Market Segmentation And The Identification Of Target Markets profile

This is due on or before June 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. CST

This discussion will allow you to obtain additional information for the Marketing Mix section of your Final Project. Specifically, you will generate content that will support the marketing segmentation and target market elements of the Marketing Mix section of your project.

As discussed in Chapter 9, current healthcare organizations are providing a greater degree of services to their patients based on consumer demand. Many organizations have broken or segmented their products/or services into manageable units, which requires marketing departments to implement very specific marketing mixes that are tailored to defined target markets. Consider your chosen healthcare organization. Based on the marketing objectives you identified in your Week Three Assignment, use the table below (also found in Chapter 9 of the course text) as a guide to determine at least one possible target market for your marketing plan. Discuss why you chose that market segment and how you chose the target marketing.

Table 9.5

The Two-Phase Strategy of Market Segmentation and Target Marketing

Phase One: Market Segmentation Phase Two: Target Marketing 1. Identify bases for segmenting the market. 1. Select the target markets. 2. Develop profiles of resulting segments. 2. Develop positioning for each target market. 3. Develop measures of segment. 3. Develop marketing mix attractiveness for each target market.

Adapted from Strategic Planning and Marketing in Healthcare Organizations by R. Stevens and L. S. Silver, 2015, section 9.4: “Market Segmentation and Target Marketing.” Copyright 2015 by Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

The Importance of Marketable Objectives

Janet Murphy

MHA 626 Strategic Planning & Marketing in Health Care

Dr. Hall

June 25, 2018


Marketing Objectives of MHC

The key objectives of the MHC comprise the creation of appropriate workshops and conferences for the African-American as well as Latino communities. The second objective is the creation of awareness about healthcare especially on HIV/AIDs and cancer to minority fulfilling their objectives, the healthcare organization concentrates on providing culturally sensitive medical education (Minority Healthcare Communications … 2018). The education is directed at increasing the number of patients that understand the health needs of the minority communities, African-Americans, and the Latinos. Therefore, the MHC ensures that the conferences that they organize medical experts in the different fields of medicine to offer expert information and education to the minority communities. In marketing their services, the MHC organizes events during which they showcase their activities and they offer to the African-American and the Latino communities. In most cases, the events are held within the localities that host most minority residents.

To make the marketing objectives of MHC fit the healthcare organization’s role, the organization has blends the organization activities with the cultural events of the minority communities. The workshops and conferences are held during important days in the cultural events of the African-American and Latino communities. Since the organization is a non-profit organization, the marketing objectives that feature workshops, seminars and events help the organization to charge a fee. The registration fee is used in enabling the organization to access as many healthcare providers from different fields of the healthcare sector to offer the education (Minority Healthcare Communications … 2018). To make the services of the organization helpful to the minority committees, the leadership of the community offers few scholarships to students and individuals that commit themselves to the delivery of medical services to the minority communities (Aggarwal et al., 2016). The scholarships are often given to students that hail from the African-American and Latino communities. Therefore, the marketing objectives make MHC a significant organization to the community since individuals from the community have the chance to learn about healthcare and other medicine-related courses so that they can meet the needs of the communities in terms of health. The scholarships help them to educate students that understand the community well and thus they come back to work and deliver improved quality care especially in educating the community members about HIV/AIDS and cancer as well as other lifestyle diseases.

According to the marketing objectives, the leadership of the MHC confirms that the purpose of the conferences and the educative workshops is to obtain suggestions from the community members as well as the attendees. The objectives fit the role of the organizations especially in communicating about lifestyles, cancer and HIV/AIDS diseases because the communities and any of their suggestions are included and considered in improving healthcare delivery to the minority communities. The acknowledgment form the MHC leaderships confirms that the marketing objectives of this non-profit organization especially in creating awareness are engineered by the participants in their forums and conferences. The community members of are the dynamic force behind the smooth operation of the healthcare organization since they fund, contribute by suggesting topics and direct the type of educational tools and timelines the events are to be held for effective communication to their community members. The massive participation of the community members in the conferences, forums and education seminars helps the minority communities to be recognized nationally especially in a bid to meet their healthcare needs.

