What are characteristics of a nurse in your philosophy?

What are characteristics of a nurse in your philosophy?
b. What is nursing (how do you define nursing)and how do you see nursing care being delivered?
c. What is your definition of wellness, health and illness?
d. Who constitute a client in nursing? In other words define client as it relates to your philosophy.
e. Discuss your philosophy from a global, cultural and local aspect. This should be an integrated discussion as you define and discuss item a, b, c and d.
f. How has your educational journey at college impacted on the development of this nursing philosophy?

Case Analysis: Jamie Hubley

Case Analysis: Jamie Hubley

Provide examples of how you might increase the cultural appropriateness of an addiction theory, technique, or intervention in an addiction treatment setting so that they promote the optimal health and well-being of sexual minorities.

In your analysis of the professional role, think of the purpose and role it serves in carrying out an organization’s mission in prevention, education, conflict resolution, intervention, consultation, and advocacy. Use the story of “Jamie Hubley, Gay 15-Year-Old Ottawa, Canada Teen Commits Suicide, Cites Depression, School Troubles” in conjunction with the resources you explored to support your strategies and ideas.

Use the Internet to read this story from the Huffington Post. This story will be the basis for Discussion 2 of this unit.

Use the Internet to read this story from the Huffington Post. This story will be the basis for Discussion 2 of this unit.

Huffington Post: “Jamie Hubley, Gay 15-Year-Old Ottawa, Canada Teen Commits Suicide, Cites Depression, School Troubles.”

You were asked to present a short analysis regarding a demagogue According to the Houghton Mifflin Dictionary, here is the definition: NOUN:

Demagogue Assignment

You were asked to present a short analysis regarding a demagogue According to the Houghton Mifflin Dictionary, here is the definition: NOUN:

1. A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.

1. A leader of the common people in ancient times.

TRANSITIVE VERB: dem·a·gogued, also dem·a·goged dem·a·gogu·ingdem·a·go·ging dem·a·goguesdem·a·goges

Usage Problem To speak about (an issue, for example) in the manner of a demagogue.

I am referring in this assignment to definition #1. Pick one demagogue and a speech he/she has made.  Select a clip from YouTube or another source that shows the demagogue in action. Analyze what makes his or her speech effective or ineffective and the rhetorical strategies the demagogue used to get his points across. Evaluate the relative use of ethos, logos, and pathos in his speech. Be specific and add examples from the speech to support your main points. No quotes, please—put your thoughts in your own words. Due in class as a presentation on the designated date..


ERD Database, health and medical assignment help

Update the detailed ERD created in Week Two to normalize it to the third normal form. Write a 260- to 350-word memo to your client that explains the level of normalization and explains why that level is sufficient for this system.Update the Microsoft® Access® database created in Week Two. Assign appropriate keys and relationships among tables established using the Relationships Tool. After the database has been created, add relevant data to each table, at least 15 records for each. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Communicating Ethics to others

U04d2/Communicating Ethics to Others

Imagine you are a leader addressing your direct reports, and deliver a 30- to 45-second face-to-face message that shares the importance of abiding by a code of ethics.

Use audio and/or video technology such as a smartphone or tablet, Kaltura Media, or Adobe Connect to simulate your message.

Choose one value espoused by your organization and briefly describe the individual and organizational benefits of abiding by it.

Upload your digital message to the discussion area, and be sure to include a transcript of your message.

Introduction to EBP and the Role of Research

What is Nursing Research?

According to your text, “Nursing research is a systematic process of inquiry that uses rigorous guidelines to produce unbiased, trustworthy answers to questions about nursing practice” (Houser, 2018, p. 5). Nursing research strives to understand phenomena that impact health, seeks solutions to problems, tests approaches to improving nursing care, and generates new knowledge to further our profession.


Evolution of Nursing Research

Nursing research has a long history beginning with Florence Nightingale, a British nurse who championed the use of scientific inquiry to guide nursing practice during the Crimean War. Nightingale employed statistical methods to show that better food, hygiene, and sanitation could reduce morbidity and mortality among the soldiers. Nightingale is recognized as one of the first nurses to utilize evidence as a base for her practice. In addition, she popularized the use of the polar area diagram, a form of pie chart, to depict her statistics; as a result, Nightingale was inducted into the Statistical Society of London.

Several decades passed before nursing would create a significant body of research. Today, the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) promotes the health of all Americans through nursing research funding and training. The NINR is a leader in promoting high priority areas of science.

Nurses may assume a variety of roles related to nursing research. Some nurses are consumers of research findings and utilize them to improve nursing practice where they work. Others share research knowledge with colleagues and participate in research-related activities or research projects, and yet another group act as principle investigators to produce research and publish the findings.

Many colleges and universities employ faculty who are engaged in nursing research. Regional, national, and international nursing organizations offer membership to nurses who wish to share their interest in research, including Sigma Theta Tau International, the Western Institute of Nursing, and the Eastern, Southern, and Midwest Nursing Research Societies. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing.

