Discossion board one nursing 486

Discossion board one nursing 486
In nursing there are several paths that lead to obtaining a license and becoming a member of the profession. In this class, some have obtained a license either as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or a registered nurse (RN) through the traditional nursing program or diploma program. Upon completion of this course and graduation from ISU, you will all have a Baccalaureate degree in nursing. As referenced in the Tegrity class lecture for this past week, it has been believed in the past that a nurse is a nurse is a nurse because, even though nurses were prepared in different programs that varied in length and content, graduates of the programs were all called nurse. Upon completion of the required readings this week, consider how you feel about the saying “a nurse, is a nurse, is a nurse.” Do you feel that nurses who initially graduate from Baccalaureate programs are better prepared to provide care to patients than those who graduate from diploma or traditional nursing degree programs? What do you think is driving the push for the Baccalaureate degree in the nursing profession? Ask yourself, “Where do you go from here?” As nursing and nurses have become more autonomous and independent, is it enough to have a Baccalaureate degree? Think about how the educational requirements of the nursing profession compare with other professions, such as therapists for example. This week you read about the variety of educational programs within the nursing profession. What professional goals do you have now that you have obtained a Baccalaureate degree? Will you continue your education in order to obtain a Master?s degree?

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Movie review: there are several movies that have AOD as a theme ;( 28 Days, Traffic, Clean and So

ber; Blow, 21 Grams). Select one of these and write up a movie review. Write a summary of the story that is being described or addressed. Did the information in the movie relate to information we covered in class? Observe and write the symptoms of addiction, or the bio-psycho-social aspects of addiction, or the social/legal aspects of addiction that are shown in the show. What did you learn about AOD from the story? If you know of another movie not mentioned here write up a review—would you recommend this for this class?

that what we covered in class

1-Introduction Drugs/Categories Trends and Patterns Defining Use, Abuse and Addiction

2-Physiology Pharmacology Modes of Administration Theories of Addiction Biopsychosocial Model

3-Alcohol in the body and the brain BAC/ abuse/addiction Alcohol Policy CNS Depressants

4-Marijuana Pharmacology Marijuana Regulation

Policy Discussion

5-Stimulants Pharmacology Methamphetamines Policy for control Frontline Documentary

“Meth Epidemic”

6-Narcotics/ Opiates Current Opiate Epidemic

7-Hallucinogens Tobacco Pharmacology and Policy

8-Prevention ,Treatment

9-Special Populations War on Drugs: International Perspective

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course the student will:

· Explain the historical and cultural perspectives of alcohol and drug use and misuse in the US.

· Demonstrate knowledge of present pharmacological impacts on drug use and drug addiction.

· Describe and discuss human neurophysiology and the effects of various drugs on this system.

· Interpret past US policies and law enforcement practices for specific drug categories and predict possible future drug policy outcomes.

· Explain and describe the distinction between alcohol/drug use, abuse and dependency.

· Identify the impact of abuse/addiction on individuals, communities and culture in the US.

· Analyze prevention, intervention and treatment modalities for populations experiencing alcohol/drug use, abuse and dependency.

· Develop a personal position regarding drug and alcohol use, based on the study of current trends and patterns in the US and internationally.

Select a health care organization in your community to conduct an interview with an appropriate risk management employee

Select a health care organization in your community to conduct an interview with an appropriate risk management employee. The organization can be your current employer or a different health care facility in your community. Acute care urgent care large multi-provider private medical clinics assisted living facilities and community/public health clinical facilities are all ideal options to complete the requirements of this assignment. Make sure to select an individual who can provide sufficient information regarding how that organization manages risk within its facility to answer the questions below.
In your interview address the following:
Post-interview compose a 750-1000 word summary analysis of the interview to include the questions above as well as the following elements:
Cite appropriate references as needed to support your statements and rationale.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Discussion Questions

Do you think that school nurses should or should not be allowed to discuss contraception and pregnancy options with students? What are the possible pros and cons?
Why are some parents choosing not to vaccinate their children in recent years? How do students view this issue? Should this be a parents’ right? Discuss any current events surrounding this issue- research, lawsuits, outbreaks, CDC news.
Do you feel that there are enough programs and funding available for children regarding mental health promotion and developmental issues? What types of programs are students familiar with? What areas do they feel are not well addressed? How would they improve this situation if given the chance?

new diagnostic tool for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children.

Save Link Assignment Benchmark Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Project—Paper on Diabetes

Identify a research or evidence-based article that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new diagnostic tool for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children.

In a paper of 750-1,000 words, summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. Research must include clinical findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and the nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy
Assigned to NITKKR Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory”: http://www.aacn.org/wd/practice/docs/nurse-manager-inventory-tool.pdf Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below: 1 Personal and professional accountability 2 Career planning 3 Personal journey disciplines 4 Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace. Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. I have very little interest in nurse management, I have little to no experience with budgeting. I plan on continuing my education and possibly becoming a certified nurse midwife or family nurse practitioner. But I love bedside nursing so much that I can’t see myself leaving bedside nursing.


