Application: Asthma Management

Chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation are respiratory disorders that affect children and adults. Advanced practice nurses often assist physicians in providing treatment to patients with these disorders. Sometimes, patients require immediate treatment, making it is essential to recognize and distinguish minor asthma symptoms from serious, life-threatening symptoms. Since symptoms and attacks are often induced by a trigger, nurses must also help patients identify their triggers and recommend appropriate management options. Like many other disorders, there are various approaches to treating and managing care for asthmatic patients. Some approaches work better than others, depending on individual patient factors. One method that supports the clinical decision making of drug therapy plans for asthmatic patients is the step-wise approach, which you explore in this Assignment.

To prepare:

  • Review “Asthma” in Chapter 27 of the Huether and McCance text. Identify the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Consider how these disorders are similar and different.
  • Consider drugs used to treat asthmatic patients, including long-term control and quick relief treatment options for patients.
  • Think about the impact these drugs might have on patients, including adults and children.
  • Review Chapter 25 of the Arcangelo text. Reflect on using the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management. Consider how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
  • Think about how to educate patients to develop a plan for medication adherence. Consider how the plan might differ based on the patient’s age.
By Day 7

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe the pathophysiological mechanisms of chronic asthma and acute asthma exacerbation. Then, explain the changes in the arterial blood-gas patterns during an exacerbation.
  • Describe long-term control and quick-relief drugs used to treat asthma in patients.
  • Explain the impact these drugs might have on adults and children.
  • Explain the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management and how this approach assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease.
  • Explain how you would help patients develop a plan for medication adherence, including how the plan might differ based on the patient’s age.

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. 


Cultural preservation, accommodation, repattering, and brokering are types of strategies nurses use to enhance their skills to provide culturally competent care. Cultural preservation enables individuals to maintain practices from their culture that have been medically proven to promote healthy behaviors (Grand Canyon University, 2017). For example, in the Chinese community, pain is viewed as a disharmony between them and the environment. They often do not take pain medication, opting out for non-pharmacological therapies like acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to relieve some forms of pain. With cultural accommodation we support their practices if they have not been proven to be harmful for their health. In the Hispanic community, parents place a red bracelet that contains a brown seed symbolic of a “deer’s eye” on their infants hand. This serves as a type of amulet used to protect infants from evil things or the evil eye (mal de ojo) a person can place on them during their first months of life. This provides some sort of relief and helps decrease stress in parents as they know, spiritually their infant is safe. Cultural repattering involves helping individuals change harmful health practices (Huber, 2009). African Americans, especially those who live in the South, tend to cook with a lot of fat and salt. Through thoughtful education we can help them modify their cuisine by making it more heart healthy and helping them decrease their risk for heart disease. The best example of cultural brokering I can think of is making sure a translator is used when providing them important information regarding a procedure. They must be able to understand their risks and benefits, and have the right to know alternative forms of treatment before they sign a conse


Assignment #1:
Please answer in no more than 3 pages (double-spaced)
A 5 year old boy, whose parents are undergoing a divorce, reports that he was sexually molested by his father. His mother takes him to a psychologist who evaluates him using various techniques, including a clinical interview, Anatomically Correct Dolls and a test she has created: “Detection of Childhood Abuse Test” (DCAT). The psychologist is called to testify in court about her findings.
1) What are the issues related to the validity of using Anatomically Correct Dolls for this purpose? Explain the basis for your opinion (that is, cite the relevant sources).
2) Cite at least one U.S. Supreme Court case (covered in this course) which provides guidance that the Judge could use to decide whether the psychologist can testify about the results from the DCAT? What are the factors which would need to be considered?
3) Aside from the tests administered, what would you want to know about the clinical interview to decide whether the testimony in that area should be considered credible?

Reflection study case

Based on the case study of Rosa Calapari scenario (who you will have theoretically been following), you need to reflect on your experience of what you anticipate being most challenging when working with her.