Evidence-Based Practice

Research yields evidence upon which nurses may base their practice (i.e., evidence-based practice). Evidence-based practice is “The use of the best scientific evidence, integrated with clinical experience and incorporating patient values and preferences in the practice of professional nursing care” (Houser, 2018, p. 12). The movement to base practice on evidence began in the early 1990s and has become a worldwide standard not only for nursing but also for many other health disciplines. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing.

Levels of Evidence

Level of Rating Type of Study
Level I
Multiple randomized controlled trials (RCTs) reported as meta-analysis, systematic review, or metasynthesis, with results that consistently support a specific intervention or treatment
Randomized trials with large sample sizes and large effect sizes
Level II
Evidence from well-designed controlled studies, either randomized or nonrandomized, with results that consistently support a specific intervention or treatment
Level III
Evidence from studies of intact groups
Ex-post-facto and causal-comparative studies

Case-control or cohort studies

Evidence obtained from time series with and without an intervention

Single experimental or quasi-experimental studies with dramatic effect sizes

Level IV
Evidence from integrative reviews
Systematic reviews of qualitative or descriptive studies
Theory-based evidence and expert opinion
Peer-reviewed professional organization standards with supporting clinical studies
Review and rating of the evidence should result in recommendations for practice, with the strength of these recommendations being commensurate with the level of evidence and the quality of the study. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing.


Sources of Evidence

Decision making does not always rely on research or scientific investigation. The evidence pyramid reveals the sources of evidence that nurses use to make decisions and to solve problems.

Routine, day-to-day decisions involved in traditional problem solving rely on experience, expert advice, and standards of care, but what about those situations where the answer to your question is not obvious or well-understood? Maybe you and your colleagues have little experience with the situation, or you recognize that current practice is not working. Now, you are faced with a significant problem where trial and error or untested ideas prove unreliable. Instead, you turn to research-based evidence for guidance.Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing.

Exercise: Levels of Evidence

Determine the definition of each of the levels of evidence.

Level I

Multiple randomized controlled trials (RCTs) reported as meta-analysis, systematic review, or metasynthesis, with results that consistently support a specific intervention or treatment
Randomized trials with large sample sizes and large effect sizes
Level II

Evidence from well-designed controlled studies, either randomized or nonrandomized, with results that consistently support a specific intervention or treatment
Level III

Evidence from studies of intact groups
Ex-post-facto and causal-comparative studies
Case-control or cohort studies
Evidence obtained from time series with and without an intervention
Single experimental or quasi-experimental studies with dramatic effect sizes
Level IV

Evidence from integrative reviews
Systematic reviews of qualitative or descriptive studies
Theory-based evidence and expert opinion
Peer-reviewed professional organization standards with supporting clinical studies
Finding Research-Based Evidence—Writing Searchable Questions
As you engage in nursing practice, you may find yourself reflecting on a situation where evidence is needed to practice safe, effective, and efficient nursing. Evidence can form the basis of best practices for:

the nursing care process, including assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation;
policies and procedures that are tested and found to be effective;
patient-care management tools, such as care maps and critical pathways; and
the care of the individual patient.
As you consider the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the situation, you begin to formulate a clinical question that addresses these queries. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing.

The PICO(T) format is a way to develop a clinical question that lends itself to searching for evidence. PICO(T) is an acronym for

P = population of interest

I = intervention of interest

C = comparison of interest

O = outcome of interest

T = time

All of the PICO(T) elements may not be present in every clinical question. For example, the T (time) may not be relevant or there may be no C (comparison of interest). Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing.

In quantitative research that has an experimental design, you will find interventions (I), and perhaps comparisons, (C) that are independent variables. The outcomes (O) are dependent variables. Variables will be discussed in more detail later in the course.

Once you have formulated your clinical question and determined the PICO(T) elements, the next step is to identify key terms that reflect the elements. The key terms are the actual words or phrases that you will use to search the indices, databases, and search engines. The goal is to select key terms that will likely match those terms that the authors assigned to relevant research reports. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing.

The following diagram illustrates how the search for evidence mirrors the research process. Notice that the place where both processes connect is at the key terms.

iscuss the advantages of the biomedical model of health with regards to understanding the case study above. What about the disadvantages?

Sarah had just turned 32 and was in her first semester at university when her world began to crumble. This could not have come at a worse time as she has always looked forward to doing a Health Studies degree.

Her weekly part-time care work thinned out due to this overwhelming tiredness; this is in spite of following the suggested relaxation technique. Her partner, Harry suggested she take ginger and lemon for the flu like symptoms but nothing seemed to work. Eventually, after four weeks of procrastinating, she went to see the GP. However, before then, being from a mixed English-African parentage, her paternal grandmother Iyabo an African gave her some herbs supposing this to be a problem of a weakened immune system.

