Nursing Shortage

IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO A LITERATURE REVIEW DO NOT EVEN BID ON THIS WORK!!! This is a literature review leading to a 8 page paper. I have already done an Outline with all the references needed. You will need to use these references for the literature review. Literature Review (Theoretical Framework) – a critical appraisal of the academic literature that has been written on the subject; should have a logical flow that leads the reader to why your topic/problem is relevant and important, historical implication, and impact on healthcare leadership and administration.

Nursing Role And Scope…Discussion Board (2) Questions.

1. Describe social, political, and economic influences on the development of professional nursing practice.

2. Identify and discuss two important leaders or events that have significantly impacted the development of professional nursing practice.

NUR 513 WEEK 2 Historical Development of Nursing Timeline

Create a 700- to 1,050-word timeline paper of the historical development of nursing science, starting with Florence Nightingale and continuing to the present.

Format the timeline however you wish, but the word count and assignment requirements must be met.

Include the following in your timeline:

Explain the historical development of nursing science by citing specific years, theories, theorists, and events in the history of nursing.
Explain the relationship between nursing science and the profession.
Include the influences on nursing science of other disciplines, such as philosophy, religion, education, anthropology, the social sciences, and psychology.
Prepare to discuss your timeline with your Learning Team or in class.

Format all references consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


NUR 513 WEEK 2 Historical Development of Nursing Timeline

Managing Conflict In The Workplace

Managing Conflict in the Workplace
High-pressure environments, life-or-death implications, constant change, and long days of exhausting work … It is not surprising that conflicts arise in health care settings. In the fast-paced environment in which nurses work, small differences in decision making, processes, work ethic, and personal characteristics can quickly escalate

As a nurse manager, you need to develop and model skills that effectively address conflict situations. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, offers sound advice that can be applied to conflict management and resolution. In Habit 4, Think Win-Win, Covey (2004) explains, “[m]any people think in terms of either/or: either you’re nice or you’re tough. Win-win requires that you be both. It is a balancing act between courage and consideration.” Ultimately, how you manage conflict in your setting will determine whether you foster an environment that breeds contempt or one that fosters growth.

Conflict abounds in any workplace; it is a normal part of organizational life. Instead of avoiding or ignoring conflict, the role of the nurse manager is to coach employees through conflict situations and to exercise judgment on how and when to intervene. When managed effectively and focused on substantive issues, conflict can actually lead to better outcomes. However, when interpersonal conflicts go unaddressed, employee morale and engagement–two factors that can seriously impact quality of patient care—will dwindle.

When nurse managers observe employees engaging in toxic or inappropriate workplace behaviors, they must prepare to give difficult feedback. Delivering difficult feedback can be challenging for nurse managers, as they must address employees in a way that is authoritative, supportive, and resolute. One strategy nurse managers can use to deliver difficult feedback is to employ the scripting framework. In this week’s Discussion, you gain experience with using the scripting framework to resolve a conflict situation that you have observed in your past or present workplace.

To prepare

Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the various forms of conflict that can occur in the workplace.
Consider the types of conflict, including bullying, horizontal violence, toxic and disruptive employees, misuse of social media, unbalanced power, harassment, and favoritism, that exist in your current organization or past place of employment.
Select one type of conflict you have observed. How has conflict impacted your work environment? How have nurse mangers attempted to address conflict situations?
Examine the six-step scripting framework for delivering difficult feedback in Chapter 7 of the course text, From Management to Leadership: Strategies for Transforming Health Care. Then, use this framework to script a conversation between you and the employee(s) involved in the conflict situation you selected.
When drafting your script, reflect on how HR might be able to help you in addressing this issue, both before you talk to this employee and if the problem continues to exist.
By Day 4
Post a brief overview of the conflict you selected and how this specific type of conflict has impacted the work environment. Share the script you drafted and explain at least one way you would enlist HR’s help in managing this situation. Support your response by referencing authentic examples from the workplace and the Learning Resources as applicable.

