What is your definition of wellness, health and illness?

Remembering the four concepts that guide the development of a nursing
philosophy, describe your nursing philosophy. Make sure the following
addressed in your written presentation:
a. What are characteristics of a nurse in your philosophy?
b. What is nursing (how do you define nursing)and how do you see nursing care being delivered?
c. What is your definition of wellness, health and illness?
d. Who constitute a client in nursing? In other words define client as it relates to your philosophy.
e. Discuss your philosophy from a global, cultural and local aspect. This should be an integrated discussion as you define and discuss item a, b, c and d.
f. How has your educational journey at college impacted on the development of this nursing philosophy?

Developing personal teaching philosophy

Developing personal teaching philosophy. Teaching philosophies express your values and beliefs about teaching.
Purpose: Your personal teaching philosophy is a statement that demonstrates purposeful reflection about your teaching and communicates your goals as a teacher. It encourages you to articulate your personal theory of learning, a description of how you teach and justification for why you teach that way.

Teaching philosophies vary in length. For the purposes of this activity, you have a word limit of 500 words.

Format of Teaching Philosophy:

The text of your teaching philosophy is 500 words.

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Personal Philosophy of Nursing
In a 6- to 7-page paper in APA format describe your personal approach to professional nursing practice. Be sure to address the following:

Which philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory describes nursing in the way you think about it? Discuss how you could utilize the philosophy/conceptual framework/theory/middle-range theory to organize your thoughts for critical thinking and decision making in nursing practice.
Formulate and discuss your personal definition of nursing, person, health, and environment.
Discuss a minimum of two beliefs and/or values about nursing that guide your own practice.
Analyze your communication style using one of the tools presented in the course. In your paper, discuss the strengths and weaknesses associated with your style of communication and the impact on your ability to collaborate as part of an interdisciplinary team.
On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.
Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.
You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template

The purpose of this assignment is to apply ethical principles to current leadership practices within healthcare by a) explaining two ethical principles, b


The purpose of this assignment is to apply ethical principles to current leadership practices within healthcare by a) explaining two ethical principles, b) applying selected ethical principles to leadership, c) identifying how selected ethical principles can prevent or resolve leadership concerns, d) discussing how selected ethical principles will be incorporated into own leadership practices, and e) communicate ideas in a clear, succinct and scholarly manner

Course Outcomes:

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

CO #1: Analyze leadership qualities that facilitate collaboration and cooperation at the individual, team, community, and organizational levels within diverse healthcare settings to foster human health. (MPH PO #1, MSN PO # 1, 7)

CO #5: Incorporate ongoing leadership character development, values and ethical principles into a living leader role that collaborates with and engages individuals, teams, agencies, and organizations locally as well as globally. (MPH PO #8, MSN PO #5)

Due: Week 2.

100 Points


Description of the Assignment

In this 3-5 page paper (not including the title or reference pages in the page count), the introduction contains a few statements about ethical principles in general, identification of two ethical principles to be used in this paper, and the sections of the paper.
Section One provides a definition and explanation of two ethical principles. Each of the selected ethical principles are then applied to leadership within any healthcare setting. Scholarly support is provided for the definitions, explanations, and application areas.
Section Two presents information on how the selected ethical principles either prevents or solves two different leadership concerns within healthcare. Scholarly support is required
Section Three identifies how you will incorporate each of the selected ethical principles into your own leadership activities within healthcare.
Summary of this paper identifies key points from the presentation as well as of insights gained (what was learned) about applying ethical principles with leadership through writing the paper.
Criteria for Content

