York Times. Retrieved from:

McIntosh, J. (2015, July 27). Are electronic cigarettes safe? Medical News Today. Retrieved from:

For the writing assignment, you need to form an opinion on the following question, develop a logical argument, and support your argument with evidence from the required articles, your class slides & notes, your textbook, and any additional sources you find.

Many people are turning to e-cigarettes in an effort to quit smoking, however e-cigarettes nor the e-liquids used to fill them are regulate. Do you think e-cigarettes and liquid nicotine are a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes overall? Would you recommend the use of liquid nicotine products to someone who is attempting to quit smoking?

· Your paragraph should be no more than 300 words.

· Be sure you cite your sources using APA format.

· You are required to turn in BOTH a hard copy in class and a digital copy to (the link can be found on our Titanium page).

The rubric that will be used to grade the writing assignment is posted on Titanium.