Required Readings
Manion, J. (2011). From management to leadership: Strategies for transforming health care (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Chapter 7, “Coaching and Developing Others” (pp. 339–341)Review the scripting model on these pages. In this chapter, Manion discusses motivation and explains how leaders can make the most of it through coaching. She explains the leader’s role, the coaching role, and the difference between coaching and being a coach.
Alichnie, C. (2012). Social media and nursing. Pennsylvania Nurse, 67(1), 3–10. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article discusses the use of social media in nursing. The author determines that social media can be a means to an end if it’s used wisely, professionally, and within legal and ethical boundaries.
Barrett, A., Piatek, C., Korber, S., & Padula, C. (2009). Lessons learned from a lateral violence and team-building intervention. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 33(4), 342–351. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This study focuses on nurse interaction in relation to lateral violence. The authors conclude that the key to a cohesive work environment is a nurse leader who is able to drive and sustain change.
Barton, S. A., Alamri, M. S., Cella, D., Cherry, K. L., Curll, K., Hallman, B. D., et al. (2011). Dissolving clique behavior. Nursing Management, 42(8), 32–37. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article addresses clique behavior in health care settings. The argument is that the current economic climate encourages regression in health care workers.
Brinkert, R. (2010). A literature review of conflict communication causes, costs, benefits and interventions in nursing. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(2), 145–156. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

The author assesses the effects of conflict communication on nursing. The study concludes that conflict will always be a part of nursing but that it can be mitigated if nurse managers use employee-effective intervention methods.
Cronquist, R., & Spector, N. (2011). Nurses and social media: Regulatory concerns and guidelines. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 2(3), 37–40. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

how is nursing both a science and an art AND is able to discuss his/her philosophy of nursing as it applied to this definition.

Paper details
1. Use a minimum of 4 professional and reliable references less than three (3) years old.
Student includes references for the article. Work is cited in the body of the work, and reference listed at the end of the paper following APA guidelines.

2. Research the ?pro? or ?con? of the topic utilizing appropriate databases, such as CINAHL, MEDLINE, of ACADEMIC Search.
Student is able to take concepts from the material and apply them to answer the question of: how is nursing both a science and an art AND is able to discuss his/her philosophy of nursing as it applied to this definition. Student is able to include a synthesis of articles/reference.

3. Student is able to take concepts from the material and apply them to answer the question of: how is technology influencing the nature of nursing and is technology allowing nurses with disabilities who 50 years ago would have been unable to practice, NOW join the profession. Student is able to take concepts from the material and apply them to answer the question. The material is clear and references are utilized as directed. Synthesis to articles and research is noted.

4. Student is able to take concepts from the material and apply them to answer the question of: where does one learn to care and how does that relate to, influence how nursing is viewed as a humanistic discipline and/or a human science. Student is able to take concepts from the material and apply them to answer the question. The material is clear and references are utilized as directed. Synthesis to articles and research is noted.

5. Student is able to take concepts from the material and apply them to answer the question of: what is the face of nursing. Student is able to take concepts from the material and apply them to answer the question. The material is clear and references are utilized as directed. Synthesis to articles and research is noted.

Discuss Prenatal Development and Birth/Physical Development and Health

You are to read and review/critique a scholarly journal article on a topic in child psychology/child development relevant to this course published since 2000 (do not include adolescent development, as that is in another course). The article must be primary research (i.e., not a literature review, review article itself, magazine/newspaper, blog, etc.) The appropriateness of the article, written expression and reflective critique will be assessed.

You are to submit the original article (attached as a PDF, not just a link), as well as a 3-4 page (double spaced) review using the assignment page on Blackboard.

Suggested questions to consider:

Was there a large enough sample?

What research model did they use? What would you have used?

Can this research be validated in real life situations, outside the lab?

What did the authors conclude? Do you agree with their conclusions?

Is this research useful to clinicians?

What did you think of this journal article?

What new learning can you take from this article that applies to your own life?

The best papers I have read started out with a summary of the article, including the purpose, methods, and main findings (done in 1 page only so that the bulk of the paper is on your critique). Then the questions I asked were integrated into the paper in a well-written way with analytical critiques (positive and negative) of the research. As per the instructions, 3-4 pages double spaced (but I don’t care about APA format, just giving you specifics for length) was sufficient to do all of this.
Feel free to run your choice for an article by me if you are unsure. I hope this is clear!

Grading: Total worth 10%. Choice of article /2, Critique /5, Clarity of writing /3

Biological Beginnings
Prenatal Development and Birth/Physical Development and Health
Cognitive Developmental Approaches
Information Processing
Language and Development
Emotional Development
Gender/ Moral Development
Peers/School and Technology

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Healthcare for Women

In a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, express your views on the following:

Describe at least three (community, state, or national) organizations that are committed to improving access to healthcare for women and minorities. Also, identify the primary stakeholders of each organization as well as their target audiences.
Describe the mission statement of each organization and discuss the activities that each organization practices to decrease the barriers to healthcare access for women and/or minorities.
Are these strategies effective? Why or why not? If you were to design an intervention to address barriers to healthcare access who would your target audience be and why? What strategies would your intervention include?
Submission Details:
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.

