An interaction occurs when considering the relationship among three or more variables, and describes a situation in which the simultaneous influence of two variables on a third is not additive.

Please response with citation

An interaction occurs when considering the relationship among three or more variables, and describes a situation in which the simultaneous influence of two variables on a third is not additive. The simplest situation is when the effect of each independent variable is completely separate from the other independent variables. The more complicated situation is when the effect of one independent variable depends on another independent variable(s). We are familiar with examples in the area of drugs. A drug X might be desirable for treating a certain condition, but not if you are taking drug Y, because if you do take drugs X and Y together there is a bad consequence from their combination, a bad drug “interaction. The issue of statistical interaction potentially arises when there are two or more independent variables. The issue concerns how the effects of the independent variables cumulate.(Stipa), Your response

Sources of Variance in an Experiment
Watch “ANOVA (Part A) – Sources of Variance in an Experiment” on the YouTube website located at What are some of the sources of variance in an experiment? Your response

There is a lot of medical research being done on medications, diagnostics, medical equipment, and other technologies besides health care that must be tested before production and utilization. When testing the difference in populations it is almost impossible to test whole populations so samples gathered. There will always be sampling error because of this, which may bring false results. Tests are done to identify if the subject is effective or ineffective. When there are multiple groups, samples, or items that are being tested, it is necessary to use a comparison formula ANOVA because of false results that can occur. This formula compares the variation between groups and within groups. It allows you to conclude if the difference between the groups is more than random variation.
I have to schedule a lot of funraisers throughout the year and sometimes it is difficult to determine which one is effective. I break them down into catagories and time of year. The best is to have seasonal fundraising. Another unique part of fundraising is being aware of the population and community interests. You can have a false positive fundraising event on a schedule if you were not thinking about the time of year because if one fundraiser made a 1,000 dollars profit in the summer but did not do so well in the fall and nothing was changed in that fundraiser, then it is important to take into consideration the time of year. In this buisness it is good to analyze results by catagories of community, time, and community interests. Each fundraiser acts like a sample test to determine if communities are interested in it or not through the year. Your response

4I am using my teenager as test model because she has never had a statistics class as of yet. Explained analysis of variance or ANOVA in terms of the big picture and the little pictures that are within: categories. She has an older ford truck she is remodeling. She loves loves her truck, but it is expensive and thus she has a budget of expenses for it. Since it is already paid for, the categories are: Insurance/fees, engine repair, body repair, fluids/replaceables and ect. When she looks at the multitude of work to be done, she gets overwhelmed! But by breaking it into categories and then looking at the whole (her beloved truck) it seems much more manageable. The Minitab blog said it best The whole purpose of Analysis of Variance is to break up the variation into component parts, and then look at their significance. But there’s a catch: in statistics, Variance (the square of Standard Deviation) is not an “additive” quantity—in other words, you can’t just add the variance of two subsets and use the total as the variance of the combination” (Minitab, 2013).

Analysis of variance is a way to study a large chunk of information, to see it as not only categories, but the trends and thus gives you a tool for analysis. Your response

5.When two or more independent variables are involved in a research design, there is more to consider than simply the “main effect” of each of the independent variables (also termed “factors”). That is, the effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable of interest may not be the same at all levels of the other independent variable. Another way to put this is that the effect of one independent variable may depend on the level of the other independent variable.

In order to find an interaction, you must have a factorial design, in which the two (or more) independent variables are “crossed” with one another so that there are observations at every combination of levels of the two independent variables.

For example, if you were interested in the effects of practice and stress level on memory task performance, you might decide to employ a factorial design. You manipulate practice by having participants read a list of words either once or five times. You also manipulate stress level by having two conditions: in one (low stress), participants are told that the number of words that they recall is unimportant, and in the other (high stress), participants are told that most people can recall all words in the list, and that they are expected to be able to do so as well. Your dependent variable is the number of words recalled from the 30-word list.

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Community Nursing – Discussion Questions…

Chapter 2 Community and Population Health: Assessment and Intervention

Read chapter 1 and 2 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point presentations, once done answer the following questions:

1. In your own words and using the proper evidence-based references please define the following terms;

a. Community health nursing

b. Community based nursing

c. Population focus care

d. Public Health nursing

2. Discuss any relationship between Community health nursing and Public Health Nursing and mention and discuss any relationship between both terms.

3. Discuss the concept of community assessment and why is the purpose of it and how beneficial it is for the community health nurse.

