Advanced Nursing Practice I Pulmonology Case Study

A 65-year-old Caucasian female presents with a chief complaint of cough for two weeks.
She has been complaining of dry cough since the past two weeks and low grade fever
that started two days ago, and was as high as 101 orally. She has had a decreased
appetite but no nausea and vomiting. The cough occurs during the night and she needs
to sit up in a chair to be able to breathe easier. The cough is mainly dry, rarely
She had been prescribed inhalers in the past; they have been helpful but she does not
use them on a routine basis. She has been prescribed antibiotics in the past as well and
that seems to help when she is acutely ill. She has been suffering from shortness of
breath for the past two weeks following any kind of activity mainly because of the dry
cough. She thinks it’s possible that there’s some problem with her “heart.” She is also
complaining of slight sore throat, especially in the morning and feels she may have lung
The patient’s symptoms have been worsening over the past two days.
She has had similar episodes in the past. The last was three months ago when she had
to go to the emergency room and they told her that she needed to be hospitalized. She
declined hospitalization at that time and was treated and released. She says they gave
her antibiotics and an inhaler before discharging her. She mentioned that though it took
some time to feel better, there was gradual improvement in her condition following that
treatment. According to her, this is the worst episode that she can remember. She’s very
concerned today that she could have pneumonia and might require hospitalization.
She is seeking medical attention today because of the fever and prolonged nature of her
illness. PMH
Though she has been treated for this problem in the past with antibiotics and inhalers,
she has not been hospitalized. The patient had a chest investigation the last time she
had this problem. She states that she did not have pneumonia but did have
“emphysema.” The healthcare professionals wanted to do pulmonary function tests, but
she declined.
X-ray report:
X-ray results: Hyperinflation of both lungs with an increased AP diameter. There is
evidence of emphysema. . She states that she had asthma as a child and is a cigarette smoker. She also had a
hysterectomy way back in 1970s. Besides these, she has no known chronic medical
Shortness of breath with activity. No diaphoresis. She has had a fever. No nausea and
vomiting. Denies chest pressure sensation with physical activity. No palpitations.
The patient does not take any prescription medicines. She takes occasional over-thecounter Tylenol for pain.
Tylenol 650 mg, 2 PO as needed.
She is allergic to sulfa drugs that cause a rash. SOCIAL HISTORY
The patient has been widowed for 20 years. She is receiving an annual pension of
$40,000.00 and has some money that she has saved in the bank. She has a high school
diploma and owns her house. Though she has little disposable income, her finances are
essentially stable. She has little knowledge of community resources that are at her
She has a primary care provider, whom she sees three to four times every year for a
physical examination. The physician is very busy and does not spend much time with
her. She has insurance but it does not cover all her prescription medications. She relies
on a lot on samples.
She has two grown-up daughters who live in the nearby community. They are both in
their forties and are alive and well. The patient would like her daughters to be more
involved in her life, but she is not sure how to approach them about this. The patient’s
perception of self-efficacy has been declining over the past ten years. She feels that she
could be feeling depressed because she does not get out of the house very often and
this depression is only getting worse with each passing year.
The patient has very low level of day-to-day stress. However, she realizes that her
depressive symptoms may be causing some of her physical symptoms.
She goes to church and has some contacts there. She sees her daughters once a
month. These people are her support system, but she has no one to talk to on a routine
• Diet habits She has a healthy diet and her dietary intake is adequate. The patient has positive
health beliefs and knows that she should be doing more to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
She does not get adequate exercise because of her shortness of breath. She enjoys
visiting her physician. Smoking: She has smoked one pack per day for 40 years.
Alcohol: She denies alcohol use
Substance Use: She denies any street drug use
She has always been a hairdresser; is retired now. She goes to church and occasionally
attends some of their functions. Her hobbies include sewing. She is from the United
States and lives in a suburban setting. Crime rate in her locality is low with easy access
to public transportation. There are a variety of community groups, but she is not aware of
these resources.
Her two older sisters are alive and well, one with osteoporosis and one with breast
cancer. Her 75-year-old sister was diagnosed with osteoporosis at the age of 55. Her 72year-old sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at 60 years of age.

You will be writing a paper this semester that will develop your ability to read historical sources and write about those sources in order to make a historical argument.


You will be writing a paper this semester that will develop your ability to read historical sources and write about those sources in order to make a historical argument. I have assigned a number of historical documents from various periods of the country’s history. Each of these documents is an example of a historical figure talking/writing about an important event or issue facing the country and how they interpret what it means, or should mean, to be an American. You will read these documents and choose at least two of them to analyze for the paper. The primary questions you will need to answer are the following:

1. Who was the person who created this document and why did they create it?

2. What events, issues, or themes do they talk about in this document?

3. What is the main theme that connects these documents, such as freedom, equality, or democracy?

4. How would the historical authors of your documents answer the question underlined above in connection to these events, issues, and/or themes?

