Topic: steps for creating methodology

Topic: steps for creating methodology
Order Description
Using Figure 1.2 in Ch. 1 of Exploring Research, create a flowchart using Microsoft® Word or a similar program that helps you identify what research design to use for your research question
2 references

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,

Review the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” focusing on the following sections: Transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming Leadership.

Write a paper of 750-1,000 words about the impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM report on the Future of Nursing. In your paper, include:

Cite a minimum of three references.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric.

. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center

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knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing
How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events” media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice?

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Business Communication

It’s Midterm…Choose 2 of the following essays. Submit your midterm as one document. You can only upload once. Your responses should be 500 words per essay. Good luck!

You are the editor of a small e.newsletter. Your first week’s issue is due and you need to decide on a cover story. What to do! Your first thought should be: What should I write about? And, more…explain the steps you must take to know your reader, select the right subject matter, plan the writing process and any other relevant steps necessary to fit the message to your reader.
You just received a promotion at work and your first assignment is to give some bad news in the form of a personnel appraisal to a staff member, Mary April. She has been late to work for the past month, takes two-hour lunches and is rude to customers. You must put her on a 30-day counseling notice. Your boss asks you to draft the evaluation. What technique will you use in drafting the evaluation and why? Don’t forget to anticipate the reaction from Mary. Now, write a sample evaluation.
Explain the writing process based on your own experience. Then find two other sources that is alignment with our textbook authors’ theories and steps in writing. Cite and discuss your findings, making a case for your own individual writing planning process. What are the advantages?
What are some theoretical aspects of the communication process that really work in the real-world; and what are some that don’t really work in the real world. Explain at least 3 situations where the traditional communication model works and 3 situations where it doesn’t work. Create your own model. Explain your model. Have you used this model? What were some of your experiences?
Put the writing process into action by using the following techniques for writing about your first day of a new job that you remember.
A mind map
An outline
A narrative draft
Now, compare and contrast the three techniques. Which was most effective; which was least effective. Did you get to the same place? Why and how?

Property Law and Practice – Report on Legal Liability Your client ABC Developments Ltd has recently acquired a large freehold city centre site for redevelopment. The site is currently occupied by an old four-storey Victorian factory and warehouse building which has been derelict for over 10 years. It is in an extremely dangerous condition and, although boarded up, it is known that homeless people frequently manage to gain access to, and sleep in, the premises. ABC already has well-developed proposals to demolish the existing building, and to erect a new ten-storey office and apartment complex on the site. The design work has all been undertaken in-house. The demolition and construction work has already been sent out to tender and the contract for the work has been awarded to XYZ Construction Ltd. Following completion of the project ABC plans to retain the freehold, and to dispose of the units directly to purchasers. The office units will be subject to short business tenancies, whilst the apartments will be sold to purchasers on 125 year leases, subject to a ground rent. Because of its location in the city centre the site is extremely close to a large number of other properties – also constructed in the Victorian era – owned by other parties. A tower crane will be used for the construction operations and it will be necessary for its jib to swing over the land occupied by several neighbouring properties. The existing building also shares party walls with adjoining buildings on three of the four site boundaries. Because all of these buildings are subject to multiple leases it is estimated that as many as fifty adjoining owners may be directly affected by the proposed work to the extent that it affects a party wall. A number of the adjoining buildings also have windows which directly overlook the site. Your contact at ABC is the managing director, Mr Sidney Vicious. He is determined to keep the costs of the development down, and to minimize any potential legal liability to any other parties, either during the course of the construction operations, or thereafter. He has specifically requested that all necessary exclusion clauses and notices be used throughout the process to avoid any liability to the purchasers of the units, to the owners of neighbouring properties, or to anyone else who might potentially be affected by the development. In order to avoid unnecessary cost he has also instructed that notices should not be served under the Party Wall etc Act 1996 as he has heard that this is not always required. Mr Vicious has asked you to prepare a report on these matters. It should identify any potential legal liabilities by ABC or XYZ to purchasers, adjoining owners or others, arising out of the proposed development or the subsequent sale of the units, including the extent to which these might be avoided by appropriate exclusion clauses or notices. The report should also specifically address the nature of any requirements under the Party wall etc Act 1996, and any consequences of non-compliance with that statute.