Introduction includes general comments on ethics and leadership (such defining ethics in general, how ethics can impact leadership), identify the two ethical principles selected for use within this assignment, and the sections of the paper. A heading is not used.
Section one contains a definition and explanation of each of the selected ethical principles. Scholarly references (no dictionaries are allowed to be used) are required. Following the definition and explanation of each of the required ethical principles, each principle should be applied to leadership, in general, within any healthcare setting.
Section two identifies how the selected ethical principles either prevents or solves two different leadership concerns within healthcare. For example, nonmalificence relates to the leadership concern of high rate of medication errors. Scholarly support is required.
Section three is a description of how the learner will incorporate each of the two selected ethical principles into their own leadership activities. This needs to be specific and can consider future leadership opportunities
Summary is the conclusion of this assignment. It provides a review of key elements from your work. The summary also identifies the ideas and understandings you have gained regarding ethical principles and leadership from writing this paper.
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

This assignment must be submitted to TurnItIn™, as required by the TurnItIn™ policy. A Similarity Index of “blue” or “green” must be obtained. A score in the blue or green range indicates a similarity of less than 24% which is the benchmark for CCN graduate nursing students. Any other level of similarity index level requires the student to revise the assignment before the due date and time. To allow sufficient time for revision, early submission of the assignment to TurnItIn™ is highly encouraged. The final submission will be graded by faculty. If a Turnitin™ report indicates that plagiarism has occurred, the Academic Integrity policy will be followed.
The textbook required for this course may not be used as a reference for this assignment.
The use of a dictionary to define or explain ethical principles or leadership is not allowed for this assignment.
Lesson information from this course may not be used as a scholarly reference.
A minimum of 6 (six) scholarly references must be used.
When presenting information from a published resource, past tense verbs are required.
Title page, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section or topic of the paper.
The paper (excluding the title page and references page) should be a minimum of 3 pages and not to exceed 5 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements (too short or too long)
Ideas and information that come from readings must be cited and referenced correctly.
Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual.

Qualitative Analysis of a Phenomenon: Perceived Efficiency of Group Creative Arts Therapy for At-risk Youths

Working as a youth therapist in the People Who Care center, I have been repeatedly exposed to different therapeutic outcomes resulting from individual versus group therapy. Some at-risk youths find it problematic to undergo therapy in groups, while other benefit from group therapy much more than from individual sessions. Empirical findings are unanimous about the benefit of group creative arts therapy for at-risk youths (Camilleri, 2007; Steele, 2001), so I am interested in finding out my clients’ perceptions, opinions, and attitudes about the potential of participating in group creative arts therapy. In regard to the study sample, I would like to recruit 5-7 at-risk youths during my individual therapy sessions. Holloway and Wheeler (2013) pointed out that small samples are sufficient for an in-depth qualitative inquiry, so I believe this sample will be enough to gain an initial insight into the phenomenon of my interest. I am going to apply the convenience sampling strategy because of access to at-risk youths seeking therapy in my youth center.

Epistemological Assumptions

Quantitative research envisions reality as objective and single, while qualitative research approaches reality as socially constructed, that is, subjective and individual for everyone. Thus, qualitative epistemology is more suitable for my inquiry as I am interested in uncovering individual, subjective perceptions of my clients about the value and meaning they attach to group creative arts therapy.


Quantitative studies examine cause-and-effect relationships between quantifiable variables, while qualitative research focuses on individuals’ lived experience interpretation. In my study, I would like to interpret value and meaning at-risk youths associate with group creative arts therapy on the basis of their life experiences and subjective opinions. Focusing on a small sample of at-risk youths, I will get a rich and deep dataset for analysis of youths’ perceptions about this type of therapy and potential benefit they see in it for themselves, which is impossible with such a small sample via a quantitative inquiry.

Raw Data

Quantitative research works primarily with data that can be quantified; however, individuals’ attitudes and perceptions towards an object are very hard to quantify. Therefore, I am going to employ in-depth semi-structured interviewing as the best method for eliciting qualitative data from my sample. After the exploratory qualitative study interviewing at-risk youths about their attitudes and opinions, I can potentially expand my qualitative insight into the phenomenon of interest by adding observations and field notes from actual group creative arts therapy sessions. Such data will enable me to triangulate my findings from face-to-face interview results evaluating students’ perceptions and opinions with actual therapeutic outcomes for these participants.