5. What do these documents teach us about the history of America?

The final draft of your paper should be 3-4 pages, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins, double-spaced. You should only use the documents on the list below and your textbook. You should cite evidence using Chicago-style footnotes. Every word processing program will have an option to insert footnotes (in Word it is under References). We will talk about citations in detail in class.

Describe the typical signs and symptoms of PND.

GMED2000 Integrated Case Study Report – Semester 1, 2018

Patient profile:

Name:Sally Jones

DOB: 3/1/1981

Address: 24 Smith St, Mt Pleasant, WA

Case History:

Sally is a 33 year old woman who you seewhilst working in the Child Health/GPclinic. Sally is a new mother to 3 week old son Benjamin. She also has a 2 year old daughter Lucy and 4 year old son Matthew.

Sally is married and her husband Tim is a fly in fly out (FIFO) worker in the northern part of WA. His roster means he is only home 1 week in 4. He recently returned to work (1 week after baby Benjamin was born), after having some time off to be present for the birth of the baby.

Sally and Tim are from the UK and have been living in Australia for 1 year. They have no extended family living nearby (all family are back in the UK). Sally’s best friend still lives in the UK and speaks to her on Skype regularly. She and Tim have not yet built up a network of friends since moving to Australia. Sally has a neighbour who occasionally helps out with the children when Tim is away.

Her Edinburgh PD Scale (EPDS) during her pregnancy was = 10


You see Sally in the clinic for her 3 week check-up. She appears withdrawn and teary, does not make eye contact with you. Sally has dark circles under her eyes and when questioned states she feels tired and exhausted from looking after the baby and the older children on her own.

She does the Accounting for her husband’s employment as a mining contractor, but mentions she has difficulty concentrating and is forgetful with daily chores and paying the bills.

You ask Sally to complete the Edinburgh PD Scale. Score = 22

Past Medical History

Uncomplicated pregnancies resulting in 3 normal vaginal births

Appendicectomy – aged 19 years

Tonsillectomy as a child


Usually drinks 1-2 glasses wine per week socially– Sally is currently breastfeeding, so is abstaining from alcohol

Previously treated for stress and anxiety (related to stressful job) when living in the UK, prior to having children. Individual Counselling, group support therapy and medication taken.

Nil currently

Vital signs

Weight 63kg, Height 164cm.

Temperature 36.5 ◦C

Respiratory Rate 18 breaths/min.

Pulse 82 beats/min, regular, bounding pulse.

Blood Pressure 120/80 mmHg

SaO2 98% on room air

Spiritual, social and cultural needs
Ethnic group = English

Religion = Church of England. Does not attend church regularly.

Participates in local Play Group activities with the 2 older children once a week. Cancelled her gym membership when pregnant with Benjamin. Does not belong to any sporting or social groups.

Support agencies:
Nil – takes new baby to community health clinic once a fortnight for weigh in and check up.

Will see GP for newborn immunisations as scheduled.

You refer Sally to her treating physician and she is diagnosed with PND.



1200 words limit – Remember your answers need to reflect the case study

Focus Area One – Aetiology and pathophysiology

Describe in brief the aetiology of Post- Natal Depression (PND).
Describe in brief the pathophysiology of PND.
Relate this back to the Case study provided.
Focus Area Two – Clinical signs and symptoms and clinical assessment.

Describe the typical signs and symptoms of PND.
Discuss the full clinical assessment of a patient presenting with PND (Include patient history & physical examination).
Relate this back to the case study provided.
Focus Area Three – Identify actual and potential patient risks (complications)
Discuss in brief ONE short or long term potential complication (One Complication) related to PND
Outline recommended management strategies for this complication identified.
Relate this back to the case study provided.
Your case study you must contain:
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine Cover page, containing your full name and student ID
APA contents page
Marking guide attached
References no more than 5 years old
Minimum 10 References with NO websites; Journal articles or text books only. Ideally 15+ references to be used for this length of paper
Correct spelling and grammar
Footer (page number)
APA style referencing
Word count within 10%
Introduction (200 words max) and conclusion (100 words max), use your introduction to introduce the reader to the case study

Applied Bioscience GMED 2000 Assessment 1: Integrated Case Study Report Marking Rubric

Criteria Fail




High Distinction

1. Content Focus.

How clearly does the assignment reflect the case study health problem? Well-researched, clearly written, accurate content and other. Identifies and discusses focus areas.

The assignment minimally addresses the case study health problem and focus areas.

No relationship back to the case study.

The assignment addresses most of the case study health problem and focus areas, but some content is inaccurate and/or requires clarification.