Reflective practice is crucial in continuous development and re-assessment of skills when working in health care, or with people more generally.

A reflective practitioner:
Reflects on feedback and integrates changes into practice.
• Reflects on how own perceptions, attitudes and beliefs impact on practice. • Identifies knowledge deficits and seeks clarification.
• Ensures procedures for safety and quality assurance are implemented.
It is essential when writing a reflective piece that you refer to the experience in the first person, therefore the use of ‘I’ is appropriate for this style of writing (I feel, I think, I believe).As a reflective practitioner, it is important to not only think about how others may affect your behaviour (i.e., colleagues and clients) but also how your behaviour affect others.

Your reflection should:
Identify two health-related topics (choose from any of the PHE1IDH weekly topics bellow) that you potentially feel may impact your interactions and/or behaviour when working with Rosa
Use reflective writing to discuss why you anticipate the identified health-related topics as potentially being most challenging to you
Reflect upon how you might modify your perceptions and/or behaviours, in order to minimise potential challenges so you may work most effectively with an older adult for future practice in a health or human services setting
Choose two from the following options:
Learning principles
Human development
Psychological disorders
Health-risks behaviours
Behaviour change
Social psychology
Describe in detail the event you are reflecting on. Include e.g. where were you; who else was there; why were you there; what were you doing; Other people doing; Context of the event; what happened; Your part in this; Other people play; what was the result.

At this stage try to recall and explore the things that were going on inside your head, i.e. why does this event stick in your mind? Include e.g. how you were feeling when the event started; what you were thinking about at the time; how did it make you feel; People make you feel; how did you feel about the outcome of the event; what do you think about it now.

Try to evaluate or make a judgement about what has happened. Consider what was good about the experience and what was bad about the experience or didn’t go so well.

Break the event down into its component parts so they can be explored separately. You may need to ask more detailed questions about the answers to the last stage.

This differs from the evaluation stage in that now you have explored the issue from different angles and have a lot of information on which to base your judgment. It is here that you are likely to develop insight into you own and other people’s behaviour in terms of how they contributed to the outcome of the event. Remember the purpose of reflection is to learn from an experience. Without detailed analysis and honest exploration that occurs during all the previous stages, it is unlikely that all aspects of the event will be taken into account and therefore valuable opportunities for learning can be missed. During this stage you should ask yourself what you could have done differently.

Action Plan
During this stage you should think yourself forward into encountering the event again and to plan what you would do – would you act differently or would you be likely to do the same? What can you do in the interim to improve your practice/ ability to respond effectively in like situations? Here the cycle is tentatively completed and suggests that should the event occur again it will be the focus of another reflective cycle.

Nursing standards of care

Nursing standards of care
You mentioned that the nurse is responsible for being aware and following standards of care. How do you keep informed about the standards of practice that relate to your role?

Milestone 2 Organ System Interrelationship

The primary organ system is the RESPRITORY SYSTEM:


Submit your bulleted list for the organ system interrelationship and disease assessment to the discussion board. You must include the homeostatic interrelationship between the primary organ system and one secondary organ system. Describe one disease or medical illness that affects the primary organ system you are reviewing.

Provide an organized list of at least 10 bullet points for the organ system interrelationship and disease assessment, addressing the critical elements. You must use and cite at least one reference.

.Posture And Stability

Your post must be highly organized, thorough and accurate. All posts should include proper grammar and mechanics.

3.Advance the discussion or extend discussions already taking place. Responses must add new information not previously discussed.

4.Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously voiced. Consider new factual information tied with critical thinking. Interesting and current research on the topic.

