Supreme Court Decision

Supreme Court Decision

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the psychological reasoning used by the Supreme Court in a decision relevant to forensic psychology. This assignment will help you to differentiate the mechanics of the legal system and distinguish the relationship between law and psychology, both of which are crucial to a forensic psychologist.


In this paper, you are to analyze a Supreme Court decision related to the field of forensic psychology (for instance, competency to stand trial, child custody, or violence risk assessment). Choose from the list of decisions included in Supreme Court Decisions (linked in Resources). –


What is your idea of a healthy community?

What is your idea of a healthy community? Provide specific examples. What do healthy communities have in common? How would you provide care for a community if your idea of a healthy community does not match your community’s definition of a healthy community?

Customer Experience Management”

Please respond to the following: “Customer Experience Management”

Examine the potential mutual benefits that are afforded to health care organizations and their respective customer populations when health care organizations design and manage all-encompassing customer experiences. Provide an example of such potential mutual benefits to support your rationale.
Appraise the value of the innovation guidance for the assembly and management of customer experiences provided by Bernd Schmitt’s CEM framework. Provide at least two (2) specific examples of CEM framework that apply within a health care organization with which you are familiar.

Principles of care in health and social care

Principles of care in health and social care
Order Description
Essay requirements
You are an expert in health and social care practice. You are often called to be an expert witness at conferences on behalf of health and social care settings. You have developed a thorough understanding of the values and principles that underpin the practice of all those who work in health and social care. This includes the theories and policies that underpin health and social care practice and explore formal and informal mechanisms required promote good practice by individuals in the workplace, including strategies that can influence the performance of others.
Task 1 Learning outcome 1 (Up to 1000 words) :Understand how principles of support are implemented in health and social care practice.
1.1 Explain how principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice.
1.2.Outline the procedure for protecting clients, patients, and colleagues from harm.
1.2 Analyse the benefit of following a person centred approach with users of health and social care services.
1.3 Explain ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise when providing care, support and protection to users of health and social acre services .
Notes :
• Make effective judgements about how principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice.
• An effective approach to study and research has been applied when outlining the procedures for protecting clients, patients, and colleagues from harm.
Your work in a residential home is in East London that is supported by a number of volunteers. As a staff member, your line manager has asked you to produce and deliver a brief report to the volunteers on the principles of health and social care which forms the basis for giving care and support within the setting.. The first section (1.1) of your report you must explain with examples how principles of support are applied to guarantee that individuals are cared for in health and social care practice. For example you could use examples such as dignity, choice, respecting diversity, privacy, independence etc. In the second section (1.2) of your report you must outline what are the procedure for protecting clients, patients, and colleagues from harm. For example in your outline you could focus on confidentiality. In the third section (1.3) of your report, you should analyse the advantage of using a person centred approach with users of health and social care services. Give some examples of how you used person centred approach with service users in health and social care using knowledge and experience gained from workplace practice in health and social care: You could include in your analysis why it is important to support the preferences of the service user, why it is important to support service user’s rights and maintain their dignity and why it is important to support others to make informed choices about the services they need. In the final section (1.4) of your report, you must explain an ethical dilemmas and conflict with examples that may arise when providing care, support and protection to users of health and social care. For example, you could incorporate into your discussion concepts such as protection from risk of harm; rights of individuals to take risks etc. This can also be linked to your workplace practice experience.
Task 2: – Learning outcome 2 (Up to 700 words) : Understand the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, codes of practice and standards on organisation policy and practice.
2.1 explain the implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in health and social care
2.2 explain how local policies and procedures can be developed in accordance with national and policy requirements.
2.3 evaluate the impact of policy, legislation, regulation and codes of practice on organisational policy and practice.
Notes :
• Relevant theories and techniques have been applied when explaining the theories that underpin health and social care practice.
• Complex information/data has been synthesised and processed when analysing the benefit of following a person centred approach with users of health and social care.
• Throughout the essay and the report a range of sources of information has been used.
Case scenario :
The residential care home is to be visited by Care Quality Commission (CQC). In preparation for the visit your line manager has requested that you produce an information pack for staff on the application of standards, regulations, legislation and codes of practice in the setting. In the first section (2.1) of the information pack report you must explain the implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in health and social care. Here you must use examples from your own health and social care practice to support your answer. In the second section (2.2), you must explain how local policies and procedures can be developed in accordance with national and policy requirements. Relate your answers to your own workplace setting. Finally (2.3) you must evaluate the impact of policy, legislation, regulation and codes of practice on organisational policy and practice. Relate your answers to your own workplace setting .
Task 3 – Learning outcome 3 (Up to 700 words) : Understand the theories that underpin health and social care.
3.1 explain the theories that underpin health and social care practice
3.2 analyse how social processes impact on users of health and social care.
3.3 evaluate the effectiveness of inter- professional working.
Case scenario :
A national care magazine is offering a prize for an article on the application of theory to health and social care practice. Your manager has encouraged you to enter the competition. The competition states that in the article you must (3.1) explain the theories that underpin health and social care practice. For example you may want to explain theories of human growth and development; managing loss and change; managing stress and behaviour and relate this to users of your own health and social care workplace. In the article you must (3.2) analyse how social processes impact on users of health and social care services. For example, you could include in your analysis some examples of social processes leading to marginalisation, isolation and exclusion; the nature of health and social care services in a diverse society. Finally, in the article you must (3.3) evaluate the effectiveness of inter professional working. Give some example from your own workplace experience to show the effectiveness of inter-professional working .
Task 4 – Learning outcome 4 (Up to 500 words) : Be able to contribute to the development and implementation of health and social care policy.
4. 1 explain your own role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in the context of working with those within and outside the health and social care workplace.
4.2 evaluate your own contribution to the development and implementation of health and social care organisational policy.
4.3. Make recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements.
Produce a report on how you have contributed to the development and implementation of policy in your health and social care workplace. In the first section of your report you must (4.1) explain your own role, your own responsibilities, accountabilities and your duties in the context of working with those within and outside the health and social care workplace. Secondly, you must (4.2) evaluate your own contribution in your health and social care workplace practice to the development and implementation of health and social care organisational policy. Finally, in your report you must (4.3) make recommendations on how to develop your own contributions to meeting good practice requirements
Conclusion ( up to 500 words )