The content includes critical thinking in relation to the case study at a basic level

The assignment addresses the health problem and focus areas clearly. Content mostly accurate and complete.

The content includes critical thinking in relation to the case study at a developing level

The assignment is clear and accurate. The information is well researched. Content is consistent.

The content includes critical thinking in relation to the case study at a developed level

The entire assignment is well researched, clear, highly accurate and consistent. Paper displays critical thinking in relation to the health problem.

The content includes critical thinking in relation to the case study at an exceptional level with appropriate rationales

Criteria Fail




High Distinction

2. Organisation of information.

Information well planned, in logical sequence, flow, clear titles, headings, paragraphs, borders and other.

Minimal poor presentation of pages. Some information presented in logical sequence and adequately planned

Most of the pages are well planned, well presented in a logical manner. Most titles, headings, paragraphs, information is well planned and well presented.

The majority of the pages are well planned, well presented in a logical manner with satisfactory titles, headings, and paragraphs.

Transitions are smooth.

All pages are well planned, well presented in a logical manner. Well-presented titles, headings, paragraphs. Transitions are interesting and enhance the presentation. Excellent to exceptional standard.





High Distinction

3. Conventions. Grammar, spelling, text legibility and usage, APA referencing, direct quotes & end text, footer, page numbers

Ensure you have a marking guide attached.

The assignment displays many errors in spelling, grammar, text usage, layout, font choices, APA referencing of in text quotes, and the reference list. This detracts from the content.

There are several errors in grammar, spelling, text usage, page layout, and font and image usage. APA referencing is inconsistent. Requires improvement in this area.

Text is clear and readable. Mostly grammar, spelling, text usage is accurate. Use APA referencing effectively. Nursing, medical, bioscience or allied health references used. 10-12 resources in the reference list.

The majority of grammar, spelling, and text usage are accurate. Correct use of APA referencing standards with direct quotes or paraphrasing, in text and end text referencing. Up to 15 resources in the reference list

Assignment is easy to read and text free of any errors. Paper provides page numbers. All graphics, images, visual tools is correctly labelled and correctly APA referenced. 15 or more current sources (no less than 5 years old) in the reference list. Excellent to exceptional standard.

Think of a situation where you witnessed communication

Think of a situation where you witnessed communication between 2 people resulting in conflict. Explain if the sender and receiver expressed themselves clearly. Were questions answered and comments given? What was the outcome of the interaction? Think about an interaction you have had with a peer or colleague that resulted in conflict. If you could replay the interaction what would you change and why? How well does communication function in your workplace? Is there conflict and how is it handled?

Read More

What could be one possible clinical implication of an abnormal hematocrit? Please explain.

What does the term “autorhythmic’ mean in relation to heart contraction?

3. Anemia is given as a possible clinical implication of an abnormal hematocrit. For those that may not know, please explain what anemia is and the signs and symptoms. How would you expect the hematocrit to be different in a person that is anemic? There are different types of anemia. Would you expect the same alteration in the hematocrit for every type of anemia? What are some of the differences between the different types of anemia?

4. Describe the composition of blood and its functions.

5. Analyze the importance of blood testing and what can be learned through blood analysis

Discussion 8


News events such as the 2015 Paris attacks, armed conflicts such as the Syrian civil war, and enduring fear of Arabs and Muslims has led to a great deal of discrimination and prejudice for people within the Arab diaspora throughout the world. In the U.S., this prejudice often has roots in the fear of terrorism and little understanding of who Arab and Muslim Americans are, what they believe, and the differences and similarities that may be present across this large group of people. Like all other groups, clients from this population should receive ethical and culturally sensitive treatment and services as part of human and social services responsibilities.

For this week’s Discussion, you explore issues that Arab and Muslim clients may face, whether they are established or recently immigrated, more traditional or assimilated. You consider these issues through the lens of a case study, one that deals with group work with a heterogeneous group of factory workers, some of whom are recent immigrants from Syria.

To Prepare:

Review Chapter 15 in your course text Cultural Diversity, considering cultural issues that human and social services workers should consider when working with Arab and/or Muslim American clients.

Review in the Weekly Resources the Case Study at the Port of New Harbor Plant, located in the Interactive Learning Community.

By Day 4

Post an explanation of the most important areas that Robert should focus on when facilitating this diverse group and why. Use this week’s Learning Resources and other peer-reviewed literature to support your post.

Particapatory #5

Report Issue

This week we will be exploring how we handle change in our lives whether it is in an organization or in our own personal life. For some, a little change such as new drapes or a new team member can have a lot of resistance. For others, these changes may not even be noticed. This may also depend on what coping state we are in our lives at the time of the change.