5.Do not simply summarize another student’s post and agree/disagree. Consider starting out posts with, “A research article I found said, Did you know, 3 things I found interesting were

Posture is something we all sort of don’t pay too much attention to, but is extremely important. I think when we hear the word posture, we think of our mothers correcting our appearance and basically shrugging and not really caring about it. However, posture is something we should practice every day and always make sure we are standing properly. The neutral spine is the most common reference when it comes to speaking about posture terms. It basically means aligning your spine where everything is centered. Your feet are right below your hips, your neck is straight, and your shoulders should be leveled. This posture has so many benefits for our body. There are so many different kinds of posture, such as the military posture were we stand tall and align our joints together. It’s not just our spine/back that contribute to posture. Posture is our whole entire body. The position of the ankles and knees affect the rest our bodies. That is why you see so many athletes having issues with feet, runner’s knee, achilles tendonitis, ect. Having your knee in a position, or your feet in a position for too long, that is not the ordinary posture, affects your body. You see dancers who create too much movement or abrupt movements to their hips end up having hip injuries or needing surgery. Stability is a whole different level of importance. Stability is basically the support we all need. Our muscles are constantly pushing force upon its joints to impart tension and stiffness. According to PTonthenet, these muscles are regulated by a finely tuned nervous system that sends and receives messages from the spinal ligaments and muscle to provide stability framework that is highly capable of tremendous and extremely enduring support. Because of this, our joints in our spine are able to balance for long periods of time without any issue. Posture and stability correlate in so many ways. It makes it very difficult to sustain a great amount of stability if your posture is not correct.


Appendix B

SCI/250 Version 3



University of Phoenix Material

Appendix B – Identifying Bacteria

Bacteria identification is accomplished in a number of ways. Two common tools microbiologists use to identify unknown bacteria include dichotomous key and biochemical tests. The dichotomous key is useful when a microbiologist only needs to know which group an unknown microbe belongs to on a general level. When a microbiologist needs to identify a specific bacterium, biochemical tests are used.


Review the dichotomous key in Figure A, the bacterial shapes in Figure B, and the Gram stain information below. You will use all three to determine to which major group unknown bacteria belong.



Figure B: The most common bacterial shapes.

[Figure 4.1 in Microbiology text]


Shape Types:

Comma, or Club-shaped, rods = Vibrio

Rods = Coccobacillus, Bacillus

Spherical = Coccus

Spiral or Helical = Spirillium, Spirochete

Gram Stain Results:

Purple = Gram positive

Red = Gram negative

Neither purple nor red = No cell wall (neither Gram positive nor Gram negative)

Review Figure C on the following page. Use Figure C to identify the type of arrangement displayed by the unknown bacteria. Read through the Sample Identification on the following page for an example of how to identify bacterial groups and arrangements using Figures A, B, C, and the Gram stain results.

Figure C: Arrangement of Bacteria

Rods and Clubs






Chinese Letters




Diplo- Tetrad Sarcinae Staphylo-



Sample Identification

After performing a Gram stain, you observe the following under a microscope:


(Cells are stained red.)

· Begin with item 1 on the dichotomous key (Figure A). Because the organisms are red, they are not Gram-positive. According to the key, continue to item 3.

· Because the organism is red (not clear or another color), it is indeed Gram-negative according to item 3. The key directs you to item 5.

· Consider the shape of individual cells for item 5. According to Figure B, the shape type is closest to spherical. (Note: spherical is circular.)

· The bacteria belong to the Gram-negative cocci group.

· Now use Figure C to describe arrangement of bacteria. (The bacteria are not rod- or club-shaped, so focus on the cocci arrangements.) Identify the arrangement that is most prominent.

· The bacteria are arranged in a diplo- fashion.

· Enter the group and arrangement in the table.


Use Figures A, B, C, and Gram stain results to identify group and arrangement of bacteria. Continue to Part Two after completing the table.