The key marketing objectives that a marketing director should focus on when developing a market plan include

a. The marketing strategies will offer an opportunity for building brand awareness

Whether the corporation in question is a profit or non-profit organization, the need to create brand awareness in the market is paramount. The marketing director should focus on delivering quality products and services, engaging in corporate social responsibility so that the customers within the region of operation can recognize it (McDonald and Wilson, 2016). In this case, the company should focus on helping the community members with poverty eradication, the provision of clean water services and employing local people while offering services at subsidized prices. The marketing objective will help the organization to get prevalence from loyal and new customers alike.

b. Capture customers and clients both locally and internationally while targeting new customers.

The focus of marketing should be to increase an organization’s clientele-base. Marketing directors should focus on the expanding the organization’s operations to more customers. The focus should start with local regions to international markets. Commencing with the local communities, the healthcare organization marketing director can enhance the awareness of the brand to an international market (McDonald and Wilson, 2016). In this case, an exploration of the needs of the customer needs both locally and internationally can be evaluated first. Therefore, research on the market demands and the customer needs helps in the selection of the best methodologies and distribution channels. The objective of entry into new markets, therefore, offers an organization the opportunity to expand the organization’s operations and the delivery of services and products at least to most of the customers both on international and local markets.



Aggarwal, N. K., Pieh, M. C., Dixon, L., Guarnaccia, P., Alegría, M., & Lewis-Fernández, R. (2016). Clinician descriptions of communication strategies to improve treatment engagement by racial/ethnic minorities in mental health services: a systematic review. Patient education and counseling, 99(2), 198-209. Retrieved from

McDonald, M., & Wilson, H. (2016). Marketing Plans: How to prepare them, how to profit from them. John Wiley & Sons.

Minority Healthcare Communications Inc.: Focused on Health Care Education Through Conferences, Seminars and Workshops. (2018). Retrieved from

Evidence-Based Practice Matrix of TenPieces of Primary Research on One Topic Related to Nursing