Watch the following you tube video “who moved my cheese?”. Full movie:

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Describe 2 examples from the movie, reading from the text or own personal experience that you would like to share. (names can be changed) based on the following: ( 1-2 pages)

1. Resistance to change in the workplace or life experience.

2. Commitment to change in the workplace or life experience.

also,please read another student’s post and reply. below is a student’s post

1. Resistance to change in the workplace or life experience

Resistance to change is defined in our textbook as,”an emotional/behavioral response to real or imagined threats to an established work routine” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013). There can be many variables that play a role into why a recipient may resist change. Some variables could be an individual’s predisposition toward change, surprise and fear of the unknown, fear of failure, loss of status and/or job security, peer pressure, and past success (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013).
An example of resistance from my own personal experience in the workplace would have to be my resistance to change to a higher position in my workplace. As an assistant teacher at a daycare, I was countlessly offered the opportunity to move to a lead teacher in one of the preschool classrooms. Although I was constantly reassured by the director and supervisor of the daycare that I was fit for the higher position, I still had this fear of failing as a lead teacher if I took the position, therefore, I countlessly denied the opportunity and resisted change. For months I was intimidated by the change of status and the bigger responsibilities I’d have to take on, especially with the children’s parents, and I would doubt my capabilities, but after a year that finally changed.
In the video, ‘Who Moved my Cheese,” an example of resistance to change is how when the cheese was gone from station C, Hem resisted on the fact that they could go out and find cheese elsewhere. He was so comfortable knowing that the cheese was originally there, that he didn’t want it to be elsewhere.
2. Commitment to change in the workplace or life experience.
Commitment to change, whether it be in the workplace or in life, can be difficult. Some steps that could be taken in order to make change smoother, as John Kotter expresses, are: to establish a sense of urgency, create the guiding coalition, develop a vision and strategy, communicate the change vision, empower broad-based action, generate short-term wins, consolidate gains and produce more change, and anchor new approaches in the culture (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013).
As I mentioned above, I had resisted change in my place of work due to many fears, but after a year of being an assistant, and continually being offered a lead teacher position, I decided to face my fears and take the promotion! In all honesty, although it may have been scary at first to take on a higher position, I learned that it wasn’t bad at all! I felt much more liberated with the higher position; I felt free to plan my own activities with the kid’s, rather than relying on someone else’s directions, and I was able to connect with the parents on another level that I wasn’t able to before. I was committed to the new position, committed to the change, and committed to continue to grow!
In the video, ‘Who Moved my Cheese,” initially, the mice were the ones who were committed to change and took off immediately to find new cheese when they noticed there was no more in station C. After initially resisting change, Haw decided to go off, listen to his instincts, and find new cheese; he became committed to change! Haw was able to change his old beliefs, but he learned that although change wouldn’t happen all of the sudden, it could lead to something better, such as, finding new cheese in station N! He let go of his past and adapted to the present, he committed to change.

Posted: 13 Days AgoDue: 13/05/2018Budget: $10

Title and Reference Pages

Review the information on the following website: Following these guidelines, create a title page and reference page (containing at least five scholarly resources) for your final project. It is expected that the reference page will expand by the end of week 8, however, take the time to begin gathering your resources. This work should follow proper APA format. Submit your work for grading by uploading your completed assignment as an attachment.

Part 2 – Understanding Organizational Change

Change can often lead to a decreased morale and productivity level within the workplace. There are many tools that can be utilized to create a seamless transition within the workplace when change is inevitable. Using scholarly research, explain why change often leads to decreased morale and productivity and what can be done to avoid this in the workplace.

Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages following proper APA format.

How could (or how has) TOC or certain elements of TOC be applied to your personal life to solve problems, solve dilemmas, or improve your productivity

Student Presentation : Voice must be a male


Presentation topic: How could (or how has) TOC or certain elements of TOC be applied to your personal life to solve problems, solve dilemmas, or improve your productivity?  Provide examples and be as specific as possible. In a scholarly fashion, using material from the text or other scholarly sources as your reference material, address the topic from a TOC perspective.

The presentation should be of professional quality and format and should reference one or more aspects of TOC from in the text.

The presentation should be developed and presented using a Pecha Kucha format. It should consist of 20 slides and be no more than 7 minutes long. 

Turn power point into video and voice must be a MALE.

Pecha Kucha; Get to the PowerPoint in 20 Slides 

Pecha Kucha Tutorial

Grading will be based on the creative and selective process of presentation, professional quality, and scholarly justification.

For those of you who are publishing this to the web: Turn your Powerpoint presentation into a video

“Pre-WWII Security Levels

“Pre-WWII Security Levels” Please respond to the following:

Compare the level of security in the U.S. today to the level of security before World War II.
Explain why World War II was a turning point for security in the U.S. with the various security models firmly implemented.