View from Microscope

Group of Bacteria



(stained red)

Gram-negative cocci



(stained purple)


(stained purple)


(stained red)


(stained red)


(stained purple)


(stained purple)

PART TWO: CAse study scenario: identify specific bacteria through biochemical testing

To gain an understanding of the processes involved with identifying bacteria through biochemical tests, access Chapter 6 of the text in WileyPlus located on the Week One course page. Once in WileyPlus (Chapter 6), select the “Bacterial Identification by API” link located under the heading, Take Another Look. Once selected, review the information and watch the Flash-animated movie (animation) located within this link. Then, review the following scenario and answer the questions that follow.

Case Study

A recent outbreak of food poisoning has occurred in a community. One possible source of contamination may be the produce that is grown and distributed locally at a farmer’s market. A test sample of some of the produce revealed evidence of bacterial contamination. The bacteria sample was tested in a microbiology lab and showed the results that follow. The laboratory also performed a Gram stain of the isolated bacteria and ran a number of biochemical tests to aid identification. The biochemical tests were assayed using the Analytical Profile Index (API) 20E system for identification of Enterobacteriaceae and other gram-negative bacteria.

Figure 1. Microbiology laboratory results – Unknown bacteria present on produce (API Results)

image14.jpg image15.jpg

Figure 2. API Results of Unknown Bacteria in Text Format

Gram stain: Gram-negative













Bacteria: Unknown



















Based on Gram stain results and the knowledge that this bacterium caused food poisoning, the laboratory is able to narrow down the possibilities to three bacterial strains. Figure 3 shows the API results:

Figure 3. API Results of Known Bacterial Strains in Text Format

Gram stain: Gram-negative













Bacteria: Salmonella














Gram stain: Gram-negative













Bacteria: Shigella










Gram stain: Gram-negative













Bacteria: E. coli




















Compare the API biochemical test results in Figure 2 (unknown bacteria from produce) with API test results in Figure 3 (known bacterial strains identified in the gray boxes on the left). The bacterial strain in Figure 3 that matches Figure 2 will identify the bacterial strain causing illness. Based upon your observations, which of the bacteria in Figure 3 is the most likely cause of the food poisoning outbreak?

©2008 University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Conducting Technology Audit

