Critical Thinking in Nursing practice

Review the article Critical thinking at the bedside: Providing safe passage to patients (Robert & Petersen, 2013).


Adam is a 10-year-old scheduled for discharge from the Emergency Department after a bicycle incident resulted in a fractured right ulna and radius. His arm has been casted, is immobilized and in a sling. Adam states, “My arm feels better now, and I am sleepy. The pain medicine makes me feel like I will vomit.” The RN is reviewing medications with Adam and his mother when the mother states, “We have a two (2) hour drive home from this emergency room. Can you give Adam something for nausea so he does not throw up in the car?” The RN has already completed the discharge paperwork, and the orthopedic physician who casted the arm has left the Emergency Department. The RN states, “No orders are available for Adam to have nausea medicine. I can give him another dose of pain medicine if you think that will help him sleep on the way home. Then he might not vomit.”

Initial Discussion Post:

Identify two (2) cognitive skills used in critical thinking the RN should have applied in this scenario
Provide an alternative nursing intervention to ensure safe patient care in this scenario.
Base your initial post on your readings and research of this topic. Your initial post must contain a minimum of 250 words. References, citations, and repeating the question do not count towards the 250 word minimum.


For this project you are to describe how you see yourself and tell something about who you are. To do this, you are to identify a MINIMUM of 20 separate and unique characteristics about yourself AND take or choose at least one photograph or picture to portray each characteristic.

Describe the type of operation in relation to common food service concepts

For the first phase of your project, you will need to define your project. The primary element for this milestone is the drafting of a Concept Statement. The concept statement will include the following information;

Describe the type of operation in relation to common food service concepts

Identify the target market

identify type of cuisine

identify location

identify competition

explain/support decisions to serve that cuisine in that location

Determine permits that may be needed and their costs

Determine design professionals and contractors you will seek to hire and justify

Highlight key menu items

Discuss how pricing will be established

List the days and hours of operation or explain any variation from the traditional model

Determine approximate number of employees; total and by job role

Determine the capacity (number of seats) and justify your decision based on expected seat turnover rates

Indicate whether there will be a bar (and its capacity) and explain decision

Describe the mode of service

Discuss planned production approaches (cook to order, scratch versus convenience foods)

Determine if baking will be performed on-site and assess needs if so

Indicate how soiled dishes and utensils will be handled (cleared by servers; self-bussing, etc.)

DO NOT outline the concept statement by the above elements. Draft a document you would use to present to investors or partners that includes the above information.

Writing Guidelines

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

Length of paper: Actual length will be based on assessing what information is necessary and what is extraneous. You will need to determine what you need to communicate without adding “fluff” and assuring all identified elements from the instructions are addressed where and when applicable.

Posted: 3 Days AgoDue: 20/07/2018Budget: $25

Being prepared as a Nurse Practitioner when entering the clinic setting is a win-win for the student, the preceptor and most of all the patient.

No Plegarism please, will be checked with Turnitin.

Will need minimum of 300 words, APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and Include: 3 references with intext citations.

Topic: Be Prepared

Being prepared as a Nurse Practitioner when entering the clinic setting is a win-win for the student, the preceptor and most of all the patient. Safe, effective delivery of patient care requires that the nurse practitioner student understand the complexity of healthcare systems, the limits of human factors, safety design principles, characteristics of high reliability organizations, and patient safety resources. These components are critical to the preparation of safe clinicians and essential for 21st Century healthcare delivery.

Discuss how you met the Unit Two Objectives as well as barriers to safe practice that can occur if you come to the clinic setting unprepared. Support your discussion with evidence based practice and recommendations for improvement of safe patient care in the primary care setting.

Fiscal Policy – Please see attachment

Topic: Fiscal Policy – Please see attachment
Order Description
Following the financial crisis of 2007/08, the UK budget deficit and national debt both ballooned in size. In response to this, the Coalition Government set up the Office for Budgetary Responsibility (OBR). The OBR is responsible for producing independent five-yearly budget and national debt forecasts and assessing whether the Government is likely to attain its fiscal mandate of a balanced structural current budget within this period. The OBR is also responsible for scrutinising the fiscal impact of tax-and-spend policy measures announced in the Budget or Autumn Statement and analysing the long-term sustainability of the public finances.
In relation to the above, write a two-part essay that:
evaluates the fiscal policy options available to a UK government seeking to eliminate the structural budget deficit over the next five years; and
considers the likely challenges and changes that a UK government may need to make to develop a sustainable fiscal policy.