Evidence-Based Practice Matrix of TenPieces of Primary Research on One Topic Related to Nursing
Authors Resource/
Database Year of Publication Research Type Population/
Sample Size Outcome Variables Measured Pertinent Data from Results Author’s Suggested Conclusions Comments
-Sving Eva
-Hans Ho¨gberg
-Lena Gunningberg
Pub Med 2014 Cross-sectional study -Population comprised of adult males above 17 years
-Sample size = 825
Dependent variables
-skin assessment
-PU risk assessment
-Planned repositioning of patients
-use of pressure reliving mattress(PRM)
The independent variables
Age, gender, hospital size, nurse workload, nurse staffing, unit type. -Patient at risk have high chance of not receiving PRM or planned repositioning
– Patient in general hospital had less chance of receiving PU screening and treatment
-Where nurses worked for a short period, patient were unlikely to receive PRM, however the received scheduled repositioning
-Nurses were likely to screen at treat PU in old patients
-Planned repositioning was more common as compared to the use of PRM. -Most patients with high risk of developing PU were not screened within 24 hours. PU screening and treatment were not well implemented in both hospitals
-Nurse workload and staffing played a very small role in PU treatment
-There is need for nurses to take primary role in management of PU -The results emphasize on the nursing role in screening and management of PU.
– The results obtained cannot be used to generalize findings as they are collected from a small sample.
– Nurses need to take leadership roles and use evidence based PU management.
_ There is need to carry out more research using larger samples collected for a long period.
-Christine Schindler
-Theresa Mikhailov
– Evelyn Kuhn
-Jean Christopher
-Pat Conway
-Debra Ridling
-Annette Scott
-Vickie Simpson Pub med 2011 -Cohort study involving a group of children lasting two years (2006-2007) Sample comprised of all children patients from march 2006-december 2007
-sample size = 5346
-Sample composed of those with and without PU Children demographic information (age, sex etc )
Clinical data (length of stay at hospital, diagnosis etc) -the incidence of PU among children was 10.2%. this was lower than previous studies due to implementation of PU management strategies
-large disparities in how different institutions managed PU in children
-nursing interventions such as turning the patient 2 hours, use of pressure reliving pillows and blankets, gel pads, PRM among others
– three institutions with lower PU prevalence used protective nursing care – Nursing interventions are fundamental in reducing the prevalence of PU among children.
– there is need to use best practices (evidence based practices) in managing PU among children
– There is need to inculcate new evidence in managing and treating PU. The study used a large sample and data was collected over a long time. This increases the credibility of the results and allow for generalization.
– Nurses must use evidence based practice in managing PU among children.
-El EneinNY
Ahmad Pub med 2011 Cross-sectional study -population comprised of all nurses within study period.
-sample size = 122 -the independent variables were nurse age, education level and experience.
-the outcome was nurses knowledge on PU prevention
– the outcome based on score nurses obtained from interview questionnaires -Nurses mean score for 9 out of 15 questions on useful PU prevention was below the expected level (<70%). -correct answers for non useful measures in preventing PU was 66% -most nurses were well educated -Most nurses had an experience of 1-5 years -despite nurses having good experience and education background, the failed on tests regarding PU prevention. – nurses knowledge on PU prevention is very low -nurses need to be educated on PU screening and prevention – the research shows that nurses have poor knowledge on PU management -the sample was collected from one country and cannot be used to generalize results -Mamhidir, anna -HögmanMarieann -Gunningberg Lena -Sving Eva Pub med 2012 -Descriptive research methods -combines qualitative and quantitative research methods -nine nurses were interviewed -data from patient records was collected -the outcome were Planned and unplanned PU prevention -PU prevention strategy were dependent on culture -registered nurses assumed that PU management was a basic role -PU prevention was seen as an assistant nurse function -nurses attention to management of PU was limited -nurses were complying with evidence based practices -Registered nurses did not concentrate on PU prevention – There was general confusion regarding planned and unplanned prevention The paper shows that registered nurses were not rely concerned about the PU prevention. -sample used was too small and non conclusive – patients data was not used to support the conclusion obtained -Lisa Pinkney -Jane Nixon -Lyn Wilson -Susanne Coleman -Elizabeth McGinnis -Nikki Stubbs -Carol Dealey -Andrea Nelson -Malcolm Patterson -Justin Keen EBSCO 2014 -A retrospective case study -70 interviewees drawn from patients and staff -medical data collected from patients with severe PU -actions by nurses and clinician that resulted to the severe PU -causes of the PU related to clinicians and nurses -Nurses and clinicians neglect resulted to severe PU -Clinicians and nurses did not respond to patients showing symptoms of PU -management of PU was not well coordinated -Clinicians did not listen to patients -negligence by clinicians and nurses was the cause of increased prevalence to PU -this research uses a retrospective study where individual accounts of the patients are developed – the study traces back at the cause of a particular outcome Samuriwo, Ray Medline 2010 -case study using Quantitative research methods 16 nurses were selected for interview -Value that nurses place of PU prevention – nurses place a low value on PU prevention – nurses value on PU prevention can be improved through training and exposure to patients with severe PU – the education nurses receive only seem effective if they have practical experience with patients with PU – nurses need practical experience with patients suffering from PU so as to improve their value on PU prevention strategy – This research is imperative in determining linking the value that nurses have on prevalence of PU. Clegg A. Kring, D., Plemmons, J &Richbourg, L Pub Med 2009 Case study Quantitative research method 84 participants -patients with heel PU – Factors exposing them to heel PU (high BMI, age, co-morbid conditions) -half of the population had palpable heel pulse -pressure ulcer found in 45% patients -19% of patients had serious tissue loss -patients with co-morbid conditions had low Braden scale scores -issues such as advanced age, malnutrition, co-morbid conditions increase heel PU prevalence – need for nurses to develop a better tools for assessing risks of heel PU -the paper argues health care experts to examine other PU and develop tools for assessing patients at risks. -Dimitri Beeckman -Tom Defloor -Lisette Schoonhoven -KatrienVanderwee Pub Med 2011 Cross-sectional study spanning many centers -2105 patients from 14 hospitals and 207 wards -553 nurses -PU prevalence levels among patients -knowledge and attitude among nurses -Relationship between knowledge and PU prevention -PU prevalence rates in hospitals was 13.5% – nurses had wide knowledge on PU prevention -no relationship between knowledge and PU prevention was found -PU prevention was correlated with attitudes -nurses are knowledgeable on PU prevention – the attitude that nurses have affect PU prevention strategies – Good research using a large number of participants. -results are highly conclusive and can be generalized -Rosen, Jules -Mittal, Vikas-Degenholtz, Howard -Castle, Nick -Mulsant, Benoit -Nace, David -Rubin, Fred Pub Med 2006 -case study All residents and staff of 136 bed nursing home in Pennsylvania -PU prevalence among black residents -PU prevalence among white residents -PU prevalence after educating the staff – The whites were more likely to suffer from stage 1 PU as compared to blacks -the blacks had higher odds of suffering from stage ii – stage Iv PU – education reduced these disparities – blacks had higher odds of suffering from stage II to stage IV PU as compared to whites -education reduced PU prevalence and eliminated the disparities – the research is good in comparing PU prevalence and treatment among different groups ElsyAthlin EwaIdvall MargarethJernfält Inger Johansson Medline 2010 -Case study 15 nurses from 2 heath care institutions -Factors that increase or reduce PU prevalence levels – -pressure ulcer trajectory was increased by patient related factors -hospital personnel increased PU occurrence and progress to other stages -hospital management affected PU trajectory – the nurses attitudes an knowledge may increase prevalence of PU – hospital management methods may increase the progression of PU to severe status -hospitals must develop an adequate PU care plan and note those responsible for identifying and managing PU Good research that documents the impacts on nursing care an hospital management in the progression of PU to severe levels(stage IV) Note: Assure you understand the definition of primary research. You cannot use evidence summaries, reviews of literature, guidelines, or standards for your ten pieces of research. Note: Tables/Matrices in APA format are phrases, not complete sentences. Note: Tables/Matrices in APA format should be single spaced. Note: Tables/Matrices can be placed within your essay and formatted for landscape or attached as a separate