I am planning the study with the typically qualitative emphasis on discovering meaning – the meaning of group creative arts therapy for each of my respondents. Since reality is socially constructed, I am interested in understanding how each of my client’s social construction of reality affects their perceived value of group therapy and their attitudes to this therapeutic approach in relation to their specific situation.


As I already noted above, I am planning to work with a small sample of clients, 5-7 persons, since a small sample is not a barrier to a high-quality qualitative study. What is more, it is an advantage giving a chance to gain in-depth insights about the unique situation of interest – perceived value of group creative arts therapy for a specific set of respondents in a specific youth center. The sample will be collected with the help of a convenience sampling method because I work as a therapist in that center and have access to respondents of interest.


Typically for qualitative research, I am planning to analyze data continuously, starting with the interviewing process. Since I have selected a semi-structured interview method, I should analyze and interpret respondents’ answers and select the direction for further flow of the interview based on those responses. After the initial analysis is completed and the interview dataset of organized, I will employ interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) as a guiding analytical framework; it is a favorable choice for an exploratory study, able to give insights and generate hypotheses about an under-researched phenomenon (Ayers, Baum, & McManus, 2007).

Quality Criteria

Unfortunately, qualitative research possesses low generalizability because it is mostly applicable to the sample and setting of this study; however, replicating this study in other settings may improve its transferability. The issue of truth value (credibility) is addressed well because I am a therapist, I will work with my clients, and will research perceptions about a certain therapy type. Confirmability and dependability of the study will be ensured by further testing of findings through implementation of group creative arts therapy and replication of the study in other research settings, while

Ayers, S., Baum, A., McManus, C., Newman, S., Wallston, K., Weinman, J., & West, R. (2007). Cambridge handbook of psychology, health and medicine. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Camilleri, V. (2007). Healing the inner city child: Creative arts therapies with at-risk youth. Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Holloway, I., & Wheeler, S. (2013). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. (3rd ed.). Ames, IA: John Wiley & Sons.

Steele, M. (2001). Helping at-risk students: A group counseling approach for grades 6-9. Canadian Child & Adolescence Psychiatry Review, 12(2), 47-48.

a. Community health nursing

Answer questions

APA style

500 words

1. In your own words and using the proper evidence-based references please define the following terms;

a. Community health nursing

b. Community based nursing

c. Population focus care

d. Public Health nursing

2. Discuss any relationship between Community health nursing and Public Health Nursing and mention and discuss any relationship between both terms.

3. Discuss the concept of community assessment and why is the purpose of it and how beneficial it is for the community health nurse.

4. Mention and discuss at least 2 community health frameworks/models.

Assignments must be presented in an APA format, word document, Arial 12 font attach the forum in the discussion board call “week 1 discussion questions”. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references must be cited according to APA and two replies to any of your peers posting sustained with the proper references are required. A minimum of 500 words excluding the first and references page are required.

This project will examine your understanding of the key concepts that are discussed in Chapters 9-12.

In the form of a PowerPoint Presentation or Research Paper using correct APA format, using your textbook, as well as resources from the CSU Online Library, address the following questions related to two agents from the classes listed above.

1. Provide a background/introduction of the agents.

2. Discuss the role of the agents in medicine. With poisons, discuss the severity of the poison and the effectiveness

of the antidote. With drugs of abuse discuss the severity of the abuse potential and methods for addressing


3. What is (are) the intended use, intended response, or impact on the applicable body systems?

4. Briefly discuss how the use of poisons and addictive drugs differ from the use of antibacterial and antiviral agents.

5. Provide a conclusion that provides a take home message about each class.

Your paper should be four-five pages in length (not including the title and

referance page

quality and safety in healthcare

Report 2200 words APA reference
You have been asked to provide a report to senior hospital management regarding the implementation of Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers, of the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS) in your health service organisation. Your report should include the following