She prescribed ginger, a cocktail of horny goat weed and other herbs to will restore Sarah’s health. When she went to see her GP who was nearing retirement- Doctor Jones, suspected depression and put her on anti-depressants, however 6 months on, things didn’t improve. She failed a number of core modules at university and also gave me her part time job due to inability to cope.

She was so miserable and confused as the medication prescribed by the doctor was not working. Her Sister Helen suggested she go to a genito-urinary medicine clinic for an HIV test as she thought her symptoms were similar to those encountered by a newly diagnosed friend of hers. While Sarah resisted at first, for fear of finding out her status, she eventually went and the test confirmed she was HIV positive which left her further distraught. Her partner Harry was tested and was negative.

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Review of a Nursing Research Article

Assignment 2: Review of a Nursing Research Article
Select a nursing research article from the list below that includes a theoretical or conceptual framework and the exploration of a clinical problem. Identify the nursing research article components using the Week 5 research template.
Development of a Proactive Care Program (U-CARE) to Preserve Physical Functioning of Frail Older People in Primary Care
Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements of Nursing Students
Nurses’ Preparedness and Perceived Competence in Managing Disasters
Self-efficacy-based training for research literature appraisal
The template will be evaluated on the effectiveness of the discussion of the following components. If a component is not present in the article, its absence should be discussed.
Identify the research problem.
Identify the research purpose.
Summarize the review of literature.
Identify the nursing framework or theoretical perspective.
Identify the research questions and hypotheses.
Identify the variables.
Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the design.
Discusses the validity and reliability of the instruments, tools, or surveys.
Discuss the significance of the study. Did it resolve the question?
Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection.
Describe any cultural aspects of the study
Describe the final sample.
Describe the procedures for data collection.
Summarize the results including statistical analysis used or other method of analysis.
Describe how the results of the research may impact future nursing practice.
Apply the research to the student’s nursing practice.
NOTE: If a component is absent, student receives a zero for that component.

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 What criteria does the magazine use to evaluate companies for the list? Do you agree with these criteria? Why or why not


APA , words Most admired 250 or more and Least admired 250 words or more. And REF

Every year, Fortune magazine publishes a list of the “World’s Most Admired Companies” and Barron’smagazine publishes a list of the “World’s Most Respected Companies.” Choose one company from the top twenty on either of these lists from the most recent year available that you also admire or respect and one company that you admire or respect little. http://fortune.com/worlds-most-admired-companies

Part 1: What criteria does the magazine use to evaluate companies for the list? Do you agree with these criteria? Why or why not?  Part 2: Why do you admire the company you chose as a favorite? Why do you not respect the company you chose as not admirable?

Healthcare Reform

Discussion 2: Healthcare Reform

Note: Before completing this Discussion, please familiarize yourself with the Week 7 Discussion 2 Rubric located in the Course Information area of the course navigation menu.

Federal, state, and local health care policies are continually instituted or amended to address emerging issues and trends and to rectify problems in health care delivery. For instance, reform may be required to address cost containment challenges or disparities in access to health care services.

Identify an issue currently in the news that relates to federal, state, or local reform.

Research the issue in a variety of news sources, such as government sites (e.g., the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Mental Health) and online newspapers. Do not use blogs or other informal sources.

Select one article or news item on which to focus for this Discussion.

Reflect on the information in the article/news item and consider how it relates to your understanding of the U.S. health care delivery system. Review the information in the Learning Resources and conduct additional research using the Walden Library and credible websites to assess this issue and associated reform efforts.

Analyze the social, economic, and political circumstances surrounding this instance of health care reform, and evaluate what this development might mean for your work in health care administration.

Post by Day 4 a cohesive response to the following:

· Summarize the article/news item you selected, noting key areas for discussion.

· Analyze how the issue and associated reform addressed in the article/news item you selected relates to at least one trend presented in the Learning Resources and/or other credible sources.

· Evaluate what this development may mean for your work in health care administration.

General Guidance on Discussion Posts: Your original post, due by Day 4, will typically be 3–4 paragraphs in length (not including references) as a general expectation/estimate. Refer to the Week 7 Discussion 2 Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use the rubric to assess your work.

Required Resources


· Shi, L., & Singh, D. (2015). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

o Review Chapter 13, “Health Policy” (pp. 510–531)

o Review Chapter 14, “The Future of Health Services Delivery” (pp. 538–564)

· Buescher, B., & Viguerie, P. (2014). How US healthcare companies can thrive amid disruption. Retrieved from http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/health_systems_and_services/how_us_healthcare_companies_can_thrive_amid_disruption

Use the following resources to examine health care issues/trends for the Discussions this week:

· American College of Healthcare Executives. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2015, from http://www.ache.org

· American Hospital Association. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2015, from http://www.aha.org

· California Healthcare Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2015, from http://www.chcf.org

· The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2015, from http://www.kff.org

· Medical Group Management Association. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2015, from http://www.mgma.com

· National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Health information. Retrieved March 27, 2015, from http://health.nih.gov/

· National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2015, from http://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml