Reflection study case
Based on the case study of Rosa Calapari scenario (who you will have theoretically been following), you need to reflect on your experience of what you anticipate being most challenging when working with her.
Reflective practice is crucial in continuous development and re-assessment of skills when working in health care, or with people more generally.
A reflective practitioner:
Reflects on feedback and integrates changes into practice.
• Reflects on how own perceptions, attitudes and beliefs impact on practice. • Identifies knowledge deficits and seeks clarification.
• Ensures procedures for safety and quality assurance are implemented.
It is essential when writing a reflective piece that you refer to the experience in the first person, therefore the use of ‘I’ is appropriate for this style of writing (I feel, I think, I believe).As a reflective practitioner, it is important to not only think about how others may affect your behaviour (i.e., colleagues and clients) but also how your behaviour affect others.
Your reflection should:
Identify two health-related topics (choose from any of the PHE1IDH weekly topics bellow) that you potentially feel may impact your interactions and/or behaviour when working with Rosa
Use reflective writing to discuss why you anticipate the identified health-related topics as potentially being most challenging to you
Reflect upon how you might modify your perceptions and/or behaviours, in order to minimise potential challenges so you may work most effectively with an older adult for future practice in a health or human services setting
Choose two from the following options:
Learning principles
Human development
Psychological disorders
Health-risks behaviours
Behaviour change
Social psychology
Describe in detail the event you are reflecting on. Include e.g. where were you; who else was there; why were you there; what were you doing; Other people doing; Context of the event; what happened; Your part in this; Other people play; what was the result.
At this stage try to recall and explore the things that were going on inside your head, i.e. why does this event stick in your mind? Include e.g. how you were feeling when the event started; what you were thinking about at the time; how did it make you feel; People make you feel; how did you feel about the outcome of the event; what do you think about it now.
Try to evaluate or make a judgement about what has happened. Consider what was good about the experience and what was bad about the experience or didn’t go so well.
Break the event down into its component parts so they can be explored separately. You may need to ask more detailed questions about the answers to the last stage.
This differs from the evaluation stage in that now you have explored the issue from different angles and have a lot of information on which to base your judgment. It is here that you are likely to develop insight into you own and other people’s behaviour in terms of how they contributed to the outcome of the event. Remember the purpose of reflection is to learn from an experience. Without detailed analysis and honest exploration that occurs during all the previous stages, it is unlikely that all aspects of the event will be taken into account and therefore valuable opportunities for learning can be missed. During this stage you should ask yourself what you could have done differently.
Action Plan
During this stage you should think yourself forward into encountering the event again and to plan what you would do – would you act differently or would you be likely to do the same? What can you do in the interim to improve your practice/ ability to respond effectively in like situations? Here the cycle is tentatively completed and suggests that should the event occur again it will be the focus of another reflective cycle.