Imagine that you are in charge of an organization similar to the ones you discovered in your research.

“AES and DES” Please respond to the following:

  • Use the Internet  to research (within the past [1] year) the manner in which organizations regularly use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Once your research is completed, determine the most common types of organizations that use AES, examine the manner in which they use AES, and state them in a post. Imagine that you are in charge of an organization similar to the ones you discovered in your research. Determine whether or not you would use AES encryption for the same types of applications and comment on this in your post. Justify your response.
  • Use the Internet to research (within the past [1] year) the manner in which organizations regularly use the Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES), and then evaluate the effectiveness of Triple DES as an encryption model. Compare the major advantages and disadvantages of Triple DES to other versions of DES. Recommend two (2) types of organizations that are best suited for Triple DES. Provide a rationale for your response.

Expanding Cell Movement

Expanding Cell Movement
Project description
Find the instructions in the attachment.
After finishing the Exercise, save your work as
Make sure you run all the code first in python before submit it to me.
For the graphic library, in the class we use this link for the graphics:
Make sure all do all the points in the ToDos and including the extra points.
You have to use the graphic library above to do the code. I will not accept codes from other sources than that graphic library.
CS 177 – Project #1
Summer 2015
This assignment is an individual project and should be completed on your own using only your own
personally written code. You will submit one (1) copy of the completed Python program to the
Project 1 assignment on Blackboard. The completed file will include your name, the name of the
project and a description of its functionality and purpose of in the comments header. The file should
be named ””.
This project will be the foundation of future assignments this semester, so it is important that you
maximize your program’s functionality.
Problem Description: Simulating the Movements of Cells in a Microscope
In 2014 Virginia scientist Eric Betzig won a Nobel Prize for his research in microscope technology.
Since receiving the award, Betzig has improved the technology so that cell functions, growth and
even movements can now be seen in real time while minimizing the damage caused by prior
methods. This allows the direct study of living nerve cells forming synapses in the brain, cells
undergoing mitosis and internal cell functions like protein translation and mitochondrial movements.
Your assignment is to write a Python program that graphically simulates viewing cellular organisms,
as they might be observed using Betzig’s technology. These simulated cells will be shown in a
graphics window (representing the field of view through Betzig’s microscope) and must be
animated, exhibiting behaviors based on the “Project Specifications” below. The simulation will
terminate based on user input (a mouse click) and will include two (2) types of cells, Crete and
Laelaps, (pronounced KREET and LEE-laps).
Crete cells should be represented in this simulation as three (3) small green circles with a radius of
8 pixels. These cells move nonlinearly in steps of 1-4 graphics window pixels. This makes their
movement appear jerky and random. Crete cells cannot move outside the microscope slide, (the
‘field’), so they may bump along the borders or even wander out into the middle of the field at times.
These cells have the ability to pass “through” each other.
A single red circle with a radius of 16 pixels will represent a Laelaps cell in this simulation. Laelaps
cells move across the field straight lines, appearing to ‘bounce’ off the field boundaries. Laelaps
sometimes appear to pass through other cells, however this is an optical illusion as they are very
thin and tend to slide over or under the other cells in the field of view.
Project Specifications:
Graphics Window
• 500 x 500 pixel window
• White background
• 0,0 (x,y) coordinate should be set to the lower left-hand corner
Crete Cells
• Three (3) green filled circles with radius of 8 pixels
• Move in random increments between -4 and 4 pixels per step
• Movements are not in straight lines, but appear wander aimlessly
Laelaps Cells
• One (1) red filled circle with a radius of 16 pixels
• Move more quickly than Crete cells and in straight lines
• The Laelaps cell should advance in either -10 or 10 pixels per step
TODO #1: Initialize the simulation environment
• Import any libraries needed for the simulation
• Display a welcome message in the Python Shell. Describe the program’s functionality
• Create the 500 x 500 graphics window named “Field”
• Set the Field window parameters as specified
TODO #2: Create the Crete cells – makeCrete()
• Write a function that creates three green circle objects (radius 8) and stores them in a list
• Each entry of the list represents one Crete cell