4. Mention and discuss at least 2 community health frameworks/models.

– Assignments must be presented in an APA format, word document, Arial 12 font attach the forum in the discussion board call “week 1 discussion questions”.

– A minimum of 2 evidence-based references must be cited according to APA and two replies to any of your peers posting sustained with the proper references are required.

– A minimum of 500 words excluding the first and references page are required.



Chapter 3 Reading Assignment (Pages 40-65)

1. List all the vocabulary from Chapter 3 of the Week 3 Assignment sheet and write the definitions on a separate piece of paper. Attach the paper to the back of this assignment when you have completed it.

2. What is the title of the chapter?



3. Briefly describe in your own words what you expect to learn in this chapter based on the title:

3. Read the Overview section on page 40.

What are organic compounds?

What are macromolecules?

4. List each of the Concepts (Subtitles) found in the chapter restating the concept as a question.

Concept 3.1-

Concept 3.2-

Concept 3.3-

Concept 3.4-

Concept 3.5-

Concept 3.6-

5. Read most of Concept 3.1, stopping before “The Chemical Groups Most Important to Life”. Make sure to study all of the figures. Summarize below what main points that you have learned about carbon and molecules containing carbon.

6. Now read “The Chemical Groups Most Important to Life” and memorize the first two columns of Figure 3.5.

What is the importance of functional groups?

7. Read all of Concept 3.2 and then describe what a polymer is and how they are created and also how they are broken down.

8. Answer the first questions of Concept Check 3.2.

9. Read Concept 3.3 and explain below the difference between monosaccharides/disaccharides and polysaccharides in terms of structure and function.

10. List some common monosaccharides.

11. List some common disaccharides.

12. List two common storage polysaccharides and two common structural polysaccharides.

13. What is the difference between starch and cellulose structurally?

14. Read the introduction to Concept 3.4. What are the main points about lipids?

15. Read the remaining sections of Concept 3.4 and fill in the table below as you go.

Lipid Type






16. The most import thing about proteins is their shape (structure)! Read the title and introduction to Concept 3.5 and explain why the structure is so important.

17. What protein functions have evolved as a result of the structural variety of proteins? (Refer to Figure 3.16)

18. Read “Amino Acids” and study the figures. What are the general characteristics of amino acids?

19. What properties allow us to categorize amino acids? (Figure 3.17)

20. Read “Polypetides” and explain what a polypeptide is and what holds them together in your own words.

21. Read “Protein Structure and Function” and explain why structure is so important to the way a protein functions.

22. Read “Four Levels of Protein Structure” and study Figure 3.21. Then fill in the table below.

Level of Structure


Bond Types

(What holds it together?)





23. Build a model of protein. You can do this using any materials you want. For example, pipe cleaners, rope, beads on a string, play doe, clay, wire, etc. It does not need to be a real protein structure, but it should show the four basic levels of protein structure. Take a picture of it and attach here. (Feel free to bring it in and share with the class).

24. Read the rest of Concept 3.5. Describe the process of denaturation. What can cause this to happen? Is renaturation possible?

25. Answer Concept Check 3.5 question #1.

26. Read Concept 3.6.

What is the main function of nucleic acids?

What are they made of? (What are the monomers?)

27. Draw a nucleotide.

28. Read the Summary of Key Concepts and then complete Test Your Understanding questions #1-7.

Holistic Nursing

Indentify the needs, challenges or problems with a patient who is having problems with her enviroment. For each need, challenge or problem identified, provide a desired outcome. Include a supporting rationale for each desired outcome. Outcomes should be stated as SMART goals (specific, measurable, action oriented, realistic, and time limited).Listed at least one holistic nursing intervention for each of need, challenge, or problem identified, and provided supporting rationale for each intervention.
Defined the evaluation criteria to track the effect of each of the interventions on the patient’s health and healing process.

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What do you think are the two most prevalent age-related changes that affect the lifestyle of the elderly

Discussion Question 1

What do you think are the two most prevalent age-related changes that affect the lifestyle of the elderly? How would you help an elderly patient adjust to the two changes you identified?

Discussion Question 2

Identify at least two modes of communication you have used for the elderly in your clinical practice. State what modes of communication were effective and which modes were challenging. Explain why.

Citations should conform to APA guidelines.