Conducting Technology Audit
Appendix A1
Business Objectives
Objective Timeframe: one year goals
Profit example: Increase profit by 8%
Products and Services example: Post comparable products list on website
Production example: Begin label making in-house
Customer Satisfaction
Employee Retention
Change Management
New Clients
Service Level
Donation Level
Community Relations
Research and Development
Brand Recognition
Corporate Image
Supply Chain
Information Technology
Training example: Offer Label making training
Instructions for Appendix A (A1 A2): Business Objectives Each organization will have its own business objectives, although many look similar. However, for-profit organizations will likely differ in their objectives than educational entities or non-profits. Business objectives may be written as a verb, “Increase Profit” or “Increase Service Level”, or may only identify the business area, “Profit” or “Service Level” as the goal statements typically define the direction and scope of the activity, ie., “increase profit by 5% in next 12 months”, or “provide all new clients job training classes”. You must identify a minimum of three objectives and at least one goal for each objective for each of the two timeframes identified in Appendix A1 and A2. If your organization uses different timeframes, then you may change the timeframes from the templates to your actual planning phases, but please ensure that you have near term and long term goals. The goals may remain the same or be different in some of the timeframes.
Appendix A2
Business Objectives
Objective Timeframe: Five+ year goals
Products and Services
Customer Satisfaction
Employee Retention
Change Management
New Clients
Service Level
Donation Level
Community Relations
Research and Development
Globalization example: enter market of one asian and three east african countries
Brand Recognition
Corporate Image
Supply Chain
Information Technology example: upgrade unsupported legacy systems
Instructions for Appendix A (A1 A2): Business Objectives Use instructions in Appendix A1
Appendix B
Organizational Effectiveness
Twelve Organizational Effectiveness Criteria; adapt as needed Suggested Measures for Evaluating Scoring of Criteria: 1 (less effective, poor) to 5 (very effective, excellent) Issues/explanation of score
Efficiency Revenue per employee-hour Profit per employee-hour Profit per square foot Cost per client served Cost per unit of output Fixed asset utilization rate Revenue multiplier
Productivity Unit volume per employee-hour Unit volume per machine-hour Gross output per employee-hour Gross output per machine-hour No. of clients served per employee-hour No. of billable hours per employee-hour Gross payroll power
Stability Planning and goal setting Extent of routinization No. of layoffs during the period Extent of job rotations Safeguarding assets Alignment of strategy, mission, vision Compliance with established procedures
Innovation R&D expenses as a percentage of net revenue Training as a percentage of net revenue New product development rate No. of new markets entered Willingness to innovate Operational process change frequency Administrative process change frequency
Growth Compounded annual growth rate (revenue) Profit or fund crowd during the period Relative market share change New customer growth New market growth Change in manpower Net change in assets
Evaluative Feedback system utilization Performance management system utilization Task force utilization No. of new initiatives launched Percent of internally generated business ideas Percent of externally generated business ideas Change initiatives launched
Fiscal Health Return on net assets/equity /invested capital Net debt position Free cash flow Liquidity ratios Profitability ratios Expense ratios Fund equity balance
Output Quality Customer satisfaction / loyalty Customer retention rate External review / accreditation Internal quality measures Warranty claims Service errors Response time
Information Management Role ambiguity Integrity of information Timeliness of information No. of staff meetings per month No. of company-wide meetings per year Perceived adequacy of information available Access to procedures, rules, and regulations
Conflict-cohesion Work group cohesion Employee turnover Absenteeism Workplace incivility Commitment Bases of power Violence of conflict
Intra-organizational Instances of ethical breach Results of ethics audits Evidence of workforce training Evidence of monitoring systems Components of organizational justice No. of employee accidents External / internal audits
Extra-organizational Regulatory compliance Ecological footprint change Environmental controls and monitoring Emissions levels (pollutants, noise) External audits Contribution to the larger system Philanthropic activities
Instructions for Appendix B: Organizational Effectiveness There are several methods of evaluating organizational effectiveness, and for this project we will be using a goal focused method. This template uses 12 universal effectiveness criteria as identified by Wesley A. Martz (Martz, Wesley A., “Evaluating Organizational Effectiveness” (2008). Dissertations. 793. You may adapt these criteria for your own organization. The effectiveness criteria you use should be clear, concise, measurable, and tied to organizational performance. The suggested measures offer some ideas as to how that criteria can be measured. Organizations should define what makes the criteria poor or excellent so that the measures are evaluated as consistently as possible. As you fill out this checklist for your organization, see if you can get help from executives in your organization. Evaluate a minimum of three organizational effectiveness criteria for your organization, providing your description of how that criteria is being measured, your score, and a one to two sentence explanation of your score.
Appendix C
Department Effectiveness
Department Evaluation Score: 1 (less effective) to 5 (very effective) Issues/explanation of score
Information Technology
Customer Service
Human Resources
Research & Development
Public Relations/Public Affairs
Test and Evaluation
Instructions for Appendix C: Department Effectiveness Organizations have different departments that support their business functions. Often business functions may be combined within a single department that represents several functions, such as Sales & Marketing, or Distribution & Logistics, or Finance & Accounting. Select two departments from your organization and perform your assessment of their effectiveness. You should explain your evaluation with one or two sentences that describe how the department is effective or ineffective in meeting business goals or where potential weaknesses have been uncovered.
Appendix D
Technology/ Business System Function Supplier/ Inventory System Financial/ Transactional System Compensation Sales and Marketing System Office Administration System Production System Research and Technology Management System Quality and Auditing System Training System Knowledge Management System Employee Communication System Documentation System Management Decision Making
Hardware example: Mobile credit card
Software Programs example: In-house accounting tool developed in Cobalt
Enterprise Systems example: SAP for timekeeping example: SAP for transfer to corporate HQ
Databases example: Inventory database
Security example: Common access cards (PKI enabled) example: none
People example: Marketing has their own IT
Local Area Network
Wide Area Network
Internet Connectivity