• The starting (x, y) locations of the Crete cells will be random values between 50 – 450
• The function should return the list of Crete cells
TODO #3: Create the Laelaps cell – makeLaelaps()
• Write a function that creates a list containing a single entry; a red filled circle (radius 16)
representing the Laelaps cell
• The starting (x, y) location of these cells should be random values between 100–400
• Add two randomly selected integers to the list. They should be either -10 or 10
• The function should return the Laelaps cell list
TODO #4: Define the bounce() function
• Write a function that accepts two (2) integers as parameters
• If the first integer is either less than 10 or greater than 490, the function should return the
inverse value of the 2nd integer, (ie: multiplying it by -1)
• Otherwise, the function should return the 2nd integer unmodified
TODO #5: Define the main() function
• Using the makeCrete() function, create a list of Crete cells
• Draw the Crete cells in the Field graphics window
• Using the makeLaelaps() function, create the Laelaps list
• Draw the Laelaps cell in the Field window
• Using a while loop, animate the cells in the Field window
o Animate each Crete cell by moving it’s (x,y) position by a number of pixels specified
by a randomly selected integer between -4 and 4
o Animate the Laelaps cell by moving it’s (x,y) position by the number of pixels
specified in the integer values in it’s list (this will always be either -10 or 10 pixels)
o HINT: Use the bounce() function to make sure the change in a cell’s position doesn’t
move the cell outside the Field boundaries
o End the while loop if a mouse click is detected in the Field graphics window
• Close the Field graphics window
• Print a message that the simulation has terminated
Extra Credit Challenges: 10 points each only if TODO #1 – 5 are complete
• CROSSING GUARD: Laelaps cell ‘bounces’ off the Crete cells instead sliding past them
• NO PASSING ZONE: Crete cells bounce off each other instead of passing through
Project 1 Grading Rubric: Points
TODO #1: Libraries imported, message shown, graphics window created to specifications 15
TODO #2: List of three (3) circle objects is created as specified 10
TODO #2: makeCrete() function properly returns list of circle objects 5
TODO #3: List including one circle object and 2 integers is created as specified 10
TODO #3: makeLaelaps() function properly returns list 5
TODO #4: bounce() function created as specified 10
TODO #5: makeCrete() and makeLaelaps() functions called, lists created successfully 10
TODO #5: Crete and LaeLaps cells drawn in the Field window 5
TODO #5: Cells move as specified within the Field window, bouncing off boundaries 20
TODO #5: Animation loop terminates when mouse clicked in the Field window 5
TODO #5: Message is displayed indicating the simulation has terminated 5
Total Points 100
You will submit one (1) copy of the completed Python program to the Project 1 assignment on
Blackboard. The completed file will include your name, the name of the project and a description of
its functionality and purpose of in the comments header. The file should be named ””.
Coding Standards and Guidelines:
In this project, you are required to follow modular coding standards, particularly with respect to
modular design, indentation and comments. Your score will be affected if your code does not
conform to these standards.
Modular Design
Divide your program into functions to improve readability and to reduce redundanct code. Your
Python code should not have repetitve copies of the same block of statements. Instead, functions
to simplify and reduce the size of your code.
For example, if you had to find the distance between two x,y coordinate points in several different
parts of your code, instead of creating the formula to calculate this distance over and over again,
create a function “def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):” and code it to calculate and return the distance
between the point using the Pythagorean Theorum.
Following are a few rules on how to use indentation in your program,
• Use tabs for indentations
• Pay attention to indentation in nested for loops and if-else blocks
Your code for this project must also include appropriate comments about how functions are
implemented. Comments make your code more readable and easier to understand.
• Add a comment before a function describing what it does.
• Before a nested for loop, describe what happens in the loop and what controls the
• Before an if-else block, explain what should happen for both the true and false cases.
• Always make a priority of keeping the comments up-to-date when the code changes.
For all variables that you use in your program, use meaningful variable and function names to help
make your program more readable. Names do not have to be long, but should give a clear
indication of the intended purpose of the variable.
CS 177 – Project #2
Summer 2015
Due Date:
This project is due Thursday July 23rd before 11:59pm.
This assignment is an individual project and should be completed on your own using only your own
personally written code. You will submit one (1) copy of the completed Python program to the