Chapter 3 Application Exercise 1

Visit the DME coding system (DMECS) website at https://www.dmepdac.com/dmecs/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Review the DMECS guide
Explain the purpose of the DMECS, its uses, and users
Include the results of searching on replacement socket and HCPCS code L8000
Chapter 4 Application Exercise 1

Access the NDC-HCPCS crosswalk
Locate the HCPCS code J2997
Identify the NDC codes for J2997
Find the NDC Label for Cathflo activase. Search the Internet for the official site for this drug. Locate the billing FAQs
Answer the following questions
Is the configuration of the NDC codes HIPAA compliant? Why or why not?
How can the same HCPCS code have different NDC codes?
What NDC code is provided in the FAQs?
Assignment Guidelines

You have the choice to write a two-page paper double spaced or create a multimedia presentation to respond to the exercises
Clearly label your response to each exercise in your submission

The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) address patient safety issues within health care organizations.

The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) address patient safety issues within health care organizations. First, review the current NSPGs at http://www.jointcommission.org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx. Next, determine three patient safety issues that are being addressed by your health care organization (or health care organizations in general). Lastly, identify the actions the organization is taking, or identify three action-item issues to be addressed by health care organizations in general. What actions should the health care organization take regarding each of these NPSGs, and why? What goals do they need to achieve? Support your responses with a minimum of two peer-reviewed references.

Unit III Introduction To Hospitality Trend Analysis

Develop a report on the current and upcoming trends in the restaurant industry. Your report should include news information about food, marketing, nutrition, equipment, technology, new services, and new methods for training employees. Discuss how you feel these new trends will improve the state of the restaurant industry. Compose an essay using a minimum of 500 words, utilizing your readings and any outside research to develop a viable state of the industry trends report. Please be sure to cite your textbook and any outside sources using the proper APA style.

Using the customer traffic data and matching sales for each month of Year 1, create a Linear Regression (LR) equation in Excel, assuming all assumptions for linear regression have been met.

Module 2 – Case

Linear Regression and Simple Exponential Smoothing (SES) Forecasting

Assignment Overview

Scenario: You are a consultant who works for the Diligent Consulting Group. Your client, the New Star Grocery Company, believes that there may be a relationship between the number of customers who visit the store during any given month (“customer traffic”) and the total sales for that same month. In other words, the greater the customer traffic, the greater the sales for that month. To test this theory, the client has collected customer traffic data over the past 12-month period, and monthly sales for that same 12-month period (Year 1).

Case Assignment

Using the customer traffic data and matching sales for each month of Year 1, create a Linear Regression (LR) equation in Excel, assuming all assumptions for linear regression have been met. Use the Excel template provided (see “Module 2 Case – LR –Year 1” spreadsheet tab), and be sure to include your LR chart (with a trend line) where noted. Also, be sure that you include the LR formula within your chart.

After you have developed the LR equation above, you will use the LR equation to forecast sales for Year 2 (see the second Excel spreadsheet tab labeled “Year 2 Forecast”). You will note that the customer has collected customer traffic data for Year 2. Your role is to complete the sales forecast using the LR equation from Step 1 above.

After you have forecast Year 2 sales, your Professor will provide you with 12 months of actual sales data for Year 2. You will compare the sales forecast with the actual sales for Year 2, noting the monthly and average (total) variances from forecast to actual sales.

To complete the Module 2 Case, write a report for the client that describes the process you used above, and that analyzes the results for Year 2. (What is the difference between forecast vs. actual sales for Year 2—by month and for the year as a whole?) Make a recommendation concerning how the LR equation might be used by New Star Grocery Company to forecast future sales.

Data: Download the Module 2 Case template here: Data chart for BUS520 Case 2. Use this template to complete your Excel analysis.

Assignment Expectations

Excel Analysis

Conduct accurate and complete Linear Regression analysis in Excel. Use Excel support to find information on linear regression in Excel: https://support.office.com/en-us/Search/results?query=linear+regression

Written Report

· Length requirements: 4–5 pages minimum (not including Cover and Reference pages). NOTE: You must submit 4–5 pages of written discussion and analysis. This means that you should avoid use of tables and charts as “space fillers.”

· Provide a brief introduction to/background of the problem.

· Your written (in Word) analysis should discuss the logic and rationale used to develop the LR equation and chart.

· Provide complete, meaningful, and accurate recommendation(s) concerning how the New Star Grocery Company might use the LR equation to forecast future sales. (For example, how reliable is the LR equation in predicting future sales?) What other recommendations do you have for the client?

· Write clearly, simply, and logically. Use double-spaced, black Verdana or Times Roman font in 12 pt. type size.

· Have an introduction at the beginning to introduce the topics and use keywords as headings to organize the report.

· Avoid redundancy and general statements such as “All organizations exist to make a profit.” Make every sentence count.

· Paraphrase the facts using your own words and ideas, employing quotes sparingly. Quotes, if absolutely necessary, should rarely exceed five words.

· Upload both your written report and Excel file to the case 2 Dropbox.

Here are some guidelines on how to build critical thinking skills.

· Emerald Group Publishing. (n.d.). Developing Critical Thinking. Retrieved from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/learning/study_skills/skills/critical_thinking.htm