Instructions for Appendix D: Technology Inventory Provide an inventory of the technology and tools currently used in your organization. Identify what business function they provide. In some instances, you may find that one tool provides capability to several business functions, such as enterprise systems for financial bookkeeping, timekeeping, and inventory. In other instances, you may find that a single business function is managed by using multiple pieces of technology, including software programs, databases, networks, and hand-held tools. For example, inventory systems may depend on hand-held scanners, supplier databases, transportation networks, and in-house inventory optimization programs. Provide detail for those business processes that you feel are most critical to your organization’s performance.
Appendix E
Business Information System Specific Functions Performed Gap in capability to meet needs Inefficiencies or Redundancies Customer Complaints Potential Vulnerabilities (now and future) IT effectiveness score – 1 (least) to 5 (most) Explanation/ Comment/ Issues
Inventory System
Financial System
Compensation System
Sales and Marketing System example: Online ordering; Facebook; email marketing; customer database example: For last two years, we’ve missed our sales target. example: New customers must be added manually to customer database example: Customers not able to access online ordering during peak hrs example: Access problem will become worse if we make more products available online example: 2
Office Administration System
Production System
Research and Technology System
Quality and Auditing System
Training System
Employee Training System
Knowledge Management System example: 3
Employee Communication System
Local Area Network
Wide Area Network
Internet Connectivity
Documentation System
Instructions for Appendix E: Information Technology Assessment This Information Technology assessment template is significant to the technology audit as it is the foundation of your IT needs assessment. As you think about the business functions in your organization identified in Appendix D, you will now evaluate how well the existing IT infrastructure supports each business function. The business functions listed in the template are fairly standard and should capture most of the functions that IT services in your organization. Again, provide your score along with an explanation of how IT could be used more effectively in support of that business function. After filling out the template, you will write a detailed description (one to two paragraphs) that address where existing technologies are not meeting the business needs, where customer support is not being met, where there are ineffiencies or redundancies, and where potential vulnerabilities exist.
Appendix F
Business Risks Likelihood of occurrence: 1 (less likely) to 5 (very likely) Consequence or Severity of occurrence: 1 (less severe) to 5 (very severe) Risk Rating: low, medium, or high Current mitigation in place Comments
example: Supplier delays example: 4 example: 4 example: High example: Second source for batteries has been found. Sales department is offering incentives for customers to stay while we work the problems. Need automatic alerts and better ordering system to prevent shortages. example: Inventory system did not identify issue with batteries until it began affecting the production line. Key customers have threatened to switch vendors if we can’t deliver product on time. Lack of batteries is slowing production facilities.
example: Loss of key personnel
example: Quality assurance problems
example: External attack on information systems
example: Denial of service to customers
example: New competitors
Instructions for Appendix F: Risk Assessment Use the information that you gathered in Appendix E and identify where you have found BUSINESS RISKS while reviewing the business functions and their IT capabilities. Identify at least 10 business risks and then assess them in terms of how likely they are to occur. Using the risk definitions in Appendix G, first assign a LIKELIHOOD score to the risk. Second, assess how great the impact or consequence would be if the risk occurred and assign a CONSEQUENCE score to the risk. Then use these two numbers to identify the RISK RATING using the risk matrix in Appendix G. Enter the risk rating into the table along with any notes on mitigation strategies that are in place that will help to decrease the likelihood or consequence of the risk. Feel free to record any notes that will help you communicate your evaluations.
Appendix G
Likelihood of Occurrence Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Risk Rating
Near Certain (90%) 5 Likelihood of Occurance 5 LOW MEDIUM HIGH HIGH HIGH
Consequence of Occurrence Rating
Catastrophic (Project extended or risk of being cancelled) 5
Major (Delays of up to 50% of schedule or increase of up to 50% of cost) 4
Moderate (reduction to performance has moderate impact on performance objectives) 3
Minor (reduction in performance can be tolerated with little impact) 2
Insignificant (minimal to no impact to performance or schedule) 1
Instructions for Appendix G: Risk Matrix The risk matrix above provides a way to assign a risk rating by considering both likelihood and consequence .
Appendix H
Emerging Technology Assessment Template
Opportunities / Benefits Emerging Technology 1 Emerging Technology 2
Improves efficiency High Low
Improves competitiveness
Improves customer satisfaction Medium
Increases market segment
Employee benefits Medium
Eliminates obsolete system
Standardizes processes across business units Medium
Provides shared information to departments
Ease of Use Low
Cost (upfront) Medium
Cost (ongoing) Low
Training Low
Maturity Medium
Security High
Interoperability Low
Instructions for Appendix H: Emerging Technology Assessment Template For the Emerging Technology template, assess the opportunities and benefits you see for your organization based on the information you found for two new technologies. Some categories to consider when evaluating the benefits are provided although you may add others to the list. If the technology you are considering does not provide that opportunity you can write in N/A for not applicable. Also note the concerns or risks of implementing this technology in your organization. Think of these concerns specific to your organization and what might hold your organization back from seriously considering your recommendations.
Appendix I
Implementation Plan for Emergent Technology 1
What’s the plan? What needs to be done? Who is responsible for managing this piece? What is length of overall task?
Staffing Changes
Facility Changes
Training Required
Life cycle support strategy
Procurement method
Overall Schedule/timeframe
Initial Cost
Operating Cost
Implementation Plan for Emergent Technology 2
What’s the plan? What needs to be done? Who is responsible for managing this piece? What is length of overall task?
Staffing Changes
Facility Changes
Training Required
Life cycle support strategy
Procurement method
Overall Schedule/timeframe
Initial Cost
Operating Cost
Instructions for Implementation Plan for Emerging Technologies Both implementation plans should capture the major considerations and factors regarding implementation of the new technology in your organization. This is where you present the overall idea of the new technology and at a very high level, you address how, when, how much, and by whom, in regards to the implementation in your organization. You will need to fill out the template for each of the two emerging technologies you chose.

