
Assignment 3: Globalization

Think about what you have read and seen in the news on globalization. Consider the fact that the clothing we wear, the cars that we drive, the cell phones we use to communicate and the computers we use to work, are each likely to have been manufactured in whole or in part in different parts of the world. While there are still companies and firms that maintain local and national borders, it is almost unheard of in the 21st century that an industry does not maintain an international strategic position.

From an executive’s position, identify and explain at least three challenges and opportunities that might face an international executive over the next five years. Provide possible solutions of how the executive might address these issues in order for their firm to maintain a competitive advantage.

Prepare a 4-6 page paper that describes the impact of globalization on U.S. businesses. In your analysis, please include information about the impact of at least four economic drivers that might impact globalization.

Submit your assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Grading Criteria Maximum Points Explained at least three challenges and three opportunities that might face an international executive over the next 5 years 30 Described possible solutions of how these situations could be addressed to increase a firm’s competitive advantage.30 Analyzed the impact of at least four economic drivers which might impact globalization 30 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.10 Total:100

Discuss grant writing tips you have learned outside the course textbook and lectures.

Using the Internet, research and identify at least three grant-writing tutorials.

Discuss grant writing tips you have learned outside the course textbook and lectures.
What additional suggestions might you offer to a novice grant writer?
Nonprofit organizations can receive contributions attached with a wide range of restrictions.

Evaluate and explain what potential pitfalls are associated with restricted gifts.
Discuss why or why not you would prefer restricted gifts, if you were an executive director of a nonprofit organization.
Fundraising is a regulated activity.

According to you, what are the most important regulatory requirements, at the federal and state levels, for charitable contributions? Use the internet to locate and evaluate at least four government regulations related to nonprofit fundraising.
MUST BE 1000 words and in APA format cite all sources

“Creating Effective Health Systems ” Please Respond To The Following:

“Creating Effective Health Systems ” Please respond to the following:

From the first and second e-Activities, summarize the key features of the HITECH Act. Next, specify the overall impact of the adoption of The HITECH Act for health care organizations within the United States.
From the third e-Activity, analyze the primary manner in which EHR technology ensures improvement in the quality of patient care. Next, speculate on the overall impact that the health care information system standards have on the adoption of EHR technology within health care organizations. Provide a rationale for your response.

Write a case study about this attached case and follow this assignment accordingly with innovation theory:

Write a case study about this attached case and follow this assignment accordingly with innovation theory:

The case raises several questions for analysis:

1) Perform a SWOT analysis for Apple.

2) Perform a SWOT analysis for Amazon.

3) Perform a SWOT analysis for Google.

4) Perform a SWOT analysis for Microsoft.

5) Identify the top challenges that Tim Cook faces, and how Cook should address them.

Provide a short synopsis (one paragraph max) in the beginning. Incorporate up-to-date industrial dynamics for all businesses citing real-world materials. Write using bullet points for brevity, and analyze the points above and any other relevant issues you feel should be discussed about the case.

Micro Biology

I need it in 24 hour in one page as short as possible but answering the all questions and use reference that i can find online for free

we have discussed the very important topic of viruses. For the Discussion Board this week, please read the following prompt, research the topic, . You must include at least 2 scientific references in correct APA format.

Here are the specific directions

1). Read the following case study.

You have been invited to attend a scientific meeting in South America. At first you are very excited, but then realize that there a has been a lot of talk recently about the Zika virus which is more prevalent in South/Central America. You decide to get informed about this virus, and begin to read all you can find about it. Some of the things that you find out are surprising!

2). In this Discussion Board, please respond to the following questions. Please include sufficient detail in your responses.

Why is the Zika virus unlike many other vector-borne diseases in regard to its transmission?

What are the signs and symptoms of this viral infection?

What are the dangers of this virus for people of child-bearing age?

How are you going to protect yourself from being infected with this virus?

For Senior Writer

20 Original Test Questions. Formulate twenty original test questions (matching, multiple choice, or discussion) for one chapter within your text. Write the test questions in numerical form. If multiple choice, provide five choices per question. Provide a separate answer key for your questions. Instructor approval required. The questions must be type written using standard Times New Roman 12 point font. Spacing should be single-spaced or at most 1.5 line spacing. Margin justification is 1inch. Any plagiarized work will not receive credit.

Biology Cartoon. Find a biology related cartoon from a newspaper, magazine, other printed media and submit it to the instructor. The cartoon must be clearly biology-related.

Substance abuse and dependence disorders

Your paper should address the following:  DUE  MARCH 26TH  11:30pm on Sakai class Assignment section.

• Symptom picture – describe the symptoms commonly seen in the disorder you have chosen to research.
Prevalence rates – prevalence rates in the US and world. (1pt.)

• Cultural variables – You should list a couple countries your disorder is found in and if it presents differently or with the same symptom picture as seen in the US. You should also include subcultures of the US (e.g. African American, Native American, Hispanic, Asian American). (2 pts.)