Property Law and Practice – Report on Legal Liability
Your client ABC Developments Ltd has recently acquired a large freehold city centre site for redevelopment. The site is currently occupied by an old four-storey Victorian factory and warehouse building which has been derelict for over 10 years. It is in an extremely dangerous condition and, although boarded up, it is known that homeless people frequently manage to gain access to, and sleep in, the premises.
ABC already has well-developed proposals to demolish the existing building, and to erect a new ten-storey office and apartment complex on the site. The design work has all been undertaken in-house. The demolition and construction work has already been sent out to tender and the contract for the work has been awarded to XYZ Construction Ltd. Following completion of the project ABC plans to retain the freehold, and to dispose of the units directly to purchasers. The office units will be subject to short business tenancies, whilst the apartments will be sold to purchasers on 125 year leases, subject to a ground rent.
Because of its location in the city centre the site is extremely close to a large number of other properties – also constructed in the Victorian era – owned by other parties. A tower crane will be used for the construction operations and it will be necessary for its jib to swing over the land occupied by several neighbouring properties. The existing building also shares party walls with adjoining buildings on three of the four site boundaries. Because all of these buildings are subject to multiple leases it is estimated that as many as fifty adjoining owners may be directly affected by the proposed work to the extent that it affects a party wall. A number of the adjoining buildings also have windows which directly overlook the site.
Your contact at ABC is the managing director, Mr Sidney Vicious. He is determined to keep the costs of the development down, and to minimize any potential legal liability to any other parties, either during the course of the construction operations, or thereafter. He has specifically requested that all necessary exclusion clauses and notices be used throughout the process to avoid any liability to the purchasers of the units, to the owners of neighbouring properties, or to anyone else who might potentially be affected by the development. In order to avoid unnecessary cost he has also instructed that notices should not be served under the Party Wall etc Act 1996 as he has heard that this is not always required.
Mr Vicious has asked you to prepare a report on these matters. It should identify any potential legal liabilities by ABC or XYZ to purchasers, adjoining owners or others, arising out of the proposed development or the subsequent sale of the units, including the extent to which these might be avoided by appropriate exclusion clauses or notices. The report should also specifically address the nature of any requirements under the Party wall etc Act 1996, and any consequences of non-compliance with that statute.

Complete a draft of the progress report:

Complete a draft of the progress report:

  1. Remember to use the memo format style in typing this progress report.
  2. This report should be about two or more pages when you are completed.
  3. The draft will be much shorter than your final report.
  4. Follow a logical structure: introduction, what is finished, what is underway, what is left to do, and a conclusion
  5. Use specifics such as dates, proper names, numbers, etc.
  6. Related visuals may also help your report such as pictures, graphs, charts, tables, etc.

The format model is in the handbook. Can be found by searching keyword.

Plz following the format requirement carefully.

At least 2 pages!

Deforestation and Amazon Rainforest

Deforestation and Amazon Rainforest
Argumentative Research Paper using the APA style of documentation.
The scope of the research topic is narrow enough to handle the subject matter effectively
The writer remains focused on the purpose of the paper
The writing is well-organized
Central points are made in each paragraph. Each paragraph includes a clear topic sentence
Research is drawn from researched articles (Research is drawn from the literature (i.e., peer-reviewed articles) and an in-depth analysis of at least six (6) research articles with no more than one non-juried/non-refereed Internet site being used.)
The writer clearly presents contrary opinions about his/her thesis statement
The writer used quotation, summary and paraphrasing skills in providing information
The writer relies on objective data to support his/her final claim
The writer provides enough information for the audience to understand each argument or claim
Conclusion contains a summary of the findings and possible recommendations for future research
The writer supports generalizations effectively with vivid details and vivid examples
The paper is in APA style form
The paper includes a one paragraph abstract
The paper includes a thesis statement which expresses the over-arching point of the research paper
There is an attention-getter to capture the reader’s interest at the beginning of the paper

Discussion Question Min 150 Words No Plagiarism With 3 References Due March 14 At 2:00 Pm

What do the four parts of the Christian Biblical Narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative? Explain in detail each part of the narrative above and analyze the implications.

Nurses Knowledge of Signs and Symptoms of Delirium

Guideline from Syllabus for paper:

Results: The results should be described, using tables to illuminate the findings. You should not describe again in the writing what the table illustrates; use the narrative to identify key findings. Results include only results, the data…no discussion occurs here!

Summary and conclusions: the summary section is a restatement, so give a brief overview of what you did and what you found, in about two pages. There will be some overlap with earlier sections; that is expected. Remember this section should stand alone: the reader should be able to read just this section and know exactly what you did and what you find. Discuss limitations of your project next; every study has limitations and you want to identify what yours were. Conclusions are general statements about what you learned as a result of completing this project.

Recommendations and implications: for advanced practice are broader and really attempt to generalize what you learned. This is the most creative section of your paper. **When writing this section, be sure to follow the guidelines for what needs to be included here: Discuss any broad implications for practice, policy, research/EBP, education, leadership, and describe implications for advanced practice nursing role. *Be sure to consider/include: diversity; ethical considerations; interdisciplinary practice; innovative healthcare technologies.

Power Point Nursing theory Lydia Hall 4 to 6 slides only plus references slide

Nursing Theory PowerPoint Presentation.

This is a group project this is my part…

Lydia Hall The 3 Cs Nursing Theory. (im doing the CORE, and the strengths and weakness of the whole theory)

WIKI Project Guideline:

1 4 to 6 slides plus a reference slide on the nursing theory (THE CORE & the strengths and the weakness)

2 responsible to create 2-3 voice-over PPT (FEMALE VOICE) slides on their designated topic area.

3Please note that APA format is required within the PowerPoint presentation. Reference slides are required at the end of the presentation.

This assignment will be graded according to the following rubric:

Criteria Points

WIKI content 8

APA in-text citation and reference page 4

Multimedia Inclusion 3

Total 15

If you believe that your dream had meaning,then             1. tell what the meaning was, and             2.say how you knew that that was the meaning.

Write an opinion paper regarding the following.

Tell a dream you have had.( Not,of course,one that would be inappropriate to share or against your own sense of privacy.)

A. If you believe that your dream had meaning,then

1. tell what the meaning was, and

2.say how you knew that that was the meaning.

B. If you believe that your dream did not have any meaning,then

1. say how you knew that it was a dream, and

2. explain how you know that it does not have a meaning