Project 2 assignment on Blackboard. The completed file will include your name, the name of the
project and a description of its functionality and purpose of in the comments header. The file should
be named ””.
This project will continue to be the foundation of future assignments this semester, so it is important
that you maximize your program’s functionality.
Problem Description: Expanding the Cell Movement Simulation
Your first program simulating Betzig’s microscopic technology was a huge hit and you’ve landed a
contract to expand its capabilities. Specifically, you are to modify the behavior of both cell types,
increase their numbers and add a graphical control panel.
Crete Cells should be represented in this expanded simulation by a random number (between 5 –
12) of small green circles with a radius of 8 pixels. These cells will move nonlinearly in steps of up
to 6 pixels at a time, (specifically, each movement should be between -6 and 6 pixels). This will
increase the speed of their movements, however they will still appear jerky and random. Crete cells
cannot move outside the microscope slide, (the ‘field’), so they may bump along the borders or
even wander out into the middle of the field at times. They must bounce off each other and the
Laelaps cells instead of appearing to pass through them.
Laelaps cells should be represented by a random number (between 3 – 6) of larger red circles with
a radius of 16 in this expansion. Laelaps cells move across the field straight lines, appearing to
‘bounce’ off the field boundaries, and all the other cells in the field of view. The dx and dy values for
each Laelaps cell will be randomly chosen from: [-12, -10, -8, 8, 10, or 12] and will change
in direction but not size when animated, only in direction.
The Control Panel should be a separate 300 x 200 graphic window, (see example next page).
Users can view and change the simulation settings by clicking in the labeled areas to:
• Increase / decrease the speed of the simulation
• Pause the simulation
• Increase / decrease the temperature of the microscopic field
• Drop a piece of ‘food’ into a random location on the field
Project Specifications:
The Field Graphics Window #1 (from Project 1)
• 500 x 500 pixel window
• White background
• 0,0 (x,y) coordinate should be set to the lower left-hand corner
The ‘Control Panel’ Graphics Window #2 (new)
• 300 x 200 pixel window
• Gray background organized as follows:
• Actual colors of buttons and text are flexible, but must be easy to see
• The speed and pause buttons must actually modify the simulation in real time
• Food button should drop a 5 x 5 black square of ‘food’ in a random Field location
• The Warmer and Cooler buttons only need to change the Temp value displayed.
Crete Cells (updated from Project 1)
• Random number (between 5-12) of green filled circles with radius of 8 pixels
• Move in random increments between -6 and 6 pixels per step
o Hint: use random.randint(-6, 6)
• Movements are not in straight lines, but appear wander aimlessly
• Bounces off Laelaps cells and other Crete cells — will not pass ‘through’ or over
• Crete cells ignore any ‘food’ in the field
Laelaps Cells (updated from Project 1)
• Random number (between 3-6) of red filled circles with a radius of 16 pixels
• The Laelaps cell should advance in either -12, -10, -8, 8, 10 or 12 pixels per step
o Hint: use random.choice([-12, -10, -8, 8, 10, 12])
• Move more quickly than Crete cells and in straight lines
• Bounces off Crete cells and other Laelaps cells – will not pass ‘through’ or over
• Laelaps cells ignore any ‘food’ in the field
Pause Food Warmer
TODO #1: Start with your own completed Project 1 Python file
• Refer to the Project 1 specifications for details
• You must complete Project 1 before continuing with this assignment
• Your TAs and/or Instructors can help you finish your Project 1 if necessary
TODO #2: Modify the makeCrete() and makeLaelaps() functions
• Change the makeCrete() and makeLaelaps() functions to meet Project 2 specifications
• The makeCrete() and makeLaelaps() functions should accept an integer parameter that
specifies the number of cells to create. They should return the lists of cells.
• The makeLaelaps() function might create a list of lists. This might take the format:
[[laelaps, dx, dy], [laelaps, dx, dy], [laelaps, dx, dy]]
TODO #3: Create the Control Panel
• Create a new 300 x 200 graphics window named “Control Panel”
• This should have the appearance shown in the Project 2 specifications above
• The buttons and functionality of the Control Panel should be as specified above
TODO #4: Modify the main() function
• Using the makeCrete() function, create a list of Crete cells and draw in the Field window
• Using the makeLaelaps() function, create the Laelaps cells and draw in the Field window
• Using a while loop, animate the Crete and Laelaps cells in the Field window
o Animate each Crete cells making sure they bounce off the boundaries of the Field
window and the other Crete cells
o Animate the Laelaps cells making sure they bounce off the Field boundaries, the
other Laelaps cells and Crete cells
o Check for and respond to mouse clicks in the Control Panel graphics window
o End the while loop if a mouse click is detected in the Field graphics window
• Close the Field and Control Panel graphics windows
• Print a message that the simulation has terminated
Extra Credit Challenges: 10 points each only if TODO #1 – 5 are complete
• DINNER TIME: Cells contacting food will increase their radius by 2 pixels, (food disappears)
• HOT IN HERE: Higher temperatures cause Laelaps to move faster, Crete to move slower.
Lower temps would have the opposite effect.
Project 2 Grading Rubric: Points
TODO #1: Simulation meets all Project 1 Specifications 5
TODO #2: Crete cell creation and returned list updated as specified 10
TODO #2: Laelaps cell creation and returned list updated as specified 10
TODO #3: Control Panel: Graphics window created, appears as specified 10
TODO #3: Control Panel: Speed and Pause buttons function as specified 15
TODO #3: Control Panel: Food button functions as specified 10
TODO #3: Control Panel: Warmer and Cooler buttons function as specified 10
TODO #4: main() function uses makeCrete() and makeLaelaps() to create cell lists 5
TODO #5: Cells move as specified within the Field window 15
TODO #5: Animation terminates, windows close when mouse clicked in the Field window 5
TODO #5: Message is displayed indicating the simulation has terminated 5
Total Points 100
You will submit one (1) copy of the completed Python program to the Project 2 assignment on
Blackboard. The completed file will include your name, the name of the project and a description of
its functionality and purpose of in the comments header. The file should be named ””.
Coding Standards and Guidelines:
In this project, you are required to follow modular coding standards, particularly with respect to
modular design, indentation and comments. Your score will be affected if your code does not
conform to these standards.
Modular Design
Divide your program into functions to improve readability and to reduce redundanct code. Your
Python code should not have repetitve copies of the same block of statements. Instead, functions
to simplify and reduce the size of your code.
For example, if you had to find the distance between two x,y coordinate points in several different
parts of your code, instead of creating the formula to calculate this distance over and over again,
create a function “def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):” and code it to calculate and return the distance
between the point using the Pythagorean Theorum.
Following are a few rules on how to use indentation in your program,
• Use tabs for indentations
• Pay attention to indentation in nested for loops and if-else blocks
Your code for this project must also include appropriate comments about how functions are
implemented. Comments make your code more readable and easier to understand.
• Add a comment before a function describing what it does.
• Before a nested for loop, describe what happens in the loop and what controls the
• Before an if-else block, explain what should happen for both the true and false cases.
• Always make a priority of keeping the comments up-to-date when the code changes.
For all variables that you use in your program, use meaningful variable and function names to help
make your program more readable. Names do not have to be long, but should give a clear
indication of the intended purpose of the variable.
from graphics import *
from tkinter import *
import random
from random import randint
from time import sleep
print(“rnrn ===========================================================rn”)
print(“Welcome to this program. This program graphically simulates viewing cellular organisms through a microscope”)
winWidth = 500
winHeight = 500
win = GraphWin(‘Field’, winWidth, winHeight)
win.setCoords(0,0,winWidth, winHeight)
circleListCrete = []
circleListLaelaps = [‘a’,’b’,’c’]
positionLaelaps = [‘a’,’b’,’c’]
def makeCrete():
for i in range(0, 3):
greenCircle = Circle(Point(random.randint(50,450), random.randint(50,450)), 8)
return circleListCrete
def makeLaelaps():
for i in range(0, 1):
positionLaelaps[0] = random.randint(100,400)
positionLaelaps[1] = random.randint(100,400)
redCircle = Circle(Point(positionLaelaps[0], positionLaelaps[1]), 16)
circleListLaelaps[0] = redCircle
numberarray = [-10,10]
randominteger1 = random.choice(numberarray)
randominteger2 = random.choice(numberarray)
circleListLaelaps[1] = randominteger1
circleListLaelaps[2] = randominteger2
return circleListLaelaps
def bounce(intA, intB):
if (intA490):
return intB * -1
return intB
def main():
dx = 10
dy = -10
for i in circleListCrete:
for x in circleListLaelaps[0:1]:
while 1:
for i in circleListCrete:
randomInteger3 = bounce(random.randint(-4,4), random.randint(-4,4))
randomInteger4 = bounce(random.randint(-4,4), random.randint(-4,4))
i.move(randomInteger3, randomInteger4)
for x in circleListLaelaps[0:1]:
point1 = x.getCenter()
x1 = point1.getX()
y1 = point1.getY()
radius = 16
xLow = radius
xHigh = winWidth – radius
yLow = radius
yHigh = winHeight – radius
if x1 xHigh:
dx = -dx
if y1 yHigh:
dy = -dy
x.move(dx, dy)
print(“the simulation has been terminated”)

Gastrointestinal reflux disease


CC: Patient is seen today for “gnawing epigastric pain and a bitter taste in my mouth.”

HPI: Mr. C.O. is a 45 year old African American man came with a concern of experiencing gnawing epigastric pain. Mr. C.O states that the pain gets worse after eating, and whenever he tried to sleep. He came to the clinic today for a check-up and to get his prescription refilled. He stated that some laboratory tests was done at the clinic the last time he visited three months ago before he travelled out of the country to Africa. He was first diagnosed with hypertension (HTN) and gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) six months ago. He was started on proton pump inhibitor and antihypertensive medication. Mr. C.O. stated that he only take his medication whenever he feels like taking it and when he is having headache or heartburn in his chest. He acknowledges having diarrhea for two days, and wakes up two to three times last night to use the bathroom.


1. Atenolol 50 mg one tablet by mouth daily (antihypertensive)

2. Triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide 37.5/25mg one tablet by mouth daily (diuretic)

3. Omeprazole 20 mg one capsule by mouth daily (proton pump inhibitor)

4. Tylenol 500mg one tablet every six hours as needed for pain or headache (analgesic)

5. One-a-day vitamin for men one tablet by mouth daily (daily supplements)

6. Docusate sodium 100 mg one capsule by mouth daily (stool softener).

PMH – Patient has medical history of Headaches, Hypertension, and GERD. Denies any diagnoses of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, TB, thyroid problems, asthma, depression, anxiety and kidney disease.

Allergies: He is allergic to Aspirin (ASA) and Penicillin (PCN).

Medication Intolerances: Pt. denies intolerance to any medication

Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas Patient denies having any major trauma.

Hospitalizations/Surgeries: Patient was admitted at the hospital for abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting in March 2014 in Africa. Patient had left knee replacement done in 2007.

Family History

Patient’s father had type two diabetes mellitus and uncontrolled hypertension and died in March 2013, at the age of 65 of heart attack. His mother has congestive heart failure (CHF) and coronary artery disease (CAD) still alive. His two brothers has uncontrolled hypertension and coronary artery disease (CAD).

Social History

He is current smoker and occasional alcohol drinker. Patient mentioned that he works a lot of hours and his position demands a lot of stress. He smokes two packs of cigarette a day and drinks three beers a day. He is divorced with three grown up children. He lives alone in one bedroom apartment. He works at Fiesta as a cashier and goes to church occasionally. He denies any depression or psychiatric problems



Pt. is alert and oriented x3. No weight change noted. Denies chills, weakness and night sweats. Cardiovascular

Patient denies any chest pain or palpitations on this visit. No edema noted.


Skin is dry and intact. No rashes noted. No bruising or skin discoloration noted.


Patient denies any cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, dyspnea, pneumonia history and TB.


Patient denies any visual changes, blurring and use of corrective lenses. Gastrointestinal

Epigastric pain with bitter taste in his mouth, occasional constipation, no nausea and vomiting.Denies diarrhea, hepatitis, eating disorders, hemorrhoids and ulcers.


Patient denies any ear pain, hearing loss, discharge and ringing in the ear. Genitourinary/Gynecological

Patient denies burning while urinating. Denies any change in color with urination. Denies any STD. Denies any prostrate pain or testicular pain.