• Age of onset and Gender features – What is the average age when symptoms appear that lead to a diagnosis? Is the onset acute or insidious? For Gender features: ex. Bipolar is equally common among adolescents, major depression diagnosed 2X more in females than in males. (1pt.)

• Etiology – Describe the biology and genetics behind the disorder you are researching. E.g. What neurotransmitter systems and subcortical structures of the brain are effected in the disorder you are researching? It may be primarily a biological based disorder such as Bipolar or Schizophrenia, but be sure to address the psychological/emotional issues associated with this disorder. Eg. expressed emotion (EE) with regard to family relations or coping with peers with either bipolar or schizophrenia. Is this highly genetic? Does it run in families such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, ADHD, etc? (2 pts.)

• Course – Will it be a lifelong chronic course e.g. childhood-onset schizophrenia or relatively short episodes e.g. depression? How does the presentation change and effect the child/adolescent over developmental stages (e.g. Erickson developmental model)? (1pt)

• Prognosis – What is the end result you expect to see with regard to the symptom picture? E.g. What would the symptom picture look like when the person is 70. E.g. Would the client still have to be on medication? Would they still exhibit the symptoms of the disorder or would most of the symptoms abate? (1pt)

• Current treatment – What is the most effective treatment for your chosen disorder? Explain the main underlying theory of this treatment(s) and explain a technique that could be employed in the treatment plan. E.g. cognitive restructuring for major depression). (1pt)

• A differential diagnosis – You should compare and contrast another disorder ( ONLY ONE) which is similar and how to differentiate it from the main disorder you have chosen to research. In what ways is it similar and in what ways is it dissimilar? E.g. major depression vs Persistent Depressive Disorder. (1pt)

APA style is encouraged but not required
*** No longer than 10 pages – including title and reference pages.
*** Minimum page length 9 pages – including title and reference pages
*** You DO NOT need an abstract for this assignment.
• Must be double spaced (12pt type and Times New Roman)
• Must have within text citations. THIS IS A MUST
• Articles, the DSM-V, books, and online sources are fine (.org more preferable but .com is fine with discretion).
• Try to use empirical sources when possible.  E.g. Journal of Abnormal Psychology

List of Acceptable Disorders for Paper:
Choose any one disorder under the headings

***Make sure that your paper focuses on the childhood or adolescent presentation of the disorder you choose to research.

• Anxiety disorders
o Panic attacks
o Panic Disorder
o Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
o Agoraphobia
o Specific Phobia
o Separation Anxiety disorder (SAD)
o Social Phobia / School Phobia
o Selective Mutism
o Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
o Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

• Mood disorders
o Major Depression
o Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
o Double depression
o Seasonal Affective Disorder
o Bipolar I
o Bipolar II
o Cyclothymia
o Rapid Cycling Bipolar

• Behavioral Disorders
o Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
o Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
o Conduct Disorder (CD)
o Intermittent Explosive Disorder
o Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)

• Intellectual disability (ID) present the different levels of ID.
o Mild
o Moderate
o Severe
o Profound

• Other disorders that also have Intellectual disability
o Fragile X
o Downs Syndrome
o Williams Syndrome
o Angelman’s Disorder
o Prader Willi Syndrome

• Autism spectrum disorders
o Classic autism
o Asperger’s syndrome
o Childhood disintegrative Disorder
o Sensory integration disorder

• Childhood-onset Schizophrenia
• Adolescent-onset Schizophrenia (you can choose to do a specific type with adolescent onset or just adolescent Schizophrenia)
o Schizophreniform
o Schizotypal
o Schizoaffective

• Eating disorders
o Pica
o Childhood rumination Disorder
o Binge eating disorder (BED)
o Infantile Anorexia
o Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
o Posttraumatic Feeding Disorder
o Anorexia nervosa (cover both subtypes)
o Bulimia nervosa (cover both subtypes)
o Orthorexia Disorder
o Failure to thrive

• Substance abuse and dependence disorders (focus should be on one specific type of substance of abuse e.g. alcohol)
o Should cover both what is considered abuse and dependency and how they are different.
If you choose to do your paper on abuse you must choose one type of abuse not all forms of abuse:
• Physical
• Emotional
• Sexual abuse
• Neglect (in its many forms)

Term Paper: Job analysis and job descriptions are an essential component of the human resources function. Discuss job analysis and job description and how they are used in most health care organizations.

Term Paper: Job analysis and job descriptions are an essential component of the human resources function. Discuss job analysis and job description and how they are used in most health care organizations.

Post an explanation of why our society has marginalized those with varying abilities historically.

Post an explanation of why our society has marginalized those with varying abilities historically. Then, explain the role of social workers in supporting clients with varying abilities (not limited to physical and mental) while recognizing and honoring those clients’ other identity characteristics. Use specific examples from the case study in your explanation.

300-400 Words


Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].


give a summary of a specific research study that does not describe or name a theory or conceptual framework that guided the study.

Summarize a specific research study that does not describe or name a theory or conceptual framework that guided the study. What consequences, if any, do you see from the absence of a guiding framework or theory?