Nursing pain management and nursing practice

Project description
The Reflective Log asks you to write 4 short reflections on what you have learned in working through the Study Guide for this unit. The focus of your entries is on your reflections about the readings or learning activities, that you work through each fortnight and/or pain assessment/management issues that you have experienced during this semester’s ‘prac’ (clinical placement).Each entry should use the 5Rs framework (details below), be no more than 200 words, and focus on one issue (only) that you have selected from the previous fortnight’s readings/learning activities as it ‘stood out’ to you in terms of personal interest, importance and/or relevance for practice.

There are some journal articles will upload. Please have a look at all the journal articles and some learning activities’ readings then write this assignment.

Word Count: 800 words total. no more than 200 words each reflection (4 reflections total.)
References: APA, at least 4 references

Focus one issue only, should use the 5Rs framework (details will upload), Read the structure and journal articles or excerpt and write the reflection about the readings, then write an example that you have experienced during the clinical placement. The example must be relevant to pain management and nursing practice.