Explain how the practice of medicine is becoming increasingly complex.

Explain how the practice of medicine is becoming increasingly complex. What does it mean for the amount of information people working in clinical settings are expected to know? How can technology be used to educate and update employees on the changing requirements for healthcare professionals?

Just a paragraph or two will do. Thank you

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Written assignment of 2500 words
Students are asked to outline a case example, involving a person they have worked with, or are currently working with; with a focus on social factors in the lives of the person identified. Students need also to reflect on how they facilitated and enabled the individual towards the optimum of their self-care/self-management, with a focus on social need. The work must include the following:
An introduction;
A description of what occurred;
Discussion of social factors according to the experiences of the
service user;
A conclusion;
The use of relevant literature

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