Identifying the Determinants of Health

Assignment 3: Task Force Project—Identifying the Determinants of Health


You have been hired as head of the Maternal, Infant, and Reproductive Health Task Force in Centervale. The mission of the task force is to reduce the growing rate of adolescent pregnancy in Centervale using a multicomponent, ecological approach.

The task force includes representatives from the medical community, community-based organizations that serve low income and minority populations, schools, parents, and teen advocacy groups. Each group has an interest in the issue, although there are several opinions about how the problem should be addressed. Previous meetings (prior to your participation) lacked focus and direction and consisted primarily of members voicing opinions.

You were hired for this position based on your ability to apply theoretically sound, evidence-based principles to the development and evaluation of programs and policies. Over the next several weeks, you will develop brief planning and background documents to use as the basis for the development and evaluation of a comprehensive program. You will then prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of your program for the Board of Directors. The first step is to learn more about adolescent pregnancy prevention, and the behavioral, cultural, and environmental risk factors associated with this health issue.

Using the Argosy University online library resources, review scholarly literature on adolescent pregnancy prevention, including the behavioral, cultural, and environmental risk factors associated with this health issue.

Provide a brief overview of adolescent pregnancy issues.

Explain the key behavioral, cultural, and environmental risk factors.

Be sure to provide illustrative examples in support.

Do not focus on how the problem can be “fixed,” but only on the risk or causative factors.

Focus on the following:

Which factors do you think are the most important and why?

Which factors do you think are the most and least changeable?

Which factors are the most important for reducing or preventing adolescent pregnancy?

Support your positions with at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Include a reference page. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Write a 3–4-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Get Cheap Accounting Assignment Help-D & T Trueblood Case Advanced Accounting Spring 2018

Get Cheap Accounting Assignment Help-D & T Trueblood Case Advanced Accounting Spring 2018
D & T Trueblood Case
Advanced Accounting
Spring 2018

The assigned Case 15-3 is entitled “Big Islands Amusement Park” and has been posted in a subdirectory under ASSIGNMENTS on Blackboard. The professional authoritative guidance governing the case is FASB’s ASC Topic 280, Segment Reporting.
For SEC guidance you might examine Current Accounting and Disclosure Issues in the Division of Corporation Finance, Part II (J), U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, March 4, 2005. Located at
You can access the FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) through the website of the American Accounting Association (AAA). The URL for the AAA website is: Rutgers is a registered user of this system.

Relevant dates pertaining to the case are as follows:

Monday, Mar. 26 Case 15-3 – Big Islands Amusement Park will be posted on Blackboard.

Thursday, Apr. 19 Your written case report will be due in class.

Format and Grading of Case 15-3 – Big Islands Amusement Park

Grading of group projects will be based largely on content, including: (1) identification of important economic and accounting issues, (2) application of the relevant professional literature, (2) depth of analysis and discussion, and (4) logic and persuasiveness of your alternatives and ‘final solution.’ Organization, writing style, and understandability of the report will also be evaluated and encompassed in your grade. The report should consist of approximately five, typewritten, double-spaced pages, excluding relevant quotes from ASC Topic 280, which should be single-spaced. The report should also include a cover page.


Organization of the case can be broken up into parts:

SUMMARY: This part should be approximately one-double-spaced page, and include a brief synopsis of the case, the decision(s) faced by management, and key features of the case. It should not include your solution.

ACCOUNTING DISCUSSION: In this part you should identify and quote

relevant provisions of the accounting authoritative pronouncements as they relate
to the case.

ALTERNATIVES: In this part you should present “plausible” alternative solutions for each of the first two required research questions. For each alternative you should utilize relevant provisions of ASC Topic 280 (identified above), apply them to the facts of the case, and provide persuasive evidence in support of that alternative.

FINAL SOLUTION: In this section you should provide the “best” solution among the alternatives for each of the first two required research questions, and briefly state why you arrived at that conclusion. Here you should also answer the third required research question. You need not provide multiple “alternatives” to question 3 – just provide your solution.

Sample Case

To aid in organization of your case, a sample Trueblood case, Case 94-9 – To DiscOp or Not to DiscOp: That is the Question, and the “official” solution for this case has been posted on Blackboard. The sample case can serve as a rough guide to the format you might use.

Student Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Den members to produce a unified group case that reflects the work of all group members. If, despite group efforts, a particular student (or students) does meet with the rest of the Den and contribute in preparation of the case, they will receive a zero on the Trueblood case.

Help With My Essay:International finance

Help With My Essay:International finance
International finance: You’ve heard your professor state that Translation risk and related Translation adjustments are accounting entries and may not be accorded much significance by some companies even if the dollar impacts are material.
What is Translation risk and why might companies look at it differently?

Assume you are in the manufacturing business here in the US, and your Company exports the majority of its products overseas.
Assume the US Dollar weakens against the currencies of the countries into which you sell your products. How might that impact your Company and why would that be so?

Effects of high aerobic intensity training

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Effects of high aerobic intensity training
Effects of high aerobic intensity training

Student description of the Research and the Researchers:
-Student provides a concise and accurate description of the research study. Student describes the researchers who conducted study inclusive of discipline(s), location, and population of interest. Student describes type of journal in which study was published.
Student Analysis of Background & Purpose of Study:
-Student critiques how well the authors accurately identify the purpose of study and discuss the significance on why it is important to conduct such research.

Methodology (research design, sample, data collection):
-In your words, student provides accurate identification of type of study (Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed). Student accurately identifies research design (experimental, non-experimental, RCT, cohort, case control, phenomenological, etc.).

