It is important to understand and analyze a country’s political system before entering that market

It is important to understand and analyze a country’s political system before entering that market. Is it more important for a political system to be stable, or is it more important for it to be transparent?

Explain your answer and provide an example.

This assignment is due on Friday, March 2, 2018 at 11.59 pm. Blogs posted after this date and time will not be given credit.

Grading for the primary blog is worth 30 points and based off the following rubric:

Content (up to 18 points): Students respond to the question, meet the required word count, posts by deadline.

Critical thinking (up to 6 points): Students demonstrate deeper thinking and understanding of the material.

Example (up to 3 points): Students use examples to further explain their answer.

Structure and Grammar (up to 3 points): Blog is written clearly in standard written English. Grammar, spelling and punctuation errors are minimized.