Short Answer Statements

short answers to the statements below. Refer to the “Cultural Considerations Resource” for help in completing this assignment.

Explain cultural considerations that the counselor must account for when working with a client from each of the following groups (100-150 words each): 1.Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented)


Discuss the cultural issues and trends that specifically apply to each of the following regional population groups of the United States (100-150 words each):

1.The Hmong in California

2.Cuban Americans in Florida

3.Hispanic Americans in the Southwest

4.Your choice of a white ethnic group (e.g., German, Irish, Italian)

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style


HAVE 3-5 Sources


What are some of the ways that you can encourage both patient and provider engagement to ensure the pilot program success?

Best Essay Writing Services: What are some of the ways that you can encourage both patient and provider engagement to ensure the pilot program success?
What characteristics would lead a provider to suspect domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse is taking place within a family?
Discuss your facility’s procedure for reporting these types of abuse.
Telenursing and telemedicine will only be successful if patients engage in the program. You have been asked by your manager to pilot a program aimed at improving transitions of care using the new telemedicine system recently implemented at your hospital. ‘
What are some of the ways that you can encourage both patient and provider engagement to ensure the pilot program success?

The post Best Essay Writing Services: What are some of the ways that you can encourage both patient and provider engagement to ensure the pilot program success? appeared first on Precision Essays.
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Follow Instructions,250 Words APA Format,References And Citacions.

Comment 1

Hypothesis testing is trying to find statistical evidence to back up the rejection of a null hypothesis so that a person would begin to accept the alternative hypothesis. The researchers must determine the significance level for their test that is represented by alpha. An alpha level of 0.05 is very common. This means that there is a chance of the null hypothesis occurring only 5 times out of every 100 times (Grove & Cipher, 2017, p. 179). If the alpha is set lower and you can still show that the null hypothesis would not occur, having a lower alpha would give a greater significance to your test. However, the lower the alpha, the greater the risk for a type II error to occur. This is where the null hypothesis is false but the research showed that the null hypothesis should be accepted. Setting a low alpha may also make it harder for research to support rejecting the null hypothesis. Setting a larger alpha will make type II errors less likely to occur but type I errors are more likely (Jbstatistics, 2013). A type one error is there the null hypothesis is true but the research showed that it should be rejected (Grove & Cipher, 2017). It seems that you would want to use a lower alpha if rejecting the null hypothesis could result in damage to someone or something. You might accept a higher level of alpha (0.1) when testing a hypothesis that would not result in damage to someone or something.


The alpha level always depends on the nature of an experiment. Alpha level is a statistical figure used in determining the possibility of rejecting a null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true which is usually computed by subtracting confidence level from 1 (Hox, 2017). Most researchers use an alpha level of 0.05 because they find it convenient to use. However, the alpha level can be fixed at a higher or lower depending on the factors that surround an experiment.