Results / Findings:
-Student provides critical and accurate appraisal of the Level of Evidence (I-VII). Student analyzes findings from study and the significance of findings in relation to professional nursing practice. Student correctly identifies and discusses study limitations in terms of external validity of findings.

Application to Clinical Setting & Future Practice (general and individual):
– Student compares similarities of sample and setting under study to population from clinical experience (Note: see the attached document that explain my current clinical experience at Waukesha County Mental Health). Student provides insightful ideas on why or why not this practice is present. On a personal practice level, student describes one take away aspect/learning from this study and how he/she will incorporate into own practice.


Note: additional citations are unnecessary in this review

the relationship between the technology and development of obesity among children.

the relationship between the technology and development of obesity among children.
What is the the relationship between the technology and development of obesity among children?

. Explain how the Global Transportation System (GTS) impacts port maritime operations.

1. Explain how the Global Transportation System (GTS) impacts port maritime operations.

2. Describe the Maritime Transportation Security Act

of 2002 and discuss how this “Act” affects port security operations.

350 words minimum!!!!!!

Clinical Applications of Developmental Psychology

Clinical Applications of Developmental Psychology
Summer 2015
AG Final Case
1. How might you characterize the psychosocial tasks and crises of this stage of AG’s life, individual identity versus identity confusion (chapter 10)?
2. Considering AG’s insight into his long-term career goals, what phase of career decision-making best describes him (pp. 405)?
3. Does his career decision-making self-efficacy match his demonstrated ability or aptitude for achieving this goal? How might there be a disparity between his perception of himself and his
demonstrated ability (what evidence do you have from his case) (pp. 407)?
4. What are the developmental tasks he is struggling with in relation to developing meaningful relationships with peers?
5. What are the developmental tasks he is struggling with in relation to developing meaningful romantic relationships?
6. Similarly, what stage of moral reasoning would best describe AG’s presentation, given the evidence you have (pp. 397)?
7. If AG continued on along this developmental trajectory what are at least three (3) developmental difficulties he might have in each of the following developmental stages
1. Early Adulthood (24-34)
2. Middle Adulthood (34-60)
3. Later Adulthood (60-75)
4. Elderhood (75+)
Newman, B.M. & Newman, P.R. (2015). Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach, 12th Ed. Cengage Learning,

Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing?

Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use the research literature to explore ideas, guide your thinking, and gain new insights. As you search the research literature, it is important to use resources that are peer-reviewed and from scholarly journals. You may already have some favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. For this Discussion, you explore databases available through the Walden Library.

To prepare:

Review the information presented in the Learning Resources for using the Walden Library, searching the databases, and evaluating online resources.
Begin searching for a peer-reviewed article that pertains to your practice area and is of particular interest to you.
Identify the database that you used to search for a peer-reviewed article in your area of practice and interest.
Reflect on your experience with searching the database. Did you note any difficulties when searching for an article? What steps/strategies did you find helpful for locating a peer-reviewed article? Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Would you recommend this database?
Once you have select your peer-reviewed article, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in terms of scholarly writing, bias, opinion, quality of evidence, and appropriateness to its target audience.

Post a brief summary of your peer-reviewed article, the database you located your article in, your database searching experience, key words utilized in the search, and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the article.

Support your Discussion assignment with specific resources used in its preparation using APA formatting. You are asked to provide a reference for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

MPM 357 Individual Project 2

For this assignment, you will specify what the quality dimension is specific to the project’s overall deliverable and the overall criteria that you will use to measure each of the quality dimensions that you researched in the Discussion Board. Your next task is to fill in the relevant pieces of information in Columns 2 and 3 for each quality dimension.

For the compilation of your quality dimension criteria, you may use a matrix similar to the following table:


The overall project deliverables are the following:

Update the Key Assignment document title page with the new date and document name.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor’s feedback.

Create the Quality Dimensions and Criteria section, and add it to the Quality Management Integration Plan shell.

Construct a matrix similar to the example.

Fill in Column 2 with refined information that you first explored in this week’s Discussion Board.

Fill in Column 3 with how you will measure or determine how each of the dimensions has been satisfied.

Column 4 is a placeholder for when the quality assurance tasks are performed.

Update the Key Assignment title page with the new date and the Table of Contents with the new page numbers and document name.

Calculate the cost of quality according to the PMBOK® Guide.

Name the document “LastName_FirstName_MPM357_IP2.doc.”

Non Major Biology

Well, it is that time—yes, time for that talk. For this activity, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation about human reproduction. You are to pretend that the presentation is what you will use to give your son or daughter “the talk” about human reproduction. Make sure you use correct terminology. If you have never created a PowerPoint presentation, make sure you view the CSU Success Center videos suggested in the unit learning activity.

Your presentation must include the following:

– overall purpose of the reproductive systems;

– information about the male and female systems including:

-at least two visual aids illustrating the two systems, and

-structure and function of the major organs of both male and females systems;

-methods of practicing “safe sex” and preventing pregnancy; and

– STDs.

Be sure to follow the formatting guidelines provided below:

– Use bulleted information on slides (5 lines or less).

– Include details in the speaker’s notes.

—Include a separate title slide and a separate reference slide.

– Use appropriate font and backgrounds.

– Include at least nine slides, but not more than 15 slides (not counting your title slide or reference slide).

– Use correct APA format for references and citations, and use correct grammar and spelling.

– Upload the presentation as a .ppt or .pptx file.