Abstract/ Prostate Cancer

Your Abstract should contain the following parts that are listed below.

•Topic Sentence: your abstract must contain one sentence that clearly and concisely introduces the topic of the profile paper.

•Content Sentences: your abstract must mention the following five main topics of the profile: Statistics/Epidemiology, Financial Costs, Anatomy & Physiology/ Etiology, Diagnosis/Treatments/ Prognosis, Conclusions and Findings. This is challenging to write! These sentences should not be too specific, but reflect broad strokes summaries of each of these main topics.

•Conclusion Sentence: Abstract contains one sentence that mentions key conclusions and/or findings.

****No Plagiarism

****APA Citation

****Strict Deadline


Article Review

All papers must be single-spaced in size 12 Times New Roman font.

All articles must be at least one, but no more than two pages.

Summarize the primary result of the article & state at least 1 important implication for adolescent development.

I’ve attached the PowerPoint of the chapter for cognitive transitions. As well as the article “Neural Correlates of Performance Monitoring During the Transition to Young Adulthood” that needs to be reviewed.


The medical director ordered several lab tests on admission

Here is the background of the question.

You are working in an extended care facility (ECF) when M.Z.’s daughter brings her mother in for a week stay while she goes on vacation. M.Z. is an 89-year-old widow with a 4-day history of dysuria, back pain, incontinence, severe mental confusion, and loose stools. Her most current vital signs (VS) are 118/60, 88, 18, 99.4° F.

The medical director ordered several lab tests on admission. The results were as follows:

WBC: 11 thou/cmm
Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) within normal limits (WNL)
Post-void catheterization yielded 100 ml, and urinalysis (UA) showed WBC 100+/HPF (high-powered field), RBC 3 to 6/HPF, bacteria rare.
Urinary culture and sensitivity (C&S) results were as follows: Escherichia coli, more than 100,000 colonies, sensitive to ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and nitrofurantoin.
Correlate the patient’s need for teaching with the concept of mobility.

I need at least 500 wordings, and at least 4 references. I will check the references to see if it matches what is on the essay, thank you.

Quality Improvement Plan Writing Assignment: Justifying Cost (Essay Sample)

Write an APA-formatted, 550-word Cost-Benefit Analysis: (Focus-providing care for Diabetic Patient away from the Emergency Room).
Write an APA-formatted, 550-word Cost-Benefit Analysis: (Focus-providing care for Diabetic Patient away from the Emergency Room). Determine the cost of the improvement plan. ◦What areas will require capital cost and how much? ◦What areas will require labor cost and how much? ◦What areas will require on-going cost and how much? ◦What are the non-monetary costs, such as reputation and health? Determine the benefits of the improvement plan. ◦What is the dollar value on time saved? ◦What is the value saved? ◦What is the input saved? Address in your summary if doing nothing is an alternative as well. Make a recommendation and a plan of action based on the results Thank you..
Thank you,

When making a decision it is human nature to make assumptions.

This DB has three parts.

When making a decision it is human nature to make assumptions. Understanding the assumptions along with the consequences should those assumptions be incorrect is important. A best practice when making a decision is to make a list of any assumptions that exist. Discuss a decision you have made in the past in your professional life that was based on assumptions that proved to be incorrect. What were the consequences and how did you handle the resulting situation?

There are many different decision making models available such as: the rational model; the seven step model; and the Carnegie model to name a few. What are the pros and cons of managers using decision making models?

What factors should be taken into consideration when collecting data for a strategic decision?

explain the role of the mentor in a health care setting.

Essay description
Write an assignment demonstrating an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the role of the mentor in a health care setting.
  • it should consider the skills required in mentoring.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of all 8 domains set by the NMC.
  • it has been suggested that each domain can be written about individually or sub grouped into 1-Teaching which includes Facilitation of learning, Evaluation of learning, Leadership & Context of practice. 2-Student support which includes creating a learning environment for learning, effective working relationships, context of practice, leadership and evidence based practice then 3- Assessment which includes assessment & accountability & leadership.)
  • Discuss how knowledge is applied in practice, use contemporary issues.
    Internet references are allowed, tutor is not interested in the history of mentorship!!

1. Discuss the pros and cons of the following appraisal method

Each assignment has two – three parts


Selecting an appraisal method requires an analysis of the amount and quality of input, the time available to complete the appraisal and the value the appraisal will have to the employee and the company.

1. Discuss the pros and cons of the following appraisal methods:

· Supervisor conducted

· Supervisor conducted with input from the employee

· Consolidated peer reviews.

· 360 degree appraisal.

2. What factors would you take into consideration when making the determination of which method to use? Explain your answer.


Some of the most well-known motivation theories include:

· Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

· Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

· Frederick Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory

1. Discuss how each of these motivation theories can be used in the performance management procedures.

2. What are the pros and cons of performance appraisals?


1. Discuss the different types of compensation.

2. When designing an incentive plan, it is common to base it on the operating cash flow or EBITDA. What are the pros and cons of using this type of metric for an incentive program?

3. How can a compensation method be used to assist with employee retention?


1. It is important that disciplinary rules be in writing and easily accessible to all employees. This will minimize the misunderstanding of the standards that are expected. Discuss what the rules should be relating to (i.e. health and safety).

2. What is the benefit of having a rule in place for these areas?

3. How often should the disciplinary rules be changed or updated?

Nursing research is one of the courses that will distinguish the BSN from your current level of education

Nursing research is one of the courses that will distinguish the BSN from your current level of education. Why do you think that the BSN needs to have a working knowledge of nursing research?

Some nurses feel that nursing research is intimidating. Does research feel that way to you and what can you do to get past that?

Identify the relationships each characteristic has to nursing science and the nursing profession.

Identify the relationships each characteristic has to nursing science and the nursing profession.

Multiple Parts

Kindly note that all (PSY)parts are to be done independently

Kindly note I will not accept plagiarized work, late work or bad english.

Upload 5 documents correctly answered and correctly named as follows:

Pols 101 -6 pgs

psy 300 – 400 words

psy 355 part 1: 400 words,

part 3: 400 words

psy 340: 400 words