: Recognizing Artifacts

Electroencephalography (EEG) – Report

Exercise 1: Recognizing Artifacts

Using the Horizontal Compression buttons and the scroll bar, display one example of an artifact in your EEG recording.

Page 1 of 7Electroencephalography (EEG) – Report


Study Question

1. Name three sources of artifacts in EEG recordings, and in which waveform these artifacts are most prevalent.

Exercise 2: Alpha & Beta Rhythm

Using the Horizontal Compression buttons and the scroll bar, display the data for Exercise 2 you wish to include in your report.

Page 2 of 7Electroencephalography (EEG) – Report


Study Questions

2. Under what conditions did you see alpha waves more clearly?

3. What are alpha waves thought to indicate?

Page 3 of 7Electroencephalography (EEG) – Report


Exercise 3: Effects of Mental Activity

Using the Horizontal Compression buttons and the scroll bar, display the data for Exercise 3 you wish to include in your report.

Page 4 of 7Electroencephalography (EEG) – Report


Study Questions

4. What effects did the mental arithmetic have on the alpha wave activity?

5. How do you account for your findings?

Page 5 of 7Electroencephalography (EEG) – Report


Exercise 4: Effect of Auditory Stimulation

Using the Horizontal Compression buttons and the scroll bar, display the data for Exercise 4 you wish to include in your report.

Page 6 of 7Electroencephalography (EEG) – Report


©2018 ADInstruments

Study Questions

6. What effects did the different types of music have on the alpha wave activity?

7. How do you account for your findings?

Page 7 of 7Electroencephalography (EEG) – Report