Patient denies any sinus problems, dysphagia, nose bleeds or discharge, dental disease, hoarseness and throat pain. Musculoskeletal

Patient denies any back pain or joint pain. Patient denies swelling, stiffness or pain. He denies any fracture history and diagnosis of osteoporosis.


Denies any pain, lumps or bumps. Neurological

Patient denies having any syncope, seizures, transient paralysis, paresthesia and black out spells. He denies any migraine headaches, irritability, nuchal rigidity and increased intracranial pressure. Patient admits to occasional headaches but no dizziness.


Patient states he is HIV negative. He denies any blood transfusion history, night sweats, swollen glands, increased thirst and cold or heat intolerance. Denies night sweat or increased hunger. Psychiatric

Patient denies any diagnosis of depression, anxiety, sleeping difficulties, suicidal ideation/attempts.


Weight 268 Ibs BMI 43.3 Temp 98.8 BP 160/90

Height 66 inches Pulse 96 Resp 20

General Appearance

Patient is obese, appears older than his stated age, and demonstrated discomfort by facial grimacing during interview. No difficulty walking, awake, alert and oriented X 3. Cognition is intact, well grooming and balance gait. Answers questions appropriately.


No rashes noted on skin. No bruising noted. Skin is brown, warm, dry, clean and intact. No signs of dehydration noted and patient has good skin tugor.


Head is normocephalic, atraumatic and without lesions; hair evenly distributed. Eyes: PERRLA. EOMs intact. No conjunctival or scleral injection. Ears: Canals patent. Bilateral TMs pearly grey with positive light reflex; landmarks easily visualized. Nose: Nasal mucosa pink; normal turbinates. No septal deviation. Neck: Supple. Full range of motion; no cervical lymphadenopathy; no occipital nodes. No thyromegaly or nodules. Oral mucosa pink and moist. Pharynx is nonerythematous and without exudate. Teeth are in good repair.


S1, S2 with regular rate and rhythm on auscultation. No extra sounds, clicks, rubs or murmurs. Capillary refill 2 seconds.Pulses 3+ throughout. No edema.


Symmetric chest wall. Respirations regular and easy; lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally.


Mid-epigastric tenderness on palpation, no abdominal masses, soft and non-distended. Bowel sound present in all four quadrants. Palpation with no organomegaly noted. Tympanic percussion noted throughout, and no lateral pulsation to aortic region.No hepatosplenomegaly.


Breast is free from masses or tenderness, no discharge, no dimpling, wrinkling or discoloration of the skin.


Bladder is non-distended. Testes are palpable, no masses or lesions. No uretheral discharge. (Rectal has no evidence of hemorrhoids, fissures, bleeding or masses.


Full ROM seen in all 4 extremities as patient moved about the exam room. Bilateral extremities with no edema, pedal pulses present, strong and palpable. Tactile sensation intact with no deformity, upper and lower extremities without limitation with range of motion (ROM).


Patient speech is clear with good tone. Posture is erect with normal gait and stable balance.


Alert and oriented.Dressed in clean slacks, shirt and pants.Maintains eye contact. Speech is soft, though clear and of normal rate and cadence; answers questions appropriately.

Lab Tests

Urinalysis – Negative. Urine specific gravity is normal; no dehydration noted.

Blood work – pending

CBC with differential- pending

Stool for guaiac- negative

Special Tests


Diagnosis: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): “Burning, gnawing pain in mid-epigastrium that worsens with decumbency, water brash” are common complaints seen in patients with GERD (Dains, Baumann, &Scheibel, 2012, p. 28).

Gastroespohageal reflux disease (GERD), or erosive esophagitis, is a condition regarded as a backward flow of stomach acid from the stomach into the esophagus. The lining of the stomach normally protects the organ from the acid; however, the esophagus does not have any protection. Thus, the acid damages the tissue of the esophagus and this causes many of the symptoms associated with GERD. Diagnosis of the disease can usually be done when the patient experiences the most common symptoms (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, & Camera, 2012). The heartburn ensues within 30 to 60 minutes after eating. The pains have a propensity to upsurge when the patient eats, lies down, or exercises. These actions tend to increase the amount of acid in the stomach or place the patient in positions, which force acid into the esophagus (Lewis et al., 2012). This can lead to the painful burning sensation of heartburn which can be referred to the chest. This chest pain is also a symptom of GERD (Lewis et al., 2012). The patients sometimes report a sour taste in their mouth. Physical examination tends to reveal epigastric tenderness with palpation. “The most reliable way to detect reflux as the cause of chest pain is to correlate episodes of chest pain with results of 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring” (Dains et al., 2012, p. 93).