How are the four concepts in nursing’s metaparadigm (person, environment, health, and nursing practice) significant to your practice and philosophy of nursing?

How are the four concepts in nursing’s metaparadigm (person, environment, health, and nursing practice) significant to your practice and philosophy of nursing?

This weeks FOCUS

Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO#1)

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO#4)
Question 2: Experts describe nursing as a cycle of nursing research, practice, and theory. Experts also propose that entry into this cycle can be made from any point. Explain your agreement or disagreement with each statement.

This Weeks FOCUS

Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO#1)

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO#4)

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Conduct accurate and complete Linear Regression analysis in Excel. Use Excel support to find information on linear regression in Excel: 

Module 2 – Case

Linear Regression and Simple Exponential Smoothing (SES) Forecasting

Assignment Overview

Scenario: You are a consultant who works for the Diligent Consulting Group. Your client, the New Star Grocery Company, believes that there may be a relationship between the number of customers who visit the store during any given month (“customer traffic”) and the total sales for that same month. In other words, the greater the customer traffic, the greater the sales for that month. To test this theory, the client has collected customer traffic data over the past 12-month period, and monthly sales for that same 12-month period (Year 1).

Case Assignment

Using the customer traffic data and matching sales for each month of Year 1, create a Linear Regression (LR) equation in Excel, assuming all assumptions for linear regression have been met. Use the Excel template provided (see “Module 2 Case – LR –Year 1” spreadsheet tab), and be sure to include your LR chart (with a trend line) where noted. Also, be sure that you include the LR formula within your chart.

After you have developed the LR equation above, you will use the LR equation to forecast sales for Year 2 (see the second Excel spreadsheet tab labeled “Year 2 Forecast”). You will note that the customer has collected customer traffic data for Year 2. Your role is to complete the sales forecast using the LR equation from Step 1 above.

After you have forecast Year 2 sales, your Professor will provide you with 12 months of actual sales data for Year 2. You will compare the sales forecast with the actual sales for Year 2, noting the monthly and average (total) variances from forecast to actual sales.

To complete the Module 2 Case, write a report for the client that describes the process you used above, and that analyzes the results for Year 2. (What is the difference between forecast vs. actual sales for Year 2—by month and for the year as a whole?) Make a recommendation concerning how the LR equation might be used by New Star Grocery Company to forecast future sales.

Data: Download the Module 2 Case template here: Data chart for BUS520 Case 2. Use this template to complete your Excel analysis.

Assignment Expectations

Excel Analysis

Conduct accurate and complete Linear Regression analysis in Excel. Use Excel support to find information on linear regression in Excel:

Written Report

· Length requirements: 4–5 pages minimum (not including Cover and Reference pages). NOTE: You must submit 4–5 pages of written discussion and analysis. This means that you should avoid use of tables and charts as “space fillers.”

· Provide a brief introduction to/background of the problem.

· Your written (in Word) analysis should discuss the logic and rationale used to develop the LR equation and chart.

· Provide complete, meaningful, and accurate recommendation(s) concerning how the New Star Grocery Company might use the LR equation to forecast future sales. (For example, how reliable is the LR equation in predicting future sales?) What other recommendations do you have for the client?

· Write clearly, simply, and logically. Use double-spaced, black Verdana or Times Roman font in 12 pt. type size.

· Have an introduction at the beginning to introduce the topics and use keywords as headings to organize the report.

· Avoid redundancy and general statements such as “All organizations exist to make a profit.” Make every sentence count.

· Paraphrase the facts using your own words and ideas, employing quotes sparingly. Quotes, if absolutely necessary, should rarely exceed five words.

· Upload both your written report and Excel file to the case 2 Dropbox.

Here are some guidelines on how to build critical thinking skills.

· Emerald Group Publishing. (n.d.). Developing Critical Thinking. Retrieved from 

3D Printing Evaluation

Option #1: 3D Printing Evaluation

3D Printing is a relatively new technology but it is being utilized to solve problems in many areas like mechanical engineering and medicine. Research this technology and write a paper that:

Describes the components and functions of the technology.

Explains where it is currently used and potential future applications as an output device for both individual use and end users in an enterprise.

Evaluates pros and cons associated with this technological advancement.

Your paper should be two pages in length (excluding cover and reference pages), written according to the APA, and supported by a minimum of three academic sources.