Rationale for the development of the standard (use current evidence to support need
for the standard)

Overview of the standard (issues covered in the standard)

Role of staff, consumers and management in the implementation of the Standard

Strategies to
implement systems that support partnering of health care workers with
patients, carers and other consumers to improve the safety and quality of care

Ethical implications associated with implementation of the Standard

Strategies for measuring success i
n implementing the Standard
(for example,
benchmarking, patient satisfaction surveys)

Useful websites I would like references from

Chapter 6 from Benner, P., Hughes, R.G., & Sutphen, M. (2008). Reason,decision making and action: thinking critically and clinically in
Hughes, R.J., (2008) (ed)
Patient Safety and Quality: An evidenced based Handbook for Nurses.
The US department
for Health and Human Services
Accessible at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2651/
AHPRA Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council. (2009). Continuing Competence Framework. ANMC (2008).
Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia and
The ANMC 2008 Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia,

I will attach a report template that I would like you to use.
Thank you

Health Care Information System

Discuss, in at least 200 words, how an health information system might be employed to correct existing problems in a health care facility or providers office and what are the cost, and productivity considerations. Reference papers and/or personal experiences. Discuss one aspect of patient data ( billing, ER, physician office, nursing home, rehabilitation, assisted living, etc)

Follow the rubric

Responsiveness to Discussion Topic

Is discussion topic addressed in depth

Communication of ideas

Are ideas communicated eloquently and thoroughly using examples and cited resources

Critical Thinking and Critical Analysis

Explores and expands the topics being discussed comments are based upon cited sources

Discuss the following in 150+ words with intext citations and references

Discuss the following in 150+ words with intext citations and references.

Discussion 5 – APA Health Care Priorities: Records Privacy and Security

Below you will find a link to one of the APA health care priorities, Records Privacy and Security: Priority: Include strong privacy and security records protection in the development of health information technology, with special attention to mental health records


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Discuss the following in 150+ words with intext citations and references.

Discussion 5 – APA Health Care Priorities: Records Privacy and Security

Below you will find a link to one of the APA health care priorities, Records Privacy and Security: Priority: Include strong privacy and security records protection in the development of health information technology, with special attention to mental health records


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Discuss the following in 150+ words with intext citations and references.

Discussion 3 – How do health care reform and managed care affect clinical psychology?

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Requirements include,

Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment

Use headings to separate the sections of the paper (use the Questions selected)

Page numbers


Times New Roman, size 12

Use a minimum of three sources (from the past four years) for each response

In-text citations in APA style

Reference page using APA style

Each response (for each of the four topics) should be approximately 2-3 pages

Select any four of these six topics for your Final Written Assignment and address each question comprehensively:

It has been said that “a company that deserves a union gets one,” suggesting that if proper leadership and motivation techniques are employed and desirable policies devised, the workers will not want to unionize. Either agree or disagree with this philosophy. Support your position and explain what a company could do to create an environment where workers will not want to unionize. 

Some means of resolving negotiations impasses involve economic weapons (e.g. strikes and lockouts). There are other means of impasse resolution that do not involve the use of economic weapons (e.g. fact finding, mediation, med/arb/interest arb, etc.). Select two (2) non- economic means of impasse resolution, 1) explain how each one functions and 2) discuss the relative pros and cons of each.

Unions have declined as a percentage of the workforce in the private sector. With this decline, have career and workplace dissatisfaction and alienation increased? If so, why is this so? If not, why not? Support your position.

List and discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages in using seniority as a factor to determine shift preference or overtime assignments.

Identify two different steps a company should take to prepare for its first round of bargaining with the union pre-negotiation activities. Explain why each of the steps you have identified is critical to achieving an initial successful collective bargaining agreement with the union.

Identify and explain the major ways in which the government is an important participant in the labor relations.

Due DateAug 6, 2018 11:59 PM