Spirituality And Social Work Practice profile

Being culturally sensitive by respecting your clients’ spirituality and religious traditions, in general, is an important professional competence (Furness & Gilligan, 2010). Applying your spiritual awareness to a specific client case, however, may require even greater skill. In this assignment, you consider how you might address a client’s crisis that includes a spiritual or religious component.

To prepare for this Assignment, review this week’s media about Eboni Logan’s visit with her school social worker.

a 2- to 4-page paper that answers the following questions:

As Eboni’s social worker, would you include spirituality and religion in your initial assessment? Why or why not?

What strategies can you use to ensure that your personal values will not influence your practice with Eboni?

How would you address the crisis that Eboni is experiencing?

Support your Assignment with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Value Assumption and Reality Assumptions for “The Twilight of the Golds”

Value Assumption and Reality Assumptions for “The Twilight of the Golds”
This Essay require to watch a movie ” The Twilight of the Golds” you could watch this movie on YOUTUBE and there are about 11 parts of that movie. Please explain the (VA)and (RA) first for the definition. The Essay require to write 4 paragraph Value Assumption (VA) and 4 paragraph Reality Assumptions (RA) for total 8 paragraphs. Please choose 2 Characters for the value assumption(VA) and 2 characters for the reality assumptions(RA), and each Character write 2 VA or 2 RA. and explain that about the VA or RA and put your own thinking for it. The VA is about the Character thinking, For example : in the movie , Rob say “this ______ is good ” and you explain that why he say that and put your own thought for it. Please check VA and RA definition online and check the movie review online first. i will send you a more clear explanation and if you still have any question for that essay please let me know.

Milestone 3

Overview: You will submit a sustaining operations case study analysis that will discuss the emerging concepts of sustainability in business management, specifically the topics of corporate responsibility and environmental compliance. This case study analysis will be incorporated into the final summative analysis. This milestone is due in Module Five.

Prompt: Refer to the Nissan case study and the course materials to answer the following items. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Theories and Techniques A. Summarize the following theories: just in time (JIT), Toyota Production System (TPS), and Lean. How are these concepts related? Describe the advantages and disadvantages for using each of these concepts at the company presented in the case study.

II. Sustainability A. Describe how the emerging concept of the triple bottom line can be used to enhance operations management at the company. Be sure to address each component of the triple bottom line. B. Explain how the company integrates ISO 14000 standards in its manufacturing plants. Support your explanation with citations from your textbook or outside sources. C. Describe ways by which the company can integrate corporate responsibility principles into their operations. Which of these do you believe to be the most effective? Why? Support your opinions with citations from your textbook or outside sources.