Click the APA icon to refer to the APA style format

nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective

nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective

RECORDED LACE PRESENTATION GUIDELINES & GRADING RUBRIC Purpose The purpose of this assignment is for learners to: – Develop professional presentation/communication skills. – Demonstrate an advancing understanding of the political landscape of APN practice. – Demonstrate the ability to analyze the literature and be able to disseminate the information orally. – Demonstrate and practice professional communication and leadership, while advancing the education of peers. nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective
Course Outcomes 1. Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective including the impact of advanced practice nursing on the healthcare delivery system from the perspective of selected current reports (i.e. LACE, IOM, etc.) 2. Critically analyze how healthcare systems and APN practice are organized and influenced by ethical, legal, economic and political factors.

nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective

Requirements For Week 7, there is no case study given to you by the faculty. Instead you will be creating a recorded presentation that demonstrates your understanding of LACE principles and their influence on APN practice. This presentation will be uploaded into the course via Kaltura (please see course resources for directions).nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective
Address the following Topics/Questions: · How do licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE) considerations differ for APN clinical roles for these three states: California, Washington, and Illinois? Provide evidence for your response. · Discuss what evidence-based strategies should be implemented to achieve continuity between state regulatory boards? Provide evidence for your response. · Is independent NP practice allowed in your state? Discuss your opinion regarding independent NP practice. Provide evidence for your response. nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective
Presentation Guidelines: · The presentation should include a PowerPoint presentation which will be recorded via Kaltura. · Students should create the PowerPoint presentation offline and then open it for use during the recording. · Students may record the presentation more than once to allow for practice and mastery of the content and presentation style. Final presentation should be submitted only. · Students should review their presentation for clarity in audio and sound as well as clarity in the information presented. Students should be professionally dressed in business casual attire for the presentation with/without lab coat. Scrubs, sweats, denim, yoga pants, and athletic wear are not considered business casual. Student’s face should be visible via the webcam during presentation. · The presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes in recorded length. · The presentation should contain appropriate scholarly evidence to support the information presented per APA format. · PowerPoint slides should be used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs- reading information from slides is not professional and therefore not acceptable. · A professional presentation includes an introduction both of yourself and of the topic, the touch points of information you’re going to discuss as well as a conclusion. A professional presentation should be covered in approx. 5-15 slides. · 12 pt font Times New Roman is the recommended font size/style. Slides should include bullet points you intend to cover, 4-5 bullet points per slide. The bullet points should be expanded upon with oral information. Direct quotes and paragraphs are discouraged. · The student’s oral presentation should demonstrate clear understanding of all concepts along with specific examples to represent concepts. nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective
Technology Requirements The presentation should be recorded using PowerPoint (See course resources for information about using PowerPoint in the course). Presentation should be saved in .ppt format. nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective
Grading Criteria Criterion Exceptional Outstanding or highest level of performance Exceeds Very good or high level of performance Meets Satisfactory level of performance Needs Improvement Poor or failing level of performance Developing Unsatisfactory level of performance Total Points Possible = Application of Course Knowledge 80 Points 70 Points 66 Points 32 Points 0 Points The recorded presentation includes: Clear, specific examples of how LACE differs in each state in each role. Clear understanding of the four LACE concepts (what they are and how they function for each role). More than one evidence-based strategy is discussed regarding continuity of requirements state to state. Accurately and specifically reports the student’s state scope of practice. Opinion if independent practice is logical and represents knowledge of pros/cons of Independent APN practice. The recorded presentation includes all elements but some topics are addressed in a generic manner without examples. The presentation has limited perspective, insights and/or applicability to topic OR is missing one of the criteria of the assignment. The presentation has limited perspectives, insights and/or applicability to the topic and is missing two or more of the criteria of the assignment. Post offers little or no insight or application to the assignment or course content and is missing three or more of the criteria. Support from Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) 80 Points 70 Points 66 Points 32 Points 0 Points Scholarly literature is present both in the presentation slides and referred to orally when discussing all assignment criteria. Presentation demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding of the governing agencies and institutions involved in all aspects of the assignment criteria. In-text citations and full references are provided. Evidence-based, peer reviewed journal article/governing agency/Institutions cited but may not fully support information presented. Sources may not be scholarly in nature or may be older than 5 years. In-text citations and/or full references may be incomplete or missing. Citations to non-scholarly websites given as rationale to support concepts and opinions. Discussion posts contain no evidence-based practice reference/governing agency or institution citations. Professionalism/ Organization 30 Points 26 Points 24 Points 12 Points 0 Points The recorded presentation has clear audio/video. Student professionally dressed. The content flows in a logical, smooth manner. Verbal pauses are limited or absent. Transitions are used between topics. Slides are clear and easy to read. Student makes good eye contact and speaks in a clear cadence and speed. The presentation meets the guidelines for: Length of time, number of slides, bullet-point style. The recorded presentation is lacking one to two (1-2) components from the ten point criteria. The recorded presentation is lacking three to four (3-4) components from the ten point criteria. Presentation presents findings that are sometimes unclear to follow and may not always be relevant to topic and/or concepts are difficult to follow. The audio/video are hard to hear/see. OR Slides contain lengthy content (student reading from slides). Grammar, Syntax, APA 10 points 9 points 8 points 4 point 0 points APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one errors. Two to four errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Five to seven errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Eight to nine errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Presentation contains ten or greater errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation. nr510 week 7 ppt – Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective

Population-Based Nursing Care Project

Practicum Present Population-Based Nursing Care Project. Now, let’s wrap up the Population-Based Nursing Care Project! This week, your instructor has assigned you to create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Population-Based Nursing Care Plan Project. Instructions: Post your PowerPoint presentation by Day 5 of this week. Review all of your team members’ presentations. Respond by Day 7 to at least two of your colleagues’ initial postings: Please address the following: Describe a potential evaluation plan. Now that you have completed the project what is your role in advancing population-based care in your community? In your current practice and as a health leader in your community how will you collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote the health of your community? Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

English Module 1 Case

Module 1 – Case
Case Assignment
Note: Module 1 SLP should be completed before the Module 1 Case.
After viewing “An Education in Equality,” “Learning Begins at Home,” “A Military Education,” and “an Education,” write an organized and well-supported essay in which you make three observations about education and what impacts (and enhances) student learning. Consider impacts and influences such as parenting, home life, society, race, technology, ethnicity, socioeconomics, etc.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it might be the state of education today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be what impacts/influences student learning.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have a paragraph for each impact or enhancement? Will you divide the body of your paper into three paragraphs, one for each impact? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. You may wish to offer suggestions to reader about what makes for exceptional student learning.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body points and details.

Assignment Expectations
Write an essay (no less than four pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on what impacts/influences student learning.
Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose.
Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and cohesive essay.

Engstrom, A. & Soderberg, S. (2011). Transition as experienced by close relatives of people with traumatic brain injury. American Journal of Neuroscience Nursing

Final Paper
Order Description
For this assignment, the student will select one of the following articles:
Engstrom, A. & Soderberg, S. (2011). Transition as experienced by close relatives of people with traumatic brain injury. American Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 43
(5), 253-260.
Grogan, A. &Timmins, F. (2010). Patients’ perceptions of information and support received from the nurse specialist during HCV treatment. Journal of Clinical Nursing,
19(19/20), 2869-2878.
Quantitative or qualitative and complete a critique utilizing the American Nurses Association (ANA) Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study. This is a
narrative, scholarly paper which means that strict adherence to APA 6th edition is imperative.
Assignment Criteria:
For this assignment, develop a scholarly paper that addresses the following criteria:
1. Critique the selected article using section one (1), a-n of the ANA Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study posted in the Weekly Guide/Week 7.
2. Provide a rationale for the responses to the questions supporting the conclusions about the chosen article.
3. Include level 1 and level 2 headings to organize the paper.
4. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, supporting paragraphs, a conclusion, and a reference page.
5. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’).
6. The scholarly paper should be five (5) to six (6) pages excluding the title and reference pages.
7. Include a minimum of five (5) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals to support the paper. One reference may be the textbook. References should
be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
8. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, introductory paragraph, purpose statement a reference page, and in-text citations).
9. Submit the assignment to TurnitinDirect prior to the final submission to the assignment drop box by the posted due date. Please be sure to review the originality
report and make any needed changes prior to submitting to the assignment drop box.
10. Submit to the assignment drop box by the posted due date.

Health Care Environment & Systems Paper

Select a health care environment or delivery system and explores the issues related to that particular environment (military, long-term care, acute care systems, etc.). Introduce the organization/facility selected, the accreditation status, and the average daily census, services provided, the community it serves. How does this organization fit into the US health system? How does health policy impact this facility? Explain the facility’s governance, finances, and reimbursement methods. What are the challenges faced by the facility due to new trends/policies? Explain how the Affordable Care Act impacts the organization/facility.

This paper needs to follow APA guidelines, double-spaced and includes headings and should be 8-12 pages (not including the title page and reference page). A minimum of eight current (less than five years) references from peer-reviewed journals are required.