The alpha level can be as lower as 0.01 in some experiments. For example, in an experiment where research deals with an issue that is a matter of life and death the alpha level will be low to avoid risking any lives. In research about cancer where an individual seeks to determine whether growth in an individual is cancerous or not so that the growth can be removed an individual would fix an alpha level of 0.01 because the researcher would not want to remove the growth if it is not cancerous and risk a life. Also, the researcher would not want to risk not removing the growth and later it is found to be cancerous.

A higher alpha level can be used in issues that are not critical where no lives depend on the decisions to be made out of the experiments (Pett, 2015). In such situations, the alpha can be raised to 0.1. For example in an experiment where one is trying to find out whether an online brain dominance test is a true reflection of one’s normal functioning. The alpha level in this experiment can be raised since the experiment does not revolve around any critical issue but is instead just a fun activity.

Primary Task Response

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Part 1

Having experienced a robust debate discussion on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends (SWOTT) analysis and strategic planning for a particular fast-food franchise, it is time to shift gears a bit and consider the competition in the fast-food industry. Read this article to frame this week’s discussion. Complete the following:

Identify 1 or 2 other major competitors in the fast-food industry, and describe their sources of competitive advantage.

Discuss a current issue that this industry faces. It could be favorable or unfavorable to the industry.

Which of the major competitors has the strongest competitive advantage and ability to overcome the barriers presented by the current issues identified and why?

Part 2: Based on the first initial of your last name:

First initial M-Z: provide an argument ‘FOR’ the success of the fast-food franchise’s competitors. Submit your position by posting in the Unit 2 Debate forum, under the ‘FOR’ topic.

First initial A-L: provide an argument ‘AGAINST’ the ability of the competition to overtake fast-food franchise. Submit your position by posting in the Unit 2 Debate forum, under the ‘AGAINST’ topic.

In both considerations, provide research that supports your assertions.

Response Guidelines

Response Guidelines
Provide a substantive contribution that advances the discussion in a meaningful way by identifying strengths of the posting, challenging assumptions, and asking clarifying questions. Your response is expected to reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views and writings. Reference your sources using standard APA guidelines. Review the Participation Guidelines section of the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to gain an understanding of what is required in a substantive response.

Peer 1 Response: Cait

Anderson & Bushman (2001) conducted the meta-analysis, Effects of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature, which determined that there was a correlation between playing video games and aggressive behaviors. In a set of 21 controlled experimental studies, Anderson & Bushman (2001) concluded that there was a correlation between playing video games (x) and engaging in the aggressive behavior (y). Table 1 determined that aggressive behavior was measured at r= .19, therefore concluding that the correlation was statistically significant due to a large number of participants that were involved in the research study. Aggressive behavior in conjunction with playing violent video games was tested with 3,033 participants. If there was a smaller sample size (in this case, less than 3,033 participants), the correlation r=.19 may not have been as large or as significant. This result also yielded significant results because r=.19 is positive, rather than negative. In Table 1 it can also be determined that the results displayed significant results because of the homogeneity test. The homogeneity test determined an outcome of x2(32) 23.25, p > .05 (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). It was measured that the p score was 23.25, compared to the normal value used by SPSS and researchers, which is .05. Because the p-value was larger than .05, it yielded significant results for this research study. If the p-value was smaller than .05, it would not hold the same level of significance.


Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature. Psychological Science, 12(5), 353–359.

Peer 2 Response: Teddick

A meta-analysis (Anderson & Bushman, 2001) reported that the average correlation between time spent playing video games (X) and engaging in aggressive behavior (Y) in a set of 21 well-controlled experimental studies was .19. This correlation was judged to be statistically significant. In your own words, what can you say about the nature of the relationship?

Warner (2013) explained that in a result of .19 will fall among the small (r<.10) and the medium (r<.30) and in less than the large (r<.50). This is an indicator that there is a compelling association, but this does not mean there is a causation between aggressive behavior and video games. Because of the insufficient information provided, we must consider every factor that contributes to the research, for example age of the gamer, time spent playing, time spent watching movies of violence, how much the parents are involved in their child’s life, if that person is involved with the wrong group of individuals, their surrounding neighborhood, and even their social and academic intellect. However, there still is a relationship of correlation on the meta-analysis, but does not necessarily means a causation. The meta-analysis shows a significant association on aggressive behavior being affected by playing violent video games, but does not prove or show that it causes the behavior. If anything it does encourage parents to look for more age appropriate video games and limit the access of violent-themed games for their kids (Anderson, C. & Bushman, B., 2001).


Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature. Psychological Science, 12(5), 353–359.

Warner, R. M. (2013). Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.

healthcare needs

Analyze and evaluate the two most salient trends impacting the ancillary setting. Be sure to fully define the ancillary setting you have chosen.
Does healthcare need more or fewer ancillary services? Why?
Are ancillary services missing in rural areas and how can such services be provided in non-metropolitan areas?