Guidelines for Submission: The format for this assignment will be a Word document using a business writing format of your choice. There is no minimum page length requirement, but the submission should be double spaced, and no more than four pages in total. Copy and paste any data analysis from Excel into your Word document for submission. You may include your original Excel documents as supplementary material if you believe this will strengthen your contribution.

 Describe your daily activities: projects, meetings, etc. and reflect on your learning.

Q 1Summary of Job Activities: Describe your daily activities: projects, meetings, etc. and reflect on your learning. What stands out as your most critical moment of learning for this week?  How did it make you feel?  Why is it important to you?

Q 2.  Mentoring:  Think of an image or metaphor to describe the journey of your internship experience thus far.  Tell us in a few sentences (or if you really want to be creative you can draw and upload it!).  Now, pick someone who has been a mentor to you this semester.  (This may or may not be a formal mentor assigned to you, someone you have merely observed, or perhaps someone outside your internship site who has supported you in this internship).  What is their role and title.  What encouragement have you gained from this person, or what do you value gleaning from this person?

Q3.  Support Systems:  What types of professional support have you observed in your workplace?  Does your departmental structure facilitate formal or informal support amongst co-workers?

Think of a work-related challenge you have experienced so far on your internship…. What do you need to successfully address this?  Now, compare this to your personal support system preferences:  Read the short Sweitzer & King resource document. What 2-3 kinds of support do you think will benefit you the most this semester?  Reflect on how and where you will seek support.

What is the purpose and process of evaluating the three aspects of health care: structure, process, and outcome?

In the last century, what historical, social, political, and economic trends and issues have influenced today’s health-care system?

2. What is the purpose and process of evaluating the three aspects of health care: structure, process, and outcome?

3. How does technology improve patient outcomes and the health-care system?

4. How can you intervene to improve quality of care and safety within the health-care system and at the bedside?

2. Select one nonprofit organization or one government agencies that influences and advocates for quality improvement in the health-care system. Explore the Web site for your selected organization/agency and answer the following questions: •

What does the organization/agency do that supports the hallmarks of quality? •

What have been the results of their efforts for patients, facilities, the health-care delivery system, or the nursing profession? •

How has the organization/agency affected facilities where you are practicing and your own professional practice?

List two ethical issues related to organ transplantation.

•List two ethical issues related to organ transplantation.

•Identify the role of the nurse in organ transplantation.

Write about a clinical situation where you were faced providing care to a patient with an ethical or moral issue that was different than your own values or belief system.

You developed a nursing philosophy when you first entered the nursing program . Has your philosophy changed, deepened and/or been modified through education and the exposure to real patients with real needs in the clinical setting through your past three semesters of nursing school?Have you gained a certain wisdom or insight as a senior nursing student that you did not have prior to becoming a nursing student?Do you believe your clinical patients and their families were satisfied or pleased with the care you delivered? What do you think made your approach or care unique?

Write about a clinical situation where you were faced providing care to a patient with an ethical or moral issue that was different than your own values or belief system. How did it make you feel?

long standing plaque psoriasis

A forty year old male with long standing plaque psoriasis has had a routine set of tests during a yearly checkup. He is currently

on Neotigason and his psoriasis seems well managed though he complains of depression. Always a heavy drinker this has worsened

lately with his drinking a litre and a half of red wine every night. Previously he has been treated with methotrexate and light

therapy though with little success.

Results of the reading:
Bilirubin (Total): 64 µmol/L
AlkPhos: 413 U/L
ALT: 143 U/L
γ GT: 337 U/L
Albumin: 25 g/L
Total protein: 57 g/L
INR: 1.6

Analyse the results of the readings above and:
1. List down the possible causes as to why there is there an increase/decrease in the results of the readings.
2. What other further tests/analysis can be done to rule out likely condition/ disease that he may have
3. What other further tests/analysis can be done to help confirm that he most likely has that/these disease(s).

Note: The alcoholism leads to psoriasis and the depression is not the key issue that requires a lot of attention on for this case.