Differential diagnoses are

Gastroenteritis: Gastroenteritis, antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and lactose intolerance are the most common differential diagnoses for Mr. C.O (Lewis et al., 2012). Differentiating between these disorders requires a thorough history and review of systems. C.O recently travelled to Africa, was admitted in the hospital for abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting. He recently finished a course of antibiotics which could be a possible source of diarrhea. Gastroenteritis should be considered as he has had diarrhea, and fever. “Gastroenteritis can occur at any age and produces diffuse cramping pain accompanied by diarrhea, fever, nausea and vomiting: can have history of recent travels, and family members ill” (Dains et al., 2012, p. 29).

Peptic Ulcer: Physical findings can be epigastric tenderness on palpation. It occurs most a lot with gastric emptying, stress, and alcohol, and pain is steady, mild, or severe and located in epigastrium (Dains et al., 2012). Due to empty feeling, or hunger, gas trapped in the epigastric region causes chest pain that can feign unstable angina.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome may vary depend on the severity of the problem. C.O has three classic signs of IBS: Alternating constipation and diarrhea, crampy abdominal pain, and bloating (McPhee & Hammer, 2012). IBS is a multifaceted condition; affected patients may have “decreased intestinal motility along with increased intestinal pain sensitivity, also known as visceral hyperalgesia” (McPhee & Hammer, 2012, p. 697). This visceral hypersensitivity, or syndrome, really is on the end of the bell curve for the patient with IBS.

Diarrhea: Complaints of occasional constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain is a common incidence in the clinic setting. It is defined as loose stools that ensue more than three times in a day. It can be frightening, in serious cases can be life threatening. This could be associated with possible infection, increased temperature and severe abdominal pain (Buttaro, Trybulski, Polgar Bailey,& Sandberg-Cook, 2013). The patient’s physical exam and some of the patient complaints correlate with this diagnosis. Thus, the patient needs more diagnostic tests.

Plan: Recommended Diagnostic Test: Upper bowel series and barium swallow to check for reflux and possible Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) titers (Buttaro et al., 2013). Amylase and lipase to rule out perforation or pancreatitis, liver function test to rule out Hepatobiliary (Buttaro et al., 2013). Abdominal ultrasound if symptoms are severe to visualize solid organs. ECG can add objective data in evaluating chest pain, and most valuable when compared with the previous results (Buttaro et al., 2013).

Medication: Omeprazole 40mg by mouth daily, 30 minutes to one hour before food for symptom relief. It is a proton inhibitor used for short term treatment of GERD (, 2014). Patient was educated on possible side effects, and to read the leaflet carefully before starting the medication. Patient instructed to continue with current medications as prescribed with the exception of omeprazole 20mg that was increased to 40mg a day.

Education- Instructed patient to get his family members involved his care and compliance with his medication regimen. Advised on lifestyle modifications which include quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, avoiding fatty and spicy foods (, 2014). Eat foods that are rich in potassium, and include more fruits and vegetables in his diet (, 2014). Mr. C. O was encouraged to avoid triggers such as carbonated beverages, alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, eating late at night, decreased meal size and reduce dietary fat (Buttaro et al., 2013). Encouraged to engage in physical exercise for 30 minutes to one hour up to four times a week (, 2014).

: Ethics in Nursing

Topic: Ethics in Nursing

Write about the Ethical principle of Justice in the scenario presented in the question

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3 Pages


Nursing – Evidence Based Practiced – Transformation leadership

APA Format 1000+ words

Evidence based practice: Please use a minimum of 3 references (Research articles preferred or journals) (Can’t be textbook or websites)

How can you apply transformation leadership into nursing management and change the attitudes of the staff and encourage a more cohesive team atmosphere?

What effects would this leadership style have on management and how will affect retention of the work force in a healthcare setting (Nursing Specific)?

How this style of management when providing transformational leadership usually applies in nursing?

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